Crona's Poem
I know that I did something before this
I just can't remember
All I see is the needle and the black syringe
It hurt, a lot
But I thought if I got through without crying that she would be proud
A single tear escaped my eyes and it was over
Welcome to the hell
The hell inside my head
I also remember him
He was really mean to me
I couldn't run away, not from him
He is always with me
Always angry
Now he has joined the hell
The hell inside my head
She would tell me to hurt things
I don't know how to deal with hurting things
I don't know how to deal with anything anymore
I can't kill it
So little
So scared
Like me
But I did
Now the little one haunts the hell
The hell inside my head
In the dark
Its nice in the dark
If I was alone the dark would be my best friend
He interrupts the peaceful darkness
He pierces it with his hate
It hurts
Stop it
I don't know how to deal with this
The darkness has changes
Now it can't comfort me in the hell
The hell inside my head
They laugh at me and point
I don't like them
I don't want to kill them all the same
The doors only open one way though
So I guess I'll tell them
I hope they listen
I don't want them to join
The hell is getting crowded
The hell inside my head
I'm a kishen
They are gone
I'm a kishen
There is a girl here
I don't know how to deal with girls
I am the kishen in the hell
The hell inside my head
The girl is crying
There is red everywhere
All I did was make his shirt match his eyes
I need to kill her
I am a kishen
But then
I can't lose
A screw man is fighting me
Will he come to? To the hell?
The hell in side my head
I was beaten
She took me back
She was disappointed in me
She got out her special stick
The one that's just for me
That joined long ago
It joined the hell
The hell inside my head
I am supposed to stay put
They are not allowed past
The girl is back
Why does she insist on fighting?
I don't want to have to kill her
She'll be haunting the hell
The hell inside my head
Something strange happened
She is acting a lot like me
I don't know how to deal with that
She's too giggly
I don't like it
Do I really act like that?
Her name is Maka
Maka is laughing now in the hell
The hell inside my head
I was defeated again
I'll pay for this later
Or maybe now
Maka is saying strange things
She erased my circle
That was my space
Maka wants to be friends
I've never had a friend
I'm almost not sure what a friend is
But Maka hugs me
She says its ok
I believe her
He is smaller now
Smaller than me
I can deal with him now
Maka helped make it better
She brightened up the hell
The hell inside my head
I am safe now
The hell isn't as scary
There are still many things that I can't deal with
I know now that I have friends
They can make it easier to deal with
The hell
The hell inside me head
A/N I wanted to do this. I know its not that good but thank for reading anyways. Tell me if it mde anyone wish they were never born!
Guest: Thank you! I just basically summed up what happened but I did it in Crona's POV and added a few things! Glad you like it!