First of I would like to point out that I don't want to make this into a Stockholm syndrome story, no Gajeel raping Levi in the beginning and then her falling in love with him. There are quite a lot of this kind of stories already, and I would really like to make him into a (kind of) good guy for once.
Also, for this story I decided to make Phantom Lord a dark guild. I know in the manga it was originally a regular one, but hey, it's fanfiction.
I really love the pairing, so I enjoy writing about them. Their relationship can be pretty complicated so it can lead to very interesting situations!
I hope you like it of course!
Chapter 1
By Neko Erza
"That mission went really smooth!" Droy said excited, pumping his fist into the air.
"Easy money indeed!" Jet said equally excited.
"I'm really glad we can return to the guild this soon." Levi added with a content smile. After collecting their reward money, the three member team immediately went to the station to catch a train home. Even though the mission went smooth, it still took several days to complete it. They were all longing to go back home and return to the homey warmth of the guild. They bought their tickets and sat down to wait for their train,which wasn't due for another hour.
After halfan hour of waiting, Levi was slowly nodding off in sleepiness. Only when Jet's voice suddenly sounded next to her, she snapped out of her daze.
"Hey, aren't that Gray, Cana and Loke over there?" Jet asked as he pointed to the other side of the station building.
"Yes, I guess they are!" Levi chuckled. The trio was hard to miss being composed of one almost naked guy, a guy in a tuxedo and a girl clad in a bikini top. All eyes of passerby's lingered momentarily on the three of them. "Gray! Cana! Loke! Over here!" Levi yelled excited as she waved at them. The spirit, the ice and card mage looked up.
"Oh, hey Levi, Jet, Droy!" Cana yelled back as soon as she found the source of the call. She walked over, Loke and Gray following right behind.
"What are you doing here? Also on a mission?" The little bluenette asked as she scooted over to make place for Cana to sit.
"Yeah, we've just finished up. I guess you too?" The ice mage smiled.
"Yes, we've just bought tickets for the train that's due in about half an hour." Jet explained as he waved the tickets.
"Yeah, Loke and I did too." Gray said as he sat down next to Jet.
"What about you, Cana?"
"I'll be staying here a while longer. Gildarts finished up a mission nearby and I promised to meet him here, he wants to spend some 'father-daughter'-time together. I can't believe that shady old man." Cana chuckled.
The two teams swapped their mission stories and before they'd even noticed half an hour had passed and the train arrived. Team Shadow Gear, Gray and Loke waved Cana goodbye and boarded the train to search for a calm compartment. The last thing they needed after a mission was noisy people chattering and being annoying.
"Man, this is the last time I take on a mission this far from the guild." Gray sighed as he thought about the 7-hour train ride that was ahead of them.
"Yeah, it's a pain indeed, but it's definitely worth it if the payment is nice. But why did you take the mission in the first place if you don't like to travel this far?" Droy asked. Loke and Gray looked at each other.
"Erza was on a rampage." The mages said simultaneously.
"Cana was just telling us about how she was looking for someone to go on the mission with her as Erza got angry, so we decided to flee. And the mission was the perfect excuse to not get crushed." Loke explained.
"Smart decision." Levi chuckled.
"That, and I really needed a break from that stupid flame brain. It's just too exhausting being around him all the time. It is nice to be able to take the train with a teammate that isn't vomiting all over my shoes."
Levi chuckled and turned to Loke. "Why are you taking the train anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to just poof back to the spirit realm?"
"Yeah, I guess, but I think that if you should finish a mission together. It's just good manners; otherwise Gray would have to travel back on his own since Cana stayed behind to meet Gildarts and we didn't know we'd run into you guys. And…" His eyes travelled towards the bottom of a passing girl. "I wouldn't pass the opportunity to flirt up some nice ladies."
The mages sat back and relaxed. A few hours passed and after a while, apart from the Fairy Tail mages, there were only a few people left in their part of the train. It was very calm and most of them had dozed off already for some time.
Levi was the only one of the mages that was still awake. She was quietly reading a book when the train made an abrupt stop. The rest was rudely awakened and everybody had trouble to keep from falling to the ground. Levi let go of the book to hold herself in her seat and it fell down with a loud smack.
"Why did the train stop? There isn't a station anywhere near here." Jet asked confused, trying to look out the window, but it was too dark.
Suddenly a loud explosion sounded and made the train shake violently. People started screaming and covered their head with their arms to try and protect themselves from whatever was happening.
"What the hell is going on?" Gray asked as he jumped up. He ran over to where the explosion had come from. The other mages followed him quickly; there definitely was something fishy going on.
"Are you crazy, why are you going towards the explosion?" A man yelled panicked at them before he ran the other way.
They ignored the comment and kept going. Another horrified man ran their way.
"Turn around! Some mages are attacking the train!" The man yelled.
"Mages?" Loke asked surprised.
"We've got to stop them!" Droy cried. They increased their pace and soon encountered the first enemies. Due to their element of surprise, they easily defeated them and the people that were hiding from the dark mages were able to flee.
"I've seen these guild marks before." Loke said as he showed the mark on one of the defeated mage's arm. "If I'm not wrong, these guys are from Phantom Lord."
Gray nodded. "I've heard of them. This might be bad news."
"We've got to make sure everybody gets off the train safely." Levi said determined.
They finally reached the part where the explosion had been. It seemed like the explosion was used to blow up the locked room where the passengers could keep their valuables. The heavy iron door was completely blown out of its hinges and Phantom mages were transporting all the content of the room, while others robbed the remaining passengers for any jewellery or cash they still had on them.
A wild fight broke loose between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord. There weren't that many enemies, and they didn't seem to expect resisting mages to be there. The surprise came as a helpful advantage and they were able to push them back for a while. Bad news was that they could hear more commotion awhile away, which probably meant there was another division of the Phantoms.
"Damn it, why aren't Gajeel and the element 4 with us?" A phantom mage asked a man who seemed to serve as a leader.
"They weren't back from their mission yet." The man answered. "Get Tenkin, we need his help."
The other mage nodded and ran in the direction of the other group, off to search for the requested person. In the meantime the fight kept going and soon enough there were only a few men left standing.
"Hold on a bit longer, there aren't many left!" Loke encouraged his friends as he used his Regulus Beam on some enemies. Loke prepared for his next attack, but as he wanted to release the energy, nothing happened. "What the hell?" He tried again, but still nothing happened.
"Loke, what's wrong?" Gray yelled as he saw the spirit retort to pure physical attacks.
"My magic won't work!" Loke said stunned.
"Neither does mine!" Jet and Droy yelled together.
"What the hell's going on?" The ice mage said confused. He saw that a few enemies wanted to attack Loke who was having trouble without his magic, so Gray turned towards those enemies.
"Ice make: cage!" Gray slammed his fist against his palm and... Nothing happened. "What the… Ice make: cage!" The fist slammed against his palm with a loud smack, but still nothing happened.
"Don't even bother, Fairies." One of the enemies said. "This is Tenkin's magic: Block. He just blocked all of your magic. We never go anywhere without him. He can siphon up to ten people's magic at a time. You can still move, but your movements will be limited as well."
Due to this news, all the Phantom mages seemed to get their energy back and started attacking again. Without their magic, Jet, Droy, Levi, Gray and Loke were soon overpowered by the other mages.
Their hands got bound and were pushed to their knees.
"These annoying brats are surprisingly strong, especially these two." A man nodded towards Gray and Loke. "They actually caused a lot of trouble."
"Filthy meddlers they are! I say we should just cut their throats and leave them. That will teach them to mess with Phantom Lord!"
A murmur of approval sounded among the dark guild members, but it stopped as the leader of the group stepped forward.
"Idiots! Look at the mark on that one's chest." The man said as he pushed Gray's open shirt apart to reveal the dark tattoo on his pectoral. "These… are Fairy Tail mages."
The sound of surprise and excitement went through the crowd.
The leader grinned deviously, "I think we may have come across something better than plain old cash."
"What's happening?" Gajeel asked the blue haired water mage that stood beside him. The whole Phantom guild had assembled on the guild's square. Gajeel and the Element Four had only just returned from their mission and with all this commotion they couldn't even get the rest they deserved. Gajeel never really cared for anything that happened out here on the square anyway, nonetheless he couldn't afford not to show up.
"Apparently the squad that was sent to rob the train captivated some Fairy Tail mages yesterday evening." Juvia answered calmly.
"Fairy Tail? That's interesting." The dragon slayer said. Maybe it was worthwhile to come here after all.
He pushed some mages before him to the side to get closer to where the commotion was coming from. The rain woman followed close behind. Although the first reaction of the other members was to tell them off for pushing, as soon as they saw just who the pushers were, they backed down immediately.
Once they were within the first ten rows, they stopped. From here they got a clear view from the slightly elevated centre of the square.
"They aren't even handcuffed or something, must be Tenkin's work then." He grumbled more to himself than Juvia. The way the Fairy mages stood stiffly was a sign that his reasoning was right; getting your magic siphoned for an extended period of time wasn't exactly comfortable.
From here, he could clearly see four Fairy Tail mages: a guy with orange hair pulled back into a pony tail, and another one with orange spikey hair, a guy with a black tuft of hair standing up, and another guy with spikey black hair. It took him a moment before he noticed there was another figure standing behind them. With her small posture, the girl barely attracted any attention next to the tall guys.
"Master Jose is about to speak." The water mage said. On the centre of the square their prisoners were standing, the whole guild surrounding them. Before them stood the phantom master.
"So you are the bugs that had to disturb the train-mission. You will pay for that." Master Jose said dangerously calm.
"Let us go!" Jet yelled angrily.
"Let you go? Oh no, you bugs are our prisoners. And we'll teach you a lesson." The master sent a beam of magic towards Jet. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Droy quickly helped him up, his face contorting in discomfort as well. All of his muscles felt rigid due to the lack of his magic.
"Don't you dare talk back to me, you filthy fairies." The master said pissed. He turned towards the phantom guild members. "Now what should we do to them? They should clearly pay for their interference." He asked with a sadistic smile. "Next to that… I have a bone to pick with that damned Makarov. His brats are a great way to start."
The whole square got engulfed in shouting of what they thought should be done to their prisoners. Really, this was like some sick carnival, the only things missing was rotten tomatoes being thrown at them.
"I've got an idea." Jose said with an evil smile. "Strip the girl. Let's give the guild a little show. You deserved it after all the hard work!"
Loud cheering emitted from most of the male phantom mages. Gajeel didn't participate in the 'fun', though. He wasn't really the type to enjoy this kind of crowd-bullying. He rather took out his revenge in person and with his fists, than to have 200 people watch.
He wasn't really shaken by the whole things, but from beside him sounded a soft gasp of digust. He looked to his side and saw Juvia with a repulsed look on her face. It shocked him for a moment, as the woman remained so stoic in nearly any situation. She had covered her mouth with her hand as it contorted in the unpleasant emotion, then looked up at Gajeel.
"They're not really going to do that, are they? That poor girl." She whispered to Gajeel, making sure the other members didn't hear. She knew she could trust this man to not spoil any of her criticism towards the master.
"Come on, strip her!" Jose encouraged his subordinates that stood guard next to the fairy mages. The four male Fairy Tail mages jumped up and took a protecting stance before Levi.
Their movements may be slow and painful due to the siphoning of their magic, they wouldn't just let this happen.
"Don't you dare touch her!" Gray shouted furious.
"Haha, look at how the fairies protect their hooker. You really have them wrapped around your finger, don't you, sweety?" Jose laughed evilly.
"Shut up! Don't you dare talk to our Nakama that way!" Loke shouted. The master didn't accept him talking though, and the spirit got the same treatment as Jet and was hit with a magic beam. He fell to his knees with a pained groan.
"Loke!" Levi said worried as she grabbed the spirit's shoulders. Tears started forming in her eyes. Her friend got hurt because he tried protecting her. She didn't want her friends to suffer because of her. "Don't do this! Don't hurt my friends!" She yelled at Jose. She stepped forward and positioned herself before Loke, so she formed a barrier between her friends and the master.
Even though the girl was clearly on the brim of crying, Gajeel was surprised the little bluenette's voice was still this steady. He could also see the furiousness, which didn't seem to fit small girl, burning in her eyes. Not many people dared to stand up to Master Jose, most of them just cowered in fear, but this girl didn't seem to take it laying down. Gajeel couldn't help but feel a bit of admiration towards her for her courage.
"You've got nerve, little slut." Jose said. He turned towards some phantom members. "Teach her a lesson. Strip her."
Before the other Fairy Tail members could do something, they were pinned to the ground by magic. The pressure of it pushed painfully against their bodies as they were made to helplessy watch as phantom members attacked Levi.
The loud cheering in the crowd started again as Levi tried to fight off her attackers. The small girl was easily overpowered though, and they ripped her clothes off, not caring in the least if they hurt her or not. She was left like that, stark naked, for everyone to see.
"This is horrible." Juvia gasped. She couldn't watch this, nobody deserved that kind of treatment, even if they were from an enemy guild. She turned to Gajeel. "Gajeel-kun, do something about this."
"What can I do, it's the master's order." He said coldly, even though he didn't really approve this kind of humiliation either.
"Juvia thought that at least Gajeel-kun had some dignity. Apparently Juvia was wrong." The water mage said with a hint of loathing in her voice. She turned her head to look at the poor girl again. She saw the little bluenette was trying to cover herself in vain. Tears flowed down her face and Juvia could feel the pain and humiliation in them. "Does Gajeel-kun know what's going to happen to her?" Juvia said angrly.
"What do you mean?" He asked as he turned his gaze to the water mage. He could see the anger and worry edged in the normally emotionless face.
"You know what some men in this guild are capable of! And after this they got the chance to check out the meat. She's obviously good-looking, so it won't be long until one of them tries to… take her." With the last words the water mage had to swallow away her disgust. "Think about that, Gajeel-kun. And think about you standing here and doing nothing. Juvia knows you're not that heartless. The master respects you, so please, at least try."
The water mage walked away. Gajeel thought about what she had said. The dragon slayer didn't really like that much people and Juvia was the actually the only person in the whole world he considered a friend. He looked over to the crying girl.
She was really cute indeed. Juvia was right, she won't last long with the scum that went around here at times.
Gajeel sighed. Now he had to think of a plan to keep the girl away from the men of the guild.
~Centre of the square~
"Levi!" Gray yelled worried as he was pinned down on the ground. He saw how some men ripped her clothes off her body and threw the shreds away. She was left like that for everybody to see. Gray averted his eyes.
Levi couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She felt like dying this very instant as she heard all the cheering and filthy comments the crowd was shouting. She could feel all the eyes burning on her bare skin and she had never felt so humiliated or helpless in her life.
It felt like she stood there like that for hours. She wanted to crouch down and cover her body but somehow her body didn't seem to move. The mage that was keeping her friends to the ground was probably also controlling her body.
After what seemed like forever, the Phantom master finally stood up again. "I think we had enough fun for today. Bring the prisoners to their cell."
A displeased booing went through the crowd. The master just waved his hands slowly. "Come on, we can't keep doing this all day. There's work to do."
With reluctance the crowd broke up. The mage who had kept the Fairy Tail members in his control released the magic. As soon as Gray felt the pressure lift off his body, he got up and walked towards Levi who had fallen to the ground. Her body jolted as she tried to hold back the tears. The ice mage took off his shirt and draped it around her shoulders.
"Shhh- shh, Levi. It's gonna be okay. Keep strong" He hushed, trying to sooth her, although those words probably meant nothing to her this moment.
As soon as she felt the comforting fabric of Gray's shirt around her shoulders, the little script mage carefully put her arms in the shirt and pulled it close to her. Gray helped her up and protectively draped his arm around her. "I swear I'll make them pay for this." He whispered, although he wasn't sure if he was talking to her or more to himself.
The small mage was still fighting the tears, but they kept on flowing down her face. She pulled Gray's shirt even closer to her body. She was happy it was this big, as it almost reached her knees and covered most of her body.
The Fairy Tail mages were let towards a building, into some basement. Apparently, the cells were in the lowest part of the guild, where it was probably filthiest and coldest. Levi shivered as they started walking down the stairs.
The sound of their footsteps echoed through the hall, but was overstemmed when suddenly a voice sounded at the top of the stairs.
"Hey, fairy girl. You can stay here."
Gajeel made his way through the crowd. He had thought of a plan to get the girl away from the men, even though it wasn't really the best, he had to admit. But then again, he was surprised he was even going through all this shit for some woman he never saw before, of an enemy guild to make the matter worse.
"Master." He walked over to Jose, who was walking away from the scene. From the corner of his eye he could see the Fairy Tail mages jump up on the elevated center. The one with dark spikey hair ran towards the bluenette and covered her up.
"Did you enjoy the show, Gajeel?" The master asked with a sadistic smile.
"Uh, yeah." He lied. "I've got a favour to ask."
"Tell me."
"Let me have the Fairy woman."
The master looked up in surprise. "You enjoyed it that much?"
"Can I?" Gajeel asked impatient.
The master looked over at the little blue haired mage. "She's good-looking. If I remember correctly she's completely your type too: short, small tits, curvy hips."
Gajeel slightly pulled up his eyebrow in surprise. He hadn't noticed those things till now actually. He let his eyes go over the girl that was now let into the building. "Yeah, she is."
"The other men will be very disappointed. I've heard quite a lot of their ideas what they wanted to do to her."
Gajeel could imagine what the ideas were. He suddenly understood Juvia's disgust. "I don't care about them. I want her."
"Quite stubborn, aren't we Gajeel? But okay, I guess one of my best mages can have a little present. You did finish your last mission excellently I've heard. You can keep her." The master finally said.
"Thank you, master." Gajeel said. 'Juvia fucking owns me big time.' The dragon slayer thought. He and the master went into the same building where the prisoners were brought. They were just being led down the stairs to the cells.
"Hey, fairy girl. You can stay here." Jose yelled from the top of the stairs. "Come and meet your new master."
End of Chapter 1
End of chapter 1. How did you like it? Let me know!
Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it.