It was exactly five months after the Bellas had won the Finals. Five months after she had first kissed Jesse, and exactly five days since they broke up. She knew that it was probably for the best. After all, Jesse and her was simply just not compatible. She liked black, he liked blue. She didn't like movies, and he wanted to score them for a job. Those were just some of the things that separated them. Of course, they had their similarities as well. They both shared their love for music and juice pouches and... that was about it. Beca kept telling herself to get over it, but she simply couldn't. Not that she exactly rushed herself that much, Jesse was quite close to her heart. However, she had came to realize that she liked him more in a brotherly way. However, it didn't mean that being broken up with didn't hurt very much either, even though it was more of a mutual decision.
Five days after the breakup, Beca lay lazily on the quad, doing a few mixes and just generally relaxing. After all, she deserved it, didn't she? The bass lines don't match. Beca thought as she messed around with the songs, trying to get them to fit while still matching down beats and chord progressions.
"Whatcha doin?" Beca nearly dropped her laptop as she heard the clear, distinctive voice of the one and only Chloe Beale. She felt her heart flutter a little, bit brushed the nervousness off as just nerves from nearly dropping her laptop.
"Mixing music." Beca murmured as she finally got the right chord progressions. This pleased her a bit, and she finally slipped off her headphones and turned around to face Chloe. Chloe looked the same as usual, if not a bit more stressed. She still had longer, ginger colored hair, and wore bright pink clothes. After all, Chloe will be Chloe, even after becoming a cardiovascular surgeon in Cleveland Clinic, one of the most celebrated cardiovascular clinics in the country.
"So. How's everything going with you and Jesse?" Chloe asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively. Beca laughed dryly, closing her laptop and sliding it in the case.
"We broke up." She said, not really able to mask the hurt in her voice. She was hurt, but understood why the relationship didn't quite work anymore and why they were better off as friends. After all, you can't date someone whom you consider brotherly. That's just wrong. The hurt came more from being dumped, she supposed. Her pride hurt.
"Aw Beca!" Chloe said soothingly, hugging her. Beca froze, not quite sure what to do with her arms, so ended up just awkwardly patting Chloe on the back. She smelled Chloe's sweet, fruity perfume, and surprised herself with actually enjoying the hug. Even with Jesse, hugs were avoided because they occasionally make her feel claustrophobic. Chloe's hugs, however, they were perfect. The length was perfect, the power behind the hug was perfect...
"It was kind of mutual." Beca said, shaking herself from her reverie.
"That's good." Chloe mused thoughtfully, twisting her hair up into a bun. "Wanna go grab a coffee?" Beca nodded eagerly. Now that Chloe had graduated from Barden, she wanted to cherish every moment she had with her.
"So how's school?" Chloe asked as she sipped her hot chocolate. Beca shrugged.
"Same old, same old." She said as she burnt her tongue on her hot coffee. "Luke let's me play my mixes on the radio regularly now. It's awesome, but I have to keep making mixes regularly and it's pretty time consuming." Beca said, smiling. "He also said he'd put in a word for me in a club nearby." Chloe's smile nearly split her face at this.
"That's awesome!" Chloe squealed.
"What about you?" Beca asked. "You never text or call much these days. I'm surprised you even came down for the weekend." Beca honestly was very surprised Chloe took the one hour and forty five minute plane ride from Cleveland to Atlanta. After all, if she was too busy to even call, an hour and forty five minutes must've been a very long time.
"I wanted to surprise you." Chloe said, giggling. "Are you surprised?" Beca smiled.
"Consider me surprised." She said as she finished the rest of her coffee.
"Besides, the hospital here wanted some advice for their programs, so the clinic sent me down to help."
"That's great!" Beca said, legitimately excited now. "So... how long are you going to stay here for?"
"At least a few months." Chloe said, grinning. "But if things turn out okay, I might work here to help with their programs. Besides, I might start taking an in-depth look at cancer because it might help with my focus topic." She said, smiling down at her hot chocolate. "Besides, Emory University Hospital is not a bad hospital, and I could boost their cardiovascular ratings and everything." Beca smiled at Chloe's excitement. With Chloe near her working at a hospital and her getting more opportunities to DJ regularly, she could tell this year was going to be awesome. (no sarcasm intended)