It's been a while! I know I said I would post 4 chapters but I kept reading it and I kept editing it and I felt like it wasn't good enough and so I decided to rewrite the chapters I already had. I hope you like this chapter, it's one of my longest yet- but I think it started wrong so if you get confused, it's my fault. :/
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes! Once again thanks to the new followers/favorites/reviews!
Before the incident, Candlehead spent an hour looking for her. But when Vanellope was nowhere to be found, Candlehead sadly decided to give up and head back to the lonely dormitory. Taffyta was surprised Candlehead had come back early. Everyone in the room was bored and they sat down without saying a word. As Candlehead put her hat down on the side of her bed, she wondered where she possibly got it from. There was an eerie silence in the room, and Candlehead found herself wishing she was with Vanellope. "Oh Vanellope, where are you?" She wondered aloud.
She was running. Not slowly, or fast but running. Vanellope wanted out. She was heading somewhere she didn't want to know, or really didn't know but she didn't want to go back to Dulcemuerte anymore. Eventually she stopped, with the tears stained on her face all dry. She was breathing vey heavily and she realised she hadn't had anything to drink since she arrived here. "I have no idea where I am, I am awfully thirsty and I just lost my first best friend. Why am I such a loser?" She said to the clear space. No one answered her. A twig snapped. Vanellope gasped and turned around only to find nothing. "Hmmm..." Vanellope said a little confused. What she didn't know was that there was a certain blonde boy following her... Vanellope decided to walk even further along the rocky roads and stranded banks when finally, she collapsed into a heap on the ground, her head spinning. Then everything went black.
"Here we are!" Turbo laughed aloud. "I knew she couldn't have gotten very far!" Turbo saw the mint green hoodie from a very far distance, and started walking towards the heap on the ground. "No one ever just runs away from here!" He spat. Turbo stopped laughing crazily after a while, sighed, and bent down to pick up Vanellope. The astonished boy had a worried look on his face and he cautiously stepped forward to see what Turbo was going to do. Even though the same Turbo had taken him to Dulcemuerte when he had woken up in the middle of nowhere, he still didn't trust him. This time another twig snapped. "Sugar, why do I keep making myself noticed?" He said to himself quietly. "WHO'S THERE?!" Turbo shouted loudly. Almost immediately the boy took off at high speed running through the dense bushes. Everything was passing by in a big blur but when he finally slowed down, he realised Turbo never even bothered to follow him. He then retreated back towards his own dormitory in Dulcemuerte.
Ten minutes later, Turbo had dropped Vanellope off at her dormitory as silent as a mouse and left.
"OH MY GOD! It's Vanellope! Candlehead come quick!" Taffyta yelled so loud she could have woken the whole room of girls who were sleeping.
"What?" Candlehead asked groggily. She rubbed her weary eyes before remembering the whole incident with Vanellope and shot out of her bed like a ninja, headed straight towards the door, remembered her hat with that red candle, put it on and then hurried towards Taffyta.
"Quick! Lets bring her in!" Candlehead loud whispered. She bit her lip as she and Taffyta hauled her into the room and practically dragged her against the floor before half throwing her onto her bed which had lay untouched since a few hours ago.
"Phew! That was hard!" Taffyta said wiping her forehead. "Hey! My best friend is not fat!" Candlehead said angered. Her flame was bigger and brighter than usual. "I was just kidding!" Taffyta exclaimed. "You better be," Candlehead replied shooting a look at Taffyta that made her step backwards.
Candlehead looked over at Vanellope, wishing she was awake, wherever she had been it probably wasn't good or she was just so bad. I bet Turbo brought her back here." she said.
"Yeah maybe." Taffyta replied.
"Sweet dreams, Vanellope." Candlehead thought while looking over at Vanellope. Then she closed her eyes and fell into a deep peaceful sleep.
It wasn't until around 1 or 2am when Vanellope started screaming and tossing and turning in her bed. Candlehead immediately woke up and looked in Vanellope's direction. "Oh no, what's happened now?" She thought to herself.
By now Taffyta and a few of the other girls were waking up and headed towards Vanellope's bed.
"Vanellope!" Candlehead yelled. "WAKE UP!" Vanellope was turning over and over in the sheets.
"Hmmm? What, what happened?" Vanellope asked slightly trembling.
"I don't know it was like you were-" a gasp went over the whole room as they all remembered the word. "Glitching!"
"Vanellope, I just want to tell you that I am so, so sorry about earlier," Candlehead said desperately. She was now hugging Vanellope with a guilty look on her face, while Vanellope was still shaking.
"Vanellope? Hey, can you hear me?" Candlehead asked while waving her hand in front of Vanellope's face.
"What's up with her?" Taffyta said while flicking her hair. "Can't you see Taffyta? Something's wrong! Seriously I didn't mean to hurt her feelings and I treat her like my best friend- she IS my best friend! Even though we only met today!" Candlehead shouted before taking a big gasp of air. "Gosh, relax!" Taffyta replied loudly.
"Ok, so we have to do something but if we go out right now we are dead by you know who! So how about we forget about it right now and fix it in the morning?" Taffyta suggested.
"Fine," Candlehead sighed, laying Vanellope down and covering her with the fine blankets. In a matter of seconds, she was asleep, curled into a ball.
"I just hope we can fix this in the morning."
Ralph lay draped over his extra-large sized bed looking at the ceiling. He really had nothing else to do. Quitting time happened a few hours ago and the arcade was closed for the weekend. Normally Ralph and Vanellope would go game jumping to some random game or visit each others games. But there was none of that this time.
Felix had tried time and time again to coax Ralph out of his shack, to at least hang out with him and the nicelanders or something. But he knew with defeat that it wasn't the same without Vanellope. Lately, Ralph barely made it through daily games. Each day he was taking longer to come out and when it was quitting time, he always retired to his rickety, small shack, not to be seen until the next day when someone played the retro game. Felix was very worried that one day he might not even come out and they would be put out of order again.
Ralph held the cookie medal that Vanellope had made especially for him very close. It was his most prized possession, probably the only thing that made him get up in the morning. Ralph knew that one day he would have to get over it, but the more he thought about it, the sadder he became. Ralph's heart was aching so bad that he wanted to fall asleep and never wake up again, perhaps even joining Vanellope. He smiled at the thought but quickly turned sad again. She would never want him to do or even think something like that.
"Vanellope, I wish you were here right now. You would have the perfect insult to cheer me up. In fact, if you were here right now, I don't think I would ever be sad again. . . I miss you so much, kid."
"Look, she's coming to again!" Candlehead noticed after staying right by Vanellope's side the whole time.
"What's wrong Candle?" Vanellope asked sleepily.
"Oh Vanellope! I'm so glad you're back to normal!" She shouted.
Vanellope held her hand to her head and put it down again when one of the girls in the dormitory walked up to her.
"Hey, are you alright now? My name's Jubileena, but you can call me Jubie!" She said with a wide smile.
"Yeah I think I'm okay." Vanellope replied, starting to smile.
Another girl stepped forward.
"My name is Minty! It's nice to finally meet you! I was really worried about you when you were glitching..." Minty said shyly.
"Hey Minty, it's great to finally have you talk to me! I'm glad you care," Vanellope said feeling better.
"You gave me such a scare! I thought you wouldn't recover, but you did! My name's Adorabeezle. No nicknames, I like it that way." She said while giving a hand to shake to Vanellope.
"Nice to meet you too Adorabeezle, I won't forget to call you that!" Vanellope replied shaking Adorabeezle's hand.
"Sorry to interrupt this sweet moment but Vanellope, I am so sorry about everything that happened yesterday! I really didn't mean it!" Candlehead said bursting into tears.
"Oh Candle, it's alright I forgive you." Vanellope replied with tears in her eyes and pulling Candlehead into a strong hug.
"Right, I'll uh, let you get back to meeting everyone," She said with a smile.
Someone coughed. "My name is Crumbelina! I absolutely adore your sense of fashion! It's so cute!" Crumbelina said overexcitedly.
"Why thank you! I love your name," Vanellope said now out of bed and back to normal.
"Hey girl! The name's Snowanna! I guess Snow is alright but I don't really mind!"
"So cool!" she said, "I think I'll just call you Snow," Vanellope said grinning.
"Oh and these girls, "Sticky, Torvald, Citrusella and Nougetsia," said Candlehead proudly.
The four girls waved shyly at Vanellope and she waved back to them with a grateful smile.
All of a sudden, everyone yawned. "Gosh, it's so early!" Taffyta said. She was the first to go to bed but she turned over on the other side to look like she was sleeping.
"Well, we might as well play the code game!" Candlehead said happily.
A sudden shock went through Vanellope's mind as she remembered earlier when Candlehead mentioned the game and told her that she'd see.
Everyone went back to their beds and lay down, some lying on top of their beds and some going inside the blankets. Vanellope decided that she felt safer under the blankets. It was really dark out there.
"Right, who's going to go first?" Candlehead asked.
"First for what?" Vanellope wondered. But a few seconds later, a voice piped up from across the cold room.
"I remember riding in something. I can't remember the details, but I was going fast and it was so fun! Wait, I remember now it was a car! I mean a kart! A girl said in excitement.
The moment Vanellope heard these words, she felt an image conjure up In her mind. She was sitting in a kart, turning the steering wheel and feeling the rush of- wait is that a pretzel? Anyway, she felt the rush of adrenaline. It felt so real it took Vanellope's breath away.
"I don't remember where I was," the girl continued, "but there was a road and a crowd I think, and there were other girls. There were boys too and most of them were giving me challenging looks but it was just for fun; I think it was just a game." We paused. "That's it." she finished.
A moment later, someone else started talking. "I remember being in my own bed, in my own house actually!" Vanellope once again began to imagine what the girl had just said. "The sun was shining down and it was an average day but I was exhausted. It was probably a long and tiring day."
"I remember a boy," a third voice said. Everyone perked up at hearing that. "I think he was my friend or something. We were playing together and we both enjoyed each others company but I don't remember what he looks like or his name." she said sadly.
After that there was a little bit of silence. Then Candlehead spoke. "Does anyone else remember anything? Anything at all?"
"Why don't you all just go to sleep?" Taffyta said annoyed.
"Do you remember anything Vanellope?" Candlehead asked, ignoring Taffyta.
Vanellope desperately wanted to say yes. She wanted to come up with some image in her head like the other girls had. But there was nothing except an eerie feeling of missing home. Then she remembered the feeling she had felt when she woke up in the middle of the field. "I don't really remember anything." Vanellope said, "Except I've got this feeling that I've lost something, more than my memory. It's something but I just don't know what it is."
"Everyone feels that." Candlehead told her.
"Oh." Vanellope said with a big sense of disappointment. She hoped that it would mean something important but it was nothing special after all.
"Don't worry," Candlehead replied. "Things come back to you once in a while. Not everything of course, just small things here and there."
"To everyone?" Vanellope asked.
"To everyone." Candlehead assured her.
Vanellope sighed and closed her eyes to try to get more sleep before the next bell went off.
I hope this was good! I am so so sorry for mistakes, it's my autocorrect and I have tried to edit but ill get back to it later on.
Please review!
Thanks to Ilypandaz and WreckItRalphFan! :)