I do not own Harry Potter or Gundam Wing. This fic will highlight several reasons why I am not allowed to own either.

It all started on my second Halloween. Voldemort killed my parents, tried to kill me, disappeared instead, yadda, yadda, yadda. Everyone knows that. I was taken to my aunt's house, and there I lived for almost 2 years. Happily, or so I'm told. Then Uncle Vernon had to go to L2 for five months for his job. We all went, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, Dudley, and me, Harry Potter. Then, something happened. I don't know what, because the first thing I remember is when Solo, leader of an L2 gang of street rats, found me, hiding from… I'm not really sure.

Given the way street kids are, (almost permanently malnourished), Solo guessed I was ten. He called me Key- after I learned to pick a lock in five minutes flat.

"Ha! Seems Kid here has earned a name! Thou shalt be- KEY! Looks like we won't be going hungry again, kiddos!"

Yeah, Solo didn't know who I was. The Dursley's hired P.I. after P.I., but they all over looked the ten-year-old purple eyed brunet, looking for a three-year-old green eyed black haired baby. I don't blame them for making the mistake, they didn't know about magic.

A bit under a year later, the L2 plague hit. When Solo died I broke into a hospital to get the vaccine, but I didn't get quite enough. I made sure everyone else got it, but, I didn't have enough for me. I was waiting to die when I was taken to the Maxwell Church. When I was asked my name, I told them "Duo".

I had just settled into having a home when they came. Rebels wanting a mobile suit… took up residence in the church. I went to get them one so they'd leave, but I was too late…

Everything after that is kinda hazy, until I met G. I must have impressed him somehow, because he trained me. G taught me so much. Including the fact that I was naturally immune to the L2 plague, and how to immunize people with my own blood. That was a lot of math. Fun though. I soaked up everything he taught me like a sponge.

But then the one year's war happened. I met other people trained like I was. Note to self: Punch Trowa for blowing up Deathscythe, I never paid him back for that.

The Mariemaia incident happened nearly a year after the war ended, but only lasted like a week. We blew our gundams up after that. …I kept a copy of Deathscythe's programming, and the blueprints are all stored up in my head, but don't tell anyone.

We'd all gotten settled into new, peaceful lives. (Well, excluding the clue hammer I had to hit Relena with. Heero was a Japanese knight, not a European one. They protect the princess, not marry her.) Life was great. I had a scrap yard, and was sending money regularly to L2 to help the kids there (and making sure it ended up in the right places) when…

People started gunning for the gundam pilots. I was the easiest target, the only one without the government, or a huge company to protect me. When Quatre says to get the hell out and go to ground, you run like a bat out of hell. I found a nice, remote motel and hunkered down, waiting for news.

Then an owl landed on my shoulder. The fuck?

I have this outlined until... well, most of third year. Two warnings: 1) do not expect anything like canon. Oh the things I have planned. 2) Don't expect regular updates. This is only going up now because I want to see how people react to it, and hopefully there will be reviews that help get the rest of this thing out of my head. One note: I'm starting each year with the train. So no Hogwarts until the third chapter.