"We need to talk." Logan says uttering those dreadful four words no one ever wants to hear.

Veronica stepped aside so he could come in.

"Is your dad home?" Logan asks walking inside trying not to make eye contact with Veronica.

"He's chasing some bail jumper in Nevada. But I know you didn't come all the way here to talk about my dad. So what's up?" She says closing the door.

There was an uneasy silence before Logan spoke.

"I know when we got back together we agreed that you would work on trusting me more and I'd work on being more trustworthy. So I have something to tell you and if you decide to hate me afterwards I wouldn't blame you." Logan stated before stopping.

"Logan, I could never hate you. So come on just rip off the bandaid now." Veronica responded

"I'm not so sure about that because right now I hate me for it." Logan said swallowing the lump forming in his throat. "Madison's pregnant and I'm the father." He finally admitted.

The look on Veronica's face pained him. Veronica couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. The fact that Logan got some other chick pregnant she could deal with being that they were split up. But for the mother of the child to be Madison Sinclair, the girl who tormented and inadvertently caused her to be raped really crushed her. This was not something she could get over.

Veronica sunk down to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably. Once again Madison would be the cause of her and Logan's troubles. Logan dropped down to the floor and hugged Veronica. She punched him a few times which he felt he deserved but she finally gave in and let him console her. The two sat on the apartment floor and cried. No words were spoken but they both knew in that moment they were over.


A week passed and it seemed like she had just been going through the motions. It was finally the last week of school which meant there were exams to take.

Veronica hadn't spoke to Logan since he left the other day after dropping the bomb on her. They cried together and she eventually feel asleep. When she awoke she was in her bed and he was gone.

Good thing the semester was coming to a close, having to see his face everyday on campus was unbearable. She hopped in the shower and headed off to campus still hurt but covered it up with her trademark fake smile.

Breezing through her first exam, Veronica had a little over two hours before her next one so she headed to the cafeteria. She must've been stuck in a daze, because the next thing she knew a familiar face was in front of her waving his hand back and forth.

"Earth to Mars!" Weevil said grabbing Veronica's attention.

"Hi Weevil." She replied with a small smile.

" I know I'm mesmerizing and all but damn girl you've been staring at me for at least five minutes straight." Weevil said jokingly.

"HA- HA very funny Eli." She replied a little dry.

"It's called a sense of humor V, I recall you using to have one. I know its none of my business but you dont seem like yourself. You've been walking around here like a zombie for the past week. It's like your smiling but your not happy." Weevil stated.

"You're right it's none of your business, and what makes you think you know anything about me? Last time I checked you were a janitor not a psychologist." Veronica said spitefully.

"For a second I actually thought we were friends. Silly me right, don't worry I won't make that mistake again." Weevil said calmy before walking away.

3:15 arrived and it was time for Veronica's Comm class. The one class she shared with Logan, she walked into class and saw that Logan was already seated. She took a breath and walked by him as he lowered his head while she passed feeling the uneasiness.

Veronica trying to buy herself some time, took her time to finish her test. After seeing it was down to her and two other students left she figured Logan would be nowhere in sight. So she handed in her test and walked out just to be greeted by Logan, who had been waiting.

"Uh um I was hoping we could talk for a second." Logan said standing in front of his former lover.

"Sure." She replied

There was no doubt that being in each others company now felt awkward.

"So I'm leaving Neptune for awhile but before I go I just wanted to say that I love you Veronica Mars. My mistakes might make it hard to believe but I truly do. Someday I hope to be forgiven for all of my fuck ups, you're a good woman who deserves more than I have to offer. I cant stand that I hurt you when all I want to do is protect you. I'm sorry for everything just know that." Logan said then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and just like that he was gone.

A/N: Trying something a little different. I hope y'all liked, as always reviews are welcomed good and bad. Until we meet again :)