Chapter 12

Test them?

March 19, 2016 Location Africa, Sudan

"Get moving Bravo!"

"What the fuck does it look like I'm doing!"

Alpha kept on running down the street, Bravo following right behind him, feeling the stray bullets going by them Alpha slides behind a wrecked vehicle Bravo jumping by him, hearing the stray bullets hitting the metal of the car, Alpha quickly reloads his BR-19 rifle ducks down from more incoming bullets while Bravo reloads his MG-40 light machine gun, he quickly sprints to the other side of cover behind a wall and he starts to blind fire to the ones shooting at them.

"Where in the fuck is Chuy and Baker!"

Alpha stands up and starts to fire killing an upcoming Sudan soldier in his chest, but behind him had more than one soldier shooting, Alpha ducking down again hearing the bullets hitting his cover yells back to his partner.

"They must have went go get Einstein he was pin down trying to hack into the bombs system, and Bradley I don't know!"

"Fuck… this is not looking to good Alpha!"

Bravo came out of cover and began to unload his MG-40 killing one, two, three, and a few more he could see, seeing the lead hitting them straight into their torso and a few straight into their heads, feeling a quick shot on his left side chest and abs he takes cover quickly while Alpha yells out.

"You alright!"

"Yeah, luckily the bullet armor prevented it, or it would have been ugly for me!"

"Rios do you copy over!"

No responds.

"Rios! Do you copy over, dammit!"

"Where in the fuck are the rookies Alpha!"

Alpha blind fires his rifle hearing his gun click he brings it back down, unloading his clip and putting in a fresh one. 'Dammit, where are they at really…'

"Did you call us Bravo!"

Alpha sighed recognizing that voice and radioed back.

"About time, what are your positions!"

"We are 4 blocks away from your position Alpha we are heading there now!"

"About damn time!"

Bravo yelled quickly pulling a pin off of his grenade and tossed it towards the upcoming Sudan Soldiers. Alpha hearing the explosion going off seeing some of the rubble landing on him, he turns his head seeing that they are pulling back a bit giving this an opportunity to him.

"Negative on that, stay put and find cover we are coming towards you!"

"Roger that Alpha!"

"What the fuck are you saying!"

Alpha getting out of his cover starts to run down the street yelling back to his partner.

"Hurry let's move!"

Bravo looking back at the direction he was shooting at starts to hear more of the Sudan soldiers yelling something giving up he pulled out of cover and started to follow his partner.

"You and you're fucked up ideas!"

Running down the street Alpha can tell they are just a few more blocks away, making a quick left from the street, he can see two T.W.O. operatives, one crouching down on the ground behind a car while the other was kneeling aiming his sights towards us Alpha turned around seeing his partner right behind him signaling him to keep moving.

"Alpha we see you on our sights just a few more meters."

"Copy that we…"

Alpha turned wide eye under his mask seeing that the soldiers behind were not the only ones following them, the rookies let their guards down for they had been followed, aiming their AK-47 towards them Alpha lifts his rifle up squeezing the trigger quickly sending bullets straight towards the rookies.

The rookies quickly put their heads down not understanding why their T.W.O. operative was shooting at them, one of them was able to look behind them and he sure didn't like the sight.

"Hey partner I think you should turn around and get behind that wall."

"What the hell you talking about!"

Looking back he quickly realized what he was talking about for the soldiers were close in range by them, quickly getting up from the ground to aim his gun towards them, knew it was too late. The soldiers quickly fired their guns hitting one of the rookies straight into his left abdomen penetrating the armor, while the other partner fired quickly to give his partner sometime to take cover, but all he saw was his partner on the ground holding his wound not able to do anything about for he was pin down also by the upcoming bullets.

"Stay down!"

"Arrgghhh… fuck!"

The wounded rookie looks at his hand holding the wound noticing that the blood is spilling out, looking around his surrounding sees his partner firing at the soldiers sees him getting shot on his right thigh and his left shoulder going down still not taking his sights off from the enemy looks straight ahead. Seeing that they are too many of them coming close trying to reach for his gun he just felt something wrap around his shoulder being lift up, looks and sees a dark mask with three white stripes below him, shooting at the soldiers with his hand gun, while he then sees another with a yellow mask faded with scratches, holding a light machine gun hearing loud rapid fire coming out of it, sighs knowing to well who are this two, Alpha and Bravo made it.

"Keep them off us Bravo!"

"Got it!"

Alpha looking at the wounded T.W.O. operative he sets him behind cover on the wall of a house, quickly goes back to get his gun getting hit on the shoulder, turns around and fires his rifle on the south street where they were running from, ignoring the pain he hands him the gun and says to him.

"I want you to aim your sniper and defend yourself is that understood!"

He grabs his sniper griping it close to his chest feeling it now knowing that this sniper his is indeed, the bolt action SWAT-LR .300 a very deadly sniper, with a single bullet could be very terrifying indeed, if the right person knows how to handle it. Looking up to Alpha he nods his head reloading his sniper clocking in the bullet he says.

"I'm not dead yet Alpha."


Alpha turning around aiming is rifle again squeezing the trigger killing another soldier hiding behind cover splattering his brain cells into the wall, he walks towards his partner putting his back against his, feeling the vibe on his body for the amount of bullets spraying of his MG-40 he looks to the other rookie that is aiming is sights where Alpha is looking he yells too him.

"Stand your ground and use that rifle like your life depended on it!"

The other rookie was holding his X9 rifle although a small rifle it sure is powerful against multiple enemies, griping it tighter aiming his sights down hearing the loud shots coming out of it he replies back to him.

"They won't get us that easy!"

Alpha aiming is rifle again starts to shoot again, but smirking under his mask knowing that this rookies are something else. 'Ha, and Bravo said they wouldn't last out here in a mission with us, this kids are good' Looking to his upper left seeing some soldiers on top of the roof houses he aims his rifle and kills the soldier on top and the other behind him seeing them drop straight down to the pavement.

"What now Alpha!"

Bravo yelled out to his partner right behind him, shooting yet another soldier dead in the ground, quickly looks up and shoots the other soldiers on the roof also, Alpha quickly reloading his rifle feels two shots hitting him in the chest and a shot on his left side of the mask deflecting the bullet, shaking it off aims is rifle and shoots the soldiers.

"I'm working on it!"

"Well you better start thinking fast!"

Alpha trying to come up with a plan in this heat they are in, knowing that contacting Rios was useless, also to call for help from Chuy, Baker, Bradley and Einstein was a bad idea, it would only risk their lives to help them out of here, 'It seems like there is really nothing I…'

Alpha snapped out of his train of thought, looking at the soldier holding a very large weapon on his shoulder on top of the roof, but Alpha knew exactly what it was, and it was something they didn't needed right now. Seeing how the soldier is getting ready, he aims his sight towards the four T.W.O. operatives on the ground getting ready to fire. Alpha tapping his partner on his shoulder quickly Bravo turns his head seeing that Alpha pushed him towards the closes rookie while he jumps towards the other yells out.


And the next thing they heard was a loud explosion coming out of them.


March 17, 2016 Location T.W.O. Base, Two days Earlier.

"So what do you think Rios?"

Houston said to him, while Rios was looking at the paper work he handed him, seeing two files reading them carefully once again.

"Crow" Name: Anthony Kyme Race: Caucasian. Height 5'10 feet. Born January 12, 1994 Tulsa, Oklahoma. Father was a law enforcement working with the police, died in the line of duty when he was 13. Mother still lives working in a flower shop. Graduating High school he enlisted in the Army at the age of 18, top ranks in his squad and shooting range scores awarding him the Rifle Expert badge, was appointed in sniper school. After 3 years in training he was able to substance all obstacles and improving on the environments, scoring higher than his teammates longest shot was 1,787 yards.

"Baron" Name: Eduardo Martinez Race: Hispanic. Height 6'0 feet. Born April 22, 1990 Atlanta, Georgia. Raised by a single mother, father's whereabouts are unknown. At the age of 13 joined in a gang. In the age of 16 was arrested for gun possession, illegal fake money, and drugs sent in jail for a year. At the age 18 his mother died by overdose of drugs, after her mother's death he joined a group of mercenaries starting his training in killing at that age. Four years later at the age of 22 he became the top mercenary in the business known in South America and Asia."

Rios sets down the files on his desk grabbing another paper work he tells him.

"Have they pass the tests scores, do they work fine together?"

"Yeah, although not the highest scores, but average by our standards, and they also seem to work fine together."


Houston could tell Rios was looking at some other paper work knowing to well that he haves a lot in mind he comes clear to his friend saying.

"Come on Rios, you and I know that we need more recruits and why not this young guys joining in helping us out."

Rios sets down the files down sighing he replies back.

"I know that Houston, but this Martinez guy haves a wife and kids, and you know what I think about a soldier with a family."

"I know what you mean friend, believe me I know, but you know most of us have a something to come back home too, we all knew the risk we took to joining this. Hell you're the one that told us that remember?"

Rios leans back on his chair laughing a bit of what Houston said knowing too well that it is true he himself said that, and knowing that have more in the group would actually help out more.

"Your right Houston, I just been having a lot in my mind lately."

"Don't worry Rios I understand, so… about the rookies?"

"They are in; get them their gear, weapons, and masks they will be going on a mission in a couple of days."

"Understood Rios but so soon already?"

"I don't have a choice in this matter, I got a mail from a certain friend that needs help in Africa and the way I see it's not just going to be a two man mission on this."

"Alright, anything else you need me to do?"

"Yeah contact, Alpha and Bravo this two will be the guys to test these rookies how they do in combat."

"Understood Rios."

Houston turns around walking out of the room leaving Rios alone in the room, looking on his side of the desk he pulls up the paper work again and starts to drift off on his own train of thought.


March 17, 2016 Location Denver, Colorado

Alpha was sitting down on the couch in the living room looking at the T.V. that it was showing, while he really didn't actually paid too much attention to it he was just relaxing, had his right arm resting on the couch, he had his left hand caressing a beautiful brown skin woman on him that was resting on his left thigh. Looking down he can see she was laying across the sofa her black hair now grown to reach half way of her back, feeling the smoothness of the silk hair going through his hands, feeling her body move sees that she stretch her body and now her face looking straight at him, she smiled grabbing his hands with hers saying.

"What are you thinking silly?"

"Hmm, nothing really, just enjoying the relaxation."

"Mmm, yeah… it's been two months since your last mission; it's actually good you're relaxing."

"Yeah, and I wonder who's been helping me on that."

Alpha teased placing his hand on her abdomen while Fiona still hold her hands on his feeling his hand caressing her abdomen giggling at his teasing she said.

"Well, someone haves to put you on check once in a while you know."

"Oh, is that right."

"You know it.

She said teasingly Alpha just laughed at the comment and lean his head down to meet her lips to his, and she gladly enjoyed it, breaking the kiss of she had a smile on hers seeing how Alpha was happy she loved that, she loved seeing how she can always make him smile, she snuggle closer to him. Alpha enjoyed her company, her comfort, her warmth, much her love. He couldn't have ask for more but that enjoyment ended when he felt his cell phone ring on his right hip, moving a bit to get it he pressed call and answered.

"Yes… Yeah, I understand I'll head on out right away."

Alpha hanged up the phone looking down at Fiona tried saying to her but she said it.

"You don't have to say, I know."

Getting off from him she sits next to him leans her head on his shoulder holding his hand firm.

"Just be safe and come back home, alright."

"You know it."


March 17, 2016 Location T.W.O. Base.

Alpha was walking down the hall while arriving to his room spots Bravo on the couch cleaning his MG-40 barrel, Bravo spotting his partner yells out.

"Yoo! What's up Alpha, it's been a while."

Alpha walks towards the table setting down his bags, 'Well he seems more active like usual' taking out his side arm and putting on the table he responds back.

"Yeah, it's been like what 2 months, and plus your retard texts you always sent me when you find something stupid where you are."

"Hahaha, Oh I knew you missed me you big softy."

Alpha laughed a bit shaking his head.

"You dick."

"As always hahaha… well putting jokes aside do you know what are we doing now?"

"I have no clue this time."


Bravo getting back what he was doing, Alpha sits down checking on his M92 pistol, seeing if everything is in order didn't took much until they heard their door open seeing Houston walking inside.

"Glad you two are here, stop what you are doing and meet up with Rios in five understood."


Alpha and Bravo said. Seeing Houston walk out of the room, Alpha puts his hand gun down and starts to walk towards the door, Bravo doing the same thing. Once walking a few minutes they arrived into Rios's office walking inside they notice him standing holding some paper work and Houston standing in the opposite direction.

"Reporting in sir!"

Alpha said while Bravo waved his hand saying.

"It's good to see you again Rios, how is that pirate leg of your doing?"

Alpha sighed shaking his head; Houston trying hard not to laugh of Bravos joke, Rios just shakes his head and responds back to him.

"It's good to see you Alpha and… Bravo, still here huh, I thought you would be dead by now somewhere in the country by now but I guess you still here."

"fuck you cabron hahaha."

Rios walking towards his desk pulls his chair sitting down he looks at them both.

"Well now that introduction is out of our way I got a mission for you two."

Alpha walked in the middle of the room while Bravo followed standing right next to him, hearing his partner say.

"What's our objective sir?"

"You two will be sent to Africa to Sudan, one of my contacts told me that there is a General that took over the region with his power. His name is Hassan Mohammed age 37, no background on this guy, but just that he joined in his military life at a young age and worked his way up to general. The whole army respect him and with his leadership they followed his command killing anything in his way, and controlling everything of Sudan, he started a missive breakthrough of kidnapping, mass murder on the street, and plus bomb factories."

"What sort of bombs?"

It was Bravo asking this question, knowing to well a little bit of Africa, he knows that standard bomb making, but when it comes to Rios sending them to a mission he had to ask what's expected there. And Rios answered his question.

"As far as I know, it could chemical bombs, but it is still unknown to us."

Alpha was a bit surprised of this, but yet again, it is something that needs to be stopped.

"And the amount of soldiers in the area sir?

"There is about over twenty thousand soldiers in the region, but in the area you guys are going, about two thousand."

"Oh fuck another bullshit Brazil mission like last time, only this time more fucking soldiers!"

Bravo yelled out not really like this mission at all already, Alpha puts his hand on his partner shoulder to calm him down; he looks at Rios and says to him.

"Sir, are we the only two operatives going into this mission?"

Rios looks at Alpha square in the eye and sees Alpha not taking a eye contact off of him, so he shakes his head reassuring him and his partner.

"No Alpha, this mission is going to be you two, and four other veteran operatives."

"Well that's fucking reasonable now."

Bravo said, but Rios was not done yet.

"And you are going to have two new recruits."

"Recruits sir?"

Alpha said confused of putting new comers into a mission like this.

"Yeah, two new rookies that you two will be grading, see how they do in live action combat."

"Wait, wait, wait… I am not going to babysit two fucking rookies in a live action combat man!"

Rios stands up from his chair eyeing Bravo in a deadly glare.

"You are going to take them and see how they do in combat Bravo! Like it or not you have no choice in this!"

"Fuck this! This is bullshit and you know it Rios!"

Bravo was really getting tired of all of Rios crazy ideas about to take a step forward to confront him, but felt something in front of his chest holding him still and sees its is partners hand, about to say something to him he hears him say.

"Permission to speak freely sir."

"Go ahead Alpha."

"Giving us these two new rookies, I have no issue in having them in combat sir, but…"

Alpha looked at Rios's is eyes giving him a reassuring glare, a glare that could make a drill instructor even feel chills down his spine, but he was fully aware of that look, Rios had seen it before it didn't affect him at all, he still understood.

"If they die in the middle in the fight it is not my responsibility, if they are in danger that they seem there is no way out, I would try to aid them, but if it is impossible in a way that would risk my objective, my life, and my partners sir, I would not hesitate to abounded them to their deaths or kill them myself to save them from capture."

The room was quiet, Houston was a bit surprised of Alpha words, he didn't actually expect to kill a T.W.O. operative if it would affect the mission, his life or his partners, but he couldn't judge, knowing the life of a soldier is sure is something hard to understand. Bravo didn't flinch or felt bad of what his partner said, knowing him this long is something normal to him. Rios in the other hand was still quiet, fully aware what he said, it is still T.W.O. operatives to work together as a team but, in reality if it would cause them the lives of others and themselves it is something he understands why he wouldn't hesitate to turn against his own.

"Now that we understand each other, hear are your two recruits."

Rios said pointing his finger by his door, while Alpha and Bravo turn around seeing two persons walking inside the room.

"This is Crow, and Baron, the ones you will be having beside you in this mission."

Alpha and Bravo took a good look at the new rookies. Seeing that one of them was wearing a bird mask, his tactical gear is a chillin outfit, his primary weapon he was holding was a SWAT-LR .300 a sniper class, secondary was a MK3 submachine gun, and his hand gun was a M1911. The last rookie was wearing a mask of Shark, his tactical gear is a contractor outfit, his primary weapon he was holding was an X9 assault rifle, secondary was a SD3 submachine gun, and his hand gun was a Glock 18. Alpha was actually surprised of the new rookies he would see in combat, 'Well I see we got a sniper operative among us, and I could tell the other one is straight ground combat, not bad' he walked towards extending his hands towards them.

"Names Alpha."

Crow lifted his mask up seeing that he haves brown eyes, white skin, and black hair, he extends his hand shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Alpha, names Crow."

Alpha then extends his other hand to the other operative, he lifts his mask seeing that he haves brown eyes also, brown skin, and he is just shaved off his hair, bald technically.

"Nice to meet you too Alpha, names Baron."

The other two operative just waiting on Bravo to see if he would come and shake their hand just waves his hand shaking his head still not liking the idea of babysitting, sees his partner facing Rios and hears him say.

"When will be leaving sir?"

"Two days from now, this will give you time to either practice or teach them some moves on this rookies."

"Understood sir, anything else?"

"None Alpha, dismissed."

Alpha and Bravo walked out the room seeing how the two rookies also left going in the opposite direction where they are going, Bravo says to his partner.

"I give these rookies three hours that they will get shot and maybe die in this mission."

Alpha didn't like his partner comet but knowing him too well he laughed and just went along with it.

"You really don't trust them huh?"

"It's not trust man, but experience, they look soft as hell!"

"Haha, well you know what they say don't judge a book by its cover so let's see how it goes."

"Yeah, yeah… I still give them 3 hours though."


March 19, 2016 Location T.W.O. Base

Alpha was relaxing in his bed in the room, looking up from the top bunk bed; Bravo was in the sofa just scanning channels in the television. Alpha kept on staring into nothing wondering when will they deploy to their mission, but also something else 'Why so much responsibility on us… why so much… what does Rios see in us… It brings back memories that I never wanted to remember… 'Alpha shaking his thoughts away hearing some of the screams and cries of the people he saw, their faces looking straight at him rising their hands for help, but he just stood there.

"Alpha and Bravo get ready its time."

Alpha snapped his thoughts away and looked by the door seeing its Einstein that talked he walks out of the room and Bravo gets up from his sofa and looks at him.

"Well, its time boy scouts."

Getting out of the bed he nods to his partner and gets his gear ready.

After a couple of hours Alpha and Bravo walked down the Intel room, getting inside noticed Einstein and Bradley were talking about something. Chuy and Baker where just waiting by the middle of the table, the rookies where also there, Alpha could tell one of them is nervous and it was Crow that was shaking up a bit, Baron was just relaxed like no big deal to him.

"Alright, now that all of you are here lets go to the plan."

Rios spoke up putting a map on the middle of the table everyone gathered around listening to his plan.

"Einstein, your objective is to get into this building, we think this is the chemical bombs they are making, so your priority is to shut down the bombs while Bradley should support you inside, but be careful they are soldiers in the building, do it quick and stealthy alright."

They both nodded their heads but Einstein spoke up.

"And you sure this is the building?"

"No, but it's all the information they could give me, so it's our only shot."


Rios looking into the other side of the of area points to the east side of the building by a mountain hill says.

"Chuy and Baker you two will provide support in the east side of the building, it would give you the advantage by the hill you guys are in, but the reason I'm sending you in there is to sabotage the tanks they have in their understood. They cannot have this in the ground."

"You got it Rios."

Said Chuy, Baker just nods his head understanding the plan.

Rios looks both at Alpha and Bravo pointing in the west side of the building objective right in the middle of the town says to them.

"Alpha and Bravo you two will be the distraction, this place should give you enough cover to protect yourselves, but you won't be alone you two will have the rookies in the ground with you, until Einstein is able to finish the objective, met at the rendezvous here at the north side of the town where Amp should be there for pick up understood."

Alpha nods his head, but Bravo just kept quiet for they all understood the mission.

"Good, also Alpha and everyone be aware if you see Hassan he will be among the soldiers directing him so be careful, and before anything this mission, you guys will be jumping off the airplane, no landing on this mission, now go to the airbase docking area Amp should be there ready to send you into your mission, good luck out there."

Everybody nods and walks away from the Intel Room and go straight into the landing dock area, Bravo taps his partner shoulder and says to him.

"So why do we get the easy shit while the rest do the hard stuff?"

Alpha shook his head of his partner's sarcasm and says back.

"Because partner, we are the dependable ones."

"Haha you don't say, let's just hope these rookies don't die out there."

Alpha just kept walking not answering to that, but deep down in a real life combat, is as living in hell itself, praying to god or any other religious god they believe in, can't help for they are about to face but just embrace it and wait for the inedible, once that bullet goes pass your heart or brain, it will be nothing but a corps. 'It's up to them… They are not my responsibility…' shaking the thought of his mind they have arrived and now ready to go into the mission.


March 19, 2016 Location Africa, Sudan

"Alright ladies, as you can see into my right you can see the wonderful view of Sudan, crowded with soldiers armed to the teeth."

Amp said through the radio, while mostly just ignored his comment were getting ready with their gear, Alpha was checking on Bravos parachute seeing is tight on him patting his shoulder signaling his good, Bravo holds his MG-40 close to him and says to his partner.

"You ready Alpha?"

Alpha lock and loading his rifle looks to his partner.

"As always, just watch my back."

"As you watch mine too bro."

Bravo notices Crow looking outside the window, seeing his left hand shaking he yells at him.

"Hey, rookie just relax, aim your gun and shoot at the soldiers alright and the important thing. Just stay alive alright!"

Crow nods his head while he feels his partner hand on his shoulder reassuring him that it will be alright he calms down.

"I thought you didn't care."

Alpha said to him while Bravo just shakes his head and says.

"I don't, I just don't want to carry his dead sorry ass on my shoulder you know."

"Yeah sure buddy."

"10 minutes ladies!"

Amp said every single operative was geared up and ready, walking in the back of the plain getting ready to jump.

"3 minutes… wait… hold on!"

All of a sudden the plane moved hard left hearing some the loud of bullets hitting the plane, the plane started to shake quiet uncontrollably, Chuy was on the ground losing his balance of the plane while everyone was holding on to the top rail to stay up, feel the plane going hard right.

"What the fuck is going on Amp!"

Alpha yelled out.

"Enemy fire, I repeat enemy fire… fuck… no choice jump now!"

Seeing the green light on the plane the doors opening up, Alpha sprinted jumping out of the plane, Bravo following right behind him and the rest of them doing the same. Going down the feeling the cold air hitting his skin, he can see that most of the fire still firing at the plane, seeming that they are close to ground they open their parachutes, landing carefully Alpha aims his rifle and sees no one in sight, Bravo landing right by him taking off the parachute feels his partner tapping him on the shoulder signaling him to move towards the alley, running there Alpha radios in.

"Chuy, Baker you copy."

No respond.

"Bradley, Einstein you copy?"

"I read you Alpha what's your position?"

Alpha was glad he heard Einstein in the radio, but Alpha checked on his map checked where he was.

"Well me and Bravo are not in the landing zone we supposed to be, we are 5 miles away from our location towards the building objective."

"Same here, Baker and I are 2 miles out of our objective."

"Good to hear from you Chuy, anyone else?"

"Yeah, I got separated from Einstein I'm 3 miles away from his location."

"Baron and I are 4 miles towards the town where we supposed to be."

"I'm just two blocks away from the building Alpha."

Einstein said last. Bravo heard some movements at the end of the alley and he raised his MG-40 to his right shoulder aiming it towards the direction of the noise. Alpha shook his head now knowing that everyone is in different position, 'Damn, not a good sign for us… ok, ok… I seem no other way then.'

"Einstein, proceed towards the objective, Bradley quietly try to go towards Einstein alright. Chuy, Baker go to your objectives that Rios said, but be alert, and rookies try to get into our destination alright, engage an enemy don't hesitate to fire understood."

"Understood Alpha, Crow out."

"Well will see you soon then Alpha, happy hunting."

Bravo could hear the footsteps coming a bit louder coming from the end of the alley griping his gun he says to his partner.

"Hey Alpha, I think the enemy is at our six."

Alpha turns around and aims his rifle up and sees no one, but he can hear the footsteps, 'no… not now… we are too far from our location.' Tapping his partners shoulder signaling him to lower his gun and move out they get out of the alley and start to move towards their location.

After a couple of blocks going undetected it seemed weird for Alpha, it actually would take only a few minutes before they engage into combat quickly and it seemed like this was going on his favor. But then they spotted a group of soldiers at the end of the road, a total of 5 soldiers holding AK-47 in their hands.

Alpha walks slowly behind a vehicle while Bravo stands beside him still aiming his light machine gun at the soldiers.

"Einstein are you inside the building yet?"

"Affirmative Alpha, already inside the building."

About to speak him and Bravo heard some gun fire being fired from the distance and then it became even louder.

"I been engage I repeat I got a lot of soldiers in my position!"

That was Bradley that radio in.

"We got enemy coming towards us in the street, preparing to engage!"

That was Crow also radio in, then they heard Chuy.

"Fuck we are pin down behind the tanks they flanked us from behind!"

Alpha was already in shock that mostly all of the operatives where pin down by the enemy so quickly, but then feels his shoulder being tapped for he sees his partner pointing him where the enemy was moving towards them.

"They are coming are way Alpha."

Lifting his rifle up he aims his sight to the farthest right of group he tells his partner.

"Bravo take out the ones on the far left, at my signal."


Alpha moving his rifle sight a bit towards the soldiers head, seeing how it is align in the sight, taking in a deep breath he exhaled and squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet straight towards his target, for the soldier didn't have a chance to react only feeling the quick lead straight into his head and out going down in the ground dead. Bravo without hesitation also squeezed the trigger sending multiple bullets hitting on the targets he aimed, watching the far left soldier getting hit on the chest three to five bullets in him, then the other to his upper right shoulder hitting him in the head, and the third one hitting him in the chest also. Alpha moved his aimed to the left and shot the last soldier straight to the heart making him fall backwards landing dead on the ground.


Alpha said getting out of cover starts to walk forward in the street, once passing the dead soldiers Bravo stopped hearing a gargling sound looks down and sees one of the soldiers placing his hand on his chest trying to stop the bleeding but he was spitting out blood from his mouth knowing that he would die sooner or later. Without thinking twice Bravo pulled out his MAG-44 and shot the soldier straight in the head, Alpha turned around of the noise of the gun fire and noticed that his partner just finished off what he left off, looks forward once more and kept on moving.

Walking a couple of blocks more Alpha stopped in the corner of the street, looking around notices a large group of soldiers at the end of the street, counting about 20 soldiers in there mostly AK-47 but some of them where holding RPD's

Alpha didn't like the scene 'Damn, there must be a way around them'

"Rios do you copy over?"

"Hear you Alpha what's the situation?"

"I got multiple enemies in my location 3 blocks down any other rout to take?"

"Negative Alpha there has been change of plans."

"Change of plans sir?"

"Einstein just contact me knowing that the bomb he just found it's something bigger, your objective has change, lure the enemy towards you for Einstein could get sometime, and find cover understood."

"What about the rest sir?"

"I already gave orders to Bradley, Chuy, and Baker; you have to take control on the rookies your guys are in the ground zone, over and out."

Alpha griped his hand into a fist, not liking this new order, 'Dame, that means we are on our own again!' lifting his rifle to his chest he looks at his partner he just stares at him knowing to well of the situation he just nods his head and says.

"Well, what's your orders partner?"

Alpha turns again peeking at the enemy across from them and says.

"Run straight towards the far left at the bus over there, you should get cover their ill suppress here and move forward when it's a clear enough to charge at them."

Bravo gets up and stands by him getting ready to sprint.

"At your mark Alpha."


Alpha yelled getting out of cover seeing his partner sprint towards the bus, he aims his rifle to the closes soldier he can see and fires his gun. Sending bullets towards them seeing a fellow soldier getting hit in the back of the head dropping dead in within minutes and another square in the chest dropping dead also the soldiers quickly aimed their rifles and started to shoot at Alphas direction.

"الحصول عليها" 'Get them!'

One of the soldiers yelled quickly, Alpha moving a bit to the right seeing how the wall is being shredded apart by the bullets blind fires his rifle hitting whatever target he hits, but he notices his partner made it towards the bus unnoticed, getting towards the edge of the corner Bravo pulls out a grenade and pulling out the pin he tosses it to the ones close to Alpha and without them realizing it the soldier close by only felt the quick metal fragments hitting them into their skin through their body. Alpha seeing the blast noticed it took 4 of the soldiers dropping dead on the ground.

"Keep firing Bravo!"

Alpha pulled out of cover and began to shoot the other remaining soldier still standing.

"You don't have to tell me twice!"

Bravo came out of cover aiming his MG-40 towards the soldiers out in the open, seeing that they are no were to take cover, they just quickly tried to aim their guns at him, but it was already too late. Hearing the gun unloading the hot lead of it, one soldier seeing how his brothers are getting shredded from the swarm of bullets, seeing not one, or two going down but many, trying to retreat he felt his back being punctured four times in the back looking down on his chest sees four holes in different spots on his chest landing down on his knees feeling the drip of blood coming out of him, looks around seeing the screaming and yelling of his fellow soldiers that he drops dead on the ground knowing that his suffering his over.

Alpha run straight forward towards the enemy seeing one of them behind cover he pulled out his kombat knife quickly thrusting it straight towards his neck and punching on the ground aims his gun and pulls the trigger killing two other soldiers on the ground dead. Bravo kept on shooting anything he could see but then felt a quick shot on his back knocking him unbalance he turned around and turn wide eye of the sight looking at his partner he yelled out.

"Alpha, enemy on our six!"

Alpha turn around seeing Bravo running towards him he sees a few soldiers coming behind him and he aims his gun and starts to give Bravo some cover. Bravo making him into cover with his partner he aims his gun and starts to shoot also. Alpha took cover unloading his empty magazine he reloads a new one he leans up and sees even more of them coming where Alpha was, 'Damn, we are going to get overrun here!' getting up he begans to shoot to the far left of his view killing 3 soldiers down on the ground.

"Alpha do you read me over!"

Alpha ducks down and radios back.

"Is that you Crow, what is your position!"

"We don't know, right now we are inside an alley they are too many for us to handle and Baron is running out of ammo, what we should do!"

Bravo killing another 4 soldiers on their way feels a grenade blast hitting them in front of their cover, knocks Bravo back into cover he yells at his partner.

"Alpha we have to get out of here!"

Alpha looks at the map quickly and radios Crow.

"Alright listen carefully Crow, you need to get out of there do you understand meet us in the street of Nimir Street alright! Just stay alive alright ill gets you two through this!"

"Understood Alpha, over and out!"

Bravo turn to his right and notices some soldiers coming towards the end of the street coming towards them, he reloaded quickly yelling out to his partner.

"Alpha enemy at our right!"

Alpha kneels and begins to shoot that way killing two on the ground felt a bullet hit him on his left shoulder turning around he begins to shoot the enemy coming on the north. Bravo finishing reloading comes out of the cover and began to shoot at the enemy on the right. Killing about 5 of them on the ground feels a bullet grazing his face mask deflecting the bullet but knock him backwards just a few steps shakes it off he aims his gun firing whatever vision he could see.

"Move out Bravo!"

Alpha tapped his partner shoulder and began to run towards the west of the street, Bravo following right behind him, but they were not running alone for the soldiers were swarming behind them, but also from different direction.

"They are following us Alpha!"

"Then and run shoot dammit, we got no place to cover until we reach towards the rookies!"

"Son of a bitch."


March 19, 2016 Location T.W.O. Base

Rios was looking at the screen and he can tell it is a mess down there, the whole plan went into hell.

"What is the status on Chuy and Baker?"

Houston clicks to the other screen and tells him.

"They are pin down behind the tanks still but the enemy haves decreased a bit but still coming strong."

"Can they hold a bit longer?"

"Yeah, they seem like they can manage somehow."

Rios looking at the map of the mission scheming some way to change the course of this mess says.

"What about Bradley what's his status?"

"He is fine, his actually close to Chuy and Bakers location he should be adding them soon."


"Rios do you copy over."

Rios gets up from his chair and walks towards Houston and radios in.

"I read you Einstein what's your status?"

"Rios I… I can't deactivate the bomb computers."

"What do you mean you can't deactivate them that's what you good at."

"Sorry Rios, but somehow they overridden the code, everything when into shutdown mode. There is nothing I can do, it's over."


Rios through his microphone into the ground in rage, Houston still standing quiet not knowing either of the mission, sees Rios walking towards his desk checking on the map shakes his head and tells Houston.

"Tell him to bomb the place."

"What did you say?"

Houston didn't quiet understood what he said, he actually heard him say it, but he was just surprised that he needed to know for sure that's what he heard.

"Tell him to blow up the place."

"But Rios, what about the town, or…"

"Don't you question me about choices Houston! I would rather blow the fucking place then still have them soldiers still have them knowing too well that they would use it on their own people or worse on others! Bomb it!"

Houston was actually surprised of his orders but, he had a point, but still they were T.W.O. operatives down there, and he didn't actually want to risk their lives because of it.

"Tell him!"

Houston walks towards the radio and response back

"Einstein, set charges, blow up the place."

"What did you say?"

"I repeat, blow up the place, that's your objective understood."

"Ummm… yeah, understood. Over and out."

Houston ended the call and looked at Rios, and Rios just sit down on his chair leaning back on it gives a deep sigh, knowing being a leader comes with consequences.


March 19, 2016 Location Africa, Sudan

Einstein was looking at the bomb factory, looking for the weak points he planted C4 on every corner, every room, making sure this building would blow up into kingdom come, planting the last charge on the bomb sets the timer on, and planting it for an hour.

"Anybody reads me?"

"Loud and clear Einstein you done in there?"

It was Chuy that responded, walking down the stairs he responds back.

"Yeah, but there has been a change of plans."

"What do you mean change of plans!"

"Yeah in less in an hour this whole place, this town is going to blow up, so we have to get out of here."

"Wait… you did… holy shit, Bradley get that BTR quick! We are coming towards you alright Einstein stay put."

"Roger, have you contact Alpha, and Bravo or any of the rookies?"

"No, I think their radios went off, will find them."

"Yeah… let's hope so."


'Ugghh, my head… a loud bell ringing in my head… wha- what happen."

Closely blinking his eyes sees only blur, shaking his head and blinking more, he can start to see bits and pieces of the scene, but he can hear loud noises coming on different directions, stumbling to get his body up he looks down and sees someone that he is on top of. Looking correctly at the person he sees him with a mask, the mark on it had the figure of a bird, looks around him and sees two other people across from them hears sees one of them on the ground shooting at the south and the other with a bigger gun shooting at the north.


Snapping back in reality he realizes where he is and what had just happen, getting up quickly stumble to the wall feeling a quick pain on his leg, looking at his left thigh how a metal fragment is stuck inside, hearing the bullet hit close to the wall he was in, he aims his rifle and begins to shoot at the enemy he sees.

"Crow lift your gun and start firing!"

Crow slowly lens towards the wall and aims his sniper rifle scoping the enemy, aimis the sights to an enemy hiding behind cover, slowly took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger sending a bullet straight towards the soldiers head seeing the blood splatter hitting the wall sees his target roll towards the ground dead, and quickly starts to shoot another running across another cover.

Alpha quickly tossed a grenade on top of the roof hearing the soldiers scream from the slow reaction of the bomb, hears nothing but yells of pain from the explosion. Putting his rifle down he looks at his wound and quickly places both hands on the metal fragment, and taking a deep breath he yanked it out of it, feeling the blood, and the quick heat rushing towards his leg he puts pressure on it wraps his wound up tight making sure it wouldn't bleed more. Looks up seeing how Bravo gots a few fragments of it stuck on his right arm and sees the rookie Baron have some on his forearm, knows that they are sitting ducks in here.

"Bravo toss your grenades towards the roof and ill toss one in the street close to the soldiers below, Crow and Baron do the same thing at my mark!"

Not having the enough energy to speak, Bravo just nods his head and pulls out two grenades he has, Alpha pulling another grenade out pulls out the pin.


Pulling the pins out Bravo tossed the grenades towards the top of the roof where the soldiers where shooting them from above while Alpha tossed one below on the right, hears the loud explosion coming from the top of the house seeing the side of the stricter collapse towards the street while the other grenade did the same closing that pathway. The same thing happens behind as the rookies did the job well.

"Hurry into this building we are moving out of here!"

Bravo puts his hand under Baron's shoulder lifting him up from the ground start to walk towards Alpha, Crow getting up aims is sniper rifle making sure there was no one insight to see them.

"Come on Crow move out!"

Crow follows right behind them, Bravo holding on to Baron sees his partner taking the lead waking them into the back of the house, Alpha leans his head and notices the enemy soldiers running by the block they are in, seeing that the cost is clear he signals them to move, Bravo going in first going across the street to another house holding on to Baron. Seeing them make it, Crow stood watch and watched Alpha go in afterwards, limping towards there he made it safe signaling to Crow to go next e sprinted and made it there safely.

"We have to keep going down a few more blocks alright!"

"Alpha I can barely move man."

Alpha sees his partner shaking on his arm noticing that he is breathing a bit hard, notices that Baron, is a the same condition too. Even himself his loosing the mobility to move, looking at the house he signals Crow to break it in, and he preceded, busting the door open he walks in checking the area.

"It's clear."

Crow said Alpha walking inside finds the nearest chair sits down, Bravo walking inside also placing Baron on the ground leaning on the wall he closes the door and goes by the window leans behind the wall catching his breath.

"No sign of them yet Alpha we are clear for now."

Bravo said, while Alpha checked on his leg noticing there was another metal fragment stuck on leg, taking a deep breath he pull it out of him.

"Holy shit… damn… Crow report."

"Good Alpha, just a wound on the left side of my stomach but I'll be alright."

"Bravo status?"

"I feel like shit what do you think!"

"Yeah, same here, you Baron status?"

"Can't feel my arm, my vision is a bit blurry but I'm alive still, thanks Alpha."

Alpha checked on his rifle noticing that he haves only about 4 clips left, his ASG Combat Shotgun haves only 16 shells left, and his side arm haves 3 clips left.

"Report on ammunition."

"I got 2 clips left on my sniper, 5 clips on my MK3, and still got 6 clips on my M1911."

Crow said.

"I got 1 clip left on my X9, 3 clips on my SD3, and my Glock 18 I got 5 clips still."

Baron said, getting up from the ground walking towards his partner Bravo said.

"I got 76 bullets in my MG-40, still got about 5 clips on my rifle, and I got 2 clips on my pistol, lost most of my ammo back there."

"Ok, will just stay for now until…"

"Alpha do you copy over?"

Alpha gets up from the chair quickly responding back to a familiar voice.

"I read you Chuy what's your status?"

"Glad you guys are alive, we are heading to get Einstein, we are inside a BTR, as soon as we get him we coming to get you guys."

"Understood Chuy, will wait on your arrival sending you the coordinates we are in."

"Got them Alpha will be there soon, just hold on alright."

Alpha was about to respond back but quickly turn his head behind him aiming his rifle up towards the back of the living room, Crow, Baron, and Bravo did the same. Alpha signaling Crow to move in, Crow nods his head walking slowly towards the wall taking a peak jumps out of cover and sees no one, but could hear some noises behind a door by the kitchen, walking in slowly pulls out his side arm placing his hand on the door handle, he swung it open and the sight he saw shocked him, lowering his gun down, yells out.

"Alpha get in here"

Alpha walked and seeing by Crow saw some woman, children and elderly people behind that door. Signaling them to come out they didn't at first but slowly they did, Alpha checking on them can tell they been there for the low amount of nutrients on their faces, places them down around the kitchen.

"How many Crow?"

"I counted 27, 12 woman, 10 children, and 5 elderly people."

Bravo walks by his partner and sees the people around and knowing his partner he tell him.

"Alpha a word."

Bravo walking back to the living room, Alpha signals Crow to take care of things while he walks back towards his partner.

"What is it Bravo."

"Alpha, you know me man, but in reality we can't do anything to help this people."

"You think I don't know that. I don't like it as much as you do but we have to think of something."

"I'm with you man really, but look around you man. You, me and the rookies, are in no condition to help them, we would kill them if we tried to aid them Alpha."

Alpha was going to respond back to his partner but notices one of the elderly people captured walking towards him with Crow on his side and Alpha said.

"What Crow?"

"Umm… Baron translated of one of the people talking, and this guy said that there are about 8 more houses that have people captured, and mostly are woman and children in them."

Alpha looked at Bravo and his partner just looked at the floor, not really wanting to give him his answer because, there is really nothing he can do, and neither as Alpha, but he wanted to try at least.

"Chuy do you copy over."

"Read you alpha, but make it fast we are getting under fire getting Einstein out of there."

"I got innocent civilians in the house, requesting a transport for them."

"Alpha we…"

It was cut short for Alpha quickly heard a loud gunshot coming from the window hitting the elderly straight on his chest dropping dead on the floor seeing how the civilians heard and saw the dead person drop began to scream in fear, Alpha quickly flipping the table getting behind it Bravo getting behind the wall on the window, Crow behind the wall of the kitchen aiming it outside.

"Baron guide them back down to the basement now!"

Baron squading down moves the civilians back towards the basement, Alpha looks up and sees soldiers behind cars and top roof tops aims his gun and yells out.

"Defend this house at all cost!"

Alpha squeezing the trigger of his rifle hitting a soldier behind cover on a car, drops dead then another soldier takes his place, Bravo gets towards the left side of the wall by the window aims his gun at the right side of the street killing 3 soldiers straight towards their chest dropping them dead. Crow aims and fires at the soldiers behind cover killing one, and then another kept firing until he had to reload.

"I'm out!"

Bravo yelled out ducking down to the floor seeing that the bullets hitting where he was standing pulls out his M4 and blinds fire his rifle hitting anything his bullets can. Alpha ducking down feels some bullets going through his cover reloads his rifle and hears a loud bang looking over sees the door swung wide open, still reloading, Bravo killed one of them shooting him behind his back Crow killing another one square in the chest. Two more soldiers where coming in aiming their rifles at Bravo and Crow, Alpha tried to pull out his side arm but heard a loud gun noise going off seeing the two soldiers having holes in their chest dropping dead, turns around and sees Baron was the one that killed them.

"Good work Baron."

"Thank you Alpha."

Baron running towards the wall by the door pulls out his SD3 and begins to shoot the soldiers he could see. Bravo came out of cover and began to shoot at the enemy also pining them down cover, Crow aiming his sights towards the soldiers on the roof giving them no chance to recover, Alpha still firing his rifle looked around and seemed that they can do it. They can survive this, but in reality, the more guns win the most.

Bravo getting hit on his abdomen piercing straight towards his armor goes down on the ground, placing his wound on his stomach yells out to his partner.

"Alpha I'm hit!"

About to respond to his partner feels two quick shots on his upper back, feeling the blood drip down on his back he slumps down on his right side on the ground yelling in pain, looking at the view he sees Baron yelling at the enemy in anger, Crow concentrating in his fire, he looks at his partner and sees him holding his wound. Knowing that his upper left back is in pain feels his left arm can't move at all, forces the pain getting up he pulls out his side arm and start to fire his gun out the window getting towards his partner.

"You are going to be ok Bravo let me see!"

Bravo moves his hand out, Alpha can tell he got shot on his lower abdomen not a lethal wound but it still losing blood, placing back his hand on his wound putting pressure yells out.

"Crow, get me towels and a rope quick!"

"On it!"

Baron reloading his gun feels a quick shot on his lower leg dropping him down still in cover moves his torso and still fires at the enemy, leans back into cover yells out.

"There are too many of them Alpha!"

"Just stay alive will get through this!"

Crow comes in handing Alpha the items he order him, Crow goes towards his partner lifting him up places him behind the wall on the kitchen and Baron says too him.

"Where are you going?"

"Somebody haves to watch the front door."

"Ha, don't kill yourselves out there kid."

Crow, smirked behind his mask and sprinted towards the door, pulling out his MK3 and begin to shoot at the soldiers pushing them back.

Alpha finished patching up his partner, not a great job but it will do for now, getting by him sees his partner pulling out a pin from his grenade and tossed it toward the soldiers going under a car, hears a loud explosion coming outside and the screams of pain coming towards the soldiers.

"Alpha you copy?"

"Read you Chuy, you guys are here."

"We are inbound 10 minutes, just be ready."

"Copy, over and out."

Alpha yells out.

"Baron, get the civilians, we are out in 10 minutes."

"Shit it's about damn time!"

Bravo said blind firing his rifle brings it down, Alpha taps his shoulder and says.

"Hold on alright we are almost out of here."

"Shit don't turn all sentimental on me now."

"Haha nah, it's never been are style, and besides I'm just trying to ease your death you know."

"Yeah, and it's not working cabron."

Alpha smirked aiming his M92 out the window towards the roof killing two soldiers watching one of them dropping down towards the ground, aims his side arm down and begins to shoot the soldiers behind cover, but quickly ducks down hearing the bullets by pass him on his cover. But then he calmed down hearing a loud engine coming from a truck from outside knowing exactly who that was.

Alpha taking a peek outside sees a BTR vehicle coming this way seeing Bradley on top of the 50 caliber machine gun shooting anything on his way. Watching the vehicle pull in front sees Chuy and Baker getting out, sees Baker get behind the BTR and starts to give covering fire, while Chuy walks inside saying.

"Let's go Alpha we don't have enough time!"

"Alright, Crow get Baron and bring the civilians also we are getting out of here."

Alpha picks up Bravo from the ground starts to walk towards the door.

"Alpha we can't take the civilians."

Alpha stopped and looked back at Chuy.

"Chuy, we can at least escort them out of here!"

"Alpha there has been change of plans, we have to get out of the town quickly, and we don't have much time!"

"What change, what you are talking about."

Baron leaps towards the living room Crow catching him to keep him balance Baron seeing the civilians behind them Alpha signals the two operatives to get inside the vehicle nod their heads and quickly move to get inside.

Alpha walking outside the house holding on to his partner could hear the bullets hitting on the BTR metal seeing Crow, and Baron inside aids Bravo to get in, now seeing that his partner his safe turns around and looks at the civilians walking towards the door he yells out to Chuy.

"What change what are you talking about!"

"There was a problem with the bombs, we couldn't find Hassan Mohammed, and he was never here. Rios order Einstein to blow up the place, and with that much inside this whole town his going to blow, we have to get out here less than 30 minutes!"

Alpha turn wide eye 'The whole town, b-but… the woman, a-and children…' Alpha saw Baker baking off and getting inside the BTR, looks at a woman walking outside the door with a child on her arms, he turns his head and radios in.

"Rios do you copy over!"

No responds.

"Rios I know you can hear me! I got civilians here with me, woman, and children I repeat they are woman and children in this town Rios!"

No responds.

"Rios gods dammit, don't you fucking do this to me! I got innocent lives down here…!"

Chuy taps on Alpha shoulder, turning his head he looks at him.

"Alpha we have to go."

Chuy getting inside the vehicle, Alpha turns his head seeing the woman walking close to him, looking straight into her eyes she can see that she knows what's going to happen, seeing her eyes full of sorrow she slowly expands her arms carrying her child trying to give it to Alpha. Not knowing what to do he sees the whole civilians looking at him, the children holding on to their mothers looking at him for a way of hope, he clinched his hands into a fist, looking at the woman infront of him he turns away getting inside the vehicle. Looking outside one more time, putting his head down ashamed he closed the door, hearing Baker yelling.

"Step on it Einstein, go, go, go!"

Alpha leaning his back on the cold armor metal, looks down on his partner laying on the ground while Baker his aiding his wound, Chuy is checking on the rookies injuries also, looking up he can hear Bradley shooting the 50 caliber machine gun. Feeling the movement of the vehicle he looks back and sees that they are exiting the town, still feeling the bullets hitting the metal.

"How much time do we have left Einstein!"

Chuy yelled out.

"We got 10 minutes brace your selves!"

Seeing how they are getting further, and further away from the town, Alpha still kept on looking back, and within a few more minutes, the only thing he saw was a beam of light, hearing the blast of the explosion going off, feels the wave of the vehicle shake a bit but looking in the horizon, he only sees a mushroom cloud still showing where the town used to be.

"Amp do you copy over."

"I read you Einstein go ahead over."

"We are heading to the rendezvous for extraction, inbound 15 minutes."

"Roger that Einstein, see you guys here."

Alpha looking at his hands seeing the shaking on them, not knowing if it is the movement of the vehicle or not, he clench his hands into a fist, leaning his head back looking up in the ceiling and said only himself can be heard.

"I'm sorry."


March 20, 2016 Location T.W.O Base

Looking up in the white ceiling notices the time on the clock hanging on the wall by the door sees that is 3 am in the morning, he looks at his bandage wounds knowing that his pain is relived and healed, looks at the doc and says.

"Hey doc can I go now."

The doctor looks at his patient and shakes his head and says.

"I'm afraid not Bravo you are to stay in that bed until I know your wound on your stomach is healed, you are lucky it didn't actually bleed out to death, good thing Alpha wrapped you up good there."

Bravo sighs and leans his back a bit upwards to be comfortable, says back to the doctor.

"Where is Alpha, is he alright?"

"He is fine, I released him just 20 minutes ago, but he didn't look the same when he walked in here."

"What do you mean?"

"His face, I seen many emotions in my life, but his was… like he was dead… like he…"

"Stop doc, you don't have to say no more."

"Ah, sorry… just rest alright. You guys did well."

Bravo just stood quiet, leans his body back resting on the bed taking a deep breath in just closes his eyes and rests, knowing too well how to lose innocent lives in his past, he just can't imagine his partner is going through.


"That's the report of the mission Rios."

Houston said handing him the paper work, Rios was sitting on his chair still, reaching his hand towards the paper work, looking at it for a few minutes he nods his head setting it down, Einstein was still standing in the room seeing how Houston signaling him to leave, nodding his head moving towards the door was stopped for he heard.

"How many?"

Einstein turned around and looked at Rios, Houston looked also but put his head down knowing he wouldn't like the answer.

"How many Einstein?"

"Most of the causalities where from the soldiers, but the innocent civilians captured where about 400."

Rios nodding his head says again.


Einstein nods his head and starts to walk out the room, leaving Houston and Rios alone. Getting out of his seat he walks towards the table in the middle of the room, looking down at the maps.

"It feels just like Shanghai only slightly different… this was my choice and the cause of killing hundreds to save thousands or even millions if I didn't make that call."

Houston just stood quiet; Rios now turning around facing him says one last thing.

"My lack of judgment has been fading lately, picking mission with lack of information is something I don't do without knowing for sure… just make sure they rest well, this was my call not theirs."

"You got it Rios, and also take care of yourselves too my friend, as soldiers choices are things that we all have to sacrifice."

With that Houston walked out the room, Rios walking towards his chair, he sat down and looked at the paper work lying there, feeling his blood boil in rage he swung the papers out of his desk.


March 20, 2016 Location Denver, Colorado

"In other news, there was a biological bomb explosion in the country of Africa in a small town name Nassim in Sudan had been exploded, killing not just hundreds but thousands in the blast, U.N. Soldiers arrived after counting that the many death where hostile soldiers from Hassan Mohammed which is still unknown of his presence, counting a total of 2,107 soldiers dead in the town, and a total of 436 innocent civilians, men, woman, and children died in this blast, and right now the government is looking for Hassan, Mohammed for this is his crime he committed.

In other new the governor of Mexico has come with a conclusion of the aid of the Mayor of 'La Puerta' Mr. Juan 'Angelo' Cordova will annonce his answer on June 17, hopefully it will all turn out well for this town and now going to the weather report with…"

Alpha turning off the radio from his car, kept on looking on the road still, feeling his leg still wounded from his previous mission, feels the burning stings on his muscles. Then he could hear a voice in the distances, looking in the back view mirror he didn't see anything checking he turned off the radio, it was off. Hearing another voice, this time it was different, it was a female's voice. 'What the hell?' He kept on looking at the road but his mind kept on hearing the same voice over and over again, saying why. 'Why what!' Alpha looking in the road started to see his vision changing, blinking quickly shaking his head kept on hearing the same voice again, but with so much pain in her voice.

Shaking it off hears screams of a child, 'No… there was nothing I could of done…' then he heard the female voice calling out the same thing again. This time his vision became different he saw a woman holding a child in her arms and looked straight at Alpha. 'What do you want!'

She lifted her hand pointing straight at him and kept on saying Why but she was not the only one, different woman started to come out behind her, also fathers holding their young ones pointing straight at him 'I'm… I couldn't save you all, I-I dint have a choice!' but they started to surround him and kept on repeating every word over and over again until she looked in front of him for only he could of heard her say he yelled out.


Alpha stopped his car not knowing he arrived at his own home, breathing heavily seeing that he couldn't hear the voices anymore his vision came back to him and he could see the house clearly. 'Damn, damn, damn!' slamming his hands on the hand wheel of his car. Getting out of it he felt his wounded leg becoming weak, he kept on walking towards the house but his thoughts where elsewhere. 'No… I won't let that happen… I won't… ever' but he was interrupted when he heard a very familiar voice he recognizes.

"Welcome home Alex."

Alpha was actually inside the house, surprised to himself that he was in the middle of the hallway of the living room tries to focus his mind together sees Fiona standing right in front of him with her blue sweats and white tank top looks at her emerald eyes, the same loving eyes he adores every time he sees them. Yet again his mind kept on hearing the voices coming again. Wrapping his arms around her brought her close to his chest, Fiona was a bit surprised of his action, but she just leaned her head on his chest listening to the rhythm of his heart, knowing that he is actually here.

"Are you ok, did something happen?"

Fiona felt a worry because he didn't say anything back to her and she can feel it, she can feel the tense in his body, but Alpha just kept her close, knowing that she is there, here with him. All in his mind he could say was 'I'm sorry'

Well here is another chapter hoped you guys enjoyed it.