So, if you've seen this video, then you'll understand it a bit better. Watch it before, after, during, I don't care, but this is what you use:


Or just look up MP3 Experiment Ten by ImprovEverywhere. It's really cool.

Percy told me that we were invited to an event, which was taking place in Manhattan. I glanced at him. "What event?"

"It this pretty cool thing that happens every year… It's hard to explain, but I want you to participate with me," he said, grinning.


"Sweet! Let me just get mine and Tyson's iPods…" he muttered, searching his drawers in a flurry.

"What? IPods?"

He stopped searching and looked at me. "Please tell me you know what an iPod is."


"Why do I even try?" he said, laughing. "It's an event called the MP3 experiment. It's the tenth anniversary, and we'll be taking place. Today in particular, is great."

"Why today?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You really don't remember?" he asked, grabbing two small devices with a pair of headphones.


"What day is it, Annie?" he asked, grabbing two red pieces of cloth and putting them in a bag.

"Um, July 18th-" Annabeth stopped herself and groaned. "Did I really-"

"Forget?" Percy suggested. "Yeah, but I don't blame you. It's okay."

"Shit! How did I forget the first day we met?"

"It's been two years; it's no biggie," he said with a shrug, adjusting his cannula. He grabbed two dollar bills and placed them in his bag. He also grabbed two "I Love NYC!" shirts, tossing one to me. "Put that on!" he said, taking his cannula off briefly to put his on.

While slipping the large shirt over my attire, I said, "Why?"

"Just trust me, Annabeth. It'll be fun."

"Fine," I muttered.

Percy checked the time. "Shit! Come on, we'll be late!"

He managed to toss me the iPod, telling me to press "MP3 10" at exactly 3:00 P.M.

We ran up the stairs (well, I ran, he merely walked as fast as he could), to the front door where Mrs. Jackson ushered us into the car.

Then, we drove.

It didn't take too long to arrive at South Street Seaport, Pier 15.

Percy told me to slip on the headphones, and Mrs. Jackson said she'd pick us up later.

I looked around, seeing hundreds of others, also wearing headphones, checking the time.

Percy looked excited, and promised me that what was about to happen would be amazing.

I checked the time. 2:57.

I opened up the folder and took some time to find the proper MP3 file.

"MP3 10".

I checked the time again. 3:00.

I pressed play, and immediately heard a deep, obviously auto tuned voice.

Welcome to the MP3 Experiment 10. My name is Steve, and I'll be your omnipotent voice today!

Follow my instructions and we'll all have a pleasant time together.

I glanced at Percy, and he grinned, flashing me a thumbs up.

When I say go, I want everyone to crawl on the ground.

I heard laughter around me, and couldn't help but let out a small laugh myself.

Okay, ready? Go.

For the next ten minutes, Percy and I crawled, and albeit feeling like an idiot, watching others be idiots was comforting, too.

People glanced at us, laughing in amusement, but a lot of people glanced at Percy in particular. He didn't seem to care.

I want everyone to stop crawling, and everyone must lie down on the ground, on your back.

Percy and I fell back, laughing. I muttered to him, "This better get better, Percy. I want excitement!"

He merely grinned. People all around us were filming. A guy was looked at me in particular, and he practically reeked douchebag.

He gave me the "call me!" signal, and I flipped him off, Percy snickered next to me.

The voice spoke again.

Get up! I want you to stand behind a stranger who is not wearing headphones and follow their every move.

Percy and I got up, quickly moving behind a man as he filmed things with his cell phone. Everyone followed him around, making the same gestures as him, and he seemed totally cool with it. He even laughed when he noticed.

I looked around. Some strangers were dancing, while people with headphones danced with him in unison. Some flapped their arms like birds. It was a real sight.

Take out your dollar bill now.

Percy took out two, handing me one.

Find a new random stranger and give them a dollar bill.

I grabbed Percy's hand, laughing as I dragged him to a girl sitting with her friend as she was given dozens and dozens of dollar bills. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" she laughed, shoving the handful in her bag as more came to her.

Start walking now to the wooden area.

Once we reached the area, I looked around, breathless. Thousands of people all around us, participating in such a cool activity. I glanced at Percy, who awkwardly held my hand, smiling.

"Thanks, Seaweed Brain."

"Anytime, Wise girl."

He looked breathless from all this standing, and leaned against me for support.

In a minute, I want us all to jump up in a wave. We will start with the people sitting closest to the fodder, and move like a wave, all the way down the crowd to the people closest to the street.

Everyone crouched down in anticipation as the count down took place.





I could hear the cheering as people began to jump, and I could only imagine what this looked like from above.

It took a few seconds before the wave reached us, and we jumped, laughing joyously. The crowd began high-fiving, yelling things like, "That was awesome!"

"It isn't over yet," Percy told me. "They usually last longer."

Great job everyone. Take your nametag paper and fold it into a paper airplane now.

I glanced at Percy, who handed me a pre-folded paper airplane with my name printed in blue marker. He pulled out his own, holding it.

Ready? One, two, three - throw!

A mass of paper airplanes began flying all over the place, and the voice said to keep throwing whatever lands near you. We continued to throw and throw and throw, watching these pieces of paper fly. It was probably an amazing sight from the buildings that surrounded us. I was throwing tons of planes.

"32!" I yelled, laughing.

"What?" Percy asked, looking at me.

"I threw thirty planes!" I said, grinning. He fist bumped me in response, smirking.

Take out your red fabric item from your bag.

Percy handed me a red bandana, grabbing his own, I reached up to put it on, when-

Now flap your red item in the air and wave it like a flag. I want to see as much red flag in the air as possible!

People cheered, waving their red in the air. Percy and I grinned like idiots, calling out our occasional cry of joy.

Get ready to toss your red item in the air on three.





We all threw our red in the air, cheering. We kept grabbing more, throwing more, and laughing more.

Take your bubbles out and prepare to blow.

Percy grinned and pulled out two of those oversized bubble blowers, handing me one. We dipped it in the mix. When given the cue, we waved them in the air, watching the thousands of bubbles fly. It was so cool, watching the light refract against the bubbles, showing greens and purples and pinks in the air.

Thanks to everyone who participated today, and in all of our experiments for the past ten years. It's now time for me to say goodbye.

It was coming to the end, and that was disappointing, but there was always next year, right?

Look up at the sky, and on my cue, wave and yell goodbye.


I dropped the bubble maker,


I threw my arms around Percy's neck,


I kissed him, as the choruses of a thousand goodbyes were yelled.

ElmoDaHorse: Thank you! :D

Dynatide: Thank you very much :D Poor Percy indeed.

Review! It's really easy, plus I update faster and don't tend to go on a random Hiatus. :P
