Disclaimer: I don't know why I have to put this here. Chris told us to mention that we don't own the show or any of the contestants and anything we say is does not reflect Chris or the producers.

Alejandro and I decided that we were going to do this and allow the paparazzi and fans to ask us any questions you want. This is the first time that we are speaking to anyone publicly since the third season has ended. I've seen on here that a few other contestants have done this! I promise you that this is going to be better! because it's both of us doing this! Alejandro and I are the first couple to do this and that just proves that we're better then Gwuncan as the fans seem to like to call them...

You already know my account name and his is DevillishlyHandsome

You can privately message him or me with any questions you have or you can comment them to us. write your questions like this




That way we know who you want to answer it! We know this is going to be amazing!

Gwen and Duncan: If you're reading this don't you dare steal our idea!

Ask Away!