AN: Thanks once again for the incredible response to this story! To the reviewer who changed their mind about thinking I shouldn't add to the first chapter after having read the second, I can't tell you how much your comment meant to me. Hopefully this last chapter doesn't end the story on a less-than-positive note. I was trying to shift back and forth between perspectives and wanted to include what little dialogue I could envision our beloved characters having, so this chapter is more of a series of related vignettes than anything else, but hopefully they come full circle with the other two chapters. As before, your reviews are more than appreciated!
"Oh, boy."
"We are so screwed."
He threw back his head and laughed.
When was the last time he'd laughed in bed like this?
By unspoken agreement they didn't talk about it. It wasn't like she was capable of any real thought right now, anyway. He'd pulled her close after they'd caught their breaths, surprising her once again. Who'd have thought Mr. I-Don't-Do-Hugs was a cuddler? He stroked her arm and her hair, and she pulled herself up for a kiss. It started out gentle, slow and sweet, and stayed that way even as they kept kissing each other back, interspersing their kisses with smiles. By then she was almost completely on top of him; they broke apart once she realized the effect their kisses were having.
He smiled, a little bashfully, and shrugged.
"And here I was planning on seducing you."
"Jess? You're lying on top of me naked and we're kissing. It's not going to take much." His eyes were twinkling.
Since when did his eyes do that? She smiled, a bit mischievously. "I guess I'll have to save my plans for another time, then."
He was still trying to wrap his head around "another time" when she started kissing him again.
Once again, it was like nothing either of them had expected: light, easy, almost silly. Giggles turning into sighs. The awkwardness both of them had worriedly anticipated in the past never materialized. Instead, Nick's suggestion of "Your turn" was met with a coy smile and an "Okay" as she took the lead, and he'd never thought he'd be that turned on by goofy flirting, but then he'd never expected to encounter any while the object of his desire was moving above him. Once again, he couldn't look away; enthralled, he watched her lose herself in him, and took over their movements when she was no longer able to control hers. She kissed him, passionately, at the end, and it was just as perfect as the first time.
More laughter. A little less shock, this time. Just as much bliss.
"I guess we're good at this." She yawned, mid-sentence, then laughed. "I don't think I can move."
He looked proud of himself. His grin, which felt as if it was permanently stuck to his face, grew larger.
"Then don't."
"I wasn't planning on it, but do you know what happened to my pillow?"
"Here." He found the one on his side of the bed, propped her up, and placed it under her head. Searched among the covers, then the floor, for the other one; found it on the floor at the foot of the bed and placed it next to hers, and then lay down facing her. He found her hand and held it, his thumb moving back and forth. She yawned again.
"I don't know why I'm so tired."
He started laughing. Again. She did, too. "I don't even know what to say to that."
"I think you must've fried my brain. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore."
They lay there, in companionable silence, as her eyes started to close.
"Goodnight, Jess." An almost-whisper.
"Goodnight, Nick." A sleepy murmur.
He stayed there, watching her, until his eyes closed in spite of himself.
Thinking was definitely overrated.