Bunny was finding it hard to contain his joy every time he walked into his mate's room now. It had been three days since Jack had woken up and evyday that passed he was gaining more and more of his strength back. Jack was still spend a fair amount of time sleeping but that was to be expected.

Today had been the first day Bunny had left his mate's side for more than a few minutes. Although he wanted to stay and be with his family he had to ready the Warren for when they finally did return. The nursury had only been built for two and with a third kit Bunny needed to make some changes to the room. He was glad now that Jack had insisted on making it bigger otherwise he would have had a lot more work. In the mean time Bunny had left Tooth and North to watch over Jack in his absence. Althought Jack's strenght was returning he still wasn't ready to be left alone with the kits. He still tired easily and would be overwhemled in no time.

Bunny walked in to see Jack hold one of their daughters as he feed her. Tooth was holding and feeding the other one while North did the same for the boy. The three were talking quitely as they feed the kits. None of them seem to notice Bunny's presence. Bunny didn't mind however taking the chance just to watch his mate hold their daughter. It was a sight that he had hope to see so many times when the kits had first been born, and feared that he would never.

"Ah Bunny," North bellowed when he notice the pooka standing in the doorway. Bunny gave the room a slight wave as both Jack and Tooth looked up.

"Aster," Jack greeted happily.

"Hey love," Bunny greeted crossing the distance of the room and coming to sit next to him on the bed "how ya feelin'," Bunny asked wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Better," Jack answered looking up at Bunny.

"Good, and how are the little ankle bitters haven't been given ya ta much grief 'ave they," Bunny asked partly joking.

"No, they've been angels," Jack replied happily "so how are things in the Warren," Jack asked as he continued to feed their daughter. Bunny watch as she continued to drink her formula happily oblivious to the world that surrounded her.

"Earth to Aster," Jack called Bunny's name breaking his trance.

"What, huh," Bunny asked. Jack giggled slightly.

"I asked how are things back home," Jack said repeating the question.

"Oh," Bunny said shyly "everythin' will be ready by the time ya and the kits ta go home," Bunny answerd nuzzling Jack neck slightly. A small whine drew their attention back down to their daughter who had finished her bottle. She was pawing at it to try and push it a way from her face. Two more small whines told the two parents that the others finished as well.

"Ya want me ta take 'er," Bunny asked.

"Na, I got her, but you might want to get our son from North so he can get back to work," Jack suggested looking over to older man. The old Cossack looked as if he wanted to argue until he looked over to the clock.

"Da, sounds like good idea. Did not realize et vas dis late," North said standing you. Bunny stood with him so he could take his from him as he passed "I vill see you all at dinner," North said before he turned and walked out the door.

"Dinner," Bunny asked turning back to Jack as he rocked their son gently.

"Yes dinner, as in a family dinner. North said it would be good for me to start moving around some, and then Tooth though that a family dinner would be a good place to start." Jack explain as he to rocked their daughter.

"Are ya sure yer up to it," Bunny asked not sure if he was okay with the idea.

"Yes I'm sure, I've been cooped up in this room far long for my liking, besides its not like I'm suggesting to go flying or anything. Just a change of sceneary is all," Jack reasoned. Bunny couldn't help but see his reasoning. He knew Jack wasn't the type to stay cooped up in one place for too long. The fact that he hadn't tried to leave the room since he had woken up was something in itself.

"I suppose yer right," Bunny said after a moment of consideration. He didn't want Jack up and around yet, but he knew better than to argue the matter further.

Later that evening the five guardian's gathered for their first family dinner in almost a month. North had a crib set up in the dinning room for the kits while they ate. They laughed and talked while they ate.

Jack was feeling the most at ease that he had since before the kits were born. He was finally feeling life returning to a since of normalcy, and he couldn't have been happier.

Bunny glanced over to Jack, and couldn't help but smile. He loved seeing his Jack so happy. In that moment he knew nothing made him happier than being surrounded by his family.

They were about halfway through with dinner when their attention was drawn to the kits's crib. Bunny made a move to get up but was quickly stilled by Jack placing a hand on his paw. He looked up to Jack wanting to ask what was wrong.

"Let me get them," Jack said lovingly. Bunny want to say he could take carry of it, but something about Jack's eye told him not to. Instead he smile and nodded. Jack returned the smile as he rose from his seat and when to the crib.

Bunny watched him go with a fond smile. It was a wonderful sight to see Jack having the energy to be able to tend to the kits.

"Aster!" Jack exclaimed when he looked into the crib.

"What is it," Bunny asked slightly paniced. Jack didn't answer as he pointed to the kit with an excited smile. Bunny look into the crib and was suprised by what he saw. There staring up at him were three bright pairs of eyes looking up at him. What caught him by even more surprise were their colors. He had been expecting the girls to get Jack's blue eye and the boy to have his green. What he saw shocked him. All three had both green and blue eyes. The girls were a bright sapphire blue around the pupil that some how managed to go morph into the emerald green of his own eyes as it move to the whites of their eyes. The boys was the opposite of his sisters starting with his father's emerald green before moving to his dame's sapphire blue. The sight was breath taking as Bunny just stood by his mate staring at the kits beautiful eyes. Their color unlike any that they had ever seen before. It was truly magical.

Author's Note:

Well that took longer to up load than I had planned. Sorry been a little disracted the last couple of days. I've actually been toy with the idea of starting a new story set in this time line only it would be about how Bunny and Jack fell in love with one another. Would you guys even read it if I were to write it. Don't get me wrong I still love this one and I would still update when I could but my mind is wanting a change of pace.

Anyways back to the latest chapter. I gave this one a lot of thought. Especially what color the kits's eyes would be. At first the girls were going to have Jack's blue and Bunny's green, but that just seemed predictable. Then I thought about swapping the colors, but again predictable. My third idea was to give them a mix between the two with a nice teal, but as I was writting I saw them having gradient color eyes between the two colors. Anyways please let me know how you liked the chapter and review. Until next time...