~13 years later~
"Did you ever think our life would end up like this?" I ask as I take a sip of my tea on the couch. She looks over at me and smiles.
"Not in a million years" I laugh because out of all of us she's the one that's changed and grown the most. I mean she kind of had to. "After that really big fight our second year in college I honestly didn't think we would ever talk to each other again"
"Forgiveness seemed impossible then" I frown a little when I say that.
"I'm really sorry but don't get sad on me. We worked it out. We're okay. I can't even remember what the fight was about"
"It was because..." I stop when I see the look she's giving me. A look that means shut up it doesn't matter anymore.
"I can't remember either" She rolls her eyes and laughs.
"Can I ask you something though?"
"Anything" I tell her with a smile.
"What's up with this tea? It tastes like shit" I glare at her.
"Language" You would think she wouldn't curse now but that mouth hasn't changed one bit.
"Sorry" She mumbles.
"There's some wine in the refrigerator if you like. I just needed some tea. My throat is a little scratchy from all the yelling I did last night"
"Too much sex?" I swat her arm and she laughs.
"It's my stupid no good interns. I had to yell at them every five minutes. They've been acting like they have never been in a hospital before"
"Weren't you an intern not too long ago?"
"Yeah around four years ago. I'm a senior resident now thank you very much"
"Wow already?" I nod. "Time really has been flying by"
"This year I take my boards and become an official doctor"
"Wait...what do you mean an official doctor? After all this time you're still not a doctor? So you've been operation on people without a license?" I roll my eyes. I think I've explained this to her a million times and yet she still hasn't gotten it.
"I am a doctor. I became a doctor the minute I became a resident but after my boards I can have the official title and don't have to have the attending doctors look over me"
"That's dumb" I shrug at her and take a sip of my tea, placing it back down on the table after I'm done. "Hey remember that one time you were working the ER and a man came in yelling that his wife was having their baby in the taxi cab outside"
"Oh my god shut up. I was working a twenty four hour shift. I was tired" I say as I drop my head in my hands.
"Is that what you told the poor women whose dress you lifted up and underwear you took off?"
"Yes...well no I didn't tell her I was tired. But I did apologize over and over to her for getting in the wrong cab and doing what I did. She was very understanding"
"Understanding Rach, she wasn't even pregnant. How could you not noticed that?" She tells me while laughing.
"My brain was tired. It's not my fault it just picked a cab and went into auto drive" She continues to laugh at me. "Jerk" I hit her with a pillow. "Since we're on the subject, did I tell you about the patient and the jelly?" She starts to slowly stop laughing and shakes her head no. "I was doing my hospital rounds one morning and checked on this one patient I had" I begin to tell her. "I asked her how her morning was going and she told me very good except she didn't like the Kentucky Jelly she had this morning. She said she couldn't get used to the taste"
"Does your hospital jelly not taste good or something?"
"My hospital doesn't have Kentucky Jelly" I tell her and she gives me a confused look. "I asked my patient if I could see the so called Kentucky Jelly and she gave me this foil packet labeled KY Jelly and I almost lost it in front of her. I had to quickly excuse myself from the room and I hid in a storage closet where I think I laughed for a good five maybe ten minutes"
"No way, she was eating lube. Like that kind you use for sex?"
"It's not used for sex at the hospital but yes she was eating lube"
"Did you ever tell her it was lube?"
"Are you crazy? I just told her that I told the cafeteria staff not serve her that anymore and to give her pudding instead" We both look at each other and then start cracking up.
"What's funny mommy?" We both try to control ourselves enough to give our attention to the curious little brown eyes that are staring at us.
"Hey baby boy"
"What's funny?" He repeats.
"Nothing baby what are you doing in here? I thought you were playing outside?" I watch the two interact with each other and my heart just melts. It's the sweetest thing in the world.
"I was. I counting and they hiding but I got thirsty. Can I have some juice pwease?"
"You got to ask that lady right over there" She tells him and then points at me.
"She not a lady Mom, that's Auntie Rachel" He says and we both start laughing. "It's not funny"
"You're right kid that is Auntie Rachel"
"I not a kid, I'm Jacob" He tells us with a little pout.
"Come on Mister Jacob I think I have some apple juice in the refrigerator" A big smile spreads across his face and he takes off running into the kitchen.
"I'll be right back" I excuse myself and get up.
"No wait Rae I'll get it. He's my monster"
"He's not a monster" I tell her. "Just stay there. I'll even bring some wine back for you" I leave into the kitchen and pour Jacob some juice and pour a glass of wine. I come back to the living room and hand her the glass.
"Mommy I don't want to play outside no more. Can I watch cartoons pwease?"
"You have to ask your auntie, that's her TV"
"Auntie Rachel can I watch cartoons? Pwease" Jacob has the biggest and cutest smile on his face that you can't say no too. Not that I would.
"Of course, do you know how to turn the TV on?"
"Yes I a big boy"
"Okay big boy go ahead and watch some cartoons" I watch Jacob grab the remote and turn on the TV but that's all he really knows how to do so I get up and help him. "Should we go tell the others that he's inside?" I ask when I take a seat back on the couch.
"No way let those losers keep hiding" Even though I feel a little bad not saying anything I just shake my head and smile.
"So how's work going, anything exciting?"
"Not really. I wish I had exciting stories to tell but I work with adults all day. I mean the worse thing I can have is someone with bad breath" I laugh. "Jacobs's birthday is coming up"
"In two week, right?" She nods. "I can't believe he's going to be five"
"I know I feel like it was just yesterday when I found out I was pregnant. I remember I was so scared to tell you"
"Scared to tell me?"
"Well yeah. I didn't know what you were going to say. How you were going to react"
"Honestly I was disappointed. But after I got passed that and knew you were okay with this I was really happy. But I'm never going to be okay with Jacob's father. I still can't believe you slept with…"
"Ahh I know, I know" She says as she rubs her temples and shakes her head. "I don't know what I was thinking" I roll my eyes.
"I'm glad he's here though" I nod in Jacob's direction. "I don't know what life would be like without that little boy"
"I know what my life would be like. Quiet. Clean and most all I'd still be able to party"
"Didn't you party enough in High School and College? Haven't you gotten that all out of your system? I know I did. Just saying partying makes me tired"
"God you make us sound like we're ancient now"
"J, are you in here?" We both turn our heads towards the back door.
"He's watching TV" I shout.
"You guys could have told us he came inside. We've been out there hiding like idiots"
"Exactly why I told Rachel not to say anything"
"You two knock it off and watch your language. Little kids have big ears and will pick up and repeat everything"
"Sorry" They both tell me at the same time.
"Hey why do you guys have a brand new boxed up baby crib in the garage?" I look over and see Noah walking into the house. "It was under a bunch of blankets"
"You're such a dick. Stay out of the garage"
"San watch your language" I scold her. "And what do you mean there's a new crib in the garage?" I ask Noah.
"It was supposed to be a surprise" Santana speaks out before Noah has the chance and I just look at her. "I couldn't help it. I had to buy it" She says with a shrug and I just grin at her.
"Umm…hello, you want to fill us in here? The grin is still on my face when I turn and look at Sara who's sitting on the couch next to me. "Are you…" I slowly start to shake my head yes. "Is that the real reason you were making us drink that shitty tea?"
"No" I laugh. "I did have a rough day with my interns"
"So J bird is finally getting a cousin?" Noah says.
"Yes. I didn't want to say anything or buy" I look over at Santana. "Anything yet but it looks like we are"
"Bout time Lopez. It only took what? Two years" Noah teases.
"Hey it's not my fault I don't produce sperm and have to do it a different way. Besides even if I did have sperm we probably wouldn't have had one till now anyways right Rach?" I nod in agreement.
"Daddy I want to go home" We all turn our heads to a sleepy Jacob whose rubbing his eyes. Noah picks him up and Jacob rest his head on his shoulder.
"Guess that's our cue to go home" Sara says as she gets up and I get up as well. "I'm really happy for you guys"
"Thank you" I tell Sara as I give her a hug. I walk over to Noah and Jacob and give a small hug to Noah and a kiss on Jacobs's forehead and then walk them all to the door.
"Don't let the door hit you on the way out" Santana tells Sara as she walks out the front door. Sara rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to say something but Santana quickly shuts the door on her.
"After all these years you would think you two would be nice and cordial to each other. I mean how many people can actually say that they're still friends with someone they knew when they little? Plus she's in a relationship with one of your good friends" Santana pecks my lips.
"I don't care"
"Yes you do"
"No I really don't" I grin and shake my head yes while she shakes her head no.
"Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" I ask Santana as we're getting ready for bed.
"I don't know. I just want a healthy baby"
"That's bullshit" I tell San and she just raises her eyebrow at me.
"You're really hot when you curse like that"
"I'm being serious" I tell her as I get in the bed and she follows right after.
"So am I"
"San" I whine as I turn to my side.
"Okay fine. I guess I've always wanted a boy but having a girl wouldn't be that bad either. I think no matter what we have Jacob is going to be a pain"
"What do you mean?"
"Well if we have a boy you know those two are going to get into a lot of trouble together and if we have a girl we're going to hear her complain that J beat up whoever she's dating. He'll be just like Puck" I smile but my smile fades. "I know what you're thinking and when the time comes and he or she asks about their father we'll tell them if they want "
"Even after all these years you still know what I'm thinking"
"Of course I do" She tells me with a smile.
"Do you...do you think Sara and Noah will ever tell Jacob?" Santana shakes her head no.
"No. There's no reason too. Puck's little J's dad, that's all he knows. He doesn't even know that asshole George Michael exist and I'm glad for that"
"I still can't believe Noah stepped up like that"
"I can. Believe it or not Puck's actually a good guy"
"I wasn't saying he wasn't. It's just... not a lot of guys would do that you know"
"I know but if there's one thing about Puck is that he hates and I mean hates when guys knock up girls and don't stick around to take care of their business. It probably has something to do with his dad leaving when he was younger"
"She could have done it on her own though"
"Probably but Puck wouldn't have let her. He thinks every kid deserves to have two parents whether it be two moms, two dads, a mom and dad even if they are separated he thinks they deserve two. Plus Puck cares about Sara. I know I shouldn't be telling you this but he's always had a crush on Sara since the first day he met her" I roll my eyes. "So to be a father to her child was something I knew he would do even though he didn't have too. I'm sure if we weren't together and it happened to one of us he would do the same thing or at least try to be there. Puck's got a good heart"
"I think I just fell in love with Noah" I kid and San makes a disgusted face.
"Gross Rach" I just laugh.
"God Sara's such an idiot?" I say with a sigh as I lay on my back.
"Finally you agree with me" I turn and glare at San and she smirks.
"I told her Jeremy was no good" I start to say. "He's the reason why we fought in college. We didn't talk for a year because of him. Then when she dumped him finally I thought it was all over with but no a few years later he comes by and what does she do? She sleeps with him" I shake my head in disappointment.
"Well he's gone forever now so who cares"
"What if he shows up again?"
"Oh he won't" Santana has this mischievous look on her face that lets me know something was done that will guarantee Jeremy will never come back.
"I don't want to know"
"I wasn't going to tell you"
"So what do you think of Raymond" I say changing the subject.
"Our babies name"
"Why Raymond?"
"It's the boy version of my name" I tell her with a smile.
"And why does the baby get named after you?"
"He can be named after you too. He'll be Raymond San..." I stop to thinking about it. Is there a boy version of Santana's name?
"Can't think of the boy name for me?" She says with a laugh.
"Santiago. Ha!" I say while sticking my tongue out at her. "Raymond Santiago"
"Poor kid" I frown. I think it's a cute name. "What if it's a girl?"
"That's easy. Rayana. Rayana Tara"
"You do know we don't have to mix our names together to name our child right?"
"I know but I think it's cute. Don't you?" Santana scoots down till her face is right by my stomach. She lifts my shirt and presses a kiss on it.
"Dear baby, your mommy is crazy. Whatever we name you please don't hate me for it. It was all your mommy's idea"
"San" She presses another kiss on my stomach before coming and presses a kiss on my lips.
"I'm sorry I bought the crib without you" She tells me.
"That's okay I kind of...sort of...bought a few things myself" Santana smirks at me. "I couldn't help it. Baby clothes are so cute"
"Just as long as you didn't go too over board"
"I umm...I didn't spend too much" I tell her as I turn over to my other side.
"Oh no, you don't. How much did you spend?" Santana asks when she rolls be back over to her.
"Okay so I might have spent around...maybe...after taxes...around two hundred dollar" I quickly bite my bottom lip.
"Rachel Barbara Berry! Two hundred dollars?"
"I couldn't help it" Santana sighs.
"We don't even know the sex of the baby how could you buy two hundred dollars worth of clothing if you don't know what color to get?"
"I bought the unisex colors. You know yellow and green" San shakes her head at me but I know she isn't really mad.
"No more spending okay?"
"Okay" She puts her arm over me and pulls me in close to her.
"I love you, you crazy women" I push back into her and she laughs.
"I love you too"
AN: Thank you to all that read and stuck with this story. I appreciate it. I didn't want to end it but it was time. Maybe I'll come back with little one shots of their college days and parenting life. Who knows :)