Day two! :D I don't have much time, so I'll reply to reviews tomorrow. For now, please enjoy something that I had trouble thinking up ideas for~

You know how that saying goes? That there's a first time for everything? Well, that's true, I know – but some first times are more important than others.

I can apply a lot of 'first times' to my relationship with Sam; the first time I took her flying, the first time we kissed, the first time she told me she loved me…

They were all easy, they were all special and they were all private. We kept those memories to ourselves and they were important because we didn't have to share them with anyone. And I'm sure there will be memories we make in the future that will be like that, too.

"Oh my gosh, is that Danny Phantom?"

"What? Where?"

"Over there!"

"It is!"

Of course, this sort of thing was expected when you were me, but, when you had no other choice, you learned to deal with it; the buzz over my true identity died down eventually after it was revealed although I know that it will never truly stop. I signed autographs daily. Some days more than others. Sometimes I got really annoyed by it and refused to leave home, or spend my outing invisible. I'd get my friends to do stuff for me.

Sam and I at this moment in time were on holiday in the UK, queuing for The Swarm in Thorpe Park. It was hot, humid and everyone was pressed way too close together. Something was on (controlled) fire nearby and just made everything worse. I sent silent thanks to whoever was out there whenever we shuffled into areas that had shade, and then cursed under my breath when we were forced out of them.

I sighed, nodding and waving to the people had recognised me. Or, rather, everyone seemed to have recognised me but probably saw how hot and bothered I was and didn't really want to disturb me.

Suddenly there was something brushing against my hand and I jerked away in the small space I had, only to look down and see that it was Sam's hand that had been touching mine. I flushed red. Not here! If anyone found out that we were dating it would only bring her into all this mess I have with the media. Obviously that was something I couldn't say out loud, so I pretended not to notice and folded my arms nonchalantly. There was no audible reaction, but, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of her face falling.

Oh, come on! Can't Sam take a hint?

It happened again about a minute later, and this time her hand came into contact with mine in a slightly harder way. Her fingertips brushed mine, but I only folded my arms in tighter. She'd have to wait until we were in the RV and going back to the hotel if she wanted to hold my hand; it was for her own good.

But she tried. Again, and again. And again.

Wouldn't that be expected anyway with her persistent nature?

Eventually, we made it onto the ride. Our seatbelts were fastened and the protective barrier came down to keep us in.

I swear then that I heard her whimper, or, maybe, a noise that was a bit tougher sounding. Because hey, she was Sam. It wasn't surprising that she was scared of this, though. I would be if I wasn't how I was.

The ride hummed and started up and her panic seemed to be more recognisable.

So I reached and took her hand. For the first time (in public, that is).

Did anyone see?