Hello! So I've started this new Fanfic (still working on my other one's) and I just want to see how it does. Depending on reviews and such, I will upload the other chapters. I have a lot of writing going on so it might be a little while but let's see!
The Beginning
The moment he walked in, Sasuke Uchiha knew something was wrong.
There was no faint smell of cotton candy perfume roaming around the house, no burnt dinner waiting for him on the stove, no magazines on how to please a man strewn on the coffee table with the rings of little coffee cups stained on their surface. No, there was none of that.
And Sakura was gone?
At first, Sasuke considered thought that maybe; just maybe, he was in the wrong house. And yet, the doors on the number were right, the apartment complex was right, and he could see his coat hanging on the side of the couch so there was no way that could be true.
Considering the possibility that she could have been kidnapped, Sasuke proceeded slowly as he surveyed the area with each step he took toward their bedroom. There was never a need to not be cautious when your overly obsessive girlfriend has no trace left to show for.
Except all of her clothes were gone to, empty hangers swung under Sasuke's gaze as he inspected the closet, begging for mercy.
Not again. Why did women always do this to him?
Sighing he shook off his jacket, allowing it to slide to the floor as he reached for his tie and loosened the knot. It was always a Monday, for some reason women always loved to pick just the most fantastic day of the week to leave him without saying anything.
There was Temari, who took everything including the furniture with her and left a pleasant surprise of god knows what on the front porch for Sasuke to find with a sticky note stating, "Your shit, so you should eat it to."
That was unpleasant.
Then there was Ten-ten – a name that always gave him the worst trouble to remember- she didn't leave him while he was gone. Instead one day, while walking down the street together, she just hopped in a random cab and never came back.
After her, there was Hinata who he thought might work out except for the fact that she dated him for less than a week before claiming that she was flying to visit her cousin, only Sasuke didn't know why she would need to turn off her cellphone and pack all of her things just for that. Though he supposed she was better than the next one.
Ino was virtually the total opposite of Hinata, and when she left she didn't take his furniture. But she did clean out his bank account and sent him a post-card from Hawaii with a picture of her and some guy arm and arm on the beach.
She was pleasant.
Sighing, Sasuke walked to the kitchen to see if there was anything in the fridge he could eat. He was surprised to find a plate wrapped in the fridge with a note sitting on its surface. He took out the somewhat edible gruel and unfolded the note on top of it.
I'm really sorry about leaving like this. As much as I like you, and I do still like you, there is just too much of a distance between us. In the five years that we have managed to stay together, you've only slept with me at least six times. You hold me at an arm's length emotionally and physically. You're always forgetting what I like, and what I'm allergic to. Remember the time at the French restaurant? A year ago, I met another guy who really was interested in me. He showed me the attention you never have, and even though I love you, I realized I deserve much better.
Ps: I but in extra tomatoes, just how you like it.
Now there is Sakura. A girl who actually bothered to explain it to him for once, a girl who had still cared enough at the end of the day to cook him a meal and leave him a note. A girl Sasuke was unfamiliar with in all ways, and now she was with some other guy.
Well….. thought Sasuke, maybe I shouldn't let this go so easily….
And that's where it all began.