All You Ever

Weeks flew by and it was finally prom night. It was one last party till finals week took over. It had become a house tradition that the girls would all gather in one of the bedrooms and get ready together. For this dance they decided to gather in the room KT, Joy, and Patricia shared. Patricia was in the middle of curling her hair. KT was currently doing Willow's make up. Joy was picking out jewelry, and Mara was trying to settle on a pair of shoes. Patricia had opted out of having one of her fellow housemates do her makeup, and she was content to do her hair on her own.

She put her curling iron down, and glanced over to her wardrobe. The dress hung in a plastic bag on the door. The dress that had taken trips to four different stores, before it was finally found. The dress was dark red, knee length, and had lace sleeves. It was a dress Patricia fell in love with the second she first saw it. It almost made her excited to go to a school dance.

Usually Patricia just got dressed up, pulled her hair up in some sort of manor, wore her usual make up, and that was it. She'd go to the dance, eat snacks, and basically be a wallflower. This dance was different. She was excited. She couldn't wait to get dressed up. She couldn't wait for Trudy to pester them for her usual predance pictures. She was excited to even possibly dance this time around.

She decided to stop thinking about how the night was going to go, and went back to doing her hair. Once it was curled she pulled some of it back and pinned it out of her face. Now it was time for her to do her make up. She didn't plan on wearing much make up, just her usual eye liner, mascara, some foundation, and red lipstick.

She starred in the mirror as she picked up her foundation. She knew her housemates were planning much more fancy make up. Part of her wanted to ask Joy to do her make up for her. She wanted to look different for this dance. Patricia took a deep breathe, making a decision.

"Joy will you do my make up for me," she finally asked.

"I thought you said we used too much make up," Joy teased.

Patricia didn't respond instead just glared at the girl she called her best friend. Joy put her jewelry box back on her end table and bounded over to wear Patricia sat. Joy took a look at the make up Patricia had laid out before picking up one of the compacts and setting to wok.


It had been almost an hour and a half and the girls were now finally all ready. The girls had a stair descendent tradition. Whoever was dateless would go down first so that meant KT would be the first down. Then they would go in order of how long the couples had been together. So it would be Mara as Fabian's date, then Joy as Jerome's, Willow as Alfie's, and lastly Patricia as Eddie's. Apparently the girls made the decision because Patricia had technically started dating Eddie in July, and they didn't count their couple of months break up.

Patricia hated this tradition. Usually she got to be the first one to go downstairs. There was never a fuss over her. Now she was supposed to be the center of attention.

Finally it was her turn. She stared at her feet. She didn't want the attention as she rounded the platform to the last bit of stairs. She stopped staring at her feet just to see Eddie's eyes on her. She could fell her cheeks going red.

"You look beautiful," were the first words out of his mouth when she finally reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't you all look so lovely," Trudy interrupted before Patricia could respond.

"Let me just take a few photos," she beamed looking at the nine students she had watched grow so much this year. The kids let out a collective grown. Trudy tended to take 100s of photos. And the process always felt so long.


"Would you like to dance," Eddie asked her as they sat off to the side at one of the tables. They had been snacking on provided food only moments earlier.

Patricia didn't say anything. She had a reputation for never dancing. Though part of her really wanted to. She glanced around the room again. All their friends had been dancing. And maybe that's what caused her to nod her head. He was up out of his chair in a few seconds, his hand extending towards her.

He lead her out to the dance floor. He placed his hands on her hips, and her arms wrapped around his neck. They began to sway to whatever obnoxious pop hit was playing.

"Summers gonna suck without you," Eddie whispered into her ear as they swayed to the music.

"Yeah right, besides next school year would be starting before you know it."

"Doesn't mean I won't miss you," he admitted.

"Maybe you don't have to miss me," she added.

"What do you mean?"

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but my parents agreed to let me spend the summer in New Jersey. It was so good for me last year, it could only be better for me this year."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I'll spend two weeks at home, then its back to New Jersey," she smiled. He didn't say anything. Just gave her a quick kiss before spinning her on the dance floor. Things were looking great for them and neither of them could wait for their next adventure.

Whelp this is it. The end.

It's been a wild ride. Overall I'm actually not pleased with how this fic turned out.

Anyways I promised this fic would be uploaded half an hour ago, but I smacked my head on a counter at work, and I kinda forgot about this uploaded until now so idk...

Okay as for my ben/piper multichapter, the prologue will be up on new years eve.