Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice. I'm just a fan who loves torturing other fans with feelings.


A bouquet of roses, a smile, and a sigh.

There is a quiet laugh, followed by histrionic sighs.

"That's too kind," Kaname Sono says, accepting the bouquet of roses with a gentle smile on his lips. "You didn't have to do this, but thank you. I really appreciate it."

The girl currently holding his stare blushes furiously, and she bows. "It's… it's okay! It's the least I can do for the stuffed toy that I asked from you," she stutters. "Thank you, Kaname!"

As soon as the girl steps away, several others hurry to take her place, eager to talk to the young man. Kaname notes all of this with a lighthearted smile, and looks over to where his best friend is, mouthing 'help me'. The hint of grimace on his pretty face makes it clear that he wants to rest.

Tsubasa Andou shakes his head from his place under a cherry blossom tree from across him, and walks over to his friend. 'Idiot' he replies, and even then his fond smile for the blond never leaves his lips.

The light might waver, but his shadow will never leave him.


I hope this doesn't sound so unoriginal because of Kuroko no Basuke, because I reaaally think Tsubasa is the shadow to Kaname's light. Kaname is fair-haired and kind and liked by everyone, while Tsubasa is the master of the shadows and is a rebellious student. Light and shadow? Hell yes.

Also, NaTsubasa? Don't get carried away. ;)
