A/N: Hey guys! Here's my last update for this story. I'm thinking about putting up an epilogue but I don't want you guys to get disappointed if it doesn't get posted within a year or so... I'm quite busy being Real Life's bitch and I can't say no to training and studying in school. It's gonna get harder this next school year soooo... yeah... this is it for Dragon Slayer Sense of Smell.

Thanks to:

Misty-Silver-Kitsune-Hanyo1230 (Thanks for pointing out my mistake last chapter! :D Thanks!)

punkbvbdancer (Yes, yes he is. =^=)

Note/Disclaimer: For the last time, for now, Fairy Tail is not mine!

Mavis went of around the crowd. Every guild was there, it was noisy and irritating yet fun all the same. Lucy currently ran off after the Third's stupid grandson said something stupid. Seriously! Is there a girl anywhere that would like it when a guy tells her that the only reason why he's hanging around her is because he has to? That he's doing it against his will?

She shook her head, he knew that the girl wouldn't even think of asking him about the reason why he just had to be with her. It was all really simple. All they had to do was stop running.

A figure rushed through the crowd, lingering for a mili-second beside her before continuing on.

Was that-! Maybe... she followed, through the rowdy cheerful crowd, away from prying eyes.

"I didn't really think you'd come." she breathed, into the empty clearing not too far inside the Magnolia East Woods.

He chuckled, "You have so little faith in me." he stopped, voice becoming somber, "I guess that's to be expected. I disappeared, after all."

Mavis smiled, "Hey, mister. You're in my spot again." he was leaning his back againts a tree.

He frowned, "What?" she giggled at his confused expression.

She hovered beside him before floating up to the branch of the tree and sitting down, kicking her feet about.

"As always, it's okay though. We can still share, even though you didn't ask to." she assured him.

A look of understanding flashed through his face, then he smiled too.

"I know. I didn't mean to stumble here and steal this spot. Can you forgive me?" he looked up to her.

"I already have." she replied, a sincere look on her face.

"I hope I'm not being too greedy but I don't want anyone else to have be in this spot." he said, "I don't know what I'd feel and do if someone else was to occupy it in my stead." he honestly admitted.

Her eyes widened at that before smiling to herself.

"Of course. But then, where can I find a new spot?" she tentatively asked, looking down at him.

"Why do you need to look for one?" he raised his eyebrow, "You already have one with me."

"I know but I wanted to really hear it from you." she replied, bashfully looking away from him.

"Will you keep this spot open? For me?" he whispered, the question barely reaching the blonde's ears.

"For you, it always will be... forever, Zeref." she looked at the silver moon, fully knowing that once again he has disappeared. At least this time, he gave her answers. It seems... that he's still not wholly able to be with her.

She smiled, a sad smile, "I can still wait..."


"Oi! Newbie, will you quit running!" Laxus yelled out, dashing through the streets of Magnolia.

It was quite silent with everyone gathered, either partying or Trick or Treating. It was like a festival was happening all Fiore wide, not just in Magnolia.

The chasee, Lucy, let out a frustrated squeal, stopped, turned around and yelled, "Ugh! Newbie, newbie, newbie! Blondie this, blondie that! Cheerleader! Could you for once just call me by my own freaking name!?"


Her eyes widened, she really didn't think he'd say it so easily but she quickly willed the shock away. Damn it! She was supposed to be mad! How is it that she can't stay mad at him?!

"There. Is that all I had to do to stop you from running?" he asked in an equally frustrated voice, "Why the hell did you run in the first place?"

At that Lucy found it easy to be mad again, "You don't have to keep being with me anymore! Just... Just go away! Leave me alone! Stop forcing yourself to be near me. Just... go...!" she trailed off, feeling drained.

"And just who are you to order me around like that? Huh, Blo- Lucy?" he asked, arms crossed infront of his chest.

"I don't have to order you around! You... You said it yourself! You said it to Master when he asked... to Mavis when she asked... to team Natsu..." she reminded him, tears now in her eyes, "If that's the case then WHY. ARE. YOU. STILL. HERE!?" she yelled at him, sliding down to the street pavement.

A flash of lightning and Laxus had his arms wrapped around her.

"Do you know why I have to be around you all the time?" he whispered to the struggling blonde in his arms, "It's because I can't keep myself away from you." at that Lucy stilled, eyes wide at what he said.

"I call you Newbie, 'cause that's what you were the first time I heard about you. Cheerleader, because that's what you looked like when we first met, though you were stone during that time." he chuckled at the memory, "And Blondie... Blondie because that's something we have in common."

"Then... then... why can't you keep away from me?" she asked, looking up at him through wet lashes.

He avoided her gaze, cheeks tinted pink, "Well that's... that's a long story, that I guess I have to answer since you have that determined look in your eyes and the fact that I just made you cry. Can we go to your apartment first?" he proposed.

At her agreement, they headed towards her apartment. A bit awkward but at a lighter atmosphere that when they were running towards it. Once inside, Lucy prepared hot chocolate before sitting down with him on the couch.

"It's because of my dragon slayer magic." he stated, hoping that she would accept the answer without needing him to explain, though he did know that she wouldn't.

She raised an eyebrow, he sighed.

"Goddamn it, woman..." he muttered before continuing, "I didn't know that their rules involve my type too, okay. I thought that it was only those who were raised by dragons. But apparently, you're my mate." he looked straight at her.

"Eh!? Me?" her eyes widened.

"You were stone then so I didn't quite notice. Didn't you think about it, Mira was there, so was Elsa and Cana who I knew long before, yet I chose you to hold. Sure, it served to piss Natsu off at the time but, any of them would have made him act like that too,"he saw her eyes widen in realization, "Your scent drew me to you. But Natsu was crowding you and that made you smell different. It felt like he was stealing from me, so I remembered him liking Lisanna because she smelled like flowers, and you did too. So I asked Freed to-"

She completed his sentence, "Take my scented shampoo and soap!" she exclaimed, "Why you little! I loved those..." she whined.

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Do I still have to continue?"

"Nah. It's okay, I understand. This misunderstantding was just because of your poor choice of words tonight." she giggled.

Irritated, he said, "Or it was because of you assuming things without asking the full story."

She, again, raised an eyebrow, "Would you have told me, if it didn't come to this?" at his silence, she glared, "You idiot!" she bonked his head.

He winced at the pain, "You are so violent... I would have asked you to be my mate, but I wouldn't add what I told you tonight."

"Okay. So how does this... "mate" thing work out again? Wendy was a bit vague on the details."


Her eye twitched, "So, let me get this straight. You mean to take me in as your mate without knowing how it's supposed to go?!"

"I know what mates are, if that's what you're asking. It's like an 'I love you therefore you're supposed to love me' kind of relationship." This time, he really did roll his eyes.

She frowned, "I thought it was 'You're mine and I'm yours and no one else's' kinda thing."

He nodded sagely, "That too. But it's also a "You die I die' in terms of dying from loneliness and misery, right?"

"Yeah, yeah... anyways I accept." she said in a casual manner.

He smirked, "I knew you would."

Laxus wrapped his arms around Lucy's waist and she leaned against him.

"Do you think Mavis found Zeref?" she looked up at him.


"Think we should go back?"


"They're going to wonder about where we are."


"Natsu'll lead a search team."


"But we're not going back."


Content with his answers she snuggled closer to him. Then she started giggling.

"Told you that we're amazing matchmakers. The Cupids of Love! Now we're gonna be together, partners forever. Spreading love wherever we go!"

He shivered. "No. Just, no. Still not agreeig to this cupid thing."

"You can't keep denying me forever," she cackled, "Partner."

A/N: Goodbye everyone! If I ever put up an epilogue it shall be a long one about the job they're going to go to after Halloween! I don't know what job but I do have a clue on which couples Lucy ans Laxus (unintwntiomally) will throw together. The major one at least. There are a lot of things that I was plannimg for this but never got tje chance to, like making them meet their Edolas coumterparts since there are more people to matcale there but I don't quite have the time. If anyone can write it, pleaae do! Lucy and Laxus, others too if you like, go to Edolas and create Romantic Chaos! The highlight for me there was MystWalker, but oh well!

For the last time, again for now, please review! :D