Chapter 1 – The young boy and the mirror

In a world far from ours, there lasted a one hundred year war; a young boy lay trapped in a tall tower, safe from harm. The place he laid was in the room at the top of the tower. No one knew he was there, let alone he even existed. He didn't know how he got there or why he was there, all he knew was that he was loved by misfortune. Even so, the room was filled with old spell books and magical items. Every day he searched for a way to stop his misfortune and to live in happiness.

One night, when the moon was full and a thunderstorm raged, a mysterious man somehow entered the room in that tall tower. In his hand was a small hand mirror and on his face, he wore a black mask covered in intricate designs and markings.

"I know the reason for your misfortune."

The boy looked up to see the black cloaked man with the mysterious smile. The man simply placed the mirror in the boy's hand and whispered into his ear.

"It is her; on the other side of this mirror is the Reverse World. What she gets, you lose."

What was reflected in the mirror was not the boy's face but the face of a young girl his age. On her face she wore a smile which resembled his own, a smile he had not seen for a very long time.

"Impossible, there is no such thing. It's impossible."

"Ah… but I speak the truth."

The boy refused to believe such nonsense but what if it were true? The man just continued smiled at the boy and handed him a dusty red book.

"This book will help you with your spells," he hissed, "It is your choice whether you use it or not, and one last thing, you have broken the rules of fate by simply seeing this girl with your own eyes."

And with that, the mysterious man vanished from his sight, leaving behind the magical mirror and the mysterious book. Suddenly, the boy was filled with an indescribable rage.

"What if it were true? Then… Then… all my happiness was stolen, stolen away but the girl in this 'Reverse World?'"

For the rest of that night, the young boy searched through all the magic books in the tower, especially those that referred to this 'Reverse World.'

"I, Len, Prince of Misfortune will and must find away to take back my happiness."