Full Summary: After being defeat by Stitch, Lilo, and friends, the original Leroy has stayed in prison while his clones have been reformed and left. The council and the Grand Councilwoman decides that Leroy will never change and is too dangerous to be release...yet. So they take away his abilities and send him off to a distant planet and there he finds a comrade. And maybe something more unexpected? First LeroyxEvile (627) Story ever. Yeah to me being a first of something, I'm a pioneer. Yes, this is a slash. Levile or Eviroy? Not sure on the mash-up names, but whatever.

Warning: Curses and other things to make this rated T but M for later chapters and also for any OOCness. (Sorry, but I'll try to keep them in character.)

Don't like then don't read. Read and review, even flames are acceptable.

Ch. 1 The Trial

Norm. P.O.V.

Many of different types of aliens gather around a court room, all talking to each other; greeting one another, screaming, etc. But the moment the doors open and slam shut, silence have descended over the room. The only thing can be heard is the sound of footsteps walking, and soft gasps. All turn to see an alien with hoof-shaped feet, big eyes teal, and a big oval head, wearing a black cloak with gold lining. She walks up to the podium and sits in it as she hits the gavel.

"Bring in the guilty party," she exclaimed calmly.

The doors were once again open and shut, as a group of three lizard guards walk with an experiment that resembles an exact duplicate of Stitch with rougher red fur, mahogany nose, claws, toes, tips of antennae and ears and back markings, a light tan/pinkish-orange stomach from his chin down and around eyes, dark red markings on the back of his head and on his back, frilly ears with light purple inside, yellow teeth, and a fluffy tail, with two bent retractable antennae on his head, three bent retractable spines tipped with white and a very dark mahogany on his back in a hover-ship with cuffs on his two set of arms with his dark blue space jumpsuit. There was a lot of booing and hissing from the displeased crowd as the experiment bared his fangs while growling at them, scaring them to silence.

"Order! Order!" she shouted as she slammed her gavel again.

The lizard guards brought the red-furred experiment before the Grand Councilwoman.

"All shall listen to the honorable Grand Councilwoman!" one of the guards said as the three of them leave the experiment.

The Grand Councilwoman looked down at the experiment, cold hard stare bearing down at him.

She read the charges, "Experiment 629, Leroy, you stand before this council accused of conspiring with the council, aiding a convicted criminal, kidnapping, and stealing Galactic Federation equipment. Along with other charges. As it stands you are sentenced to life without parole, but..even that is too kind for someone like you. We started a program and even though the program gave us much-desired results; you still remain adamant of being evil."

She stopped as Leroy growled again at her and shouts hatefully, "Meega nala kweesta!"

"Leroy, all of your clones have been reformed; yet, you still remain evil. We tried our best to make you a decent life-form," she stated ignoring the comment by Leroy, "But...we've reached our limit and the High Council decided another suggestion for you, one that should fit for your crimes and justify to everyone around the galaxy."

"Youga detaka!" he growled as he tries to struggle out of the cuffs.

"The council and I have decided to banish you to exile and isolation on a distant world," she spoke glaring at the experiment.

"Do you have any last words or requests before we proceed?" she asked Leroy, trying to hide her disgust for the abomination in front of her.

"Meega want laser gun and blow youga head off!" Leroy stated as he evilly laughs.

"That's it!" the Grand Councilwoman stated as she hits her podium with her gavel, "Time to move on."

"To ensure maximum security and to guarantee to protect everyone from you with one way or the other, we hereby declare Leroy will be stripped of his powers. Of super-strength, of super-speed and of super intelligence," the Grand Councilwoman continued.

"Gaba?!" Leroy exclaimed loudly as he tried to struggle out of the cuffs.

"Naga! Naga!" Leroy said loudly while shaking his head.

"You broke the rules, you've to follow the consequences since you didn't want to change. I just hope this changes you for the better," Grand Councilwoman said a little disappointed.

"Guards! Bring in the syringes!" she turned her head over and ordered the lizard guards.

"Yes, your highness! Right away!" one of the guards replied.

They take Leroy away as he curses in tantalog, then they strapped him into a chair and then one of the guards turned the machine on. A ceiling panel changed and needle lowered from it containing a green liquid But, Leroy was moving around too much; therefore, the machine pulled back the needle.

The guard shouted irritated, "Damn...this trog isn't making things easy! Captain, what do we do now?"

The captain stated seriously, "Switch to sedatives then we'll take the suppressor drug to take away his abilities. Do it now!"

"Naga!" Leroy hollered as he tries to break free.

"Hold him!" the captain ordered and the other two complied. They hold him as the captain pushed the button and ceiling panel dropped a needle full with blue liquid. The guards did their best to hold down Leroy as the syringe was put into his arm. The machine injected the sedative and then pulled back, then retracted the needle into the ceiling. Leroy tried to fight the effect of the drug, though he fought a losing battle. His eyes become heavy and then he finally closed them and he stopped squirming altogether. The two guards released him and then they check to make sure he is out cold. After sensing that he was under sedation, the captain pushed the button which brought out the green liquid and inserted it into Leroy's arm. Once the injection is complete, the needle arm retracted and then the lizard guards smiled at him.

The captain said to the unconscious body, "Good...One less monster to worry about. You deserve everything bad that befalls you, you worthless thing. You scum...you're nothing but that."

A/N: The idea came to me when I saw Stitch! the Japanese episode, and English too, and realized they let 627 (Evile) escape to space after he helps Stitch with Hamsterviel's plan. So I thought, what would happen if both met up and then I did more digging around and saw there was no fic with these two together so I'm a first in two things then: First Leroy and 627 (Evile) fanfic and First LeroyxEvile slash.