When the noble lord, Uchiha Sasuke lays eyes upon Haruno Sakura, all bets are off. He is consumed by her beauty and innocence so much that he must have her, even if it means disrupting the peace. Meanwhile, around the Seven Kingdoms, others are battling among themselves in a twisted game, naïve to the evil dangers that lurk beyond the icy cold wall. Brother turns on brother, rich nobles getting blood on their hands and greed circulating around the lords and ladies of the Seven Kingdoms. A dark tale of betrayal, lust and how things are not always as they seem. ASOIAF-universe. SasuSaku & others.

A/N: That chapter was alright, I suppose. That was the second chapter, still getting into the development, and if that's not okay with you than too bad so sad xD. I want to make this in a layout that makes this story seem professional. I know it's not, I'm just an aspiring writer and it bugs me when stories are just so… Unformatted that it makes it seem like a 10 year old did it. Sorry, not sorry.

Also, there will be a few point of views, as well. I'd like to explore the regions of Westeros, and I want you to see where I put my characters in what region. It kind of makes sense how Sakura would be in the Reach because as we all know the Reach is a place with endless beauty and gardens and what not. It's appropriate okay?

Did you like the ending of the last chapter? It actually took me an exaggerated three years to come up with what the stranger would say and who he would be. I landed on Yamato because he just seems like he would be a knight in the bingo book because he's a wood style user. Uh, I think I did a fairly good job with writing Yamato's warning/speech or whatever we shall call it O: hahaha.

Reviews are nice, they make me feel warm like a cup of drinkable kittens c: and it gives me motivation to keep writing nice things for your loved characters. Don't worry, I'm trying to fit EVERY Naruto character. Minus the filler-arc characters, okay! I'll be fitting in the main characters, some dead characters and basically all of the ones with good history and all that nonsense.

XD as always: enjoy!


"And as we wind on down the road, our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a lady we all know who shines white light and wants to show how everything still turns to gold."

Led Zeppelin


The farewell had been an ambiguous one, a hug and a few fair words of precaution. Than the company was off and set towards the Riverlands, leaving Nagato behind in a warm hakama, a steel-black plate and a band of misfits staring at him like he was a piece of trash, walking in front of him. Even though Nagato was scared for his life, he wouldn't go back now. It was much too late to turn around and head south towards the Riverlands in the warm castle with his lord cousins.

It was colder than Nagato could have ever imagined. He could feel the frost nip at his cheeks and freeze at the tips of his silky red hair. Nagato had tried his best to come prepared, having the warmest hakama's made with wool and he even packed along wool socks to wear along with his sandals. The snow crunched through Nagato's sandals, sounding like crispy sand and for the first time he wished it was exactly that had been the case.

Nagato finally forced himself too look straight ahead despite the freezing winds and heavy snowfall. It was there, before him; a huge layer of pure ice and snow. He had to look up so far that his neck started to ache and he was forced to look straight again. A small village-typed set up was located directly in front of him that was attached to a shaft that led up the ice-and-snow build and in the clouds. Nagato had finally come to see it with his eyes. The Wall.

Castle Black was intimidating, Nagato had realized as he walked through the opening. He heard the mutter of different jutsu and the sharp tosses of katana blades as well as many people running about the place. The people of this place looked as mighty and dangerous as the wall itself, they stared at him with threatening eyes that didn't fail to haunt him.

"I heard about you coming to join us!" the noise almost made Nagato jump because he wasn't expecting it, but he was trained in combat, he knew of much worse. Nagato turned around to face a small man with a scar on his face. He was very small and child-like with long, pale, blonde hair and somehow startling peach-coloured eyes. If he hadn't such a manly voice, Nagato would have definitely mistaken him for another child.

"Yes." Nagato nodded his head. He didn't want to say anything more. He had heard the people on the Wall were either rapists, thieves or ones that tend to be vile. Nagato's people had warned him about all of the things that happen on the Wall and who were the ones running it. It had sent a shiver down Nagato's spine, but Nagato knew he had to be strong for the kingdom, and he didn't have any other place to go other than the Wall.

The child-like man in black nodded his head and swooped down from the tall balcony and onto his feet about a meter away from Nagato. "I shall take you to Commander-sama then. Follow me." he led Nagato to a house-sized building and knocked on the door twice before opening it and leading the red-haired man inside.

A fire was lit inside of the building, yet it still managed to leave Nagato freezing cold. The man sitting behind a writing-desk with his stool facing the fire looked dangerously unpleasant. The room was dark, and the fire was casting long shadows across his pale face and into his pitch-black steel and hakama that matched his long black hair. All at once, Nagato had learned the nature of this man. This harsh-looking man must be the Lord Commander.

"Let me guess, you're here because you've raped a woman?" the Lord Commander said without so much as looking Nagato's way. The entire time, Nagato saw the child-like man staring at him while Nagato looked out of the corner of his eye. "Or perhaps a man, we have that kind of lot here, too." Still, Nagato couldn't force any word to surface. "It seems like you're the type who goes for whatever you can get. Unfortunately, you were given the decision of death or the Wall and it looks like you chose the harder option."

Nagato cleared his throat. "I haven't raped anyone, nor am I interested in men, Commander-sama." Nagato watched the menacing man turn and face him with eyes that spoke of rubicund death. It wasn't usual that Nagato had felt daunted by men, but he had been having that emotion for the short while at Castle Black. The Commander had striking features, pitch-raven hair, sturdy lips and a masculine jawline.

The Commander looked at Nagato without blinking or a single muscle in his body moving. Then, he put his elbows securely on the writing desk and curled his fingers as if he was praying. "Have you committed high treason against the royal family? Or perhaps you have broken a vow? Tell me the reason they sent you to the wall, boy."

"Commander-sama…" Nagato truthfully didn't know what to say to this punishing man. He looked to be a very young age, probably around thirty, and he sounded as if he were lecturing like a fifty year old man, instead. "I haven't committed any sort of treason, I have never broken a vow in my life, I have come here on my own because I want to be the shield of the Seven Kingdoms and protect it at the cost of my own life."

The Lord Commander let out a quick chuckle, and then continued his hard stare at the red-haired man before him. It was obvious that the Lord Commander didn't believe Nagato… Nobody who was sane wanted to join the Wall. Most of the men who were stationed on the Wall were forced to be there. It was much too far north and downright freezing at the Wall. They said the men on the Wall wished for death to come to them oftentimes.

"You're a funny one, but we don't have time for fun and games here. It's do or die, and if you don't do what I tell you, you're going to die." the Lord Commander took a deep breath in, and then exhaled out his nose, then he pointed towards Nagato. "I want you to tell me why you're here, what sort of crime did you commit to make it so bad as them to sending you to the Wall? I won't believe the garbage you tell me about coming here of your own accord."

"It's not garbage, Commander-sama," Nagato didn't know where to find the words to explain his reasoning. It was good enough for him, and the Lord Commander was in no position to be refusing applicants this time around. Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knew the Wall was much too short of men for any sort of fuss. "I have no other place in this world, and I know that the Wall doesn't judge in terms of who is manning it."

"Boy, what is your name?" the question from the Commander lingered in his mind. Nagato stared at his hands that were sheathed from the skin mutilating cold. They weren't shaking; he wasn't startled anymore, he was worried. Nagato was worried about what these people would think of him and how wrong they would be to judge him, because Nagato knew he was anything but weak. The Wall needed him, just as much as Nagato needed it.

"Uzumaki Nagato." he said. Two sets of eyes widened. One set of undercooked-coloured eyes that belonged to the short man with pale hair whose mouth seemed to drop a little as well. The other set of eyes were the color of a ripened tomato and malicious. Why were they so surprised? Perhaps it wasn't surprise they were feeling, maybe it was a sense of fraudulence. Nagato was never empathetic, it was near impossible to know what a stranger was feeling.

"Is that right?" the red-eyes of the Lord Commander blinked, and were staring at Nagato who hid his eyes underneath a coat of perfect red-rose hair. It was almost impossible to see Nagato's rippled eyes, but he knew that the Lord Commander had some idea why he was trying to hide them. "I guess it would make sense because of your bright red hair. So tell me, Nagato, why would a high noble like yourself decided to abandon your clan and come to the Wall? What relation do you have to the Lord of the Riverlands?"

"I am the first cousin of Uzumaki Naruto, the Lord of the Riverlands. Our parents were siblings, as for my reasoning, it is fairly complicated." Nagato sighed. "There is no hope for me as long as I remain in the Seven Kingdoms. I am an outcast, a pariah. I don't belong where high lords play at a game that involves meaningless death. I wish to serve the kingdom in another way, by protecting the innocent that have nothing to do with the sickness of these lords. I will defend the kingdom from whatever else is out there beyond the Wall."

The Lord Commander didn't look pleased at all. "That's what I told myself before coming here too, you see. I hoped that I could make a difference in the protection of the innocent from the creatures beyond that wall. I've seen my share of misfortunes, and I can tell you two things, Uzumaki. One; the things you will see beyond the Wall will make you cry for your mother. Even the strongest of us fear the horrific torture that you will experience in the depths of the coldest mountains."

The black-haired man glimpsed at the fire and seemed to yearn for its heat, than he looked at the young boy in front of him. "The other thing I'm going to tell you is that there is no innocent in the Seven Kingdoms. Not women, not children, not even puppies. They all do what they must do survive, and that is guilt in their existence itself. We all convince ourselves that there are people who have done nothing wrong, and that is who we are fighting for.

"In reality, we are fighting for not a name, but a place in this world. We are fighting for ourselves, and that is all. Everything you will do from now until your death will be for yourself; even if you tell yourself a million times that you wish to defend the acquitted and forsaken people of the Seven Kingdoms."

Nagato didn't speak a word to the commander. What the man was saying made sure to cast a confusing shadow in the red head's mind. Was it really true? Nagato wasn't used to anything but the unfortunate feeling of pain and indifference, and he didn't really know how to read another's perspective on life. Nagato thought hard on what the Lord Commander said, and hoped that he was lying.

After a long moment of unaccounted silence, the Lord Commander stood up from his stool and walked towards Nagato. As the commander stood in front of Nagato, it was clear that he was only a couple of inches taller than Nagato, and it somehow made him feel at ease. "Welcome to the hell we call the Night's Watch. I've decided on placing you in the Second Guard, now let's go down to the battle grounds and you can introduce yourself to the misfits and criminals that will be your brothers."

Nagato followed the child-like man and the Lord Commander outside of the room that they were in and into a more deathly cold. The two led him around Castle Black and finally to the battlegrounds, where many men were sparring against each other, shouting the words to their jutsu. There were all sorts of elements being practised around Nagato as well as sharp kunai, senbon, katana and shuriken.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the Lord Commander asked the Uzumaki beside him. "The clashes of jutsu, the art of wielding a katana blade; this is what men were made to do. Like I said, those men aren't here because of helplessness people in the lands below. They are here to prove to themselves that they are still alive, or perhaps because they like the feel of human tissue around their blade." the Commander looked bloodthirsty.

There was probably around sixty men battling one another, they were all trained lethally in battle. Nagato knew that the wildlings and other creatures weren't sympathetic and weak, so the men of the Night's Watch had to be strong to survive. There wasn't any time for people who were pathetically dim-witted. The men not only had to battle against the horrible foe behind the thick ice and beyond, but they had to battle brutally against the threaded cold.

"Yahiko!" the Lord Commander yelled, and from in the shrouded blanket of men on the battlegrounds, a tall and athletic man came forward. The rest of the men didn't stop to acknowledge that he was being called by the Commander, they just continued to fight. His cheeks were a hint of pink from the bitter cold, and on top of his scalp sat a plate of orange hair. He looked like he had been through hell and back, with traces of grime on his hands and sides of his face.

"Yes, Commander-sama?" Yahiko eyed Nagato briefly before looking upon the Lord Commander again. The orange-haired man tucked his katana roughly inside of the scabbard and rubbed his cheeks to gain a little heat on them. The man was taller than Yahiko, and looked to be bolder as well. There was a sort of glow about him that made Nagato think of his cousin, Naruto back home. It comforted him a little.

"This is our new recruit, Uzumaki Nagato. Your unit is short on men, so I have put him in the Second Guard. You will train him and decide which range to put him in, now take your unit and go to the sub-battlegrounds along with Uzumaki, here." the Lord Commander turned around. "Don't disappoint me, Yahiko. You're the commander of the Second Guard, and I want to know what this kid can do." the fearsome man walked away.

Yahiko turned around to face the battling men. He cleared his throat. "All of those in the Second Guard, head towards the sub-battlegrounds immediately. Only those from the Second Guard! The rest can continue on." Yahiko turned and walked away. Nagato was pensive for a few moments before he scrambled to his toes and followed the man to the assumed sub-battlegrounds. Nagato kept a short distance away from the man.

A few minutes passed by and it seemed the entire Second Guard was in the tiny battlegrounds that didn't compare to the bigger one. Nagato took an awkward position standing beside a very, very tall man with oily teal skin and spiked blue hair. He carried a large sword on his back that was covered in cloth, with only a golden handle bare. He had an amused smirk on his face that showed his various pointy teeth that resembled a shark.

"What the fuck is this?" the man standing beside the shark-man was looking straight at Nagato. The rest of the unit turned around and looked at Nagato with mixed feelings. The man who had abruptly pointed him out had slicked grey hair and a scythe in his hand. Somewhere deep inside, Nagato knew he wouldn't like this man very much; he just didn't want to admit it because Nagato wasn't the type to judge a book by its cover.

"Our new recruit, Uzumaki Nagato." Yahiko respectively nodded his head towards Nagato. "We are going to see what he can do so we can give him one of the positions in our guard. You are all to treat him like he is your brother, as you do with everyone else in the Night's Watch."

"Fucking great, a petty lord has come to join us, has he?" the grey-haired man with a big mouth yelled. "You did this just to piss me off! I hate nobles, they can all die by the hand of Jashin-sama and burn in hell." his scythe was pointed straight at Nagato. He disliked when people underestimated him, they would soon regret it in the future. But even so, Nagato couldn't do anything about it. These men were going to be his only brethren.

Every family member that Nagato had left; Naruto, Mito and Karin, they wouldn't matter anymore. Since Nagato came to the Wall, his only family were to be the lot that was before him. He was only going to be Uzumaki Nagato when he was called by another, there would be no association with his family once the vows were to be taken. Nagato knew that, and though he would be terribly sad, Yahiko would remind him of Naruto enough that it wouldn't be as horrible as Nagato expected, even though Nagato missed them already.

"It's already bad enough that Lord Commander is a fucking Uchiha, but now an Uzumaki?! This is blasphemy." the grey haired man folded his arms across his chest and mentally sulked to himself. Nagato thought about the words that were spoken by this man. The Lord Commander was an Uchiha? The Uchiha as in the royal family of the Seven Kingdoms, and they probably had it the best. It was unusual to see a noble come to the Wall, but for one who was related directly to the Emperor?

Nagato had a shred of misunderstanding flow through him. It was natural for a newcomer of the Night's Watch to feel a little anxious about coming to the Wall, and battling with men who were criminals and outlaws in their previous life. But the Lord Commander… He was an Uchiha, and Nagato had heard terrible rumors and stories about the things they can do to another person with just their eyes.

"Shut up, Hidan." Yahiko said in a monotone voice that directly spoke of his duties as the commander of the second guard. That seemed to shut the grey-haired man up. Yahiko looked at the men displayed in front of him. They came in all different shapes and sizes, and he already knew their abilities and weakness. But still, he carefully read over them and it seemed he was playing a mind game with himself.

"Uzumaki Nagato," Yahiko pointed to Nagato, who was caught a little off guard. Nagato immediately straightened up. "You may die in this test, but if you do then it means you are not truly cut out for this position. The Second Guard of the Night's Watch is the toughest unit out of seventeen; we don't deal too kindly with scum who think they can protect the realm with abilities that could never match up." He sounded dreadfully serious.

The commander of the second guard held up his hand and he was holding up four fingers. In a flash, the men started to assemble into an orderly fashion around the battlefield, leaving Nagato in the middle of what was supposed to be chaos. The men of the Second Guard took their positions with their hands and feet ready for this plan that Yahiko had given them.

It seemed they were going to attack him, but he didn't think about it quickly enough. In a sudden second, the blue-skinned man slams his sword above Nagato, giving him almost no chance to escape. Nagato panicked and quickly formed five seals as fast as he was taught to do. A large gust of wind that was as powerful as any tornado whipped the blue man away from him.

But it wasn't over yet; the blue man that was thrown away was just a water clone. Nagato turned around to see the man that resembled a great white shark, with his sword to Nagato's shoulder and a mocking grin. Nagato instantly felt weak like all of his life energy had been drained from him. A man that resembled a marionette or a mechanical doll of some sorts, shot his hand out that was connected to hundreds of strings to his body.

The hand caught Nagato's throat. He was caught between two lethal human beings- if they were even human at all. Nagato held his hands together and the being that used to be Nagato, turned into just a water clone. Now Nagato was standing several meters away from the two who thought they had Nagato in a strong hold.

A man with blonde hair, and half tied up on top of his head yelled, "Katsu!" and the area around Nagato started to explode. Nagato jumped into the air, but was immediately slammed back down by a puppet that was bigger than he was.

The group gave the Uzumaki no time to rest or recover, and in an instant, the vulgar, grey-haired man started after him with a scythe connected to a long rope. Nagato hopped to his feet, and tried best he could to dodge the crazy man. One by one, the rest of the Second Guard started after Nagato with endless amounts of explosions and attacks.

Nagato formed eight hand seals and a huge tidal wave crashed into the men of the Second Guard. Only seconds later, the blue man absorbed the water like it was something to drink. Nagato's eyes widened at this. The men were surrounding him for one final attack, even Yahiko was coming in for an attack and he hadn't fought with him at all yet.

The Uzumaki muttered an earth release and a gigantic mud wall rose up from the ground so he had the high advantage point. He quickly formed new seals to make a huge wave of fire release to protect himself from the attack. It had slowed them down somewhat, but many of the members were jumping into the air to attack him once more.

"We've got you now, you petty lord motherfucker!" the grey-haired man yelled as his scythe whipped around his head, going straight towards Nagato. Before it could damage Nagato, he grabbed hold of the scythe and send a tunneling lightening release through the blade and into the man that was pissing Nagato off so much that day. He fell backwards.

The strong lightening release reached all the other members, sending all of the men backwards a little bit. It sent the blonde man to the ground aching. When it seemed that Nagato had proved the guard right, and that he was qualified to take position in the Night's Watch, something spectacular caught Nagato's eye.

It was some sort of purple chakra that was larger than any of the buildings of the Wall, it was almost half the size of the wall itself. The members of the Second Guard looked to be completely fine now, and mostly all of them were smirking, save for two or three. In front of Nagato was the Lord Commander surrounded in a wall of chakra that took the shape of a samurai or something of the sorts.

The chakra pointed an arrow straight towards Nagato, on command of the Lord Commander. Did they want to kill him? It seemed that way. "Prepare yourself, Uzumaki, for this is the final blow!" he heard the commander of the Night's Watch yell. In a flash, the arrow was let go and spiraling towards Nagato. He knew it was impossible to dodge this one.

There was that one last attack…

The arrow was stopped, and absorbed in a cloud of smoke. All eyes were surprised at this, nobody had ever seen such strength. When the fog and smoke disappeared, there were six other men with the same hair color as Nagato, surrounding him. One was absorbing the chakra arrow. The eyes of all Nagato's had the ripple effect.

Nagato had sworn never to bring forth this jutsu. The Sage of Sixth Paths, and all of them were there beside him.