Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara!
"Orihara!" shouted a somewhat angry middle age woman while standing right before the infamous informant. Giving an angry glare at the brunet, she sighed and clearly would've called out his name once again if it weren't for the fact that the man finally seem to notice that she was standing right in front of him.
Said informant looked up from his computer work, quite surprised by the sudden voice coming from his secretary who he'd certainly remembered to give lots of extra works just so that she wouldn't disturb him like she tends to do.
"I thought I had you to take care of those papers this morning" Izaya said, cleared his throat afterwards; feeling rather thirsty now that he notice how unusual dry and raspy his voice sounded.
The woman, also known as Namie, sighed once again and watched the man take off his glasses. "I do remember those assignments from this morning." She spoke and crossed her arms. "But it's already past 18:00. I'm long done with those."
Izaya's eyes widened slightly and he quickly turned to his computer to watch the time on his monitor. It was indeed past 18:00...
He let out a simple laugh before smiling, putting his hands up in the air as he begun to stretch. "Well what do you know~ Time sure passes by faster when you're having fun!"
Namie rolled her eyes at this, too tired to even bother with this man and his ridiculous personality. "If you would describe this work as something, fun is definitely not the right word for it."
Once again the man laughed, earning an irritated stare from his dear secretary as he did so.
"Oh dear Namie-san" he said in a singing voice, breathing in and standing up from his chair before beginning to walk towards the kitchen. "You of anyone should know that this work is far more than just plain fun for me, right?~"
The girl watched the man, pure hatred glowing from her eyes as she kept staring at him. For some reason she could really feel sympathy for the blond, namely Shizuo, for she also does loathe the informant with a passion almost equally as the blond. She knows what the bodyguard goes through; His sick personality, his mind twisting game, that ego of his...for her it was wrong not to hate the informant.
"So predictable." The so-well- known informant spoke softly, not bothering to turn around as he already knew what expression the woman was wearing.
"You're as predictable as always, Namie-san. Why can't you be more like Shizu-chan?~ Unpredictable and inhuman." he asked, though because of the sarcasm in his voice, Namie became quite unsure of how to answer that. So she decided to not reply.
"Ah, actually...Scratch that." he said, waving with both of his hands. "Shizu-chan is, and will forever and ever, be the one and only person who I'll never admit as a human being." With that said he took a sip of his newly made coffee; hot steam mixed together with the scent of the bitter flavor.
"Shizu-chan is mine, and mine alone, to play with~"
The woman dressed in green only shrugged at the statement; clearly not bothering giving a single shit about her boss abnormally, though still creepy, personality. She'd heard this hundredth of times in the past, and even then she didn't give a single crap about it.
There was always that chilly, somewhat excited feeling she would get every time the man spoke about the blond in such a dramatic way. Izaya was never a man to speak aloud about his 'inner self'. Even if he claims to be obsessed by the whole human race, he still hides something which no one, other than himself will ever know about. He was possessive of things, yes, but being possessive and to have an obsession are two different kinds of things.
You are possessive when you have, or want to have, a physical control of something. It's not that unusual for humans to be possessive; mainly because they're simply selfish.
Izaya can be possessive like everyone else (he himself doesn't deny that), though when it comes to being obsessive, the raven haired male are, as he himself would say, inhuman.
If you are to be obsessed with something, you have to be a mortal; which is to say that you've got to have control of yourself and of your own feelings. If you cannot do that, you simply won't be able to feel fear or love. You will just be a mess.
Simply put it; when you are obsessed in something, you feel the need to have it. You have an emotional control of something. You don't just simply want it, you feel it and therefor you want it. And since Izaya can't seem to know his own emotions, he just can't be obsessive over something either.
Of course this is just a small guess, a simple surmise of the man that the woman had thought of as she still had only scratched the surface of the informants mask. She knew that he was close to being a psychopath, and that he never talks about his true nature. Yes. Namie know that Izaya can't be a shitty person all the way deep down to the core. He's just like everyone else; just different. A different kind of human, but he's still the same as the people around him.
A sudden knock on the solid wooden door made the woman snap back to reality and away from her deep thoughts about her boss. She made a quick sign to the said man, telling him that she'll open the door for the person that was patiently waiting at the other side. The man simply smiled and brought his cup of coffee to the table in the living room. Sitting down, he made sure to keep a friendly face while he would be talking to the client who he'd already predicted would come.
"Let this so called fun begin~"
"I-I'm sorry! I won't have the money 'til next week! C-can't you guys relate to my problem a-and wait patiently for a couple of more days?" the trembling voice asked, shaking furiously because of the sight before him. His eyes widening from pure fear and anxiousness as he realized that his 'underdogs' had fled together with the money he owed to the two gentlemen that stood before him. He swallowed.
"Look..." one of the two men begun, taking a step forward towards the guy just to make sure he was listening. "I'm sure you have your reasons. We're both understanding and can, as you say, actually relate to this." the dreadlocked man continued while fixing his sunshades; later deciding to take them off as it was already pretty dark outside.
The poor man sighed, looking somewhat relived as he begun to bow dozens of times while repeatedly saying thank you.
"But." He continued. "That doesn't mean that we'll take pity on you and let you get away with our money. We're only doing our work. I'm sure you understand what will happen if you don't return the money you owe us, right?" The man made a motion at the taller male behind him, knowing fully well that he was somewhat infamous and feared by many in this big town.
Said man turned around; blond locks lying a bit messy, black and white clothes that recognizes a bartenders outfit, and a significant stick in his mouth that turned his exhaling breathe into smoke was all that it took for the man who owe the money to fall to his knees; completely paralyzed from fear.
The blond man, Heiwajima Shizuo grunted and stared at the pitiful excuse of a man before him. It was sad that some people behave like this, and what do they get from it? Nothing. Acting tough and sly won't do them any good 'cause it'll only lead them to being sorry afterwards...If they will feel anything afterwards that is...After all, it's THE monster of Ikebukuro that the man is facing at the moment.
The man on his knees stuttered, and looked like he was on the edge of crying. "P-please have m-mercy!..." he begged, turning his head down to the pavement and begun to quietly curse the two men that stood in front of him.
A small 'Tch' escaped the blonds lips as he grow more irritated at the man begging for his life. "Should have thought about this before you borrowed money, huh?!" he said, throwing his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it; a clear sign that he was almost at the edge of losing control of the monster inside.
The dreadlocked man sighed and gave a somewhat worried look at the man on the ground. He was soon to become one with it if he didn't bring back the money...
"Okay! Let's say I-I pay you guys back in 4 days then?" the man suddenly asked in a somewhat calm, but still scared voice. "I just need 4 days to prepare them!"
And there goes the poor man's only chance to save himself. Not that he would've been able to run away from Shizuo, but he could have given up and simply given them the money, but no. He just had to learn it the hard way.
He just had to make an enemy out of the blond...
-1 hour later-
"Now that we got the money back, I don't think I'll need your accompany for the upcoming days actually." The dreadlocked man Tom said while counting the money they've gathered.
Shizuo simply grunted at first-since he still was pretty pissed and didn't necessary want to get in another fight-. Though after calming down he asked in a surprisingly cheerful voice "So I can sleep till noon starting tomorrow?"
Tom laughed slightly at this small joke from his co-worker, but nodded and explained that he'd got it covered and could always ask Verona to help if it got too much for him alone.
"You haven't had a vacation in a long time; it's time for you to have one! You've earned it."
Shizuo felt happy to have his friend thinking about him. It sure was nice to have friends sometimes. Though he got a slight shade of pink on his cheeks from the compliment, but quickly covered it so that it wouldn't be visible for the dreadlocked man.
"Thanks." He said and smiled slightly at his friend before saying bye and turned to walk towards his apartment.
Vacation, huh...Don't remember last time I had one. He thought while walking home quietly in the chilly weather. It was early November, and it was around this time that people started to rush to stores to buy Christmas presents and such to their loved ones. He couldn't help but smile slightly at that.
Wonder what I should buy Kasuka this year...
Kasuka, the younger Heiwajima brother, was currently in Europe for a movie...thingy. Shizuo didn't actually know what it was he was doing there, but it had to be something that involves movies of some sort, 'cause that's the only thing that Kasuka enjoys. Except puzzles. Shizuo knew for a fact that Kasuka loved puzzles...
"Perfect present." He stated happily and noticed that he soon was back home.