Coming Back Home

The fireworks exploded into beautiful patterns and Fabian watched in awe. The most beautiful thing he had ever seen, next to Nina of course. Ripping him out his thoughts, a very familiar voice spoke up. "Beautiful isn't it?" For a split second he thought it was his imagination, but he felt like he had to turn around.

It wasn't a thought or a simple I miss you thing that Fabian usually did, his Nina was standing all bundled up, looking up at him. She mentally noted that he'd gotten taller. His hair was all over the place, and his nose was a light pink. He was bundled up and slightly shivering, but Nina thought he never looked better.

"Nina." He breathed. Don't get him wrong he could easily be the happiest man alive right now, but he felt like he was just making progress getting over Nina, but here she is looking all adorable. He instantly fell into the heartwarming spell that was Nina Martin. She reached up to give him a kiss but another voice Fabian hadn't heard in a while spoke. "Nina! Wait up!" Typical Amber. For someone who spent her time lecturing Nina about how she should get back together with Fabian despite the long distance thing, she sure did ruin a lot of their moments.

Nina smiled at Fabian but turned to Amber and whispered something in her ear. Amber nodded frantically and then Nina said something again that Amber to smile the size England itself.

At the other side of the bundle, Patricia noticed Eddie twitching and was immediately concerned. "Eddie, are you okay? Eddie?" She shook him but all he said was, "She's here." Eddie pushed his way through the crowd almost blindly his feet leading him places and Patricia was swiftly on his tail. As soon he came close to Nina he couldn't control his hands either. He found himself gripping her shoulders and pulling her towards Anubis house.

"Why are you here?" He finally got control of his body again and almost screamed his question.

"Didn't you get my letter?" He shook his head. "I couldn't be here for Roberts awakening, it would end in chaos."

"I'm the Osirian, the one who can banish him to hell, why would the gods prefer me here and not you?"

She scoffed, "Eddie, listen to you." He did as he was told and realized what he had just said. His face made 'o' realization. "That's not the only reason I'm here though, but that's a story for later. I have some serious news for you guys. Make sure Sibuna is in the house my and Amber's old room in twenty minutes. Even the new girl."

"K.T" She just nodded and walked off.


Fabian took a seat next to Nina before anyone could get there deciding he would take her before they got interrupted and it was official Sibuna time. He pointed to her suitcases and softly smiled. "Does this mean you're coming back?" He had a hopeful look in his eyes and she nodded. He was so happy that he did the one thing he knew he really wanted to do, he kissed her.


"Yacker, get the rest of Sibuna and meet in Nina's old room." "Why couldn't you have said my room?" "The answer to your question isn't needed right now. Just please go!" She rounded everyone up and though it took a few minutes. Once they got back to Anubis and entered the room Fabian was smiling fondly at Nina and Nina was engross in some book she was reading, and no one knew this but Amber was hiding in the closet. As soon as Nina saw them Nina chugged a pillow at Eddie. I said twenty minutes not five!" Everyone laughed but Eddie. "Too bad, just tell them already so you can get to telling what I need to know."

"Fine, but first thing first, AMBER GET OUT THE CLOSET BEFORE YOU SUFFOCATE! " With squee similar to Willow she jumped out the closet. Everyone bit back a scream as she jumped out wearing a large grin. Everyone was happy to see both of them seeing as Alfie was squeezing the life out of her. "He he I missed you too Alfie."

"You all have been called here for two reasons. This might take awhile so sit." She paused and waited for everyone to sit. "So I found out when…" And the explanation began.

A/N: That was the first chapter of my first ever fan fiction on House of Anubis! Yay! I know it was short, but I promise I'll try to make longer in the future. I really hope you guys liked it.

Oh! I forgot the disclaimer! I own nothing but my plotline and maybe original characters. (NO promises).

Ewww, that was boring. Good bye anyway! Oh and pretty please review!