Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Yugioh or One Piece, I do not have any rights to Harry Potter or Yugioh or One Piece and I do not make any money from writing these fic's.
A/N: This fic is written for Camp NaNoWriMo April 2013, The Secret Challenge with the prompt 'Your character has invented something' but this will appear at a later date, The Ultimate fanfic challenge 200 prompts with the prompt Crossover, The 'Show your True Colours challenge which I chose Hufflepuff and I will put an A/N when I am about to use one of the prompts, and finally the 'If you Dare...continued' challenge with the prompt Old lies as this fic's main plot point is about Harry uncovering old lies that has been told and finding out the truth.
Chapter 1
Harry Potter gave a heavy sigh of sadness as he gazed up between his two so called friends, with a low sigh of pain he lowered his head again and allowed his face to become covered by his much longer black hair. As his hair covered his pain filled emerald eyes it also blocked out the sight of the two people who felt it was more important to try and suck each other's face off of each other than to write a single letter to their best friend...and that was before Harry received a letter from Gringotts asking him about the money going out of his vaults when they realised the human boy had no idea that it was going on.
Doing his best to tune out the sound of the backstabbers sucking each other's faces off of each other Harry turned back to the small black book in his hand. At the beginning of the summer he had been forced to write to his cousin's penpal friends in Japan, some sort of summer project that Dudley's year was being forced to do, only to find himself enjoying reading the letters that came from Dudley's penpal friend and in return writing the letters. Much to Harry's excitement the school had given Dudley enough muggle stamps to send ten letter's a day to their penpal meaning Harry would be able to keep in contact with his new found friend all year around if he was careful with the stamps.
'I need to thank him for sending me this book on how to learn Japanese' Harry thought as he sent his small black book a fond smile 'I wonder if I could try to write a paragraph in Japanese in my next letter to him? That should surprise him...through I do hope I won't say anything insulting to him.'
As the world passed by Harry's train window he kept himself busy reading the book his friend had sent to him, every so often one of his fingers left its place in holding the black book and lovingly stroked the blue ring in the shape of a blue dragon with its mouth resting over its tail to complete the circle.
At first the letter's between Harry and his penpal had been forced, cold and stiff, it was not until Harry had finally asked just what 'Duel Monsters' where in his letter did the other open up. When the other opened up Harry found himself opening up too, much to their delight they found it easy to talk, in fact Harry that their letters could go on and on for six or even seven pages without anything being repeated. Then when Harry had told his friend about him returning to 'boarding school' and having to use 'post birds' instead of the normal means his friend had said it was alright and he would see about finding some way of sending Harry a laptop or mobile phone so they could communicate better.
'I wish I could of opened up fully to him' Harry thought with a heavy depressed sigh as he turned to look out of the train window 'But...remember Harry, he is only a muggle...a normal muggle who has no idea about magic or Hogwarts or Voldemort...'
Sighing Harry allowed himself to become lost in his thoughts about his penpal friend from Japan as he gazed out of the window through unseeing eyes. Thoughts of how the other could look flashed through his eyes as Harry remembered the other telling him that he had short brown hair, sharp ice blue eyes and was extremely tall for someone his age while, as the image only see able to Harry blurred in and out of Harry's inner focus he remembered the other details that his friend had given him, he was extremely rich, had a little brother who he loved dearly, ran a very successful company, played Duel Monsters and chess while also having a strong love for the Blue Eyes Dragon.
As the train quickly made its way through the hills and country side Harry returned his attention back to his book with the promise to himself that one day he would be able to write, or even talk, to his friend in some level of Japanese. As the sun set and the moon began to rise Harry let out a small sigh of relief as he heard Hermione's and Ron's words telling him they were going to change.
'In other words they are going to get change and then stay there to make out until the train comes to a complete stop' Harry thought dryly to himself as the carriage door slid shut leaving him alone in the blissful silence.
Glad that he had bothered to get change earlier Harry marked his place in his book before setting it down and grabbing his black school robe that laid on the seat next to him. Putting his robe on Harry tilted his body as he slipped his arms into the sleeves only to see a flash of dark brown against the flashes of green and dark blue sky.
"Please do not tell me that Voldemort is attacking the train," Harry muttered to himself as he quickly grabbed his wand out from its hiding place in his trouser pocket, "And here I was hoping to have a quiet sixth year."
Keeping a close eye on the train window Harry pointed his wand at the window again and waited for a few seconds until the flash of brown appeared outside of his window, it was a powerful eagle owl with a muggle envelope gripped tightly in its claws flying just outside of the train window. As if realising that Harry was looking at it the eagle owl turned its head and stared at Harry with its glowing yellow eyes as if to say 'let me in, this is a letter to you after all'.
Moving quickly through with his wand still out Harry quickly opened the window and stepped backwards allowing the powerful owl to enter the compartment. As it entered and landed on the seat Harry had just left it gave a sharp cry and glared at Harry as it dropped the letter on the seat before flying up onto the luggage area above Harry to rest.
Looking from the owl to the letter Harry carefully pointed his wand at the letter and muttered a quick spell to see if there was any nasty spells attached to it, which he had learnt during his summer studies when he had nothing to do, only to let out a sigh of relief when he found none. Picking it up Harry's emerald green eyes brightened as he read the familiar writing on the front of the muggle envelope.
It was from his muggle penpal friend!
'I wonder what could be so important that the owl did not just give me the letter tomorrow with the other post owls' Harry thought as he sat back down taking no notice of the open window 'Oh well, I guess there is only one way to find out.'
Turning the envelope over Harry carefully opened it, being careful not to damage what was inside, only to gasp in shock as he pulled out a letter and another ring like the one he wore already. Carefully picking up the ring Harry took a close look to it only to find that while this ring was identical to the one he was wearing it was also totally different, he could feel the magic practically humming around the ring. Wondering just where his muggle friend could of gotten a magical ring Harry quickly opened up the letter and began to read.
'I wonder what could be so important that the owl did not just give me the letter tomorrow with the other post owls' Harry thought as he sat back down taking no notice of the open window 'Oh well, I guess there is only one way to find out.'
Turning the envelope over Harry carefully opened it, being careful not to damage what was inside, only to gasp in shock as he pulled out a letter and another ring like the one he wore already. Carefully picking up the ring Harry took a close look to it only to find that while this ring was identical to the one he was wearing it was also totally different, he could feel the magic practically humming around the ring. Wondering just where his muggle friend could of gotten a magical ring Harry quickly opened up the letter and began to read.
Hello Harry,
I know this letter might come as a shock to you but I found myself unable to keep the news to myself any longer and when I found something interesting about you I found myself able to share with you this news.
You see my dear friend it turns out that I, Seto kaiba, of all people have magic! I found out just this morning when a strange old man sucking lemon drops appeared at my front door. After a short...interrogation...(you know how I am Harry) with the old man it turned out that he was the Headmaster of a school called Hogwarts and wanted me to come and teach there!
When I raised the question about how it is impossible for me to teach at a magic school as I have never had any schooling in magic he shocked me by saying he did not want me to teach subjects like charms and transfiguration but he wanted me to introduce the students to shadow magic...I am sure you remember all about the history of duel monsters and how my...friends have 'taught' me to control the shadows myself.
To cut a long story short I will be teaching a class...well more like showing off...and explaining about a few skills of mine as the shadows have started to show themselves in England. Through when I agreed to this I did not find out until it was too late that my 'teaching assistant' would be my so called friends from Japan, Mailk and Mairk. All I can say is Kami help us all.
By the time you read this letter I will of been at Hogwarts for a few hours with my...friends, Mailk and Mairk.
On a happier note I am looking forwards to meeting with you for the first time in person, I have been told I will be sitting next to a Professor called 'Severus Snape' so please look out for me. At the bottom of this letter I have included directions to my private rooms, please meet me there tonight my dear friend.
Also, I bet your wondering about the ring I sent you? I have heard all about your tales in the magical world and I would appreciate it if you always wore the ring like you do your other one. I have got Professor Snape to place several spells on it along the lines of protection and tracking and shielding spells along with one that if you are in danger it will take you to my bedroom in Japan, Domino. Also just to be on the safe side with the help of a few...friends of mine I have placed several protective spells on the ring with shadow magic as well.
Feel free to send me a reply with my new owl, Faust (named 'the fortune one' due to the fact that I managed to save him from being killed), you know how much I love getting letters from you.
Your Friend,
Seto Kaiba.
P.S: I find myself starting to feel sorry for this 'Professor Snape' person as he seems to of attracted the attention of Mailk and Mairk...of the romantic kind.
To Be Continued...
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new fic~