As they rode the elevator up from the lab to Tony's actual living space, Bruce fidgeted and worried his bottom lip while stealing sidelong glances at his friend.

"What's on your mind?" Tony asked curiously as he wrapped a friendly arm around the other man's waist, resting his hand on his hip with his thumb threaded through his beltloop.

"I'm sorry for messing with you," he said with a slightly impish grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Please," Tony laughed. "You're talking to someone who is difficult on purpose often just for the fun of it. Believe me, there's nothing to be sorry for. Though," he said as his hand slowly slid down Bruce's hip and toward his backside, "now that I know, you're not going to be able to get away with anything anymore."

Bruce instinctively tensed a little when Tony grabbed his ass, but it made him smile just the same. Then, to show that he wasn't worried about that rather vague threat, he turned and gave him the slightest whisper of a kiss on the side of his neck. "You can't control yourself anyway, so I would expect nothing less," he said in a low voice, his lips tickling the other man's skin. He felt that after everything that happened, he should prove that although he didn't have the same kind of experience as his friend, that didn't mean he was going to be the instigator at least once in a while.

The next thing he knew, Tony was pushing him up against the wall and kissing him once again. It took JARVIS telling them that they had reached their desired floor for him to stop, albeit reluctantly.

"Come on," Bruce urged. "Let's clean up our first mess before we make another."

Tony smiled and led them to the bathroom.

"You look like the cat that swallowed the canary," the scientist noted as they undressed.

"I'd say I swallowed more than a canary," the inventor replied as he stared at his friend's crotch.

Bruce blushed a little in spite of himself.

Tony greatly enjoyed that slight darkening of his friend's skin and urged him to finish undressing so they could get into the shower together. Once they were comfortable with the water, he turned Bruce to face the spray and started to lather up his back and shoulders, his hands wandering from there around the front of his body until his torso was covered in soapy suds.

"You said you haven't been with anyone since the accident," he began as his hands began to venture lower.

"Yeah, but you said not to worry about that," Bruce reminded. His tone would have been more anxious if Tony's hands weren't methodically massaging his hips and waist.

"I'm not worried. I'm curious," he clarified.

"What about?" He felt his stomach flutter just a little.

"I think it's no secret that I'm essentially pansexual," he began, a bit of cockyness in his tone.

"Yeah, that's pretty apparent," Bruce chuckled.

"How do you identify?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

Considering his circumstances, Bruce never really gave his sexual identity much thought, though gender identification and sexual preference were things that he occasionally read about in his spare time. After about a minute, he said, "Demisexual," and wondered if he would have to explain himself further. He felt Tony smile into his back as his hand moved down to his member.

Bruce rolled his eyes and turned around. He snatched up the soap and started washing his friend. Even just doing that made him feel like he had regained some control of his situation. "How dominant do you tend to be?"

Tony smirked. "Are you asking what I prefer or how it usually turns out?"

"Both," he answered surely

"I usually end up just following the other person's lead. If they're submissive, I assert myself. If they come on strong, I let them lead, but for the most part, people don't like a lot of power plays, so things actually stay pretty normal. In my experience, for anything to get really interesting, you either have to be with someone for a while or you have to pay for it. I have to admit, I'm not very good at either of those," he jokingly confessed.

"And what would you prefer?" Bruce prompted as he ran his hands over Tony chest, testing the sensitivity of his nipples.

The man currently being washed did like that attention, but didn't really let on very much because he was busy thinking about his reply. "I'm a switch. I don't want to get shoehorned into one role or another." Then his smile grew lecherous again. "I've had fantasies that go both ways. There are days that there's a certain sway to your hips that makes me want to bend you over and take you. I can't help imagining what kind of sound you'd make if I gave you a love bite or what you'd look like with a hickey."

Bruce hardly held in his gasp at the visuals that were being painted for him and the determined tone being used to do it. "And other days?" he was barely able to ask.

"The other days, I would see this little sparkle in your eye. I used to think it was my imagination, but now I'm not so sure. On those days, I get excited trying to imagine what it would be like if you decided to push me down, spread my legs, and show me what for," he answered, reaching around to grab the other man's ass. Then, when it was clear that Bruce was having trouble finding a reply to that, he said. "What about you? From the look on your face, you like both my ideas."

He gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, what you said sounds good, but I really don't know." Then he gave an almost impish little grin. "I guess we'll just have to use trial and error."

"Ever the scientist," Tony mused as he pulled his friend close and rubbed their soap-slickened bodies together, feeling the other man's cock start to stir in response to the physical stimulation as well as their banter. "How often do you masturbate?" he asked boldly, his hands now roaming wherever they pleased.

Bruce shifted a little in place. He wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but this wasn't something he was used to. In an attempt to not seem off putting, he turned and situated them so that Tony was facing the spray and he was standing behind him, running his hands up and down his sides while slowly rubbing his chest against his back. "A couple times a week on average, sometimes more if you've been especially enticing." Then he chuckled. "Let me guess. You're more of a once a day kind of guy if there's no one around to help you out?"

Tony laughed as well, leaning his head back against Bruce's shoulder. "More like once in the morning and once at night, but it's gotten more frequent since you started working here," he confessed with a cheeky grin.

"Oh yeah?" he asked with disbelief, opting to plant soft little kisses on the other man's neck to avoid eye contact.

"Don't tell me you didn't suspect something when I took extra long breaks and came back significantly more relaxed," he half-teased.

Bruce shook his head. "You're incorrigible."

"I know. There's nothing for me," he replied as he turned around. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Probably. Keep up with you? I'm not so sure," he answered.

"Have you ever been with another man?" Tony asked curiously.

"Uh, no. All of my pre-accident experiences were with women," he managed.

Tony nodded, making Bruce think he was going to change topics, but that was not the case. "But you've thought about it at least," he continued, turning around to press his half-hard cock against his friend's more flaccid member.

Bruce gasped a little at the sudden contact, which made his blood rush downward much more quickly than he was used to. He gave his nervous, self-conscious little laugh again. "I think I see where this is going. Yes, I've spent some of my personal time considering what it would be like to be with another man, specifically you," he said, knowing how it would stroke his friend's ego. "I've also spent some of that time experimenting with the physics that sort of encounter might entail," he confessed.

Tony gave his widest smile yet and as his member hardened fully, his head filled with images of the sexy scientist probing and stroking himself in different positions. He couldn't help kissing him again. This time it was a brief but passionate affection that left them both a little breathless.

"Anything else?" Bruce asked as he tried to rinse them off. He got the impression that Tony didn't generally interview his lovers like this, but at the same time, he found the idea oddly exciting, both because of the content of the questions and the genuine interest behind them. Tony really wanted to get to know this side of him, and that made him feel just as good as knowing that he was attracted to him in the first place.

Tony took half a step back and looked down between them. "How quickly do you rebound?" he asked with a chuckle.

Bruce looked down as well to see his soft member being held up by his friend's very anxious erection. "Not as quickly as you apparently," he teased, reaching down to fondle Tony's cock and earning an almost startled little moan in response.

"I guess we'll have to work on that," the inventor proposed haughtily, confident in his ability to fully pervert his more straight-laced friend.

Bruce shrugged. "It's not that I haven't found this all very...arousing," he said as he pulled Tony close again, his hand still slowly working his length. "I'm just accustomed to holding back the physical manifestation of that excitement," he explained. Then, he dropped to his knees and started kissing the hard flesh that jutted out toward him.

Tony's hips jerked in response. "You tried to give me head before, and I didn't let you. You really that eager to suck me off?" he taunted.

Understanding Tony's antagonistic teasing probably better than anyone, Bruce backed off and offered a challenging look upward. "If you'd rather I not," he threatened.

The man still on his feet chuckled. "You know I would be helpless to stop you, as I have no control over myself."

Bruce smiled and leaned forward again. "Good, because there was a few seconds downstairs when I thought you didn't want me to because you didn't think I would be any good at it," he said. It was true, but there was a definite chiding in his voice as he started stroking the base of the cock in his hand while licking the head.

Now it was Tony's turn to laugh a bit awkwardly. "I would have come too fast if you did this before," he said. "Not that looking into your sexy face didn't do the same thing," he mused.

The man on his knees tried to look up, but the mist from the shower made that difficult. "Got any pointers?" he tried before giving into the urge to suck the other man's member into his mouth.

"What? Weren't you paying attention earlier?" he teased.

"I was a bit distracted," Bruce replied.

"Do what you want. I'll be bossy and demanding later," Tony said with a shrug, then groaned when half of his cock was enveloped in soft, wet warmth. Yes, he had had more skillfully executed blow jobs before, but this man's studious enthusiasm was something he'd never experienced.

Bruce learned quickly, and this was no exception. He figured out just how to run his tongue along the underside and around the head of the flesh in his mouth. With minimal experimentation, he reasoned out just the right angle of approach for the maximum capacity of his mouth while avoiding any potentially unpleasant encounters with his teeth. He learned that there was no such thing as too much saliva or suction and not to be self-conscious about the sloppy sounds he made as he worked because Tony seemed to enjoy those about as much as everything else he did.

He also learned about himself. Toward the end of his task, he had thoroughly tested the limits of his gag reflex. He gained an appreciation for Tony's earlier service toward him because it didn't take long for his neck and jaw to show the first signs of fatigue. What really surprised him was how much he enjoyed the feeling of Tony's hands running through and even occasionally pulling his hair. He also really liked how easy it was to tell when his partner was right on the edge. The muscles in his legs started to twitch, then he started to shake lightly. The member in his mouth seemed to swell up just a little more, and he felt the sack just beneath the hand working the base tighten up.

He barely heard Tony mutter, "Please swallow," before he came exploding into his mouth. It wasn't as much as before, but he was still surprised by the volume of liquid his friend was able to produce. Either way, he did swallow, if only because he understood that to be the polite thing to do, though he would have done so out of curiosity anyway. The next thing he knew, he was being urged to stand so that Tony could kiss him again.

When that kiss finally broke, Bruce was chuckling to himself.

"What's so funny?" Tony asked playfully as he rinsed them off one last time.

"Just that I've had more kisses in this afternoon than I have since the accident. It's kind of sad, but I can't complain," he explained. He'd been hoping that his lighthearted tone and the fact that he'd facilitated such a thing would make his friend smile.

However, the very idea of being so isolated made Tony's heart ache, but to keep from showing too much of that kind of emotion, as it was sure to spoil the joviality they had been sharing thus far, he closed his eyes and kissed Bruce again. This time it started out soft and slow, slowly deepening into an affection the stirred something deep inside both of them.

Before too long of that, Bruce had to break away. The passion and affection behind that one act had him practically trembling. "Thank you," he whispered against the other man's lips and pulled him in for a tight, loving embrace.

The moment was probably the sweetest one that either them had experienced in a very long time, and they were both a little surprised when it was Bruce who broke it. He hadn't meant to, but after all that, he couldn't help getting hard again. Tony pulled back with a chuckle, his gaze flicking down to the hard flesh pressing against his thigh.

"Come on," he said as he shut off the shower.

He got towels for both of them, and they dried off together before Tony led Bruce back into the bedroom. On their way, there was more flirtatious kissing and fondling until they reached the bed. Bruce laughed nervously again, which made Tony grin.

"Lay back," he said in a low, seductive voice that sent a small jolt of pleasure straight to Bruce's groin.

The less experienced man nodded almost dumbly and slowly climbed onto the bed and laid down on his back. His heart fluttered as Tony crawled up and over him at an equally slow pace until he was laying down on top of him, grinding their hips together while kissing and nipping at his friend's chest and shoulders.

Bruce groaned. This was the most intimate and pleasurable thing he'd ever experienced. Instinctively, he reached up and grabbed Tony's hips, pulling him even more tightly against his own. The increase in pressure made his whole body burn.

Tony reared up a bit to look down into his friend's face, find it taut with unspeakable pleasure. "You trust me, right?" he asked in the same, low voice as before, this time with a hint of mischief to it.

Bruce laughed giddily. "Only about as far as I could throw you," he answered.

Tony shrugged. "All things considered, that's pretty far," he replied with his unique blend of cheeky seriousness.

The man on his back felt his heart skip a beat. He hadn't really considered that if Tony did get carried away, he would be able to put a stop to it, and with minimal effort. It sort of made his heart sink. "Yeah, I trust you," he said somewhat sheepishly.

With a triumphant grin, Tony sat up, making sure that by the time he was upright, Bruce's cock rested snugly between his asscheeks as he slowly rocked back and forth. "Good, because I trust you a lot, more than pretty much anybody," he said surely.

"Yeah," was all Bruce could manage with the sensual pressure on his member.

Tony cocked his head. "Tell me you want to be inside me," he tried.

The man beneath him stammered a bit but did eventually manage to nod. "Yeah," he said in a breathy voice.

"Not good enough," Tony chided, waving his finger in front of Bruce's face as he rolled his hips a little.

The change in direction made Bruce's hips jerk. "You keep that up, and we're not gunna make it any further than this, and you know what? I don't care. You're sexy as fuck, and getting off like this is even more than I'd ever imagined could happen," he confessed.

Tony got up from Bruce's lap and nearly off the bed.

"Did I say something wrong?" Bruce asked, almost panicked.

"You can't say anything wrong. You're too perfect. I think it might actually be impossible for that to happen," Tony mused as he reached into his bedside stand. When he pulled out a bottle of lube, he showed it to the other man, whose expression shifted to relief and then excitement. "So, stop worrying," he practically ordered, as he moved back over to straddle his friend's torso. He was just about to pour some of the thick liquid onto his fingers, when he was stopped.

"May I?" Bruce asked hopefully.

Tony took Bruce's hand and poured a portion of the contents onto his fingers instead. Then, he guided him between his legs until his slickened fingers rested against his entrance. He set the bottle aside and rested his hands on Bruce's shoulders while he got a feel for him.

"You can do whatever you want with me," Tony said suddenly when Bruce's index finger finally entered him.

"Because you know I won't ask for much," he distractedly dismissed as he pushed further inside.

"Stop saying stuff like that," Tony scolded. "You are handsome and brilliant. You deserve to have what you want." He had more to say but ended up grunting when a second finger was added before the first was withdrawn. Fortunately, he remembered himself again before Bruce could interject further self-deprecation. "Besides, even if your personal experience is lacking, I know your imagination isn't. Tell me, when you fantasized about having sex with me, what position was it in?" he pressed eagerly as he pushed back a little against the fingers probing him.

Bruce blushed.

"So you have thought about us like that!" Tony triumphantly asserted. "Come on. I told you some of my fantasies," he urged.

That made Bruce cave. "I-I always thought that... Well, it seemed to me that the most realistic scenario would be me sitting on the edge of a table with you standing in front of me," he admitted, a bashful little smile on his lips as he felt Tony physically react to what he was saying.

"Add another finger and tell me another one," Tony continued to urge.

Bruce laughed softly but did as he was told. He added a third finger, feeling his cock react to the resistance he felt, as he considered what to say. "Or you would get us both drunk, and we would screw around for a while, end up spooning, and I wouldn't be able to help taking you from behind," he managed to say.

"If I had thought there was any chance of that happening, I would have gotten you drunk your first week here," Tony surely replied. He was hard now again, but when Bruce reached up to touch his length, he stopped him. "Don't worry about that just yet," he dismissed. "Anything kinky?" he asked hopefully as he guided the fingers from his backside.

Bruce didn't immediately understand why he was being stopped until Tony shifted backward to align his entrance with his anxious length. He swallowed hard. "Umm... Well..." he tried but the sight of Tony slowly sliding down onto him combined with the feeling of being sheathed so tightly in his warm, responsive body made him forget the question entirely. The throaty groan the man on top of him gave as he slowly descended didn't hurt either.

Once he was fully impaled and seated once again in his friend's lap, Tony smirked. "You were saying?" he prompted with a cheeky grin.

Bruce blinked a couple of times before he remembered what they were talking about. "Oh, yes... Um, well..." he hedged as he thought. "There was one day when Pepper kept popping in and out of the lab. You were especially excitable that day, and I couldn't help imagining you hiding under my desk to get away from all her questions and getting carried away while you were down there. I have a very bad poker face, and you really know what you're doing down there, so I don't think it would work, but it was fun to think about," he managed.

Tony laughed. "She would know. She always seems to know when I'm up to something," he mused. Then, he rolled his hips. "Tell me another one, please," he nearly pleaded.

"It's your turn," Bruce insisted.

Tony thought for a second and realized that if they were keeping track, then it was true. "Fine," he said with impish conviction. "But before I do, put your hands here." He took Bruce's hands and placed them on his hips. "Don't be afraid to sink in you fingers. You're not going to hurt me," he assured.

Bruce blushed a little again. "Yeah, okay," he barely replied. He would have said more, but he was surprised by just how intimate and incredible and right it felt to hold Tony like that. He gave the man on top of him a squeeze and relished his friend's muscles tightening in response.

Tony made a soft, "Mmmm," sound before revealing his kinky fantasy. "I wanted you to give me my birthday spankings on my last birthday. I got, still get, very excited every time I think about being bent over you knee and having you make me count every swat," he began and was surprised when Bruce interrupted.

"Bare bottom?" he asked hopefully and without thinking.

"Of course!" he excitedly replied. "And you would have to hold me tight to keep me still enough to do your job. By the time you were finished, I would be able to feel your hard on poking me in the stomach, and you would be so excited that you would push me down and take me. And when you were spent, you would kiss me all better and promise that I could repay the favor on your birthday," he explained and he could feel the cock inside him twitching and jerking madly. He was about to say something, either press for more dirty fantasies or tell Bruce that he'd waited long enough, when the man beneath him just started thrusting.

If their positions had been switched, Tony would have just started slamming into the person riding him, if he had even been able to wait that long to do it. As it was, Bruce's thrusts were slow, yet determined. They were just the right about of caution and force to drive him mad.

"You don't have to be careful with me. I can take a good pounding," he encouraged with a wink.

Bruce chuckled. "But I want-" he began but trailed off when his hips bucked in response to seeing Tony reach down to touch himself.

"Ah, yes, of course. You do what you want," Tony urged. "Take me your way. I want to see and feel and hear you doing what you want, what feels good to you."

Bruce practically whimpered. No one had encouraged him like that, even before the accident. Sure, it was a bit odd to hear such things said so plainly, but it was something he needed. He needed to hear the encouraging words of a lover, someone telling him that he couldn't do wrong as long as he did what felt good, and he knew Tony well enough to know he meant what he was saying. His pace slowly increased as he used his grip on the other man's hips to increase the force a little each time.

"That's right, Doctor Banner," Tony said, his voice full of lust and mischief. "Show me what you like. Show me what to do to make you come completely undone. I wanna know it all. I want the long list of all the things that make you hot, because you are the sexiest bastard I've been with in a very long time, and by far the most clever." He had more to say, but Bruce sat up and kissed him.

It was a clumsy but heartfelt affection that made Tony reach up, cupping his hand behind his friend's neck, to help guide him. Then, Bruce said something that made Tony almost lose himself.

"No more talking. Just sex," he panted against the other man's lips. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy what was being said, quite the contrary. Tony's sexy banter was almost more than he could handle, and he knew there was plenty more where that came from. For the time being, however, he was nearly overwhelmed by the sensations he was experiencing. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been so hot. It felt like was ready to burst already, but he grit his teeth and held back for as long as he could. Sure, this was the first of likely many more encounters with Tony Stark, but it was the first. It was the first first he'd had in far too long, and he wanted to enjoy it.

The heat and friction between them was intoxicating. He made a point to commit to memory as many little details as possible: like the way Tony's nipples poked out at him or the way he squirmed when he leaned down to flick them with his tongue; the way his hair fell into his face, finding that he looked even more attractive when he wasn't all done up; or the sounds that his friend made when he hit his prostate, a soft, deep grunting sound that mixed pleasure and effort and made a tingle run down his spine.

He was peaking before he even knew what was happening. Only then did he notice that the member between them had started jerking in a vain effort to expel whatever semen remained in his stores. His vision went black for a few seconds, but then he realized he'd screwed his eyes shut, and he heard a great moaning groan that he only vaguely recognized as his own. If he hadn't felt this fantastic release with every cell in his body, it would have been an out of body experience.

When it was over, he wrapped his arms around Tony and held him tight making them fall over onto their sides, but he still didn't let go. He was the most content creature in the universe, and there was no way he was going to give that up before he was good and ready. When Tony shifted in his embrace, he began to wonder if perhaps he was being clingy, but his lips spread into an impossibly wide grin when he realized that he wasn't trying to put any distance between them. Rather, he was pulling the comforter up to cover them before they could catch a chill from the cooling sweat on their skin.

Bruce continued to grin as he settled in with his best friend, now lover, and began planting loving little kisses wherever he happened to reach, mostly on his chest and neck.

"You keep that up, you're going to get me all excited again," Tony teasingly warned.

"I don't care," Bruce muttered tiredly.

With a tired chuckle of his own, Tony gave Bruce a loving squeeze. Just before he passed out, he told JARVIS to wake them before it got too late for dinner.