Ready for a super long author's note? Okay great let's go
Well basically this is the last chapter is planned to be the last, at least for now. I love the story so much but I've been writing it since last spring and I've come to the point in the story where I was always thought it would end, Jenna and Alaric's wedding (like in the season 1 finale of gossip girl/also this is the 18th chapter and there was 18 episodes of gossip girl in season one, isn't that a weird coincidence?) I also want to have more time to write other stories and explore new things.
But the way I'm ending it will hopefully give you both closure but also the option for me to come back for a "season 2" somewhere down the line if people still wanted to read it and I was really inspired to do so but at the moment that's not likely so I can't make any promises on that.
I want to thank you all for contributing to the story with your reviews/favorites/follows. Without all of your support and love for this fic I would have never made it this far!
P.S. The new cover was made by the lovely klaroline-fantasies on tumblr, I love that particular Gossip Girl poster so it's really cool to see how she re-created it with these characters, thank you again Cindy!
One or two bits of dialogue you may recognize from Gossip Girl ;) Enjoy!
Chapter 18: With Me
'I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I'd wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.'
Sum 41
Katherine ran around Caroline's bedroom, which had quickly become a massive closet on the morning of Jenna and Alaric's wedding.
"I seriously have nothing to wear!" Katherine exclaimed for the fifteenth time as she now searched through Bonnie and Caroline's dresses.
Bonnie, who was already dressed in lovely light pink dress, turned to her friend, "Katherine you have more clothes than Caroline and I combined. Why not wear your new Dolce? You know with the blue detail?"
Caroline froze in her place in the adjoining bathroom. Katherine had only bought that dress a few weeks ago for Elijah, as blue was his favorite color, but she never got the chance to wear it before things blew up between them. It had been a week since they had last seen each other and Caroline suspected Katherine's difficulty with picking a dress had little to do with the actual wedding and more to do with the prospect of seeing him for the first time since their fight where he asked for space.
"I can't wear that." Katherine said lowly.
Bonnie frowned in confusion. Ever since Katherine had shown up at her place the week before she had been acting strange. Although Katherine wouldn't tell Bonnie what was wrong she could tell her friend was clearly torn up about something.
"How about this?" Caroline walked into the room holding up a violet colored dress she was planning on wearing before Jenna asked her to be a bridesmaid. Now her chosen outfit was a floor length yellow gown Caroline was in love with.
Katherine barely looked at the dress before replying, "I think I'm going to wear my black Chanel."
"Chanel? Yes. Black? No." Caroline practically scoffed, "You can't wear black to a spring wedding."
"Watch me." Katherine responded, grabbing her dress and heading into the bathroom, closing the door after her.
Bonnie spoke quietly, "What is going on with her?"
"No." Caroline responded, "Not today. Today is a happy day where we are going to have a good time and celebrate my eternal bachelor of an Uncle actually wanting to spend his live with someone. We are not going to talk about any of the other crappy stuff that is going on." Caroline nodded when she was finished speaking.
"Still haven't spoken to Klaus, huh?"
Caroline sighed, "No."
"Maybe you'll talk today?" Bonnie tried.
Caroline laughed humorlessly, "I doubt that. I pretty much told him he'd hurt me no matter. Would you want to talk to someone who thinks that of you?"
Bonnie quirked her head, "Do you actually think that?"
"No." Caroline whispered, "I'm just scared he will end it like Tyler did. Find something more important in life that he wants to pursue instead of me. And the thought of that, it scares me."
"I know I'm being irrational but I care about him too much. I wouldn't be able to carry the pain if that happened down the line."
Bonnie walked over to her friend, putting both her hands on Caroline's bare shoulders, "Sometimes you have to take risks Care. Even if you might get hurt in the process."
Caroline attempted a smile, "I think it's a little to late for the 'fight for your man' speech but thanks B."
"Okay this pity party needs to end." Katherine appeared in the doorway wearing a tight midi-length black dress showing a generous amount of cleavage.
"You look like a sexy grim reaper." Bonnie laughed, pointing out Katherine's equally dark smoky eyes and wine colored lips.
"Well you two are first on my list if you don't finish getting ready."
Damon wolf whistled as he entered Caroline's bedroom, "Looking good Kat."
Katherine gave a little curtsy and wink at the older Salvatore.
"You too of course Bon Bon." He smirked at Bonnie.
"Aren't you dating Elena Gilbert now?" She narrowed her eyes at him in response.
Damon shrugged, "Doesn't mean I can't appreciate beauty when I see it."
"Uh huh." Caroline laughed as the four of them made their way out of her room.
Katherine groaned when she saw Stefan standing in the foyer, "God do you always have to look so good in a suit, you brooding bastard?" She joked walking up to him and kissing him on the cheek.
Stefan chuckled, "I don't think I'II ever get sick of you sexually objectifying me Katherine."
"Good because I have no intention of stopping." She stuck her tongue out at him before walking out of the apartment, dragging Bonnie with her.
"You look amazing Care." He turned to his twin sister.
"Agreed." Damon added.
Caroline smiled brightly at her two brothers, linking her arms with both of them as they made their way out. Her own words about enjoying the day echoing in her mind.
"Finally, I never thought we'd get to the party part of this wedding." Damon exhaled as they entered the Palace Hotel's main ballroom.
Elena smacked his shoulder lightly before dragging him in the direction of the head table.
"How's that?" Caroline asked Stefan as they watched the two brunettes walk away.
Stefan shrugged, "It's a little weird, but I think that's just seeing Damon in a relationship."
"Just realizing Damon is the Salvatore sibling in a happy committed relationship." Caroline stated in shock.
"Yeah when did he become the fully functioning one?" Stefan joked.
Caroline laughed with her brother just as the DJ announced the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Alaric Saltzman to the room.
Everyone erupted in cheers as Alaric led Jenna to the dance floor. Caroline smiled widely as he Uncle slowly twirled in his new bride as their first song started to play.
Stefan grabbed her hand as the rest of the wedding party began to make their way to the dance floor.
Elena and Damon, as the maid of honor and best man, made their way out first with Stefan and Caroline following soon after. By the end of the song the whole floor was full with people swaying to the sound of the melodic wedding singer.
"They look so happy." Caroline whispered to her brother as they danced.
Stefan glanced at Alaric and Jenna who were gazing lovingly at each other, "Yeah they do." He agreed, his eyes moving to search the crowd before he landed on one particular person.
He felt his stomach drop slightly as he saw how beautiful Rebekah in her champagne colored dress, her eyes bright as she talked to Elijah.
"Need to go somewhere?" Caroline nodded in the direction he was staring.
Stefan shook his head in response but his sister continued, "Go. I'm a big girl I'II be fine." She joked.
Stefan chuckled, "Thanks lil sis." He said, hugging Caroline before walking away.
"We're twins, remember?" She shouted in response.
Caroline sighed, turning around to observe the rest of the party. Her breath hitched when she caught eyes with Klaus who was standing on the opposite side of the dance floor. This was the first time she was making real contact with him since they broke up. Sure they went to the same school but it was surprisingly easy to avoid someone at Notting Prep if you really wanted to, plus Stefan had told her his attendance hadn't been the best the last few days.
Seeing him now, dressed in a sleek black tux with his unruly curls and glowing blue eyes she felt her stomach twist, she wasn't ready to pretend to be okay around him. She wasn't ready to go back to being friends or frenemies or whatever they were a few months ago before all this had started. So when she saw him start to move through the crowd towards her, one word echoed in her mind. Run.
Caroline ran towards the bar, quickly spotting Bonnie and Katherine ordering some refreshments.
"I need help." She mock whispered when she arrived beside her two friends.
Katherine turned around, a whiskey sour in one hand, "Help with what?"
"I just saw Klaus and I ran. And I don't mean subtly walked away, I mean I hauled ass across the room." She panted, trying to get her breathing back to normal.
Katherine laughed before her face turned sour as she looked across the room, "Sounds like you made a lucky break. Men suck."
Bonnie frowned, "What? No Care, you should have talked to him. I know I haven't always been his biggest fan but Kol told me he's been really torn up this past week."
"And we all know how wise Kol is." The name bearer himself announced as he joined the threesome at the bar.
"Mind if I steal my girl ladies?" Kol winked at Caroline and Katherine before pulling Bonnie towards the dance floor as 'Blurred Lines' filled the room.
For a moment they watched the couple joke and play with each other as they danced leaving Katherine to roll her eyes at their display while Caroline chuckled. She couldn't believe there was a time Bonnie and Kol weren't together. They were perfect for each other.
Seeing Katherine's stare return to across the room, Caroline followed her gaze to where it landed on Elijah Mikaelson.
"So I guess this is why you've turned from sad-in-denial-Katherine to bitter-and-drinking-Katherine?" Caroline observed.
"Why is he even here?" Katherine mumbled into her drink, her childish behavior causing Caroline to laugh again.
"Want to sit at our table until the food comes?" Caroline asked, knowing the two of them weren't going to have much fun dancing right now.
Katherine nodded as the two made their way to their table, "Can we prank Kol later or something? I think that will make me feel better."
Caroline let out a loud laugh, "Sure."
"Hi." Stefan said awkwardly as he arrived in front of Rebekah and Elijah who seemed deep in conversation about something.
Rebekah quickly glanced up, a look of surprise flashing across her face, "Hi."
"Stefan." Elijah greeted, looking rather bemused at the way the two fair heads were staring at each other.
"I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" Stefan asked hopefully.
Rebekah nodded in response, her smile growing wide as she took his hand.
Once on the dance floor they began to spin around in slow circles to a rather familiar Adele song.
"You look really beautiful tonight Bekah." Stefan said, his breath dancing across her shoulder.
"Thank you." She whispered, "Don't look so bad yourself."
"Look I know I said I wanted to time to clear my head but I was just hurt." He said, choosing to speak with honesty instead of dancing around his feelings like he usually did around her.
"Hurt?" Rebekah pulled away slightly to look at his face in befuddlement.
"Yes. I hated knowing that you had a thing with Damon. That you chose my brother over me-"
"But you weren't an option-" Rebekah attempted to defend herself.
"I know. I didn't say it was the right thing to think. But that's how I felt." He tried to explain.
"And now? How do you feel now?" She asked, her voice full of hesitation.
Stefan met her eyes and knew there was no going back. He moved his right hand to cup her check before leaning down and placing his lips softly against hers, waiting to see her response. As soon as their lips met Rebekah curled an arm around Stefan's neck bringing him closer as they both lost themselves in the kiss.
Standing a mere few feet away Kol Mikaelson stood in shock, "I'm sorry have I missed something?"
Bonnie chuckled at his side; "Those two have been making googly eyes at each other for longer than I can remember."
"What?" Kol said in further confusion as Bonnie wrapped her arms around his neck to keep them dancing.
"Uh huh. Weddings seem to bring people together. Go figure." She winked at her boyfriend's clueless face.
At her words a spark seemed to light in Kol's eyes, "Bring together huh?"
Bonnie laughed, "We are not having sex in some coatroom or dark corner Mikaelson."
Kol smiled at her old nickname for him, reminding him just how far they had come, "I actually got us a room, so you can get your mind out of the gutter."
"You got us a room?" She asked in surprise.
"Yes I did, don't sound so surprised Bennett. We can go up later and watch The Walking Dead and get room service." He suggested.
Bonnie tried not to break out into the biggest smile, "And have sex?" She teased.
"Maybe a little sex." He shrugged before grinning and pulling her into a soft kiss.
"I love you Bonnie." He whispered against her lips.
"I love you too." She said effortlessly, pulling him back against her for another kiss.
Caroline took another small sip of champagne as she watched her brother step onto the small stage to deliver his best man's speech. Everyone had already watched Elena say beautiful things about her Aunt, who had become such a rock for her since losing her parents. And how Ric had made her feel like family from the moment they met. Now it was her brother's time and she could only imagine how this would go, he had denied her request to proofread the speech and Caroline had nearly knocked him out with a champagne bottle for being so secretive and stubborn.
Looking across the room she quickly spotted Klaus sitting with the rest of his family, as soon as she felt his eyes lift to meet her eyes she quickly looked away and instead focused in on Damon, not letting her sight stray from the stage.
"This is hopeless, she won't even look at me." Klaus whispered furiously to his brother, "I did everything you said to do. I stayed away from her all week, gave her space and you said that would make her come back to me. Well guess what 'Lijah, your plan is failing miserably."
Elijah resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his younger brother's lack of patience, "Niklaus if what I gather is true, her feelings run as deep as yours. You just need to find the right time to tell her exactly how you feel. Once and for all."
Klaus looked at his brother for a moment, encouraged by his words and the scotch he had just downed. His hands felt sweaty as he stood up, only to have Elijah grasp his arm, "What are you doing?" The older Mikaelson whispered.
"Taking your advice." He said, pulling his arm out of Elijah's hold.
Elijah watched in shock as Klaus made his way over to the stage, "I didn't mean now." He said despairingly.
Damon continued to speak, only briefly pausing when he noticed Klaus walking towards him.
"Anyway as I was saying-"
Klaus stepped on the stage and leaned in to cover the microphone with his hand, "Look I know we're not on the best of terms right now but I really need a favor." Klaus spoke lowly to his best friend.
Damon looked confused for a moment before turning around to look at his families' table. Caroline sat straight in her seat, her mouth slightly open in shock as she watched Damon and Klaus, her hand tense around her glass of champagne.
Damon turned back to Klaus, "Is this about Caroline?"
Klaus sighed, not really wanting to get into it with Damon right now.
"No it's about Elena." He said sarcastically, half pushing his friend off the low stage.
Damon glared at him but still moved back towards his seat.
Klaus smiled gratefully before realizing he now had the attention of the whole room.
"Growing up with the Salvatore's I spent a great deal of time with Uncle Ric, he always insisted I call him that too." The room filled with chuckles at his words, "And while I can see Ric looking at me now wondering what the hell I'm up to," He smiled at Ric, who was indeed slightly worried Klaus was up to no good, "I assure you my intention is only to toast your happy union." He raised his nearly empty scotch.
Klaus looked over to the one person he wanted to speak to, his eyes locking with Caroline's questioning blue ones.
"One thing I learned from Uncle's Ric's relationship with Jenna is the importance of perseverance, that in the face of true love you don't just give up - even if the object of your affection is begging you to. " The room once again erupted in laughter but Klaus's eyes never left Caroline, "And one thing I've learned from Jenna, is the importance of forgiveness. She gave Ric the gift of a second chance-" Klaus remembered when they briefly dated in college but things not ending well, "And in turn I've watched him become someone actually worthy of that gift. And one day I hope I'll be lucky enough to find someone who'll do the same for me." He stared meaningfully at Caroline; unable to read the expression on her face but desperately hoping his words were getting through to her, "To the happy couple!" He raised his glass in the air as everyone toasted with him.
After hearing Klaus's speech Katherine felt her heart contract in pain so she made a quick escape to the outside terrace. Through one of the open French doors she could hear one of her favorite Death Cab songs play as she sat in the small garden. Who would have thought a speech from the least romantic person in the world would make Katherine feel even worse.
After a few moments alone on the stone bench she felt a presence beside her.
"Are you cold?" Elijah whispered, noting her shaking body in her light dress.
She shook her head but he stood up anyways, shrugging off his jacket before placing it over her shoulders.
"I'm so sorry about what I said the other day Katerina." He said, sitting beside her once again.
"I should have told you sooner."
"Doesn't excuse my behavior." He shook his head.
"Are we okay now?" She looked at him hopefully.
Elijah turned to her, attempting to smile but she could see the pain in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" She asked quietly.
"What happened made me realize something. Something I think I've been ignoring from the beginning. Something I know I've ignored because I care about you so much."
Katherine nodded for him to continue; knowing exactly what he was about to say would break her heart.
"I'm 28 Katerina, you're 17 and still in High School. And I'm your teacher."
"Well when you say it like that." She tried to make light of the situation but even though he smiled at her joke she knew it didn't change his mind.
"I hate keeping you a secret. I want to be able to take you court you, take you on real dates, introduce you to my friends and family as my girlfriend, as the woman I love." He whispered, his hand reaching out to stroke her cheek.
"I want that too." Deep down she knew what they wanted was impossible right now and that thought left a bittersweet feeling inside of her, "So it's over?"
"Maybe in the future. You graduate in a year, right?" He smiled sadly but full of hope.
"I suppose there could be some excruciating pleasure in that." She smiled back, her eyes filling with tears.
They both leaned in, letting their lips meet, choosing to seal their promise to each other with a kiss.
"That was quite a speech you know." Caroline said as she walked up to Klaus, putting aside her all her fears and doubts about talking to him.
Klaus looked up from his drink, his eyes lighting up that she had actually listened to what he said, "What can I say, I was inspired." Klaus stood up from his seat, offering his hand to Caroline who hesitated for a moment before letting him lead her out to the dance floor.
"So you were inspired, huh?" She hated how curious she sounded but knew it was a question she had to ask.
Klaus turned to meet her eyes as they spun around in slow circles, he knew it was time to finish what he had started, "The night of our date Mikael had a few choice words to say to me before I was to meet you. And I think you know enough about our relationship to realize they weren't exactly words of encouragement." He said bitterly.
"Klaus-" Caroline interrupted.
"No let me finish please. I know it doesn't excuse the way I acted but you scare me so fucking much Caroline." He breathed out.
"You scare me too." She whispered.
Klaus blinked slowly, digesting her words, "I can't promise to never mess up again but I really want to try."
Caroline nodded, "You sure?"
"I love you Caroline." He said, repeating the words he said drunkenly over a week ago.
Caroline's eyes widened slightly before she let out a light laugh, feeling relief and happiness spread through her body.
Klaus frowned, "Why are you laughing?" His throat began to tighten with anxiety.
"I love you too you idiot." She smiled before pulling him closer.
The moment their lips met Caroline and Klaus felt the love and want that had been building pour into that one kiss.
Klaus pulled away for a moment, his lips continuing to peck hers slowly as he spoke, "You know my limo is parked just around the block."
"Klaus!" She reprimanded, smacking his jacket lapel before kissing him again.
Pulling away slightly, she smirked at him, "Which block?"
Klaus grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist before crashing his lips to hers once more.
Hope this chapter made you laugh, cry or even just smile!
I think I left it in such a way where you can each envision different futures (with all these couples endgame of course) but maybe I'II do an epilogue of them a few years later if enough want it.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this story one last time