Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy, or these characters y'all.
The lights from the club were blinding, blue eyes blinked furiously, trying to adjust to the pounding disco lights above her head. Arizona looked around the club, attempting to take in the masses of people that were currently occupying the place. The club was busy. Extremely busy. There were bodies everywhere. People were dancing,singing,drinking,screaming, shouting. Everything that could possibly annoy the blonde; they were doing. Arizona rolled her eyes. Of course her team would suggest the busiest,loudest nightclub. Especially on a night where all Arizona wanted to do was- lie in bed with a box of donuts, and wallow in self pity.
Teddy's voice interrupted her, "It's busy."
Arizona snorted, "I told you it would be. It's a Friday night. Why couldn't we just have stayed in, like I said?"
"Suck it up, Blondie. Staying in isn't gonna make us forget the fact that we got our asses handed to us today. That's what Tequila's for, hence why we're here, and not at home." Cristina Yang said, with an over-exaggerated sigh. Cristina was never one to consider anyone's feeling's, when she opened her mouth, and Arizona was one of the very few people who actually like that about her team mate. Tonight when she said it though, it just annoyed her.
Arizona shook her head, as she spoke. "I know that Cristina, it doesn't mean that we had to come clubbing, after our worst defeat in the season, to date," She whined.
"Yang's right," Addison chimed in. "Lets just have a few drinks, dance away the humiliation of today, and then wake up tomorrow, and this nightmare of a day can be over already."
Looking at her captain, who was currently fixing her with a pleading glare, silently asking her to agree, she nodded her head, "Okay, but the first round is on you, since you're wearing my dress, and didn't actually ask me if you could wear it, and get me a vodka lemonade please- extra vodka." Arizona said with a dimpled smile.
Addison smirked, "Well played Robbins." She said, throwing a wink at the blonde. "The rest of you go get us a booth, and I'll go get the drinks."
"I'll help you with the drinks," Lexie Grey said, offering a smile.
"Come on then, before the line get's any bigger." Addison grumbled, as she looked around, and noticed the mass of people currently queuing at the bar.
Teddy looked around; she spotted one of the larger booths, that had just become vacant, "I see a booth, over there," she pointed to the far corner of the night club, where a group of girls were walking away from the seated area.
"Sweet, let's go. Before someone else steals it, and we're forced to stand in the middle of the dance floor for the rest of the night, staring at these loser's dancing like idiot's," Cristina moaned.
Arizona led the rest of the team to the far side of the club, and took this opportunity to scan the crowd, blue eyes looked back and forth at the people around her. She sighed, and ran her hand through her blonde hair, when she noticed that all the girls were either; too drunk to even know what day it was, dancing with guys, or didn't look a day over eighteen. This sucked. She really couldn't handle this, being in a night club, after the awful day they'd all had. All she could seem to see, was the huge score board hanging over the stadium, with the numbers 2-4, in bold black writing. They'd lost. They'd lost, bad. The worst part of it was, they were winning. Winning 2-0 at their home ground, with half an hour left to play. Then, it all went downhill. Two penalties, in less than 10 minutes, for the opposition, put the score to 2-2. This, had stunned the home team, and they ended up 'falling asleep', as the chief liked to call it, and conceded another two sloppy goals in the last 15 minutes of the game. Which, ultimately resulted in them throwing away 3 valuable points. 3 very valuable points.
As a soccer player, Arizona struggled to accept defeat. It drove her crazy. Why wouldn't it drive her crazy? She was a professional player, and no one liked to lose. Especially, when there was only 5 points between her team, and their rivals; Seattle City. She shook off the annoyed feeling that was creeping up inside her.
She's forced out of her thought's, when she hears the voice of Miranda Bailey. "Let it go already, Robbins. We lost. It's done. We forget about it, and come out even stronger next week, like we always do."
Arizona met her goalkeepers eyes, and could see guilt pouring out of them. She could tell Bailey felt terrible, for failing to save either of the penalties. The blonde was hit with a pang of regret. All she had done since they left the pitch was complain, and she instantly felt bad about it. Now her keeper thought the loss was her fault, when it absolutely wasn't. She shook her head. "You're right Bailey! Sorry for moaning team, let's just enjoy our night, and put it behind us," she said, as she made her way into the booth, filling the empty seat next to Meredith Grey.
Miranda sighed. "I know, I should have saved at least one of those..."
"Hey, don't even think about saying this is your fault. If it wasn't for you, the scoreboard would have no doubt read 2-7. You played great." Meredith offered up.
Miranda shot her a thankful smile. "Thanks, Grey."
"Oh god, enough with the cute compliment's already." Cristina said firmly, looking severely unamused, at where the conversation was headed. "Where the hell's the Tequila, already?"
Arizona laughed, "Relax Yang. You'll get your Tequila. The bars not going anywhere, chill out." Apparently being within close proximity to Tequila, but not actually having the Tequila made Cristina even crankier than usual...If that was even possible.
"Fine. I'm giving them 3 minutes, and then I'm getting my own alcohol," came the unamused response.
Arizona glanced towards the bar, and noticed her two team mate's were next in line to be served. A flash of raven hair, at the opposite side of the bar caught her glaze, there was a woman, she was standing facing the bar, pulling off a tight black dress to perfection. It made her legs look like they went on for miles , and that ass, that ass looked like it had been sculptured by an architect, for Arizona's own personal viewing pleasure. She found herself licking her lips, silently hoping for the stunning woman to turn around. If her face, was as nice as the rest of that body, then Arizona was in for some serious gawking tonight.
She felt a nudge at her side. Teddy had obviously been trying to get her attention, during her staring contest. She shifted her attention back to her best friend. "Did you say something?" She murmured, barely paying attention to the woman next to her.
Teddy sighed. "Are you even listening to anything I'm saying?"
"Sorry, I was looking to see where Addison, and Lexie were with the drinks, what did you say." Arizona replied.
Teddy looked towards the bar.
A knowing smirk crept on to her lips. "Looking for the drinks, or checking out the hot brunette with the killer ass?" She commented, with a raised eyebrow. She knew her best friend was an ass girl, and loved to tease her for that fact.
Arizona grinned sheepishly.
"Shut up!" I've had a sucky day, and if staring at that hottie is what it takes to makes me feel better, then leave me to it," she responded
with an amused tone.
Teddy snorted, "Fair point. I'm straight, and even those legs are making me feel better."
She laughed at her best friends comment. Teddy really knew her too well, sometimes. Arizona was always a sucker for pretty brunettes. She dragged her attention back to the spot, where the dark haired beauty was previously standing, and let out a long sigh of disappointment, when the spot was empty.
Blue eyes looked around, but failed to notice the woman. Arizona wasn't surprised.
Nothing seemed to be going her way, at all today.
"You'll never believe who's here," Lexie called out, as she approached the table, carrying a tray full of drinks and shots. Addison following closely behind, also carrying a tray.
"Ooh, is it Bono?" April Kepner all but yelled in her over enthusiastic voice. "I read in a magazine, that he was spotted at this club last month. Imagine we met him. How cool would that be?" She stated dreamily.
The rest of the team let out a roar of laughter at the defenders comment.
"Jeez, Kepner. You still wonder why I have little- to no respect for you, after a question like that?" Cristina said, barely able to contain her laughter.
"Yeah, I think the chance's of Bono being here, are slim to none April," Meredith smiled, agreeing with her best friend.
"Well stranger thing's have happened," April snapped.
"If there was an award for; Dumbest comments ever. You would be the clear favorite to pick up that prize," Cristina said, laughing out loud.
Arizona rolled her eyes. "So, now we've established that Bono is not present tonight, are you gonna tell us who is?" She asked, as she lifted a Tequila shot off the tray that Addison had just sat down, and downed it straight. Coughing slightly as the burning liquid made it's way down her throat.
Addison sat in the seat across from Teddy, taking a drink off the tray. She lifted the straw to her lips. "The city girls are here," she replied, a noticeable grimace creeping on to her features. "Hahn was walking out the bathroom, when we were at the bar.
Lexie nodded, slipping in to the booth, to sit next to her sister. "She had that stupid smug look on her face, like she always does," the brunette scoffed, looking annoyed. "I really, really hate her. It's that kind of hate where all you wanna do is..."
"We get it Lex, you hate her," said Meredith, chuckling at her sister.
Arizona cleared her throat. "Did you see who else is here?" Being in the same club with their rivals, was one of the worst things that could happen to them, after a day like today. The Boston Coltons losing, and Seattle City winning, narrowed the gap between the top two teams to just 5 points. They were still first place; barely still in first place, but still in front of City nonetheless.
"No, we just saw Hahn," Addison added, setting down her now empty glass on the table, and reaching for another. The red head drank fast; too fast. And she suffered for it, every single time the next day.
"You should have threw the tray at her," Cristina groaned, and downed a shot of Tequila. Grabbing another one, before she'd even sat down the empty glass. God, she really loved Tequila. "Come on, Mer. Let's go dance it out, and look for unoccupied tray's to throw at Hahn, incase we see her."
Meredith let out a laugh. Standing up, she grabbed a drink, and followed Cristina to the dance floor.
Miranda exhaled loudly. "Those two have issues, real bad issues. Issues that I cannot be dealing with tonight."
"Sing it," Arizona commented back. Her eyes scanned the tray in front of her, looking for something to take the burning sensation away from her mouth. "Did you guys get me a vodka lemonade?" She asked, looking at Addison and Lexie.
"Shit, I forgot. I'll go get you one," Lexie said, as she started to stand up.
Arizona mirrored her movement, and grabbed her arm, "No, it's okay Lex. I'll get it, you sit down." The younger girl smiled at her, and sat back down. Lexie was almost too nice sometimes, and Arizona didn't want to take advantage of her, like Cristina always did. Whenever she called her out on it, Cristina's response was always the same; She's my best friends sister, I'm allowed to take advantage! "Back in 10 minutes, guys." She said, as she made her way towards the bar, dodging people bumping into her from all angles. Finding a spot, she leaned against the bar and tried to get the bartenders attention. She could sense someone standing behind her, but didn't bother to turn around.
"Robbins, didn't think you'd be out tonight after the day you've had." Callie stated, as she noticed the striker standing at the bar, looking incredible in a short green dress, that complimented her toned legs, perfectly. She tried to keep her eyes above the blondes shoulders, as she turned around, but with her cleavage looking like that, it was proving difficult.
Arizona felt a shiver come over her, as she turned around, and came face to face with a smirking Callie Torres. She looked the latina up and down, and realized that the hot brunette she was staring at earlier, was in fact the midfielder from the City team. Who, now in turn, was looking Arizona up and down. They mutually knew each other through Addison. Who was also friends with Callie, they played in the same junior team for a few months when they were teenagers, but weren't friends, They weren't enemies, but they definitely weren't friends. According to Callie's captain, Erica Hahn, being friends with any of their rivals was unacceptable. The midfielder had obviously ignored her captains request, and stayed close with Addison.
She raked her eyes, up and down the body of the latina. Callie Torres was hot- Callie Torres was really frickin hot. She gave her a small smile, dragging her eyes away from those tanned legs. "Torres, that sounded a little cocky coming from someone who's sitting second in the league," Arizona replied, looking amused.
Callie laughed, her eyes met the blue ones of the blonde standing in front of her, and for a second she just stared into them, they really were stunning. "Hey, I was just stating a fact, you haven't had the best day, no need to get defensive," She added lightly.
Arizona shot her a smile. "You guys out celebrating the fact that you won then?"
"Yeah, we had a good game. You guys were really unlucky. I caught the highlights before I came out. That second penalty was a solid dive, you guys were robbed. You played great, the first half," the brunette responded.
Arizona scoffed. "Yeah, great first half. Then played the second half like someone had blindfolded me."
Callie let out a loud laugh, and caught the blonde smiling at her. "I was gonna say that, but I wasn't sure how you'd take it."
"At least you're honest," came Arizona's reply.
"Let me buy you a drink, try and make you feel a little better, since you're totally pulling the- sad puppy dog look right now. You're really lucky you're cute, not a lot of people can pull the pout off these days," Callie added, with a flirty look. She'd always thought the blonde was cute, well more than cute, but cute nonetheless. Being as good looking as she was, as well as being one of the top women's soccer players in the world, Arizona was featured on a lot of sports magazines, and had several sponsorship deals. They both did. The papers, and the sports news commentators compared them to each other a lot. Both young,pretty,very talented in their profession, well off, but they were both extremely down to earth people, and had a lot of time for the fans. This made the public love them even more. She distinctly remembered reading an article on the two of them, where the writer described them as; Soccer's Golden Girls.
"I'm no expert, but I don't really think Hahn approves of her players buying the opposite team drinks, or even talking to someone from the Coltons for that matter," Arizona said, flashing her a full smile.
Dimples. Arizona Robbins had dimples. They only made her even more attractive, it's not like she needed the help in that department. "What Hahn doesn't know won't hurt her. Then again maybe you could tell her, and she'll get really mad at me for talking to you, and I'll finally have an excuse to leave."
She had meant it to be a joke, but Arizona could tell that there was a hint of seriousness registering in her voice. She gave her a sympathetic look, but Callie just shrugged it off, with a small laugh. A few years ago, there were several talks over Callie Torres making a transfer from Seattle City to The Coltons, but the deal fell through at the last minute, and she had played for City ever since. "You're far too talented for that team anyway, you should come and join the good guys, and you'll see what it feels like to actually win a trophy." Arizona says truthfully. The Coltons were League champions 4 years running, but the gap was getting smaller every year. She knew it was getting smaller because Callie Torres was getting better every year. She was undoubtedly City's best player, but anyone who was half decent at reading facial expressions could tell that Torres wasn't happy playing for them.
"I am so down for that to happen. You talk to Webber and have him make me a deal."
"Why don't you come play for us, all joking aside. Why don't you?" Arizona asked, complete seriouness taking over her.
Callie looked shocked.
She didn't think the blonde would be bold enough to outright ask her to join the team.
All she had dreamed about when she was growing up- was playing for The Coltons. The TV in her house, as a child was permanently fixed on the soccer channel, and she watched every single game they played. The coach, Richard Webber. Had expressed his desire in several interviews, about his hopes of her one day playing for them. She sighed. "It's...it's complicated Arizona."
Arizona looked genuinely concerned. "Calliope, I don't even know you. We've been talking for 10 minutes, and even I can tell that you're not happy playing for City."
"Uhm, no-one really calls me Calliope."
"Well, it's your name. Isn't it?" Came the blondes, quick fired response.
"Yeah, but..."
"Look, you're a great player," Arizona smiled at the look of admiration she was getting from the latina, as she complimented her. "But, do you wanna stay there for the rest of your career? Barely winning anything, and coming second every year." She noticed she had Callie's full attention, and pushed on. "You've said in interviews that you'd love to play for us, and Webber mentions it all the time, about how the team would be complete if you joined." They both stared at each other in silent shock, at the honesty that had just poured out of Arizona's mouth. "I'm not saying, leave city tomorrow and join us. All I'm saying, is that you should think about it, okay?"
"Okay. I'll think about it," Callie added, finding herself lost in those eyes again. She liked Arizona, the striker actually spoke to her like she was a human being. Unlike another blonde, she was forced to spend so much time with. Even thinking about Erica, pissed her off these days. The sly comments she made to her, really got to Callie, and it was starting to mess with her head. She ignored those thoughts, and focused back on the blonde woman in front of her. "I'll definitely think about it."
"Super, you should call..."
"If... You do something for me?" Callie interrupted the start of her sentence. Looking amused as the blonde rolled her eyes, at being cut off.
"I'll do whatever you want, if it means you playing for us," Arizona added, with a full smile to accompany the flirty comment.
Her heart was beating strangely fast. A blush made it's way on to her cheeks, and she watched Arizona's smile get even bigger when she noticed it as well. She shook her head, trying to regain her composure. "I'm trying to be serious, and you're flirting with me. No more calling me, Calliope. It's forbidden."
Arizona struggled to hide her smirk, and bit her lip. Callie wished she was the one biting that lip. Arizona really was gorgeous, and the lip biting just topped it off.
"If you play for us, you can look forward to me flirting with you every day." She spoke, as she shot her a smoldering look.
Callie raised an eyebrow. "Well, if that's the case...Do you have a contract with you, and I can just put pen to paper right now and seal this deal?"
They both laughed, and their eyes locked.
The smirks disappeared from both faces. The air around them, was clouded with tension. Sexual tension. Both could feel it. Light flirting had turned into both women staring at each other, like they wanted to rip each others clothes off. Neither of them seemed to notice Addison stalking her way towards them, stumbling, and struggling to walk in her high heels. Addison had also failed to notice that she had interrupted a staring contest between two of her closest friends.
She stopped just short of the two women. "CALLLLLLIE! I knew it was you. How are you?" She gushed, and reached out to hug her friend. She really missed Callie, they had been really close a few years ago but living on opposite sides of the city, and having different training schedules resulted in them hardly seeing each other.
Callie barely noticed her, until she felt arms around her neck, gripping her tight.
She stopped staring at the blonde, who was looking on amused at the state Addison had managed to get herself into, in the 20 minutes that she'd been absent from the table. Arizona shook her head, letting out a small laugh. Only Addison could manage to reach the same level of drunkenness, as the rest of the night club, after just being here for a measly half an hour. The red head was really gonna be in pain tomorrow.
Brown eyes focused on her friend hugging her. She wrapped her arms around Addison, and smiled. "Addison, sober as ever huh?" She said laughing, Arizona laughed as well. "I was starting to forget what you looked like girl."
Addison grinned, releasing her hold on the brunette. "Damn, Callie. You get hotter every time I see you."
Arizona licked her lips, silently agreeing with what Addison just said.
"So, Torres. When you gonna stop playing hard to get, and come play with the big dogs." She blurts out, as she playfully nudges her friends side. They both played in the same junior academy, and bonded instantly. They'd remained close friends ever since, now however, they'd be lucky if they saw each other once a month.
Callie looked from Addison, and back to Arizona.
Now that Addison was here, she was positive that she'd have to have a repeat of the conversation she'd just had with Arizona. All-be-it without the flirting... And the undressing each other with their eyes.
"Funnily enough, Callie and I were just talking about that," Arizona states, smiling at Callie.
"And I was telling Arizona, that I'd think about it." She responded, sending another flirty glance in the blondes direction.
"This is so great. Callie, you should come hang with us tonight, and you can get to know the girls," Addison adds, slightly slurring her words.
"I should get back to my team, don't wanna leave them with Hahn for too long," The latina sighs, looking down at the floor. She didn't want to let the two women on to the fact, that she was desperate to play for them. Especially if it meant spending time more with time with her old friend, and the ridiculously hot blonde.
"SCREW HAHN", Addison proclaimed, making Callie and Arizona both laugh out loud.
"I'll give you a call next week, and we can do lunch. That okay?" Callie asks, hoping she'll agree.
"Sounds great. Arizona, can come as well, and we can go to that Italian place downtown. She always flirts with the waitress, and gets us free tiramisu." She stated, looking at the blonde.
That wasn't the only reason she wanted her to go, she knew if the blonde was in attendance, chances of persuading Callie to move teams will be a lot higher. She's never said anything before, but Addison knew Callie always had a slight crush on the blonde.
Both pairs of eyes snap towards each other, when they here Addison's comment.
"I'm in". Arizona states, firmly. She'd be stupid to pass up an opportunity to see Callie again. She watches on, as the two women hug, and Addison walks away. Saying that she'll see Arizona back at the table, and mumbling something incoherent about tiramisu. "I should probably head back up, they all get cranky if they have to go without alcohol for longer than 12 minutes," She says, laughing.
"Yeah, me too...I'll see you at lunch?" Callie asks.
"I'll definitely you at lunch." Arizona proclaims, as she watched Callie walk back towards her table.
She really did have a great ass.
Both women had the exact same thought as they walked away from each other.
Bring on lunch.