To Die as a Ghost
They don't see me.
They don't know I'm in pain.
I feel the earth rise around me,
hear the falling of the rain.
I know they weep for me
wishing I was not gone.
Tears return; they'll never know
that I was here all along.
For just one more moment
is what I wish the most.
They'll never know how much I cried
because I died a Ghost.
He sat against the cold stone; his energy and emotions drained. The young boy with the silver hair pulled his legs up against his chest. He had long since lost track of the time he had sat there. He thought he could remember the leaves changing to their bright red colors, and snow falling to the ground... but it was a blur. The pouring rain blotted out everything.
He would not have moved were it not for the footsteps splashing through the wet grass. He looked up to see a man and woman approaching. They paid no attention to him and instead turned to the smooth grey stone he was leaning against.
The boy looked up into the face of the woman, as she placed her hand on the stone, stepping out from the cover of the man's umbrella. She was beautiful. Her long black hair was pulled neatly behind her head woven into a tight braid. Her slender face held a painful look, while her deep purple eyes filled with tears. Her tender lips moved ever so slightly as she began to whisper to the stone.
"It's been ten years... I'd always thought you were invincible. That day... when you went off to fight, I should have stopped you. I wish I had." Her voice trembled as she forced her way through her words. "So much has changed. For so long I've been hoping that you would somehow come back... that maybe your other half was still out there...
I can't wait any longer. I know now that you're really gone."
The boy watched as the woman reached back and took the hand of the man standing next to her.
"I met someone. He's smart, funny... kind hearted... like you he always tries to do the right thing. He'll be good to me." She released the mans hand and knelt down in front of the stone. "I'll never forget you. You changed my life. You made me see that I could be myself without needing a label from the world saying I was different. You gave me hope in life."
She sighed and placed her hands on the stone, her fingers tracing the engraved name of her best friend and first love. "I don't think I'll ever come here again..." The man helped the woman up and embraced her gently. She looked over her shoulder as she allowed herself to be led away. "Goodbye Danny. I love you." She whispered as tears streamed down her face.
A gentle hand brushed against her cheek, wiping away her tears. "Goodbye Sam," a familiar voice whispered from the air next to her.
Startled, the woman turned back and looked out through the rain that blanketed that cold, empty cemetery. When she saw nothing, she turned fell into her fiancé's arms. Then the two of them turned and walked away.
Off back by the stone, a small orb of green light hovered in the mist from the rain. It's brightness wavered for a moment before slowly fading away.
A/N: I was in a very morbid mood when I wrote that poem above. I was watching DP and the though crossed my mind 'What if Danny died?" Well he's half ghost... can he? Yes his human half can. But what if he was killed while he was mid-morph or in his ghost form? Would he become full ghost? Would he become less than a ghost?
I hope this made someone cry while they read it. To imagine the pain of seeing the world pass by when you are not a part of it... RIP Danny Phantom.