Sorry this chapters a bit short, but I've had a HUGE amount of homework lately, so I figured I'd do just a small bit. Here you guys go!

Chapter 6

"Excuse me, but did you just say Gabriel? The fun-loving, archangel that has the most twisted sense of humor ever!?" Charlie screeched. None of them knew how to take this news, except Dean. Dean sat at the end of the table, arms crossed, a look of disappointment dancing across his face.

Eve looked down at her now shuffling feet. She could not look anyone in the eye. "He has a different sense of humor, yes. But it's not twisted. What he does, he does for a reason. He never hurts anyone for pure enjoyment. That was a different angel, one who no one wanted to stop."

Sam shook his head and scoffed, thinking of how many Tuesdays Gabriel had made him relive, each one of them ending in Dean's death. He thought of how cheerful the angel was when Sam begged for his brother back. But he also remembered the lesson the angel was trying to teach him. It was all going to end one way; one of them was going to die, and the other needed to move on. But they were the Winchesters, they didn't move on. They found ways around death. That was one fact neither Dean, or Sam were proud of.

"And let me guess. Michael was the straight laced, boy scout angel in heaven, who always followed the rules. Lucifer was the bad ass, rebel angel, who always got in trouble. Which leaves Gabriel to be the class clown, fun loving angel who took a bit too many pointers from Lucifer, am I right?" Garth was not happy, he was confused, and he was pissed. "And all of them are just misunderstood?" His voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Actually," Eve's head shot up, and her eyes were flaming mad. "Lucifer was the boy scout, always trying to show daddy that he was the best of the best. Always looking for daddy's approval. Lucifer took Gabriel under his wing, taught him how to be the best angel he could be. Michael was the rule breaker, the rebel. He was the original Prodigal Son, if you will. No matter what he did, God thought he could do no wrong. And after centuries of trying to win his approval, Lucifer gave up. When it came down to the plans, Lucifer gave it his all. Let them follow me, do everything I say, and they'll all come back! Jesus presented his plan, and Michael jumped on his bandwagon, simply because it required no work from him. After God chose Jesus, Lucifer lost it. That was the straw that broke the camels back. I knew the angels that sided with were my friends, hey were my family. I lost more people than I ever had hoped to lose. Gabriel was torn. He didn't know what to choose. He knew Lucifer was wrong, but how hard is it to turn against your own brother?" With that, she locked eyes with Sam, and then Dean.