Author's Note: BTW, Lily still doesn't remember. All she remembers is James being in her life. This is the last chapter. I will miss you all. I mean we've been through so much. You are so incredible. At the end I will tell you my next story.

Enjoy! :D

Chapter 11: Aftermath

"Wait!" Lily said stopping James. James sighed disappointedly, "There's a party downstairs. If you do it fast enough, I might not fall asleep." She smiled and covered up her chest with a blanket.

James ran out with nothing on and then came back in realizing he needed a robe. Lily watched him and laughed. She was slowly getting sleepy. James stood at the head of the stairs and yelled, "EVERYONE WHO DOESN'T LIVE HERE GET OUT!" Lily woke up with a start.

People started moving slowly outside, "FASTER!" James yelled. The guests Apparated out of the room mumbling and James was left to clean up. "Scourgify." He said with his wand pointing to the messy room. There were glasses everywhere and it seems like the decorations have fallen.

When he was done and heading to his room where the naked Lily lies, he heard moans that were coming from the guest room. Who that? If that is Sirius in my bed with some girl… I'm Avada Kedavra-ing his arse. James banged on the door heavily and repeatedly, "Sirius, come out here now!"

Sirius looked up and heard James. "Shit!"

"Who is that?" said the girl in the bed beside him.

"James." Sirius said trying to find his clothes.

"I can't be in need with you! He'll kill me." Said the short haired blonde girl putting on her dress, "This was fun but I have to go." She kissed Sirius' head. She grabbed her wand from the nightstand and Apparated out of there.

"SIRIUS BLACK! I'm coming in there!" James said. Oh, he sounded angry. Sirius found his clothes in the bathroom and put them on.

James barged into the room. Sirius Apparated in the bathroom to his home. James was tired. He walked over to his room. He opened the door to see Lily sleeping. She was sound the sleep and snoring loudly. James wanted to cry right now. He went in the bathroom to put on his bed clothes.

He came out seeing Lily still sleeping. He was sad and went to sleep. Lily wrapped her arms around him and said, "I was kidding come on." He smiled excitedly and stripped off his clothes. Lily laid on top of him and kissed him, "Ready?"

Two Days Later:

Alice was over with Marlene having tea. It was a chilly October day. Alice was getting bigger gradually. Marlene was still trying to get Sirius but Sirius avoided her. He said they had sex once and she got to attached. This was the first time since the party they got together and talked.

Lily was telling them how awkward it was to leave Sev's house. "Severus wouldn't come out of his study to even say good bye," she explained. She was sad it ended that way. She wanted them to stay in contact and be friends for a long time. She walked him and James to get along.

James was listening on their conversation occasionally. He was zoning in and out. He was waiting on Sirius and Remus to come over. But an owl just came with a letter explaining some fake arse story on how Sirius can't come. Remus never replied back. I guess he was busy. He was here eating sandwiches that were left out on the counter. Yum!

Lily came in holding a tray of empty tea cups and saw James eating the sandwiches, "That was for them!" She whispered

"I didn't know! I thought they were for me since they were left out." James swallowed the last sandwich and sipped on his soda.

Lily rubbed her temples, "Make some more, please." She said. She filled the cups and added, "Quickly."

James sighed and started making sandwiches. He had nothing better to do so he made some. The ladies started talking again. Marlene asked, how was Lily doing? James looked up at that and listened. But he couldn't hear anything because of the stupid cat started meowing loudly. "Damn, you cat." James hissed loudly. The cat stopped meowing and jumped on the counter. Then the cat jumped on the fridge. The cat stayed there and watched James.

"Are those sandwiches done, dear?" Lily said to James in the kitchen.

"No, hun." He said back annoyed.

"So Lily did you tell James yet? I mean shouldn't he be first to know? I told Frank first." Alice questioned. Tell me what? James thought. He continued to make a few more sandwiches the muggle way. Since his wand was upstairs and he was too lazy to get it.

"No, I don't know how James would react.." Lily's voice got lower, so he couldn't hear the last part.

James was done with at least six sandwiches that he cut up in square form; well he tried the best he could. He really wanted to know what they were talking about. The sandwiches! He could go in there and listen. As easy as that sounds it was nothing like he had it planned.

He came in holding the sandwiches; they noticed him and immediately stopped their conversation. They were sitting in the living room; he put the sandwiches on the coffee table in front of them. Lily gave him the leave-this-room-now-or-your-dead-stare.

He ignored it and said, "Hey, what you lovely ladies talking about?" They didn't say a word. Lily coughed awkwardly. Alice was staring at Lily. Then Alice nudged Marlene. Marlene cleared her throat, "We must be going… it's getting late." Alice and she were starting to stand when James said, "What's the hurry ladies?" Lily looked at them pleading. Alice shook her head. Lily said, "But wait Mar-Mar-"

Marlene stood up looking at Lily, "I'm been wondering since when did you start calling me Mar-Mar? It's not that I don't like it… it's just I didn't know you called me that."

"I thought I always did…" Lily said. She shook her head no and stated its fine.

They were still heading out, when James said, "On your way out grab a just made sandwich!" He grabbed the plate and passed it around. Lily sat there stumped. Alice and Marlene grabbed two each and waved good bye as they Disapparated away from the cottage.

"So what were you and the ladies chatting about? I heard my name a lot." James said slyly looking at Lily but she wasn't making eye contact.

Lily mumbled something. "What?" James said.

"I'm pregnant!" She yelled

"IS SNAPE THE FATHER?!" James stood up in anger.

"No!" Lily said quickly putting her arms on his shoulders, "You are." She squeaked out.

James calmed down. Was he ready for fatherhood? Teaching a child all his secrets of Hogwarts? Lily eyes start to water. What if he doesn't want the baby? James turned around and hugged her causing her to lift up a little off the ground, "Don't cry." He wiped the tears from her emerald green eyes, "I want the baby."

She was surprised, "You do?" He nodded the jumped for joy. "Stay right here and close your eyes." She grinned and said okay.

She waited to what seemed like forever. After thirty minutes, James came back with a box in his hand. He got down on one knee, "Open your eyes." Lily opened her eyes to see James in front of her on his knees, "Yes!" She screamed.

He was surprised since he didn't say anything yet, "But I didn't say anything!"

"I don't care. I will marry you, James Potter." She stood up on the tips of her feet and kissed him.

"When?" He said between kisses

"In a week." She smiled at the messed haired hazel eyed, glasses wearing boy.

"Then we better start planning." He smiled back at the short, ginger haired, green eyed goddess having his child.

James went in the Quidditch closet and told Lily to come and hold this broom. It was signed by one of the most famous and best Quidditch players of all times.

James was looking at her, "Remember?"

She bit her lip and nodded no. He led Lily outside to the backyard. She held the broom in her hand as she walked to the middle of the backyard alone. James was standing in the door way watching. She looked around. It was a fenced glass land with flowers in the corners.

"How about now?" He said watching her every moved.

Lily did. Lily remembers that exactly what happened and who pushed her into it. She remembered hitting her head on the broom as she was falling causing her to lose her memory, then she falling to her death until Sirius saved her. She remembers everything. She remembers going to her parents' funeral. She remembers Petunia being there and avoiding her. She hugged James and cried in his shoulder, "I do," she said, "I do." He hugged her and smiled in her hair.

"Now I owe Sirius a few galleons." He said. Lily looked up questionably.

Week Later:

The wedding was at a church like the muggles. James was uncomfortable in his suit. Sirius was flirting with Lily's family members. So Remus tied his blowtie. "Finally. You're living your dream. I owe Sirius so many coins."

James smiled at Remus and hugged him. "I know I wanted this for so long now I have it and I can't wait." Remus and James left the isolated room to go in front of the church. James waited at the doors until someone opened them. He walked to the alter and behind him was Sirius and Remus and Peter. James stood in front of the minister and waited on Lily.

Lily was nervous. She was in her white dress holding the flowers and looking at James. He was happy and smiling. She was ready. But her father was dead; she had no one to give her away. Until Dumbledore came and took her hand, "Ready?" he said

After the ceremony, Lily danced with James. Even though James didn't get the dance, it was still nice. Lily was being held by James and he was stepping on her shoes. He apologized every minute. She was thankful for this moment. When the cake was being served, James was supposed to be feeding her instead; it was more like cake to the face. She wasn't excepting this, she use her finger it gets some off and eat it. Yum! Chocolate!

James was too bust laughing with his friends to realized Lily was picking up another cake. "James," She called sweetly. He turned toward her. Splat! The cake went right to his face.

They kissed with their cake faces. "You taste like chocolate." James said

9 months later at St. Mungo's:

Lily holding Harry and James mumbling in the corner it wasn't named after him. "He has your hair," she said looking at the beautiful baby. James came over to see, he notice Harry's eyes, "He has your eyes," James stated.

Lily gave the baby to James. Once James got the baby, Sirius came in the room and took the baby from his hands. He went out the room. Lily looked worried and scared for poor Harry. Sirius yelled, "Fresh out of the vagina, my godson!" He said excitedly. James went out the room and took the baby from him. Harry was giggling.

Life was perfect… for now.

A/N: I decided to update it because the first one was rushed. I'm done with this fanfic! I'm proud of myself. I hope you liked the way she remembered! But I was thinking about doing the thing where Lily wasn't going to ever remember. She would live with James and remember James but not everything. Like in The Vow with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. Where Paige didn't ever remember but lived with him and loved Leo? Only saw it once. It was okay. And my next fanfic is a Merlin one (preferably Perwaine, because we need more of them)! :D Heheheheee.

I would like to thank all of you. I couldn't of done this without all of you. Thank you for the reviews, the follows and the favorites. It meant so much to me. Thank you.