In all honesty, the day was probably one of the nicest the surface of the world had seen in over 1,000 years. And yet, one of the biggest fights in it's history was taking place high above the clouds. All of Ooo was waiting for the outcome.

"Ice powers! Freeze those two heroes so I can escape." "Wenk wenk." "What do you mean, Gunter? I already told my powers to go attack them for me." "Wenk!" "Oh, right, I have to use the powers myself. Glad I remembered that." "Wenk, wenk!" "Of course I remembered by myself, Gunter. Do you think you told me? Silly Gunter."

"Ice King! Get back here! Jake, get ready to shoot me at him." "Ok, just be fast, all these living snowflakes are slowing Lady down." "나는 나에 대한 것들은 더 많은 심지어 몇 초 동안이 높은 숙박 할 수 있는지 제이크 나도 몰라. 도와주세요!" "Oh no, Lady, stay up for just a few seconds more. FINN! I'm going to slingshot you in 3 seconds, get ready." After saying this, Jake stretched from Lady's head all the way to her tail. Right as the next set of snowflake men started to surround Lady, Jake snapped back to his normal shape, shooting Finn at the returning Ice King. At the same time, the weight of the snowflake men covering Lady finally became too much for her to handle, and she started to fall with Jake holding on to her as tightly as he could.

"Hey Gunter, have you ever seen Finn using grow powers like Jake? He seems to be getting bigger by the second." "Wenk!" Ice King looked down at Gunter, who he had in a large harness around his stomach, so he wouldn't have to carry him. "What do you mean, "He's getting closer, you old fool", you know I'm not old." Just as he said this, Finn collided with him, knocking the crown off his head and making him lose his power to fly. "Gunter, Help me! Fly and carry me to safety!" "Ice King you moron, you can fly, Gunter is the one who can't fly", Finn yelled while trying to punch the Ice king during the free-fall, "and you better start soon, or all of us are going to die when we get to the ground." "I can't fly without my crown, Finn."

Finn's eyes widened. What did I do? How could I be so stupid that I forgot that the evil crown gave him his flight power? I have to try to get it back on him, but it is already hundreds of feet below us. It must be trying to get down fast. Wait, that's it, the Crown has it's own mind! Maybe I can try to reason with it. Finn thought all of this in just a few seconds during the fall, and they were already getting close to the ground. As he looked back to the Ice King, he saw him crying and apologizing to Gunter for anything he might have done to him in the past.

Most of the citizens of the candy kingdom were a short distance outside the front walls of their kingdom, along with Flame Princess, Marceline, the Vikings, and Choose Goose. They were all looking up into the sky, waiting to see the outcome of the battle. "I see Finn and Ice King falling down, if they don't fly soon, they'll hit the ground" Choose Goose said, still rhyming as usual. Flame Princess had just located Finn as the Goose started his silly rhyme. I hope you are careful Finn, I don't like how strong this Ice guy is getting. This thought was shared by everyone on the ground, including Marceline, who had tried to stop him before he had found a way to destroy her ability to fly.

It had started about 2 months ago. A tiny black cloud had appeared over the Ice King's mountain, the tallest of the Ice mountains. It had quickly grown over just a few hours until the entire Ice Kingdom was covered in deep shadow. The Ice King's actual home mountain was covered in a part natural/part supernatural shadow so deep, not a single ray of light could be seen from it, although Ice King's wizard eyes managed to allow him at least a tiny bit of vision there. Each time he had to fight since then, his power was slightly stronger then at the last fight he had. This time, he was a lot stronger than the last fight. The other thing that worried everyone in Ooo was that Many a cold, dark night, the Ice King could be heard around the planet, yelling a constant stream of words until dawn, and no one, not even the other wizards, knew what language they were in.

Back to the present, Finn was doing his best to mentally contact the crown, trying to get it to help them. 'Who disturbs the crown of Ice!' 'I, Finn the human, am talking to you! Why are you abandoning the Ice King? You also will break to if you hit the ground, you know.' 'You think you, the last of the pitiful humans, can understand me? I will save the Ice fool, as soon as you die.' 'You can't let me die! I am the greatest hero Ooo has ever seen!' 'You think you are a great hero? You can't even stand being near the ocean, and you needed Jake and Prizmo's help just to stop the Lich! You are the weakest, most pathetic being this world has seen since I let the world be destroyed by the mushroom bomb, and you will die NOW!' The crown seemed enraged, and Finn had barely done anything to make it mad. It must have been annoyed by something already, but he couldn't just die because of it. He had one last idea, but he had to work fast, they had been very high up when they started the fall, and that had bought some time, but now they were within easy sight of the ground.

He grabbed the Ice King and climbed to the underside of him, preparing for what may be the last mission he ever went on. After just a second of aiming, he jumped off the Ice King and towards the ground, causing himself to fall even faster than he had been. During the fall, he grabbed the Crown, spun around, and threw it onto the Ice King's head. At least the Ice King and Gunter would live, and that was something good, right? As he closed his eyes before hitting the ground, he felt something cold wrap around him. Wait, Cold? Could it be? He opened his eyes and looked at the Ice King, who was flying and holding him up with an ice rope. "Hey Finn, could you climb off the rope? It got you just a few feet from the ground, but you are a lot heavier than I remember." The Ice king sounded like his voice was strained, and he seemed almost upset at saving Finn. As this thought passed through Finn's mind, the Ice King's face contorted into one of pure hatred. "You may have saved yourself this time Finn, but only because I was not able to stop this fool's mind from saving you in time. You will not be so lucky next time." The Sound of the Ice Royal's voice during those seconds was almost the same as the mental one the crown had. "Finn, I asked you to get off the rope" Ice King complained, seemingly without noticing what he had just said in the other voice. "Uh, sure Ice King, Finn said while jumping to the ground, Thanks for saving me."

The Ice King seemed to be concentrating hard on something, and he appeared to be figuring whatever he was thinking about out. "Wait, he said, weren't we just fighting?" Finn sighed, he had hopped Ice King would just leave for a while so they could get the princess he had stolen out of his bag. "Yes, Ice King, we were fighting," Finn admitted, not wanting to lie unless he had to. "Oh, ok. I am kind of tired, maybe we could just say I won and I can leave?" He suggested, hopping to go home and rest. "No Ice King. If anything, we were winning, and besides, we have to get back the princess you stole and hid in that bag of yours." "Fine, let's just say we tied. I don't have a princess in my bag anyways, just some dumb ol' book I found." Then why were you talking to it, Ice King? Answer that." The Ice King just scratched his head in confusion. He hadn't been talking to the book, had he? It was kind of hard to remember, but he didn't think he had. "No, I never talked to it, I think. Do you want to look at it?" "Ok Ice King, but if there is a princess in there, we will have to beat you up extra for lying." They went over to the bag and started to unzip it. What Finn saw within was incredible. It couldn't be true, right? But, but, that book, it's…

I will hopefully be updating every 1-2 weeks for the first few months, then more often durring summer break. I hope you like the story, and please post your ideas as to what the Ice King found down below.