I let out a heavy groan of annoyance, what the hell was that noise? I didn't know and I didn't want to find out. I rolled over in my more than comfy bed pulling the thick silk covers up higher trapping in more heat and covering me all the more. The night before the heating had jammed and the warmth from the radiator had filled the room, all but cooking me. Seemed it had finally been shut off. Who did it? I didn't know.
I could hear another groan of annoyance; it wasn't quite as deep as mine and had a more feminine tone to it. I cracked open a tired eye wanting to snap it shut immediately, damn sun.
"Shut off the bloody alarm." I heard a snappy comment to me; I couldn't see the face of the voice. All I could see was a river of blond hair pooling out across the pillow on the other side of the bed. Then it clicked, that stupid noise was my alarm clock. Pushing myself around, I slammed the off button on the top of the alarm sighing in relief as the buzz cut out. I dropped back onto the bed and sighed grateful for the renewed silence. Maybe I could get a few more hours sleep. Before I could comprehend what to do my eyes started to drift shut on their own.
I could feel the welcoming hold of sleep taking me in its arms and rocking me back to blissful slumber. And all of it was gone in a matter of seconds by the loss of the ability to breathe. As soon as something hit my face I tried to raise my arms to bat it away but the covers were pulled so high that my arms were trapped. I choked for a few seconds before the shaking of my head managed to move the suffocating object from my face. I stared at what had landed on me not sure what to expect. I glared at what I saw before shifting my gaze over to the woman in my bed whose back was still facing me.
A pillow, really, I had almost choked on a pillow?
"What was that for?" I asked grabbing at the pillow and throwing it back over to her.
"You need to get up, you're staring work today, remember?" I mentally slapped myself at my forgetfulness. How the hell did I forget that? Why else would my alarm be on? Running a hand through my dishevelled hair I pushed myself up grunting as my fingers got caught in the lugs. I really needed a haircut.
Swinging my legs over the side of the double bed I pushed myself up stretching as I did, I could hear the cracks in my spine as I leant backwards pulling my stiff muscles. I let out a groan as I did; I had a weird obsession with making my joints crack. By the time I was thirty I could almost guarantee that I'd have bad arthritis. Righting myself I moved towards the door, the shower could wait for later I had to get the post first.
Leaving the room I closed the door softly behind, I'd have an earful if I woke her properly. She wasn't half grouchy when she was disturbed, but those kinds of traits are normal after three years of marriage and five of dating. I walked through the flat my eyes closed as I rubbed away the sleep, I didn't need to see where I was going. We had lived here for the past seven months and by now I knew how to navigate my way around the place with my eyes closed. Hell I could probably do it backwards.
Once I reopened my eyes I was in the small kitchen, not much was in here just a small circular table and the basics you'd find in a kitchen; small sink, fridge and a couple of cupboards. The kitchen was also where the front door was so naturally it was where the small mountain of letters was always located in the morning.
Scooping up the post I dropped into one of the two chairs placed around the table. I flicked through the different letters, nothing out of the norm. A few bills' that had to be paid, a couple of adverts for new restaurants, there were even a few letters from my team and of course the most annoying part of all...fan mail. In fact a large bulk of the letter wad was fan mail. It confused me slightly how they couldn't take the hint. I don't care about them. But that didn't confuse me nearly as much as the other thing did.
How did they know where I lived? We had moved four times in the past two years all because of fan girls and dare I say it even a few fan boys. Why had we moved because of them? Well we were kind of forced to after one camped outside our last flat and another chained themselves to the car when we were in the flat before that. We had to keep moving in case someone thought we were forcing them to do that.
It wouldn't look good if the famous bad-boy team were thought of forcing their fans to do stupid and sometimes degrading things. I had been trying over the past five years to rid us of that image. And it was working for the most part; I wasn't going to let some idiotic fans ruin all my hard work.
I had been sifting through the letters as I vented to myself mindlessly looking over the names then aiming for the bin in the far corner. I hadn't paid too much attention to them really but one did catch my eye.
The BBA, why were they sending me a letter?
I tore open the top of the letter and scanned it over quickly, looking for the lecture that I was sure was to come. The only time they mailed me was when a fan when too far and the police got involved. The old man always thought I had put the stupid kid up to whatever retarded stunt they had decided to pull off. But I couldn't find one. Puzzled I reread the letter. My eyes widened as I did.
Oh god. Please tell me I read it wrong.
A reunion.
Just an idea I had, I had wanted to do a chaptered story for KaiXTala romance but never had an idea I thought was good enough. I finally decided to just try this which has been nagging at me for weeks. So please tell me if it was alright. Please read review.