Last chapter. I know the story is short, but I got stuck and figured instead of stopping it that I would just finish it in a way. I hope y'all enjoyed it. Thanks for all the reviews.

~Five years later~

Leena and Bofur rode beside Bifur, Balin, Dwalin, Nori and Ori on their trip to the Shire. Bilbo had no idea that they were joining him, but the dwarves seemed to want to leave it to like that. They were only like an hour away from the hobbit's home. After they went to visit him, Leena and Bofur were travelling to Rivendale to see her family.

"So Bilbo has no idea?" Bifur, who finally mastered western again, asked.

"Nope. Bofur told me I wasn't allowed to tell him about it in my last letter to him." Leena laughed.

"We showed up unexpected last time, and I thought it'd be best if we did it again." Bofur laughed.

"Agreed!" Dwalin laughed.

Leena leaned back against the packs that were sitting behind her on her horse. She lightly laid her hand on her slowly growing stomach. Two years ago her and Bofur married, and after years of trying they were finally expecting their first child.

"Did you tell him about the little one?" Ori asked.

"No I thought he'd like to hear that news in person. I didn't tell my mother either."

"Why haven't you told your mother?" Balin asked.

"I wanted Bofur to be there when I told her that she was going to be a grandparent for the first time."

"Makes sense." Nori chuckled.

In the five years Leena had lived with the dwarves, Gloin kept up his fatherly ways with her, Dori, Nori and Ori became like her brothers, which was new to her. Balin almost seemed like a grandfather to her, Dwalin was a very protective uncle, Oin as well. Bifur, Bombur, Titaia and all eight of their children treated her like she had always been apart of their family.

When they arrive Leena was the first to know on the door. Bilbo opened with a large smile on his face. "Lee!" they hugged then he noticed the dwarves behind her.

"I see you brought half of the company with you." he laughed.

"I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. I believe that I told them that they were welcome any time. I am just glad that it brought you here as well."

Once everyone was inside Bilbo started asking what everyone wanted to eat, then decided that he would need to the market to get more food.

"Bilbo I will tell you, Leena has been eating a lot more lately." Ori said.

"Finally getting the appetite of a dwarf?" he joked.

"Well that kind of happens when you have a baby that is half dwarf growing inside you." Leena said like it was nothing.

"Okay." Bilbo turned to walk out the door then stopped. "Wait, Leena you are pregnant?" he exclaimed.

Everyone started to laugh. "Yes." she smiled. Bilbo hugged her tightly then smiled.

"Then we will celebrate, well you can't too much."

After they ate, Leena and Bilbo sat in the living room talking. Bilbo had a mug of ale and Leena was drinking a cup of tea with lemon in it.

"You seem very happy Lee. Happier then I ever remember you being."

"I am happy."

"Bofur is treating you well?"

"He is treating me great. Since we found out about that baby, he has waited on me hand and foot. He acts like I am breakable now."

"It takes me by surprise."


"That you are pregnant. You always said you didn't want children."

"Well it happened, and I wouldn't change anything about it. Everyone has already said that no one will be able to treat our child the way the kids in my father's village treated me. Bombur's kids are excited about another baby running around."

"I am happy for you." Bilbo smiled. "You also left out that Bifur was speaking western. When did that happen?"

"When I returned to Erebor he was starting to relearn it, and I helped him with Bofur, and now he is speaking it like you and I."

"So good things have happened." Bilbo laughed.

"Enough about how my life is going, we have talked about it all night. How are things going for you here?"

"Well, when I first arrived, they were having an auction here. I had to buy back most of my stuff. They thought I had died, people still talk that you died, that is why you never returned. They also said that the reason we ran away was because it would be frowned upon if we married here." Leena started to laugh.

"Well there were always rumors that we were more the friends living here."

"Yes. It was insane when I got back, but eventually things calmed down. People still talk when I walk by about me running away to go on an adventure. But who cares." Bilbo laughed.

"I am proud of you. You stopped caring about what people said."

"Unless they say something about you. I stand up for you every time they say something about you. Usually telling them it is rude to speak ill of a person who isn't even here to to defend themselves."

"Thank you Bilbo." Leena said placing her hand on his. "Now tell me, is there a hobbit lass that has caught your eye yet?"

"There was one."


"Yes was. Her name was Lily. She was a pretty little lass."

"Where is she?"

"Her father decided that I wasn't a good enough man for her. She was forced into marrying a more responsible hobbit."

"Well there will be some one out there for you. Even if it isn't a hobbit." Leena smiled.

"I will just have to follow in your foot steps, and follow my heart." Bilbo laughed. "So when are you leaving?"

"Bofur and I in two days time."

"What about the rest?"

"Well you would have to ask them. Bofur and I are travelling to Rivendale and they aren't very keen on returning there."

"You are going to leave me with dwarves? All alone with them?"

"I am sorry Bilbo." Leena said as she started to laugh.

When they were leaving, Bilbo gave Leena a little box wrapped in paper. "A present for the baby, when it's born." he smiled.

"Thank you Bilbo. I will miss you my little friend."

"You better. I will miss you too Lee. Good luck. I always thought you would make a great mother when the time came. I mean you always helped with me."

"You were easy to deal with. If this child is anything like the rest of its family, I may be crazy by the time they come of age." she laughed.

"You will be fine." Bilbo hugged her one more time before Leena got on her horse.

"Hopefully we will see each other soon." Leena smiled.

Leena and Bofur rode out of the Shire, the rest of the dwarves were staying another day or two. As they rode Leena kept thinking about what her mother would say. Her mother travelled to Erebor to be there for their wedding, but there was no talk about children. Leena always said she didn't really want them.

"Ye okay Lee?"

"Yes. I am thinking about how my mother will react. Also about how lucky I am now. I have the greatest husband any person could ask for, and we are about to be parents." Leena smiled looking over at him.

"Ya forget, I am the lucky one here."

Leena laughed at him as her hand went to her stomach. "We are lucky."

"I believe so."

As it was starting to get dark and the two decided to make camp for the night. While they sat eating by the fire Bofur looked over at his wife.

"Lee?" she looked up at him. "We haven't talked about names yet."

"Hmm, no we haven't. Have you thought of any?"

"A little."

"Is there a name you like?" Leena smiled.

"Well if we have a boy, which is very probably, I like the name Lothur."

"I like it, what if we have a girl?"

"That is up to ye. I picked a dwarvish name for a boy, ye should choose an elvish name for a girl."

"We should." she corrected. Bofur smiled at her. She sat and thought for a couple of minutes. "Vanya, it means beautiful."

"Very fitting. Just like her mother." Leena leaned over and kissed Bofur.

"I love you." she smiled.

"I love you too Leena."

The next couple of days the two talked about having a child. Before Leena knew it they were entering Rivendale. When they entered the courtyard Leena saw Lindir standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Ah, Miss Leena. Master dwarf."

"It's Mrs, now." Leena laughed.

"That is right. Forgive me." he smiled.

"Always Lindir. You remember Bofur?"

"One of the dwarves that where here during the quest. Also your husband."


"Your mother never made any mention of you coming."

"I know, she doesn't know. We have news to tell her, and it wasn't something I should tell her in a letter." Leena smiled.

"Well welcome, hopefully I will be seeing you two later."

Bofur nodded and let Leena lead the way towards her rooms, and her mothers. They stopped and dropped their things off in her room. Then she went and knocked on her mother's door.

"One moment." her mother yelled from inside. Leena smiled down at Bofur then heard her mother walking to the door.

"Leena, Bofur. What a surprise." her mother said once she opened the door.

"Hello Vanmoriel." Bofur said with a smile.

"What brings you two here?" she asked as she ushered them into her sitting room.

"We were visiting Bilbo in the Shire, and we thought we would come to visit you." Leena smiled.

"I welcome your visit. But my dear, I can see in your eyes, that there is something else going on."

"We also have some news to tell you." Leena said as Bofur grabbed her hand.

"Well now would be the perfect time." her mother laughed.

"Bofur and I are expecting."

Her mother smiled brightly. "I am so happy for you two." she said hugging Bofur and Leena. "Your uncle will be very happy about this news."

"I figured we would tell him when we see him."

The two spend two weeks in Rivendale before they made the trip back to Erebor. Five months later, Leena gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Vanya, she had Leena's burgundy colored hair, Bofur's eyes and nose, and she only had a little point to her ears.

Everyone enjoyed having a baby around, she instantly won over the company that had become like family to her.

~20 years later~

Leena and Bofur sat watching their daughter while she played with her brother, Lothur. Vanya was twenty years old, and Lothur was ten. He already told everyone that he was going to grow up and be a warrior like Dwalin, but as smart as Ori.

"Mamma!" Lothur yelled. Leena looked over at him with a smile on her face.

"Yes baby?"

"Daddy made me a new toy." he ran over with the toy and handed it to Leena.

"It's beautiful honey." Leena smiled. Lothur ran back over to Vanya and started playing again.

Lothur looked like a little Bofur. His dark brown hair was almost touching his shoulders. He had Leena's gray eyes but no pointed ears.

"Are you ready for a third?" Bofur asked as Leena sat back in her chair.

"Always." she smiled and placed her hand on her large stomach. She was ready to give birth at any time.

"I love you my sweet Leena." Bofur said reaching for her hand.

"I love you too Bofur. Everything about you, even your funny hat." Leena said squeezing his hand.

Looking around the room, Leena realized that she had the perfect life. She had everything she could have asked for. Two great children, with a third on the way. A loving husband that meant the world to her, and a band of dwarves that were like an odd little family. She wouldn't change about any of this.