
otherwise known as KomaHina has ruined my life goodbye

By the way this is pretty - actually, really shitty. I need to get back into writing more.

They sat in darkness.

If there was one thing Hinata had definitely taken note of about the island, it was how the nights were always unbearably dark. What little illumination there usually was from outside his window was mostly provided by the lights from his classmates' cottages, and even those didn't tend to last very long past ten'o clock. Not to mention, after each class trial the lack of light from the now empty cottages became painfully obvious, and it served as a haunting reminder of the people that were no longer there. All Hinata could do in the darkness was stare into space and try to think of something, anything, else.

So when Komaeda reached a pale hand out to touch his cheek, he couldn't help but jump.

"What are you-" Hinata's voice was shaky, his discomfort finally coming to surface.

Komaeda smiled.

How irritating.

"I thought I'd try to catch your attention somehow." His voice was smooth, practically unphased.

We're the only people in this room. Hinata sighed, leaning back onto the bed with his hands. "I didn't let you in so you could stare at me all night, Komaeda." He shifted uncomfortably. The thought that those eyes were staring at him the entire time gave him a strong feeling of discomfort as if he wasn't creepy enough.

"If you have nothing to talk about, then you can leave."

Hinata regretted letting him in.

"Are you sure that you want me to leave, Hinata-kun?"

... Huh?

Hinata stared, conflicted. Was he really that keen on letting him disappear again? Logically, for the sake of the other people on the island he should've brought Komaeda's arrival to everyone's attention. But when the boy had appeared by his doorstep he did nothing more than open the door for him to enter.

Thinking on it now, it was as if he was cupping water into his hands hoping the get a drink only for each drop to slip through his fingers if he wasn't fast enough. What was keeping him from getting up to call on everyone in the first place? Why couldn't he just see Komaeda as the bastard that he was and beat the living crap out of him?


Their eyes focused solely on each other, and no matter how long he stared Hinata just couldn't fucking read the guy. Before long the last light from the others - from Kuzuryuu's cottage - finally went out; darkness became darker, and now the only light they had to work with was what little the moon and stars could provide.

Out of nowhere, he felt a hand take one of his, and in the split second his attention was diverted he suddenly found Komaeda leaning forward to kiss him.

That was another thing Hinata hated about him. His fucking ability to manipulate people as he pleased. The fact that he still insisted that he was nothing but garbage even when he was probably one of the craftiest and most irritating people Hinata had ever met.

God damn it.

"Hinata-kun." Komaeda straightened himself up, lips curved into a smile. "... You're a disappointment." Hands parted, the door opened and there wasn't so much as a look back.

Hinata found himself drowning in regret.