I know I should be working on my Chrom/Albian story but since now and the last time I updated I have fallen MADLY in love with the pairing of Gerome/Inigo. Don't judge me because we ALL know they belong together. If they didn't, I wouldn't have started this story!
My pairings and kids.
Chrom/Albian- Lucina and Morgan
Kellam/Cherche- Gerome
Ricken/Maribelle- Brady
Fredrick/Lissa- Owain
Vaike/Miriel- Laurent
Libra/Tharja- Noire
Henry/Sumia- Cynthia
Lon'qu/Panne- Yarne
Virion/Sully- Kjelle
Gregor/Nowi- Nah
Stahl/Cordelia- Severa
ACTUAL GAME Kid pairings:
And Brady has no one.
Pairings for THIS STORY!
Others will apply randomly but not be as important as this pairing! Enjoy!
"Gerome... Gerome? Hey listen to me when I am talking to you!" Inigo said crossly. He had been trying for days now to get the masked wyvern rider to at least acknowledge his presence. Yet again, the dark-head teen kept on walking. Inigo huffed lightly and let his arms fall into a comfortable crossed position.
He had given up on his attempts for now, only because he needed to go practice dancing while his mother was out on a mission. He didn't mind the others seeing his dancing, but he wanted it to be special for his mother and he had decided to only practice when she was away. Which wasn't much anyway so he had a lot of work to do.
In someway Inigo wished he had someone to watch him practice, and give him advice and praise for how well he hoped he was doing. He knew people watched him dance anyway, but they never directly told Inigo how the felt about it. Which was blandly rude. Secretly he had wanted Gerome to watch him, since Gerome was pretty forward about things as such. Then again, Gerome wouldn't even talk to him...
He had asked Laurent, but the mage pointed out that he had no time for such pointless things. Yarne would've but was much to terrified to go out into the woods in fear of being attacked. Morgan was out on the mission with the others. Brady was practicing his violin and Inigo didn't even WANT Owain to help. There was no way he was going to ask one of the girls knowing he would just embarrass himself in front of them. He couldn't dance for any of the elders either for they were to busy for it. That left Gerome. The same Gerome that wouldn't even talk to him.
Besides this, he still needed to practice. So, he would just have to dance alone... Hmm now that sounded like a sad thought.
Gerome's P.O.V
After ignoring Inigo for another time, he seemed to give up and leave. There's nothing personal between us really, i just see it that he wastes his time with his flirtatious lifestyle. Then he has to come bother me. I can't see why he can't just leave me alone.
I moved into the supply tent to check up on inventory since Albian was away on the mission. After a long while, and many checks over the inventory later, I decided that I was done and left the tent. Outside the tent to the right was my mother, Lissa, Maribelle and Anna talking away. I made sure to get close enough to hear them, but not to get noticed. I know it wasn't right to eavesdrop on them but i was curious.
"He's out practicing right now. I just passed by him not to long ago on my way back from the market. I was out buying some more string and i saw him. He truly is talented." My mothers says with a smile on her lips. I could hear the happiness coming off of her.
"Indeed his is." Maribelle said smiling. Lissa nodded as well.
"He gets that talent from his mother. We all know that Olivia is probably the best dance we have all meet. I'm not surprised how well Inigo is at it." Anna pointed out and received a chorus of agreements from the others she was talking to.
So that's what they were talking about. Inigo and his dancing. I have heard all over camp that he was incredible, maybe even better than his own mother, but i have never seen him dance myself. I could probably head out now and catch him before he stops but then again i don't have time for such pointless things. Great, now i sounded like Laurent.
"Gerome? What are you doing just standing there?" Kellum, my father said as he addressed me, i hadn't even noticed i was just standing there staring blankly into nothing. Neither had i noticed my own father coming up to me. Then again, no one ever does.
"Oh nothing Father. I am just thinking. If you would excuse me?" I said politely before walking away from my slightly worried father. I could hear him sigh, and then my mother come up to him to talk with him. I was too far to hear them by the time they began talking, so I didn't think much of them talking about me.
From there I headed off into the woods, where i hope i could at least catch a glimpse of Inigo dancing.
Inigo's P.O.V
Try after try and i just couldn't get that one move right. I always seemed to trip up on it and it was pissing me off. Mother never taught me the whole dance before she died, which meant i would have to finish it myself and still i had no idea how to end it. I really wished Mom had taught me all of it before dying. I wish she hadn't died at all.
Even so, that's why I was here, trying to prevent such thing from occurring but until then i have to do this dance. I have to prefect it for Mother and prove to her I am not nothing more than a womanizer. Then after I dance for her, I will fight and save her from dying. I made this promise to her grave and i shall do just that.
While deep in my thoughts and in my dance moves, I hadn't notice Gerome approach where i was practicing, nor did I see him lean against a tree. When I dance, I dance with my eyes closed so it was understandable that I didn't even know he was there. it wasn't until I tripped over a rock, and Gerome catching me did I notice him.
Normal P.O.V
"Wah! Gerome! What are you doing? Where you watching me dance?" Inigo gasped out while blushing darkly. Gerome did nothing but grunt lightly in return and help the other to a standing position. Inigo kept a dark blush on his face from the complete embarrassment from a fall like that in front of another teammate.
"What were you doing there? Watching me dance like a pervert." Inigo harassed lightly. Gerome just sighed and began to walk away from the dancer, not really in the mood to deal with such behavior.
"Just be more careful." Was all Gerome had to say to the orange haired dancer, as he walked away. Inigo stared at the retreating back and smiled softly, knowing it was probably the only response he would get out of Gerome for quite some time. Yet it was better than nothing.
I have never really paid attention to Gerome so I apologize if he sounds Out of Character. Review if you like! Chapters may/may not get longer!