Well, here it is everyone. The final chapter. I'm glad to see some of you all liked the last chapter, sorry if it didn't hold up to some of your expectations. I could make the claim that my new job and not having as much time was the reason why it may not have been as good as possible, but it'd be a lie to say that it had a huge effect on it. I did what I could with it, but honestly I didn't expect it to be a spectacular chapter. It was the set up for the finale, the calm before the storm and all that. Anyways, here we go.

I could feel Kurumu leaning against me, her fingers interlaced with mine, as we walked closer and closer towards an opening in the forest. I couldn't help but smile once I saw we had finally made it to the end of that dreadful place. My eyes scanned the horizon and in the distance I could see it. Yokai Academy, our school. I could feel my heart start to speed up because I knew the worst part was now before us. I didn't know how much time we had left, but from this distance I couldn't hear anything but what sounded like a normal festival. Hopefully that meant we weren't too late to stop Kaoru. I gave Kurumu's hand a gentle squeeze and looked at her as I asked, "Are you feeling better, Kurumu? Can you walk on your own?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Hehe, I've been alright the whole time." Kurumu said with a big smile.

"Wh-what? But you told me you were still feeling weak from your injury…" I said, feeling confused as to why she'd lie about something like that, especially at a time such as this.

"I only said that so I could be like this with you the whole time we were walking." Kurumu said with a playful smile as she leaned in to my side and rubbed her soft chest against my side that made me blush, my arm sinking deep down in to the valley between her…uhh….

"If you wanted to do that then you could have just asked, you know." I said, still blushing and feeling embarrassed.

"Oh really? Heh, well then in that case I'll make sure to ask you for all kinds of stuff later on." Kurumu said seductively. I couldn't understand why she'd pick now of all times to start teasing me. Didn't she understand how serious things were? There was a small silence between us until she added, "Don't worry Tsukune."

"Don't…worry?" I repeated, looking at her with a puzzled look.

"Yeah! Don't worry. Don't let that incubus loser get to you. Think about all the enemies we've taken down since we've been here at Yokai. He's just another one of those nameless nobodies. Don't you get it? The reason he sent us out in to that forest is because he's scared of us! He knows what we can do. We'll go get Moka, Yukari, and Mizore and together we're all gonna kick his butt! We can do anything when we're all together." Kurumu said enthusiastically as she smiled brightly.

"You're right, Kurumu. Let's do it." I said and nodded in response. I now understood why she had been making jokes. It was to lift my spirits. I had been worrying a lot and Kurumu could see it. She knew what I needed. She was always there to lift my spirits up.

"You go it, hang on tight Tsukune." Kurumu said and then walked behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and pressed herself in to her back. I could hear the sound of her wings coming out and soon we were airborne, making a b-line for the academy. As we flew overhead, I couldn't help but take in the view and the sight before me. This strange otherworldly place I had come to call my school as well as my second home. What was once so foreign had now become so familiar. When I first came here, I was terrified and I felt nothing but loathing for this place on account of that fear. I wanted nothing more than to leave this place and the strange monsters behind, never to look back. Now I wanted to protect it. This was the place where I met my very best friends, and my love. This place held meaning to me because it was where I was able to make such amazing memories with everyone.

"Kurumu, do you see Moka or any of the others from here?" I asked Kurumu. I had been scanning over the festival for a while but I had seen no sight of our friends.

"I haven't seen them, maybe they're inside." Kurumu replied, "Do you think we should find them first or go straight to the library?"

"Let's try to find them. It looks like everyone is still normal for now, so I'm guessing Kaoru hasn't found the secret passage in the library yet." I answered. Kurumu landed us on the roof of the school and we wasted no time in trying to search through the school for Moka and everyone else. We thoroughly searched the inside of the school but found nothing. The sun had now set and night was upon us. I looked to Kurumu and said, "This isn't good."

"Do you think something may have happened to them?" Kurumu asked, the concern in her voice clearly showing.

"I don't know, but let's go check out the library. We can't waste any more time." I answered as I pulled out my whip and held it tightly. I was sure that Kaoru would be there waiting for us, and most likely had something planned.

"Hey Tsukune! There you are." I heard a familiar voice call out and looked around to see Yukari smiling at me from around the corner.

"Yukari! You're alright." Kurumu said happily.

"Of course I'm alright. Now then…" Yukari paused and I saw her raise up her wand. She waved it around for a moment and then I felt a heavy metal object fall on to my head.

"Hey! Now's not the time for that sort of thing Yukari! We have to go stop Kaoru." Kurumu said quickly.

"Stop Kaoru? I can't let you two do that. He told me to make sure you two don't get in his way." Yukari said, still smiling in spite of what she had just said.

"Yukari? What are you saying? Did he…." I paused when I started to get an idea of what was going on here. Yukari kept smiling as she waved her wand, this time causing lots of washtubs to appear and fly through the air at Kurumu and me.

"Yukari! Don't tell me that creep got to you like he did Ruby…" Kurumu said as she dodged the incoming projectiles.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Kaoru is my very best friend, as well as a witch. He's my real friend." Yukari said, sounding completely brainwashed.

"That's not true Yukari! We're you're real friends. He's messing with your head, try to remember the truth." I insisted, hoping to be able to get through to Yukari so that I didn't have to fight against her.

"It's no use Tsukune. The best way for us to get through to her now is to take down Kaoru. Once we do that then his charm over her should fade." Kurumu said as she turned in to her succubus form. One of Yukari's washtubs was heading right at her face, but Kurumu raised up her tail and wrapped it around the handle that was hanging off the side of the washtub and then spun around, using the momentum to redirect the large metal container back in Yukari's direction.

Yukari's widened in surprise to see one of her very own attacks coming straight at her. She raised her arms up in front of her to guard against it but there was no need since it was deflected by a large sharp chunk of ice. Mizore soon walked out from the library, looking at all of us. "So, they finally showed up. Let's kill them and get it over with." She said.

"No…not Mizore too." Kurumu said then looked towards me and asked, "Tsukune, what should we do? There are friends, we can't hurt them."

I bit my lip in frustration and tried to think of what to do. Kurumu was right; we couldn't fight against our friends and risk seriously hurting them, especially when they weren't in control of themselves. On the other hand, we couldn't just ignore them since they were no doubt out to kill us. Our only chance was to try to fight our way past them and then take down Kaoru as fast as possible. Hopefully the charms under them would be removed then. "Ugh! Just try to get to the library, Kurumu. We have to stop him before it's too late." I said.

Without saying another word, the two of us rushed straight at Yukari and Mizore. This seemed to have taken them by surprise because they hesitated at first but quickly recovered and attacked us. Kurumu flew over their heads and I used Belmont to knock away Mizore's incoming ice projectiles. I then swung the whip low and was able to wrap the end of it around one of Mizore's ankles. I pulled back which pulled her leg out from under her and she fell on top of Yukari, the both of them falling to the floor. I ran right past them and called out over my shoulder, "Sorry Guys! I hope you two will forgive me for that."

Perhaps I should have held my tongue because I hadn't gone more than one step past Yukari and Mizore when I felt a hand grab on the bottom of my pant leg and pull me down to the floor. I looked down to see Mizore hand grabbed a hold of me. Her other hand had turned in to an icy claw and was raised over her head, ready to come down on me. I saw her bring her claw down and my eyes shut tightly instinctively. But when nothing happened I opened my eyes to see someone standing over me.

"Hey, how's it going Tsukune?" Gin said with a grin as he looked over his shoulder down at me. He had blocked Mizore's attack. Ruby was standing there too and was holding Yukari back.

"Gin! You're alright." I said happily.

"Of course I am! You didn't think a little wound like that would ever keep Gin down, did you?" Gin said cockily. Coincidentally this seemed to have annoyed Ruby who quickly poked him in the stomach with the tip of her finger, causing him to let out a groan and grip his sides as he huddled over.

"Listen Tsukune. We'll keep Yukari and Mizore busy. Don't worry about us, just go on and stop that little incubus creep for me, okay?" Ruby said with a smile and winked at me.

I simply nodded in response as I quickly jumped back up to my feet and ran towards the library. Behind me I could still hear Ruby and Gin talking to each other. Ruby asked, "So, you really think you'll be alright like this? You're still hurt."

"Don't worry so much. Besides, tonight is a full moon. I feel great." Gin replied, and that was all that I could hear before they started to fight against Yukari and Mizore.

Kurumu and I kept going forward and soon we made it through the doors of the library. I looked around and it appeared that no one was there this time. I immediately went to check out the where the secret passage had been and was horrified to see that it was now open. I was about to run down the stairs of the dark corridor when I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the passage, and they were getting louder and louder. My eyes widened when I saw Kaoru walking out of the passage way, in his hand was a small round mirror. He looked up and smirked confidently when he saw the two of us standing there. "Well well, that was faster than I thought. I was hoping that the forest would slow the two of you down enough so that you could return to already see Yokai in complete chaos. Oh well, no big loss. You two will soon whiteness it firsthand."

Kaoru raised the mirror in to the air and a light start to shine from it that blinded Kurumu and I. When the light faded and we were able to see once again, we saw a small pixie looking creature hovering in the air and holding the mirror. Kaoru looked at the creature and his eyes started to glow a little, putting the small pixie under his influence. He then said, "Lilith, I have freed you and are now your master. Use your power on every monster in this school. Take away their self-restraint and release their true monster natures."

The pixie did not speak but simply began to fly off, heading straight for a nearby open window, hanging on to the mirror with both of her small arms. Kurumu saw this and immediately flew after the small monster. She called out, "Oh no you don't! There's no way a little runt like you can out fly me!"

Kurumu hadn't gotten within more than three feet of Lilith when she was sent hurdling to the ground by a dive kick that had come from above. I was shocked and worried to see Moka was there with Kaoru. Kurumu let out a cry of pain as she came crashing down on to the hard tiled floors of the library. I ran to her side to check on her.

"Good work my dear Moka." Kaoru said with a smirk as Moka stood next to him. He slipped one of his arms around her and held her close to him. I couldn't help but frown when I noticed that his hand was resting on her chest. Part of me thinks he was doing it just to try to get under my skin a little. He looked at me and said, "Tsukune, would you like to know something interesting? Out of your entire little harem, Moka was by far the easiest to bring under my control. Poor girl, I've been inside her mind and all she thinks about it you. That's what made it so easy. All I had to do was make her realize how little you actually care about her. Now she's much happier with me. The same for Yukari and Mizore, too. Your little harem and is now all mine. You know, I'm going to have fun using them to rebuild the incubus population once I finish off you and that succubus."

"Harem? That's all you really see them as, don't you? They're my friends, not some lousy harem. And I'm going to free them from your charms." I told him defiantly as I helped Kurumu back up to her feet; she seemed to have been merely stunned and wasn't showing any signs of serious injury.

"That's right! They're our friends no matter what you try to do to them." Kurumu said as she rose to her feet, her nails growing in to long claws.

"Is that so? Well we'll just see what they think of that." Kaoru said as he reached up and grabbed a hold of Moka's rosary. My eyes widened and Kurumu's jaw dropped as Kaoru pulled the rosary from Moka's neck. There was a strong pulse of energy as Moka changed in the Other Moka. Kurumu and I couldn't help but tremble a little now that Moka was in her vampire form.

"Tsukune…I'll distract Moka while you fight Kaoru. Your whip can negate a monster's powers right? Well maybe if you get in enough hits then his powers will fade over Moka and the others." Kurumu said, I could tell she was still nervous but she sounded determined.

"Kurumu…are you sure you'll be okay? Moka's really strong." I questioned. All the while I could hear things quickly becoming chaotic outside. There were loud noises of monsters fighting amongst one another and occasionally the building would start to shake.

"Don't worry Tsukune. I'll be fine, I promise." Kurumu said with a smile then flew high up in to the air and taunted Moka to come after her. Moka jumped on top of one of the bookshelves then leapt at Kurumu with a flying kick but Kurumu flew up higher to avoid it. Moka pursued Kurumu and eventually Kurumu flew one of the windows, leading Moka away from us. Now I understood Kurumu's strategy. She just wanted to get Moka away from me and the others, not try to fight her. Moka was strong, but Kurumu was faster. Regardless, I wanted to take down Kaoru as fast as possible to keep her or the others from getting hurt.

"I guess it's just you and me now, Tsukune Aono. Tell me, how does it feel for a pathetic human such as you to be going against an A-Class monster such as myself all alone? None of your friends are here to help you; do you really think you have a chance? I tell you what; I'll make you death quick and painless. I will be merciful and save me time. I still need to destroy the barrier after all." Kaoru said confidently, as his wings appeared out from his backside along with his bladed tipped tail. He slowly rose up in to the air and looked down at me. I knew he was trying to intimidate me and to be perfectly honest, it was working a little. He was right. I was alone, I was human, and none of my monster friends were there to help me if something went wrong. But I didn't care. My friends were depending on me, and that was reason enough to fight against a monster alone.

I didn't give him the satisfaction of a vocal response. I merely gripped Belmont tightly in my hand and swiped it at him. He just chuckled and simply flew high up in to the air to avoid the attack. I tried my best to focus my attention on that tail of his since I knew what it could do after seeing him attack Gin. As soon as he was within reach of my whip, I'd try to strike him again. Occasionally he'd extend his tail and try to stab me with it but I was able to avoid him for the time being, but every time I tried to attack him with my whip he's just fly higher up. He was more mobile than I was and had longer reach with his tail. I'd have to think of something or else I'd just tire myself out and then be defenseless against him. The sounds of monsters fighting outside were getting louder, and beginning to distract the two of us whenever the building would shake. I could only guess at the size of the monsters doing all of that.

An idea eventually came to me and I dashed in to one of the many aisles of bookshelves, trying to get out of Kaoru's sight. Maybe I could lose him and then sneak up on him. That's what I hoped. I could hear him taunt, "What's the matter Tsukune? Are you turning tail and running already, you coward? I can't blame you since you're just a weak little human, and normally I'd let you go since you could never be of a threat to me. However, killing you would be the most painful thing I could do to that little succubus slut, so I have no plans of letting you escape."

I knew he was trying to get under my skin but I did my best to ignore him. I darted behind one of the book cases and tried my best to conceal myself. All the while I was moving closer and closer to the wall. Soon I had gotten within arm's reach of my target. I reached out to the wall and turned off all the lights in the library. Night had fallen already which left the whole library dark, the only light was coming from outside through the windows. As soon as I had turned off the lights, I ducked back in to the shadows so that I wasn't spotted. I had to focus to keep my breathing regular; I could feel my heartbeat speed up and adrenaline start to flow through my body.

I stepped lightly through the endless rows of books and slowly peeked out from the corner of one of the bookshelves and looked around. I could see Kaoru's silhouette slowly glide down to the floor as he called out to me, taunting and tempting me. It appeared that he didn't know where I was, so I had made it that far. Now the question I had to ask myself was how should I use this one chance. That's all I had, one chance to sneak up and attack him. I had to make it count. I could hear him moving around the area looking through the rows of bookshelves, looking for me. I did my best to keep track of him and tried to stay out of his line of sight. I was doing everything I could to keep my cool. This was a game of cat and mouse, and I would either be the cat or the mouse based on my ability to keep a cool head.

Eventually I could hear the soft brushing of his footsteps on the other side of the bookcase I was hiding behind. I swallowed deeply and realized this was my chance. I pressed my back against the bookshelf and pushed against it with all of my strength, eventually pushing it over. My heart leaped when I heard someone let out a groan as it hit the floor. I jumped out and looked on the over side to see Kaoru surrounded by a pile of books and trying to pull himself out from under the large shelf. He looked up at and even through the darkness I could see an evil look of hatred in his eyes. He feebly tried to flap his bat like wings weakly. "Despicable trick, you filthy little human. I was going to kill you quickly, now I'm going to make it slow." He threatened as he worked his way out of the bookshelf slowly.

I struck him across the face with my whip before he could pull his tail out. I felt nothing but despise for this little monster that had been playing games with my friends, manipulating them against their wills. I like to think that I'm a nice guy, but I wasn't at that moment. I struck at him again and again with my whip as he tried to back away from me, obviously having been injured from the heavy bookcase falling on top of him. I could see him getting weaker and weaker from each attack from Belmont, the effect was obviously starting take hold and his monster powers were weakening. I felt almost as if I was in a dream. I was standing, and he was on the ground. I had done it, I had won. I pulled back my arm one last time to deal one final blow, hopefully knocking him out, but my overconfidence betrayed me.

At the last moment, Kaoru pulled out his magi and fired a magic attack at my hand which knocked Belmont out of my hand and across the room. I had forgotten he was half Witch. Kaoru wasted no time in returning to his feet and his long tail quickly flew straight at me. At first I thought he was going to run me through with it, but he wrapped it tightly around my neck instead. My hands instinctively went to my neck and I tried as hard as I could to pull his coiled tail out from around my neck. He was tightly squeezing around my air pipe and I found myself gasping for air. All of the smug cockiness in Kaoru's eyes were gone, all that was let was pure rage. He lifted me up in to the air with his tail and then slammed me down on to the floor. I gasped feeling pain run through every inch of my body. "You really thought you could stop me? You stupid little human!" Kaoru yelled and lifted me back up in to the air only to slam me back down on to the ground.

I coughed and gasped for air, my vision beginning to blur. I could hear Kaoru continue to speak. "I have planned and worked for far too long to have everything taken away from me by a meek, pathetic, worthless human!" He yelled down at me loudly and kicked me a few times in my stomach and ribs. His tail slowly uncoiled around my neck and I gasped out for breath, unfortunately each and every breath sent an aching pain through me. I looked up to see him pointing the tip of his tail straight at me, slowly pulling it back as if drawing back the string of a bow.

I watched him ready to finish me but in a blink of an eye he was knocked down to the ground by a werewolf. "That's for stabbing me you little punk!" Gin yelled out loud. Kaoru rolled along the floor but quickly rose to his feet only to be pinned to the wall behind him by several sharp icy daggers. Yukari, Mizore, Gin, and Ruby had all entered the room and now Gin and Ruby were quickly helping me up to my feet. Kaoru struggled to get free but found himself stuck in place by Mizore's attack. "Tsukune!" Yukari yelled out and hugged me. "I'm so sorry I tried to hurt you earlier!"

"Yeah, me too. Sorry about that Tsukune." Mizore said, a sad look on her face. I leaned against Gin and Ruby a little, they were both holding me by their shoulders.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you all are alright." I told them and smiled a little, trying to ignore the lingering pain.

"This isn't over! I can just charm all of you girls again." Kaoru said confidently.

"Don't be sure about that!" Ruby said with a grin on her face as she grabbed a hold of a small necklace with ornaments on it. I then noticed that Yukari and Mizore were wearing them too, yet they hadn't been before. "I just finished these today. It took a few days but it was worth it. They're charms that are meant to protect against an inucbi's power. Your little tricks won't work on us anymore."

"Looks like we missed everything!" I heard a voice from the door and turned my head to see Kurumu and the Other Moka walk through. Moka was holding the little pixie, Lilith, in her hand and Kurumu had a small object covered by her yellow sweater. Kurumu ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Tsukune! Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine, but this isn't really the time." I told her and winced feeling her squeezing me so tightly.

"He's right, here Moka." Yukari said and pulled out another of Ruby's necklaces and put it around her neck so that she couldn't be charmed by Kaoru.

Moka looked darkly over at Kaoru and slowly started to walk towards him. Yukari grinned and giggled a bit. "I know what comes next!" She said.

"Know your place!"

"Wow…everyone really did a number on the school, huh?" Kurumu said in shock with a strange look on her face.

"Yeah, you can say that again." I replied, having a similar look on my face. It was the following morning and we were looking at all of the destruction that had been caused by Kaoru's plan and releasing all of the festival visitor's monster natures out. If our goal had been to protect the school, then we had failed miserably. The school was completely trashed. But at least we were able to stop Kaoru. Moka had knocked him completely out and then the principal came in and took him away; he said he'd take care of it. He also took back Lilith's Mirror.

That morning there was a notice put up on all of the bulletin boards that Yokai Academy was to be temporarily closed down on account of all the damages. I now had my suitcase packed and was standing in front of the school, waiting on the bus. Kurumu was standing by my side, holding on to my hand tightly with our fingers laced together. I looked at her and could see she seemed sad. "Kurumu, what's wrong?" I asked.

She looked up at me sadly and quickly jumped on to me, her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my abdomen. "I don't want you to go away Tsukune!" She whined out, "If the school closes then that means you have to go back to the human world. I don't know how long it's going to be until I see you again."

I blushed and replied, "I know how you feel, but I gave you my number so that you can call me whenever you want."

"But that's not the same." Kurumu replied. I knew it wasn't the same, and I felt the same way. But this was the way things had to be for the time being.

"Don't worry Kurumu. I'll come back, I promise." I told her and smiled, slowly wrapping one of my arms around her.

"Tsukune…." She whispered in a soft alluring voice and started to lean in to me closer, her lips moving closer to mine. I could feel myself starting to blush. I could feel my heart start to speed up. I knew I was going to miss her, and I'd be counting the days until we could see each other again.

"Tsukune!" I heard Yukari call out and she was quickly standing beside us, trying to squeeze herself in between Kurumu and me, trying to separate us. She smiled brightly and hugged me as she said, "Just wanted to say I'm going to miss you lots and lots Tsukune!"

"Thank you Yukari, I'll miss you too." I replied and smiled, patting Yukari's head a little.

"Hey! What are you thinking Yukari? Tsukune and I were having a moment!" Kurumu protested in frustration.

"I don't care! Tsukune belongs to Moka and me! He much prefers small fun size chests, right Tsukune?" Yukari questioned, and I had no response.

"You're both wrong, Tsukune is definitely going to hook up with me." came Mizore's voice from behind a tree. She looked at me added, "Hey Tsukune, I promise to call you ever day. I know it's not the same as stalking but I promise to make up for lost time once school starts back up again."

"Oh umm….that's really nice of you, Mizore." I said nervously.

"Tsukune…!" I heard another bright and cheerful voice call out as Moka came running over to the rest of us. She stood in front of me and started to act shyly for a moment before she said, "So, I just wanted to say that I'm going to miss you a whole lot….and umm…."

"Hm? What is it Moka?" I asked curiously.

"Well since we won't see each other for a long time then….let me suck your blood!" Moka said then grabbed on to my shoulders and started to lean in to my neck with her fangs bared.

"Hold it Moka!" Kurumu said quickly and started to pull the vampire off of me as usual.

It was around this time that Ruby and the principal both walked out of the school and in our direction. I saw the principal staring at me with those creepy glowing eyes as he held out his hand and said, "Good work, Mr. Aono. However seeing as that now the school is closed for the time being, I will be taking back Belmont. For now at least."

"I understand." I said with a nod as I pulled the leather whip out of my bag and handed it over to him. Part of me couldn't help but wonder why he had originally given it to me in the first place. Did he have a motive behind it? In the back of my mind I had the wild idea that maybe all of this was some sort of elaborate plan by him for some strange reason or cause. But that would be crazy, right? Looking back I suppose it didn't really matter in the end.

The bus to the human world arrived soon after that, so I picked up all of my belongings and looked around at all of my friends one last time before starting to board the bus. Moka and Yukari were both smiling at me and waving their hands, Ruby simply nodded at me with a smaller smile, Mizore had her usual look on her face, and Kurumu looked as if she were about to start crying comically. I could feel my heart-strings being tugged a little, but I knew this wasn't goodbye forever. I would see them all again before too long. I stored away my things in the overhead compartment of the bus and looked out the window, waving at my friends as the bus started to drive along.

"Nice work, Kid. You surpassed all of our expectations." I heard the bus driver say with a smirk. I wasn't sure exactly what it was he meant by that but I decided to shrug it off. I looked back one last time at everyone. I waved at them but then noticed something. Mizore wasn't with them.

That was strange, I looked around the area where she had been but caught no sight of them. I leaned back in my seat, and my eyes widened as I felt a cold chill go down my spine. I looked behind me to see a tuft of violet hair and blue-ish violet eyes looking at me, a few fingers resting on the back of the seat. "I'm worried I'll be out of practice if I can't stalk you anymore Tsukune."

Mizore looked back at everyone else through the window. She grinned a little and held up her hand in a 'v for victory' sign. Even from that distance I could hear the rest of the girls yelling out and soon I saw Kurumu, Moka, and the rest running after the bus. I couldn't help but smile at the strange situation. I looked up and could see Yokai Academy in the distance, getting smaller and smaller until I eventually lost sight of it. It made me feel sad to realize I was really leaving. Goodbye Yokai Academy. I'll be back one day.

Whew! This has been by far my longest fanfiction ever. It's also been by far my most popular, and I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has reviewed, commented, favorited, alerted, etc. and just supported this story in general. The feedback has been phenomenal and I've been really fortunate to receive such amazing feedback from so many people, the praise and the criticisms. It's just something that's hard to find these days. I really hope that everyone has enjoyed the story. I know I enjoyed writing it and exploring the world of Rosario+Vampire and delving in to the possibilities it offers in terms of story telling.

It was around this point when the original manga 'ended' so I figured it would be a fitting place to 'end' this story. Some of you may be wondering if I have anything planned for the future in terms of continuing Rosario+Succubus? or doing a sequel. Well the good news is that I do have an idea for it, the bad news is that it's not enough idea to flesh out in to a full story and I'm not even at the point where I can begin. I've also been working on this fanfic all summer and I now feel the need for a break from Rosario+Vampire, at least for the time being. Long story short this is the 'end' in much the same way the original manga 'ended' here, but don't be surprised if you see a 'Rosario+Succubus? Capu/II' in the future. If any of you are interested, I might possibly add a seventeenth chapter which would just be a long author's notes section with more info on this fanfic.

For the time being I'll be working on two fics for Sailor Moon. I know that's a pretty different type of anime, but if any of you are fans of the series please check them out too. While I love this fanfic a lot, I personally think my second completed Sailor Moon fic is my best work. Anyways, as always folks I hope you all enjoyed Rosario+Succubus? and please leave review or comment if you wish. And a gigantic thank you for reading through the entire story. I know it was a long one.