Prologue: This is a Documentary of the Lone Wanderer made by the one and only, Three-dog. Here outlining how to Lone Wanderer changed the Wastelands Forever.

When the Lone Wanderer first left that mystery vault 101, he made a promise to himself that he would always retain the purest virtues that were taught by his father.

In the Lone Wanderer's confusion after leaving the vault, his desire to help people in need caused him to follow a distress signal that lead him to the group known as the Outcasts. There, the Lone Wander entered a war simulation which helped open a vault that would give him nearly omnipotent pre-war gear. He also gained more than just gear, coming out of that simulation transformed him. He was no longer become afraid of the unknown. In his mind, he was now a war veteran. He learned to understand the honors of protecting fellow allies, as well as fighting against the unjust.

After leaving the simulation, he asked the outcasts at the outpost about the dangers of the wastelands. The things they told him would later be confirmed by locals in Megaton. He decided that there were two great injustices in the wasteland. Number 1: The Slavers. Number 2: The Raiding. He made it his personal mission to eliminate the two.

He went to Megaton. There, he met the infamous mercenary called Jerciho. The Lone Wanderer asked him if he would like to join him in his travels. Jericho was skeptical of him at first, until the Lone Wanderer asked him to take him to Paradise falls. With the Lone Wanderer offering double the caps what Jericho asked for, he couldn't refuse.

Once at Paradise falls, the Lone Wanderer persuaded the guard to let him in, Jericho stayed outside. Once inside, the Lone Wanderer spoke to Eulogy, the owner of paradise falls, and offered him a good price to buy a slave girl by the name of Clover. Eulogy put a high price for her, but the Lone wanderer convinced him to give a discount for her because he claimed he needed her to enslave more people for him. Eulogy saw this as a business investment and gave Clover away, as well as a dozen slave collars, to the Lone Wanderer. This would later be the biggest mistake in Eulogy's slaving career, but he wouldn't know it until it was too late.

Once they left paradise falls, Jericho and Clover got into an argument, saying how they didn't work in "threesomes". The Lone Wanderer assured them that tolerance and patience would pay off.