So upon receiving the countless amount of reviews that insisted that this was one of their favorite stories (on both this story as well as Howl, which I did not mind and I loved it to pieces no matter how baffled I totally was) I've decided to just…ignore the plot. This is gonna be entirely fluff now. Just please know that I don't have a lot of free time. If you're curious, you can ask, just know it's going to be a lot of complaining on my part haha.


Breathing in deeply and adjusting her position, Hermione tried to will herself to go to sleep. To just shut her eyes and think about nothing, and just drift off. James had done it easily enough behind her, arm loped around her middle and bringing a pleasant warmth and security that should have lulled her to sleep. Instead, she was wide awake for no particular reason, as she wasn't worried or excited over anything.

With a huff that she quickly sucked back in once James shifted in his sleep before settling down again, she carefully and quietly rolled over to face him, minding her hair and how bothersome it could be if left unrestrained as it was now. She smiled as his grip on her tightened, even as he was deeply asleep.

Tilting her head ever so slightly, she grinned as she looked over his sleep softened features, feeling a warmth in her chest as she saw how peaceful and relaxed he looked. She brought a fist up to prop up her head, reclining on her elbow as she took the pads of her fingers and began to smooth out his features, beginning at his eyebrows and smiling wider as what little tension was there relaxed, his mouth opening further as his jaw slacked.

She gave a pleased hum as she trailed her fingertips over his skin, avoiding his eyes for fear of waking him and instead skimming across his jaw and the faint stubble there, knowing that it would be coarser in the morning and would tickle to kiss.

She pursed her lips as she wondered if he'd ever tried to grow facial hair, if they'd ever had arguments about it or if he was simply indifferent to it. She had to admit that she wasn't a very big fan of the facial hair, finding it prickly whenever she was younger when her grandfather would try to kiss her cheeks. Still, it was fun to run her fingers over, and by the deep hum James gave she assumed it must have felt nice as well, so long as she went with the direction the hair grew.

She rubbed against the shell of his ear, brushing the hair away from his face. He looked so much younger without his glasses on, but he was still very much the man she loved. Hermione sighed, considering herself grateful that he still loved her, despite everything that had happened, and wondered how different her life would be now if he had simply thrown in the towel upon discovering her memory loss. She would have been so lost and confused, and notoriously stubborn without him.

Feeling her eyelids begin to droop, she leaned forward and placed a few light kisses on his face, grimacing when he inhaled deeply and opened his eyes a few centimeters, smiling when he saw that she'd been the one caressing and loving him before he wrapped his arms around her and tugged her into his chest, rubbing her back and shoulders with one hand and trailing along her hip with the other.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart," he insisted with a kiss to the top of her head, smiling as she hummed and wrapped her arms around him to press her ear against his chest to hear his heart.

Within minutes, they were both fast asleep and tangled up in each other.

James pressed eager kisses against her shoulders and spine as she stubbornly gripped onto the pillow tighter, mouth a thin line as she pressed it into the fabric.

"C'mon, Hermione, give me a kiss," he sang before placing another peck against her neck.

"No," she muffled, "I've got morning breath."

"Sweetheart," he crooned, nuzzling against her hair with a massive grin, "Please? I'm dying here."

"Let me brush my teeth first," she insisted, sitting up and taking the pillow away before he tugged her down into his arms, screeching as her pillow was tugged and thrown away.

"No! I demand a kiss now!" he stated before gathering her into his arms and peppering her face with sloppy wet kisses, making her giggle and groan before placing a series of softer kisses against her forehead, nose and mouth. Once they parted, they shared soft, cheesy grins to each other, James pressing his forehead against hers as he tugged her up higher. "See? Was that so bad?"

She wrinkled her nose, hands on either side of his face, "No, but it is now that I have to smell your breath."

James glared as she laughed before he lunged, playfully biting her wherever he could reach as he tickled her, bent over the mattress as she laughed and tried to slap his hands away.

"My love wounds me!" he crowed once she'd succeeded in wiggling away, flopping back into the mattress dramatically. "Woe is me!"

With a roll of her eyes, she took pity upon him, straddling him and placing sweet kisses all over his grinning face. Once she was finished, he wrapped both arms around her and hugged her tightly, burying his face into her shoulder and breathing in deeply.

"I love you," he insisted, kissing the skin that lay before his mouth.

She pecked the side of his neck, just under his ear, and smiled as he twitched at the ticklish spot. "I love you too."

Hermione stood in the middle of the bookshop, gaze distant and arms folded over her chest as she came back to herself, blinking as she took in the titles she'd been perusing before a strong pair of arms slid around her middle and a chin was settled on her shoulder. It took a few more moments before she was fully back, and James was humming and swaying them in the meantime.

"Thank you," she said, placing a hand over the top of his as he kissed the side of her jaw. People outside of their group of friends and unaware of the circumstances had been majorly freaked out whenever Hermione had a memory return to her, and in order to make it seem less freaky, James would try to go along with it and make it seem more natural. It didn't always work, but it was easier than trying to explain it.

"No problem!" he chirped, kissing her again, but remaining there with her to hum and sway and make her grin.

She leaned further into him, smiling wider when he pecked the top of her head, looking back to the books as if nothing had ever happened, James's hands warm and strong on her stomach as they simply enjoyed each other's embrace.

She sighed, happily, as James did the same.

All was well.