"Hey you ok?" He asked.

She had just discovered that she was in Florida and had a daughter she didn't know about, not to mention that she and Neal were married, and while she wanted to scream that at him, all she could do was nod and smile.

"Ok then, I really have to get going but I love you and will see you tonight for dinner" After saying that he left the kitchen.

She stood still as she heard the front door close shut. Suddenly, she heard from behind her "Hey mom you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine," she whipped around to face him, "I just have to pee." Yes , it was lame, but she couldn't really think of anything else to say. So she said that and rushed out of the kitchen. Then it occurred to her that she didn't know where the bathroom was. So she ran back upstairs to the room she woke up in, which she assumed was her and Neal's bedroom.

She went back through her memories. Her last one was of Tamara interrogating her. How did she get from there to here. She must have somehow been brought to an alternate universe, where Neal had chosen her over August. That would mean that her parents were still trapped. Unless, the enchanted forest didn't exist at all and all of that was a dream and this was reality. She looked around the room and saw something she hadn't seen when she was in the room before.

On the fireplace were pictures baby pictures of Henry and Holly, she assumed. There was one though of her and Neal. Their wedding photo. She forcefully grabbed the frame and turned it around so she wouldn't have to look at it. She couldn't look at it. That was what she had wanted, for so many years she had dreamed of it. This was just another dream, it wasn't reality and she had to get back to her parents and to Storybrooke.

She quickly made a plan. Get Henry off to school and then she could focus on finding a way back. She quickly changed into clothes in her walk-in closet, ignoring Neal's side of the closet and brushed her teeth. She threw her hair up into a ponytail and went down to the kitchen.

Henry was still eating and Holly was playing with a toy. "Hey kid, you ready for school." She said leaning against the counter and smiling at him.

"Kid, really mom, is that your attempt at being cool" He said as he brought his cereal dish over to the sink.

"Well someone, got up on the wrong side of the bed today apparently." She reached down and grabbed his backpack to hand it to him. But, he bent down and snatched it out of her hands.

"Hey, Ki… I mean Henry, look do you think you could walk yourself today" Emma stopped him from leaving the kitchen by grabbing his arm.

"wait, really? Are you serious?" he stared in disbelief.

"Yea your old enough now don't you think." She smiled back.

"Ok,see ya then" He yelled as he ran out the door.

"Wait, be careful please" She called after him. But he was already gone.

She had to keep reminding herself that this was not the Henry she knew. That whatever the Emma and Neal that lived at 234 Pembroke Ave did was different from what Regina would have done.

She walked over toward the baby. "Now what to do with you, what do you normal eat?" She whispered to the baby. But as expected the only response was a smile and a laugh. She was not cut out for this not at all. How she was going to survive a day taking care of a baby she had no idea.