Chapter 27

Bo, Tamsin, and Kenzi found themselves being thrown into a small concrete room. The room had an iron bar with bars. They watched as the door slammed shut.

Tamsin was still weak and she felt helpless. Bo screamed in frustration. Kenzi was still trying to take in what had just happened. She looked around the room to see if she could find anything that that might help them get out. The only thing she saw was an old mattress in one corner. She walked closer to it to get a better look.

"Don't touch the walls!" yelled Tamsin. "These cells are designed to drain the life force of fae. There are minerals in the walls that weaken us. The closer you get the better they can drain you. Pull the mattress in the middle of the room and we can try to think of a way out of this," Tamsin said.

Kenzi pulled the mattress over and Tamsin was right. She felt weaker as she got closer to the walls. Bo helped Tamsin onto the mattress. It was clear that Eden had taken a lot out of her.

"What are we going to do?" asked Kenzi

"I don't know," said Bo.

"We can't stay here long. We have to get out soon because if we don't then we are only going to get weaker. This room will drain us until there is nothing left," Tamsin said.

"If this room takes life force, then we are as strong as we are going to be right now then," said Bo.

"Yeah I guess we are," Tamsin agreed.

"That means are best chance to get out would be right now?" asked Kenzi.

"Yeah," said Tamsin.

"Kenzi is there anything you can do to get us out?" asked Bo.

"I can try," Kenzi answered.

Is she could shake the walls of the cell enough then maybe she could create a hole big enough to let them out. She focused hard on the wall and they could feel the ground shake a little. It was small tremors at first, but they got a little stronger. Kenzi was giving it everything she had. Bo could see it in her eyes. The tremors were not strong enough to break the wall, to spite Kenzi's best efforts.

Tamsin could feel the tremors become less intense each time they shook under her feet. Kenzi was almost crying in frustration, but she felt her body losing the battle. She dropped down in the middle of the room where she had dropped the mattress. She felt weaker than when she was human. She felt a horrible pain in her stomach too. She knew that feeling all too well. It was the feeling of lose and failure. She wondered what good it was to be fae if she couldn't save the people she loved. She was angry at herself.

"Fuck! I'm not strong enough. I can't get us out. Bo, I'm sorry," Kenzi said.

"Kenzi we'll figure something out," Bo assured her.

"She's right Kenzi. This isn't your fault. I should have seen this coming. I didn't want to see it so I didn't," Tamsin said. Tamsin gave Kenzi a hug as she sat down beside her. "We still have each other, and we will get our girl back. We just have to think."

They sat on the mattress with their backs against one another. They all were searching for anyway out of this situation. Tamsin's mind swam with images of Eden. Her sweet little girl that trusted her and loved her. The miracle baby that she never knew she wanted until she was here. She was the best parts of her and Bo all rolled into one. She wondered what the Morrigan was going to use her for. She would twist her naturally sweet nature into something like hers. The look that Eden had given them was haunting. It was hollow. She had to get her back. It something was to happen to Eden it would kill them all.

Bo was trying to think of anyway that would save them. The walls looked pretty solid. There didn't seem to be a sign of anyone else around that she could persuade to let them out either.

Kenzi spoke up, "The only thing I've seen around here are big rats. Unless Tamsin can Valkyrie out on them and get them to go get the keys then we are stuck. It doesn't look good."

"Valkyries can't control animals," Tamsin signed.

"Maybe not but it gives me an idea," said Bo looking up at Tamsin.

"I'm not an expert on Succubi, but I don't think you can drain the chi from rats either." Tamsin said.

"Yeah, no, that's not what I am talking about. The reason that Kenzi can't break us out is because she doesn't have enough strength. I can transfer chi to her," Bo said.

"How can we do that?" asked Tamsin.

"We have to try it. It maybe our only chance," Tamsin agreed.

Bo moved in to kiss Tamsin and along with Bo's tongue Tamsin felt her pulling her chi. She would give it all up to save Eden and Bo. Bo stopped herself and Tamsin saw Bo's glowing blue eyes.

"Kenzi I know you're not crazy about this…" Bo said moving over to her.

"It's okay. It's to save Eden, so just make it quick," Kenzi said.

Bo pulled Kenzi in for a kiss. Kenzi could feel a warm rush of power going into her body. It was like a shot of speed only she was clear and focused. Bo forced the gathered chi and a lot of her own into Kenzi. She was doing this for her daughter and she wasn't going to leave anything up to chance. Kenzi was their best chance for getting out and getting to Eden.

Tamsin looked nervously over at them. She felt a little jealous, but pushed that aside. It was a petty emotion to have at that time. She looked and feared that Bo was trying to give Kenzi too much. She pulled them apart and held Bo in her arms.

"I think that's enough, baby. You're going to hurt yourself if you don't stop," Tamsin said.

"She's our only chance," Bo said.

"I'm not going to let you kill yourself. Take some more of mine," Tamsin said locking lips with Bo again. Bo fed a little, but Tamsin knew she was holding back.

They broke apart and looked over at Kenzi. Kenzi could feel the power in all of her veins. She focused once more on the walls of the cell. This time the tremors were a lot stronger. The walls began to shake and chips of stone started to fall off of them. The stone began to crack from the stress. It looked like they were going to break. Kenzi gave it all she had. The other two covered their heads as the walls began to crumble around them. Finally, there was a fracture in the wall in front of them. It grew bigger as they watched it. Kenzi was looking weak but she didn't stop. Tamsin got up and grabbed Kenzi's hand and Bo took her other. She squeezed Kenzi's hand in encouragement.

The crack was finally big enough for them to get through. Kenzi stopped shaking the ground. She took a deep breath. The rush of strength that Bo and Tamsin had given her was gone. She had made them a way out and she knew they would see Eden again. Hope lay on the outside of the walls. The Morrigan would pay for this. The next challenge would be getting through the crack.

"The best way to do it would be just to go through as quickly as possible. Don't stop and think. Just do it," said Tamsin.

"Okay I'll go first," Bo said. She moved toward the wall and forced herself through the crack as quickly as she could. She felt some of her strength being stripped away as she did, but she came out the other side. Tamsin came through next and Bo caught her. Kenzi came through last with a graceful jump.

They saw the rest of the place where they were being kept. Other cells like theirs lined the walls on each side. Most of the cell doors stood open.

"The Morrigan usually doesn't keep prisoners. Anyone who crosses her, usually does live long enough to make it down here. She didn't kill us because she wanted us to suffer for a while before we died. She wanted us to think about all the things that she could do to Eden. I've been in these cells before. When I was a younger fae, I refused to carry out an order to do a hit on someone. I spent two weeks down here and almost died. She took me out at the last possible second and asked if I was ready to do as she asked. I didn't even have the strength to answer her. If Eden crosses her, then…" said Tamsin trailing off.

"She won't get the chance to hurt her," Bo assured her.

In a span of a few hours the Morrigan had already started a small revolution. She was using Eden to get to important members of the light fae. Her goal was to get to the Ash, and then the rest would be all too easy.

The Morrigan walked into the Dal holding Eden's hand. Trick saw them come in and his jaw dropped.

"What are you doing with her!?" Trick asked.

"What aren't you happy to see your grandchild?" The Morrigan asked in a sweet voice.

"Let her go!"

"Now, now, I'm not restraining her," the Morrigan said letting go of Eden's hand. Eden didn't make a move to get away from her. She looked up at the Morrigan in surprise.

"What have you done to her?!" Trick said in an outrage.

"Oh, I just wiped her memory. She doesn't remember you or her moms. She's my girl now. Her power is mine. Eden dear, will you convince Trick to lock himself in his lair. I don't want to deal with him right now." The Morrigan said and he soon felt a strong wave of charm came over him. He couldn't fight it without hurting Eden. The Morrigan knew he wouldn't risk Eden's life and this was why she used her. The Ash, Hale, wouldn't hurt her either. Hale knew that Kenzi loved the girl like she was her own child. She could have never planned things this well.

The Morrigan even debated whether she needed to go to the Underworld to get Thanatoes. He had played his part and she didn't think she needed him anymore. She had thought that he would have killed Bo and that head strong Valkyrie. When she picked Tamsin to meet Thanatoes, she was the best. If anyone could bring Bo to Thanatoes, it was Tamsin. If things had gone as she planned, Thanatoes would have killed Bo and Tamsin and then she was going to join forces with him. They could have ruled all of the fae, both living and dead. She had never counted on Tamsin growing a conscious. She that she had stomped her conscious out of her years ago. She never thought that she would have fallen in love with Bo and that they would defeat Thanatoes. Their child was more powerful than Thanatoes, and wouldn't give her any lip. It was too prefect. She didn't need Thanatoes anymore, now that she had Eden.

She left the Dal, after putting Trick where she wanted him. He was now a prisoner in his lair. The next stop would be taking down the Ash.

Bo, Tamsin, and Kenzi were now free but they didn't know where to start looking for the Morrigan. The Morrigan would want to take out the biggest threats to her power first. Bo reasoned that with the three of them locked away, then the next step would probably be Trick.

"She's going to go after Trick," Bo told the others. "Let's head to the Dal."

The others agreed and they didn't see many people on the way out. The ones they did see were either taken out with Tamsin's power or Kenzi. Fortunately, for them the cells had lots of overgrowth coming in. Kenzi was able to use these rogue vines to restrain the people that tried to get in their way.

The Dal was empty when they got there. The searched for Trick and then Bo went down into his lair to find him.

"Trick?" Bo asked.

"Bo? Is that you? Are you okay?" Trick answered from the other side of the room.

"Yes. I'm fine," Bo answered finding him in the corner of the room tied up. "What happened?"

"The Morrigan happened. She's gotten Eden," said Trick.

"I know we are trying to find him before anything else happens. She's trying to use her to take over the fae," Bo said.

"Then you have to get to the Ash. I'm sure that will be her next stop," Trick said.

"That's what I was thinking. She's done something to Eden. She doesn't know us. I think she had her drink from the River of Forgetfulness. What can I do to bring her back without hurting her?" Bo asked afraid of what the answer might be.

"It depends on how long ago she drank the water. Not many have come back from it, but it can happen. You have to get her back and make her remember or the fae could be in real trouble. If you can just get her away from the Morrigan, than we can deal with the memory. "Hale will be at the compound. You have to hurry. She already on her way," Trick said.

Bo headed back up stairs to the others. "We have to get to the Ash's compound. The Morrigan may already be there with Eden," Bo told them.

"Let's go then," Tamsin said heading out the door with the other two behind her.

The Ash's compound was pure chaos when they got there. There were several melted bodies at the entrance.

"Well I think it's safe to say that the Morrigan is here," said Tamsin looking down at the bodies.

"I bet they didn't picture their day going this way," remarked Kenzi.

The people who were not melted looked lost and out of place. They seemed to have no idea what was going on around them and they didn't care. They appeared to be enjoying whatever fantasy was playing in their heads. One of the men saw Kenzi and pulled her into a dance with him. She moved away after getting loose and he continued to dance on his own.

"I think you have an admirer," grinned Tamsin. Kenzi gave her a bemused look and they kept going. They could hear voices up ahead. One Kenzi recognized to be Hale's and the others was the Morrigan's. They stopped to listen to what they were saying before they moved in.

"You can make this easier on yourself if you just give up," The Morrigan was saying.

"I hope you're prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions. If you do what you're planning to do then you won't be in power long. Someone will stop you," Hale said back.

"I doubt it. Have you met my secret weapon? Little Eden here is very powerful and I don't think any fae alive can stop her. I have already taken care of her family. She's mine now," The Morrigan said laying a hand on Eden's golden head.

"Your overconfidence is very unattractive," Tamsin said walking into the room.

"I knew I should have killed you three," The Morrigan said seeing them walk in.

"Hindsight is 20/20," Bo said.

"No matter I can still fix my mistake. I'll take care of you three, the Ash, and have control over the living and dead fae all before lunch time. I don't even need Thanatoes for this," The Morrigan said.

"How do you know about him?" asked Bo.

"Do you really think that he found you by chance? I told him where you were and gave him Tamsin to bring you in. I hope naivety isn't genetic. It would be a shame if my little girl had the same fault," she said.

Tamsin, Bo, and Kenzi, all bristled at that remark. "You know you're really good at blowing hot air, have you ever thought about work as a hair dryer?," asked Kenzi flaring up.

Hale was already under Eden's influence. He couldn't move from where he was. He was visibly fighting it, but it was no use. Eden wasn't even looking at him at that moment and she still had a hold on him.

"Eden, it's mommy. You don't want to do this. Let Hale go," Bo said to her in a soft voice.

The Morrigan laughed, "She doesn't listen to you anymore. She doesn't even know who any of you are. Eden, sweetheart, hold them for me while I take care of them," The Morrigan said taking a step toward them. The three girls reacted. They moved out of Eden's direct gaze.

"Bo get Eden. Charm her. It you can touch her, then maybe you can keep her from doing what the Morrigan wants." Tamsin yelled at Bo. Bo took off toward Eden. She didn't even look her in the eyes, but she could feel her charm trying to work on her just the same. She fought against it. She was able to grab Eden by the arm while the others kept the Morrigan occupied. Bo sent the most powerful wave of charm she could muster through Eden. Eden froze, but she was still fighting against her mentally.

"Tamsin, I need you," Bo yelled. She knew that she couldn't subdue Eden by herself.

"Kenzi, take care of the Bitch for a minute," Tamsin said heading over to where Bo was.

"Will do," said Kenzi causing a small candle that was on Hale's desk to flare up and catch part of the Morrigan's clothing on fire. The Morrigan had to battle the flame before she could go after Kenzi again.

Tamsin ran over to help Bo. She was still sending waves of charm through Eden to keep her from fighting her. Tamsin dropped to her knees in front of Eden and locked eyes with her.

"Bo let her go. I have a plan." Tamsin said. Bo watched as Tamsin's eyes went black. Bo stopped sending charm through Eden.

Eden's full focus was now on Tamsin. Tamsin could feel her come into her mind. She didn't fight her, but instead focused on bring memories to the surface of her mind. She showed Eden her most precious memories. She showed Eden the memories she had of her first word and how excited they all were when she said it. She showed her the memory of her taking her first steps and how Bo was always there to catch her when she started to fall. She showed her memories of Kenzi holding her and playing with her. She even showed her all the changes her hair and eyes made when she wanted to look like one of them. Eden was still in there somewhere and Tamsin was going to get her back.

"Eden, please remember, baby. We love you so much. The Morrigan isn't your mother. Those memories are of you and your real family. Come back to us. I know you can. You remember mommyB and me? Remember Aunt Kenzi?" Tamsin pleaded. She pulled every memory she could think of to the top of her mind. She hoped that something would bring Eden back.

She thought about the time that she came home late to find Bo, Kenzi, and Eden passed out on the couch watching cartoons. Kenzi was leaning on Bo's shoulder and Eden's head was lying on Kenzi's lap. Kenzi had a hand wrapped protectively over Eden's sleeping form. Tamsin picked Eden up and held her to her chest. She rubbed her back as she walked her upstairs to her room. She tucked her into her bed and kissed her goodnight.

"I love you so much, my little Eden. I'm always here for you," Tamsin whispered to Eden as she put her in bed.

Eden could feel the raw emotion that was tied to that memory. It was pure love. She could sense how much Tamsin loved her. It was overwhelming. Eden could also feel the pain that Tamsin was going through right now because of her. She could feel something changing. She was beginning to remember. She knew these people and loved them.

"That's it, Honey, come back," Tamsin said seeing her eyes change. Tamsin was now in tears looking at them.

"Mommy?" Eden shouted and jumped into Tamsin's arms. Tamsin couldn't do anything but sob into her hair as she kissed her. Eden went from Tamsin over to Bo. Bo kissed her and stroked her hair.

"Eden I knew we said that you shouldn't use your powers on adults, but do you think you can go help Aunt Kenzi stop that lady over there?" said Bo.

"Okay," Eden said walking over to where Kenzi was still fighting the Morrigan. Eden stepped between the two of them.

"Eden! Get back!" Kenzi called.

"It's okay, Aunt Kenzi."

"You just called me Aunt Kenzi. Thank God."

Eden stared down the Morrigan. She projected her charm into the Morrigan and she couldn't fight back. Tamsin came over to help. Between the four of them the Morrigan didn't have a chance.

"I think the best place for the Morrigan to be is with Thanatoes. She needs to be in the same prison. That way we can be sure that she can't cause anymore trouble. If Tamsin hadn't gotten through to Eden, then the fae world could have changed. It's amazing what the connection between a mother and a child can do. I've never seen someone come back from the water of that river after so long." Trick said at the Dal later.

"Yeah it's amazing." Tamsin said picking up Eden and putting her on her hip. Eden wrapped her arms around Tamsin and smiled at Bo and Kenzi.

"They will have to appoint someone to take the Morrigan's place. There have been some rumors about putting an end to the divide. They saw what you three did to save the fae world. They know what you had to lose. The Ash is not going to force Eden to into either clan even if they still exist. Tamsin can remain with you, Bo. All members of the fae owe you a debt." Trick said.

"That's great news!" Bo said walking over and pulling Tamsin close to her until their hips were touching. She kissed Tamsin passionately and Tamsin's heart leapt like it always did when Bo kissed her like that.

"It doesn't matter what happens now. I'm surrounded by the best people in the world. Maybe I even owe the Morrigan something. She brought Tamsin and me together and Tamsin gave me my prefect little girl. I can never be lost as long as I have them." Bo said kissing Tamsin again.


Author's note- I hope the story was enjoyable. I had fun writing it. I didn't want to leave it unfinished. I may write others since I seem to have several people who like my writing. It's so wonderful to have people reading and giving feedback. I may see you guys soon in another story. This was my first fiction that was more than a one shot. I hope it lived up to expectations.