[Five Elements Chapter 2]


Naruto was walking towards the ninja academy for what he hoped was the last time. In the last two years he had dedicated all of his time to learning and mastering Mighty Guy's tiajutsu style as well as his training regimen. Naruto had impressed the tiajutsu master in his quick learning of his tiajutsu style as well as his quick endurance, strength, and speed training levels. Naruto had ditched Mighty Guy's weights and applied restriction seals to his body early on in their training as he knew it would be much better for improving his overall abilities.

Naruto's favorite part about Mighty Guy's training was that it didn't rely upon chakra. Naruto didn't have any problems using chakra it was just tiresome to use it for everything while being a ninja. Mighty Guy seemed to be the exception to the rules it seemed as almost all of his training was purely physical and not based upon the concept of chakra.

Naruto was now a little bit on the tall side for a boy of twelve and had gotten an entirely different outfit. He now wore a black muscle shirt with the Uzumaki swirl on the back. When Naruto found out he was the last member of a powerful clan he raided the Hokage's office and found out that he had his own clan house which he now resided in, but his trust in the Hokage was now completely gone. He wore maroon cargo pants with black ninja sandals and black fingerless gloves that had no fingers and had metal plates on the tops of them. Naruto's hair now framed his face just like the Yodaime's did but his eyes were still as cold as ice and he still never smiled.

As Naruto entered the academy he saw his class mates being his class mates, which was not a compliment in the least.

Kiba Inuzaka, the future clan leader of the Inuzaka clan, was sitting in his desk talking to his ninja dog Akamaru, who was a cute white puppy. Kiba was a very brash boy who had a feral look to him. Naruto would admit if he didn't have the brains of a dog he would actually be pretty strong in tiajutsu and somewhat in ninjutsu but alas it wasn't meant to be.

Hinata Hyuga, the maybe future clan leader of the Hyuga clan, was the exact opposite of her cousin Neji. She was shy, easily scared, had little to no self-confidence, and was considered a failure in her clans eyes. Naruto did feel bad for her as he knew what it was like to feel hated by everyone but there wasn't anything he could do. Hinata was a nice girl and Naruto believed if it wasn't for the fact that she was a clan heir then her clan wouldn't have any problem with her becoming a medical ninja, which she showed great potential in, but it seemed that they wanted her to be strong and medical ninjas were not strong in their eyes, but Naruto was sure they would never say that to Tsunade Senju's face because not even the Hyuga clan would have been able to defeat an angry Tsunade Senju or so Naruto had heard.

Shino Aburame, the future clan leader of the Aburame clan, was the exact opposite of Kiba Inuzaka. He was quite where Kiba was loud, smart where Kiba was stupid, his tiajutsu was very rigid and left much to be desired, though Kiba's had lots of fierce spirit and was actually very good. Naruto knew that Shino was the smart type who acted like everything was a mission and so Naruto believed that he saw the academy as a type of infiltration mission which is why he kept trying to plan his insects on everyone when they were not looking to track them. Naruto remembered when he tried to put one on him, but was surprised when all of the chakra in his bug was forcefully removed and it died. Shino didn't say anything, but Naruto knew he was watching him very closely after that encounter.

Choji Akimichi, the future clan leader of the Akimichi clan, was an overweight boy with a shy nature which led Naruto to believe he wasn't cut out for real ninja work. He was a kind spirit who was gentle and didn't like to hurt people. He was somewhat skilled with his clan's tiajutsu and ninjutsu style but other than that he wasn't that impressive in Naruto's opinion, but then again he was like the Hokage compared to Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno.

Shikamaru Nara, the future clan leader of the Nara clan, was the world's most lazy boy in the world, which always surprised Naruto because of how smart he was. Shikamaru was super lazy, his tiajutsu was just passing, but he was fairly skilled in his clan's secret ninjutsu shadow techniques. Naruto knew that Shikamaru would be the most deadly student in the entire academy if he wasn't so damn lazy, he was just that smart. Naruto often wondered how the Nara's shadow techniques worked as they were obviously not elemental ninjutsu so they must be based on yin and yang elements.

Ino Yamanaka, maybe future clan head of the Yamanaka clan, was a fan girl plain and simple. She was shallow in Naruto's opinion if the way she clung the Sasuke Uchiha like a parasite. All she cared about was shopping, dieting, how she looked, and if Sasuke was looking at her or not. None of these things would make for a suitable shinobi and would more than likely get her and or her entire clan killed. Naruto believed that Ino's dad made her train as she did know at least one of her clan's jutsu, but it was the only one he knew she knew. Naruto would of bet his left nut that Ino's father was trying everything he could think of to break Ino of her fan girl ways so he wouldn't have to disown her from the clan as there was no way in hell a fan girl was ever going to be named the head of a clan. They would ruin the clan almost instantly with her active spending of the clan's money on clothes and other things.

Ino's ex friend Sakura Haruno, daughter of the head of the civilian council woman Mebuki Haruno, who Naruto was sure, hated him with a passion because the nine tails had killed her husband. Sakura was basically useless when it came to being a shinobi and Naruto would have only let her become a shinobi in his village, if he had one, if he was making her a librarian or something like that where her odd ability to memorize useless facts could be helpful, but defiantly not as a combat shinobi that was for sure.

Sasuke Uchiha, last Uchiha, future clan head of the recently extinct Uchiha clan, was a nut job in Naruto's opinion. He just brooded all day and stared at the wall like he was expecting it to burst into flames or something. Naruto really wondered how he passed his mental examinations or if someone was just passing him on because he was the last Uchiha.

Sasuke, Naruto had to admit, was very skilled if not a major prick, and most of his skills were done through self-training, much like Naruto except for his recent training with Mighty Guy. Naruto had actually witnessed the Uchiha massacre though he was sure nobody had known he was there. Naruto was sure that Sasuke would be very interested to know that Itachi wasn't the only one who was playing let's kill the red eyed pricks.

There had been another Uchiha with a spiral mask on that had been more than happy to help Itachi slay the rest of the Uchiha clan and he did it without remorse unlike Itachi and with skill that even surpassed Itachi's. Naruto did notice though that he had an odd intangible like ability which the masked man used exclusively. Naruto wanted to try and find out some kind of weakness in the man's jutsu but hadn't been able to. It was one off the reasons Naruto had gone to Mighty Guy for training as he noticed that the man needed to touch the person to suck them into his odd jutsu so he figured if he was fast enough he would be able to avoid him.

The rest of the students were not important in Naruto's opinion as they were all from civilian families and hated Naruto with a passion and were far too weak to make note of.

It didn't take too long for the chunin instructors to enter the room. The first was a dark skinned man with a scar across his nose, and his dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. His name was Iruka Umino, and he was one of the few people who were at least civil with Naruto. The second man was on Naruto's hit list. His name was Mizuki and he was annoying Naruto severely. He had shoulder length silver hair, pale skin, and dark colored eyes.

"Alright everyone quite down I know you all are ready to take the academy final exam but you will have to calm down if you want to take it" spoke Iruka as he looked around the class room. When he saw that everyone had quieted down he nodded to Mizuki who began handing out piece of paper that Naruto assumed were the test.

When Naruto got his test he wanted to sigh and role his eyes. It was just as easy has he had guessed it would be. They were simple and basically stupid questions that they should have known after the first year, some even sooner. Naruto quickly went through the test and answered all the questions before he flipped his paper over and leaned back in his chair. He looked around and noticed he was the first person to complete his test, but soon Sakura finished hers as well. When everyone was done with their tests Mizuki came back throw and picked up their tests.

"Ok it is time to move on to the bukijutsu portion of the test. Everyone stand up and follow me" spoke Iruka as she walked out of the class room. Everyone quickly got up and began following him outside.

When they were outside they saw that there were five posts with bull's eyes on them. Iruka began to explain that they had to hit the target and try to get as close to the bulls eye as possible to get the highest score possible. Everyone lined up and began to test their skills with throwing kunai, shuriken, and senbon. As Naruto has suspected the clan children did the best by far though some like Ino were not too far ahead of the civilian children.

"Alright it seems that most of you have a very good grasp of bukijutsu and are ready to move on to the next event which is the tiajutsu portion. You will be sparing off against Mizuki who will gauge your skills and evaluate whether or not you are passible in the area" spoke Iruka as he watched Mizuki walk into a circle that was used for tiajutsu spars.

Again the civilian children were far behind the clan children when it came to tiajutsu as well. Shikamaru gave up after displaying the bare minimum but that was mainly because he was so lazy, Hinata was one off the best and was actually able to hold Mizuki off with her gentle fist tiajutsu style. People like Sakura and Ino were against doing the tiajutsu portion because they didn't want to break a sweat or their nails, but they chose to do it as Iruka made it clear if they didn't they would be failed. Many were amazed at how skilled Sasuke was when he did some kind of spin kick punch combination on Mizuki with one of his punches actually landing on the man's chest.

"Next up is Naruto Uzumaki" spoke Iruka as he watched as Naruto walked into the tiajutsu ring with that same blank look on his face.

When Naruto got into the ring with Mizuki he saw for a slit second a sadistic gleam in the man's eyes though it was gone just as quickly as it had appeared. Naruto realized that Mizuki wasn't going to treat him like the other students and got into his Arhart fist tiajutsu stance and readied his self for Mizuki's assault.

He was correct in doing this as unlike the other students Mizuki didn't wait for Naruto to come to him, but he went to Naruto and tried to unleash what he thought was a powerful right hook. Everyone was amazed when Naruto caught his fist with one hand like it was nothing, but they were even more amazed when Naruto punched Mizuki in the stomach with his other hand. They heard his ribs breaking as Naruto's raw power was enough to continue but he decided to stop it and not kill the worthless chunin.

"Winner Naruto Uzumaki" shouted Iruka as he ran and began checking on Mizuki. He was shocked at the damage Naruto's punch did and quickly brought him to the hospital before returning to his class that had met back in the class room like he had told them to.

"Ok class Mizuki sensei will be in the hospital for a few days, but other than that he should be fine. Now on to the final portion of the graduation test, which is using the henge, clone, and body replacement jutsu" spoke Iruka as he started calling names to go to a back room. Naruto watched as some kids came out with new leaf forehead protectors on their head while others left crying. Eventually he was called and walked back into the small room.

He saw Iruka sitting behind a wooden table with a multitude of forehead protectors on it in case someone passed. Iruka gave him that same blank look before nodding his head. Naruto quickly went through a multitude of hand sighs before smoke enveloped his body. When the smoke dissipated there was standing a complete replica of Iruka. The real Iruka nodded his head in acceptance and Naruto released the jutsu. After that Naruto made three shadow clones of his self and then used the replacement jutsu to replace his self with a chair that was supposed to be for Mizuki.

"Congratulations Naruto you are now an official ninja of the hidden leaf village" spoke Iruka as he watched Naruto pick up a forehead protector that had a dark bluish sash on it right before he tied it to his forehead.

"Thanks" spoke Naruto as he left the room.

Naruto left the academy and walked back towards the Uzumaki clan compound. It wasn't very big as it was meant to be a branch family or an outpost for the Uzumaki clan in Konoha but it never happened thanks to the destruction of Uzushiogakure during the second shinobi world war. Naruto now lived in the clan head's room and kept the compound up to standards using his shadow clones.

Ever since he started training under Mighty Guy he stopped using his shadow clones to learn anything other than fuinjutsu that was sealed inside of the compound by a seal that would only let a true Uzumaki pass. It had been difficult but Naruto was proud to say that though he may not be a true master of anything else he knew for a fact he was a highly skilled fuinjutsu user.

For the next week Naruto started to practice using a new ocular technique that he had thought of last month to give him some more variety using his eyes. He realized that using killing intent instead of chakra had many upsides and was basically an untapped market in which he could create jutsu and he had already began using it to create some truly terrifying genjutsu with it.

Two days before the day Naruto was supposed to go to the academy to find out who was on his team and who his jonin sensei would be he got a surprise visit from someone he never would have expected. It was Mizuki and according to him he was now allowed to take a 'secret' test in order to become a chunin early. It all sounded good but Naruto was far from stupid and could smell liars a mile away, but believed he would be able to use this to his advantage so he went along with it.

That night Naruto broke into the Hokage's office without any problems. He honestly figured it would be heavily guarded by ANBU but surprisingly it wasn't. There was a few ANBU patrolling close by but nothing they were doing would have brought any suspicion onto Naruto so he continued doing what it was he was doing. Eventually he found the scroll of sealing and made his way towards the spot where he and Mizuki were supposed to meet up.

When Naruto got there he noticed he still had an hour until he was supposed to meet up with Mizuki so he opened up the forbidden scroll and began reading it. He had a clone start writing down everything on it and quickly sent the clone off to seal the new scroll inside of the Uzumaki clan compound. Naruto sat down and began waiting for Mizuki to show up. To his surprise Iruka showed up and began bitching him out for this and that, but when Mizuki showed up and knocked him out Naruto was silently thankful.

"Well Naruto it is time you hand over the scroll" spoke Mizuki as he smiled a psychotic smile as he stretched out his hand in Naruto's direction, but when Naruto started to smirk his started to get angry. "Did you hear me? Hand over the scroll or you will regret it" shouted Mizuki as he glared at Naruto. He was really shocked when Naruto began to laugh at him. "What is so damn funny" demanded Mizuki.

"I find it funny that you actually believe I fell for your obvious trap. The only reason I agreed to do this was because I wanted to test a new jutsu I invented on you. In my opinion it is really a magnificent jutsu really since it makes the victim commit suicide" spoke Naruto. He could feel the confusion and hesitance coming off of Mizuki now but he wasn't going to let him get away now. "I call it the Basilisk Technique" spoke Naruto as he slowly opened his eyes and looked into Mizuki's.

When Naruto said that he invented a jutsu that made the user's enemies commit suicide Mizuki wouldn't have admitted it but he was a little worried. Out of all the people he had ever come in contact with Naruto was probably the most likely to invent such a jutsu because of his back ground but Mizuki did take solace in the fact that he would be able to attack and kill Naruto before he was able to weave through the hand signs needed to use such a jutsu. He was surprised when Naruto slowly opened his eyes, but that was when everything went to hell in a hand basket for him.

The eyes he was looking at were no longer the cold blue that they had been but a shining golden yellow color that scared the shit out of him. He couldn't look away and his hand slowly started to reach for his giant shuriken that was on his back. He tried to fight the voice in his head that said that it would be better to just die than to live in a world where such eyes existed but quickly the voice got stronger and stronger until it control him.

Naruto smiled a blood thirsty smile as he watched the pain filled eyes of Mizuki as he used the giant shuriken on his back to slowly cut his own head in half while he tried to fight it the whole time. Eventually Naruto got complete control of him and finished him off with one quick sweep. After it was done Mizuki was dead due to decapitation with his own weapon. Right as Naruto went to check the body a team of ANBU showed up and took command off the situation.

"What is going on here" demanded one of the ANBU. Naruto figured he was the team leader of their little team so Naruto decided to play the victim card since there was no way Mizuki would be able to discredit him.

"Mizuki sensei told me there was a secret test to become a chunin but when I got here he had that giant scroll on his back. He said if I was found with it then I would be executed and to make sure it happened he killed his self to make it look like I did it" spoke Naruto as he looked over at the ANBU.

"You will be coming with us so the Hokage can sort this mess out. Crane please take Mizuki's body, as well as his head with us, and turtle please take the scroll back to the Hokage. Naruto you are coming with me" spoke the ANBU as he grabbed Naruto by the arm and used a body flicker technique to appear inside of the Hokage's office.

Inside of the Hokage's office were three really old people. The first looked really gimped up with his arm being in a sling, one of his eyes were hidden behind some bandages, and him needing a crutch to walk. The other two were just old people who Naruto didn't feel like memorizing so he looked over at the Hokage who were puffing on his Tabaco pipe. Naruto still didn't like the Hokage for all of the secrets he had kept from him and was undoubtedly still keeping from him but right now he knew he would have to swallow his pride and play the nice card so he wasn't sent to jail for the rest of his life.

"Naruto can you explain why you stole the forbidden scroll from my office tonight" asked the Hokage as he looked Naruto in the eyes. Naruto was just thinking about how easy it would be to kill the old man with just one look, but then thought better on that idea. Mizuki, a weakling chunin, was able to hold out against his new technique, at least partially, for a little while before Naruto was able to completely force him to kill his self.

The Hokage would undoubtedly be much more difficult to kill using such a technique as of right now. He would need to train this new technique far more if he wanted to be able to take out someone like the Hokage with it. Then there was the fact that he and the Hokage were not alone so he would be killed long before he could finish off the Hokage.

"I didn't take the forbidden scroll. Mizuki approached me last night and told me that if I was able to pass a secret test I would be able to become a chunin, and all I had to do was meet him in the forbidden forest. I did what he asked and meet up with him in the forest where he already had the stupid scroll. He said that I was the Kyuubi and that if I was caught with the forbidden scroll and the blood of a dead chunin on my hands I would be executed for sure, so he killed his self but soon after the ANBU showed up and sorted everything out for me" spoke Naruto as he stared deep into the eyes of the Hokage. He might not have been able to kill the old man with just one look but he knew he would be able to petrify him with one look as he had had years to master his petrification jutsu.

"How absurd! There is no way he is telling the truth" spoke one of the elders as he looked down on Naruto with a look of disgust on his face. Naruto balled his fists and just wished he could kill him but wrestled the urge into submission and ignored him which made him even madder.

"Do you have proof that I am lying? I didn't think so, so please refrain from making up such wild accusations" spoke Naruto as he smirked at the elder as his face turned tomato red with anger, but then the other elder spoke before the other could explode.

"We could always use a Yamanaka. Even if Mizuki is dead his brain is still fresh so we should be able to get some kind of information out of it" spoke the other elder as she looked at the Hokage with a blank look.

"Bring in Inoichi Yamanaka to examine Mizuki's memories" spoke the Hokage as he rubbed his temples.

Naruto didn't show it on the outside but he was sweating bullets on the outside. He couldn't believe that those damn mind walkers could actually look at a dead person's memories, but then again most of his knowledge of them came from second hand information and Ino which in retrospect wasn't a good person to base his knowledge on.

Inoichi came into the Hokage's office and bowed to the Hokage before going through a few hand signs and looking down on Mizuki's head. He closed his eyes and didn't say anything. Eventually his face started to contract and he looked to be in pain. Eventually he fell to his knees holding his head before he opened his eyes and started gasping for air.

"What is the matter Yamanaka-san" asked the one eyed elder as he looked at the Yamanaka with unmoving eyes which made Naruto wonder what his problem was.

"All I could see was unrivaled fear. His memories were so chaotic and filled with images of him dying in countless brutal ways that I couldn't pinpoint what had happened tonight. Whatever it was that happened to him he was in a great amount of fear when it happened" spoke Inoichi as he sat down and shook his head trying to clear his mind.

"Could suicide cause something like this" asked the Hokage as he looked at Inoichi. He wanted to believe Naruto but so face it was getting pretty difficult.

"It is possible as many people are truly frightened when they die and especially when they take their own life in an act of insanity or other reasons, but I haven't ever had a case where it was this bad. It felt like he killed his self because he was scared not the other way around, but then again he was so confused and disoriented I couldn't tell" spoke Inoichi as he caught his breath and stood back up.

"So in your opinion do you think Naruto Uzumaki was responsible for the death of the chunin Mizuki" asked the female elder as she looked at Inoichi.

"No I do not. Whatever killed Mizuki was horrible and the effects on the mind were greater than even 'IT' when 'IT' attacked the village and its killer intent damaged the people's minds" spoke Inoichi as he bowed to the Hokage again and left the Hokage's office.

"Well there you have it. We cannot prove it was Naruto Uzumaki and there for Naruto will be removed and this will be removed from his record" spoke the Hokage. The elders didn't look too happy about his decision but didn't complain as the Hokage seemed dead set on letting Naruto walk.

"Naruto I will need to talk to you in private for a moment though if you please" spoke the Hokage as he waved for Naruto to sit in a chair which he did.

"Naruto about what Mizuki said. It is true that you are the jinchuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. We only told everyone that the fourth Hokage was able to seal it within the death god so the villagers would be able to breathe easy knowing that their greatest fear was out of reach of them. It is impossible to kill a biju so the Hokage sealed it into you which are why you have so much chakra at such a young age. If you have anything you want to talk about being a jinchuriki you know you can always ask me" spoke the Hokage as he watched Naruto's reactions to make sure he didn't go postal.

Naruto was angry to say the least, but then again he chuckled to his self as he thought about all of the people he had killed who believed he was a monster when in fact they were not as far off as Naruto had thought they were. He nodded at the Hokage and left his office to go back to the Uzumaki compound to reread the scrolls Mito Uzumaki had left behind about the biju and their jinchuriki. He didn't really read them as he had been more interested in learning as much as possible about sealing instead of learning as many seals as he possible could.

Two days later had Naruto sitting inside the classroom in the academy hopefully for the last time. Iruka hobbled on in and explained what had happened, or the abridged version which made everyone look at Naruto wide eyed.

"Ok class I am about to list off the teams so be quite" spoke Iruka.

(Teams 1 – 6 = unimportant)

"Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno; your sensei will be Kakashi Hatake." This caused Naruto to sigh with annoyance, the Uchiha to brood more, and Sakura to cheer and thank the gods above.

"Team 8 will be Kiba Inuzaka, Hinata Hyuga, and Shino Aburame. Your sensei will be Kurenia Yuhi."

"Team 9 is still in rotation so I will move on."

"Team ten will be Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi. Your sensei will be Asuma Saritobi."

"Well I am happy to have been your sensei and I hope I have prepared you enough for the future you all have chosen" spoke Iruka as he left the room.

'This is going to suck' thought Naruto but he smiled thinking about all of the ninja he would get to practice his new techniques on.