Blue: Welcome to Blue's Random Comedy Show :D
Raven: What a short name…
Blue: Oh shuddup D: *throws a bucket at raven*
*Raven got successfully hit by the bucket*
Raven: uff *falls down* x.x
Elsword: Okey? Uhm in this Fanfiction Blue will write random things just as the title says :o
Chung: Every chapter will have a subject which will be randomly selected :D
Eve: For the first theme and chapter he chose this:
A Newcomer's Problems
Part1:The Beginning
Rena: so this is today's subject? o.o
Aisha: seems like it e.e
Ara: oh well better than writing nothing D:
Blue: hey! I had pretty much problems you know? D:
Okey lets start the flashback of my problems :D
Blue: Hell yea after 2 years reading and reviewing fanfictions, its time for me to make my own account *-*
*makes an account*
Desktop: Please Login
Blue: …. :D
Oh shoot what was my password again? DX
^forgets things just in 3 seconds*
Oh well I will then guess *types a password in*
Desktop: You successfully logged in. Here's the ElGang for you.
Blue: WTH?! ElGang?
*ElGang appears next to Blue*
ElGang: How the hell did we get here?! O.O
Blue: Wth? What are you guys doing here?! O.o
ElGang: dunno o.o
Blue: okok let's get through the situation. e.e
Elsword: ok o.o
Blue: I logged in my account, where I'll probably write only Elsword FF, so I got the Elgang?! So what to do with you guys? ôo
Ara: write fanfiction with us? :D
Raven: well that's for sure, I think he meant something different…
Rena: err so will we be here for ever?
Eve: Of course not (now the genius eve speaks :D). When you will log out of , we will disappear again
Aisha: Ah, I understand. Soooo what do we do now? :D
Ara: Well, shouldn't Blue now write a story? ^^
Blue: err, I have one just wrote it yesterday :D
Rena: So then let's post it
Blue: … :D and how do I post a story?
Elgang (not eve included): dunno
Blue: hey, you should know this D:
You are always in stories of other authors!
Eve: Yes, that's true but that's something like another ElGang. You have your very own ElGang here.
Elsword: What? So there are many other copies of the Idiot Aisha out there?! D:
Aisha: WHAT?! It's a blessing that there are so much Aisha's out there. Too bad they have so much Idiots, yes I mean Eldork :D
*ArgueFight ElsVSAisha*
Rena: *RAGEMODE* GUUUAAHH SHUT THE HELL UP! *ties Elsword and Aisha up*
*End of flashback*
Chung: hey hey hey wait stop!
Elgang&Blue: What is it Pikachung?
Chung: Don't call me like that DX
Raven: okok Understood, IronPrincess :3
Chung: q.q
Elsword: So what is it Chung?
Chung: Don't you see it?! Look close into the flashback!
Elgang&Blue: *flashbacks again* ?_?
Chung: I don't have an own line there!
Elgang&Blue: Ahhhhhh
Blue: Sorry Chung I kinda forgot you, I mean you're really small D:
Rena: so that's everything for the first chapter of a newcomers problems
Elsword: Thanks for reading, if you want to read more/you like it/hate it please review.
Raven: and if you don't like it, it doesn't matter Blue is gonna update this random crap :D
Blue: Hell Yeah, It's just random subjects, but whatever :D
Maybe I will write a real ff in future, I have some Ideas but you know. I'm a terrible writer OTL ( imagine this as a stickman)
Ara: Don't worry Blue isn't as bad as he thinks, and it would be helpful if you would vote in his poll.
Aisha: If there are enough people, we will make him write ò.ó
Eve: We hope you didn't die from his bad comedy.
Elgang&Blue: Have Fun and don't die please :D