Chapter 4:

The meeting room was a death zone, all agents were afraid to go in. Clint clenched his bow ready to shoot anyone who came in, Natasha sat next to him trying to calm him down. Thor was standing with his arms crossed like we was in a trance, and Steve and Bruce sat on the other side of Clint thinking.

"It's so stupid! Why does Fury think he can do what ever he wants!" Clint yelled slamming his bow on the table causing Thor to get out of his trance.

"Babe calm down. It's okay we will get Toni and Loki out if this mess."

"OKAY? OKAY! No it's not ok Tasha. How would you feel if that was us? It's cruel. Not even Loki deserves that." Clint looked Natasha dead in the eyes and then slammed his head on the table. "It's useless talking to you."

"Clint is right. I mean seriously, Toni finally found her special someone. Even if that special someone is the enemy. And no wonder why Loki hasn't attacked in over a year, it's because Toni was involved in her life and Loki cared enough to not hurt her." Steve said standing up and walking around the room.

"Wow Steve that's very deep for the guy who had a crush on Toni since you figured out that Iron man was actually Iron woman."

Bruce interjected putting on his glasses.

"That's not the point." Steve gave a dark loom and sat back down.

"Guys we need to show this asshat a lesson for messing with the team."

"And my pregnant sister" Thor added.

"And Thor's pregnant sister!" Clint stood up and raised his bow up towards the ceiling.

They all nodded, called Betty over to the room, and plotted a way to get Toni and Loki out. It involved Clint and Natasha researching all the blind spots on every hidden camera, and studying the times agents are around. Bruce, Betty and Thor were the distraction team. And Steve was the tank to break down the door and get them out.

"Ok avengers this is the plan, we are officially incognito till we are ready. So let's begin operation Frostiron." Steve said in the huddle. Clint smiled because he got the credit for naming the operation. The plan took longer than hoped, especially when they were called,minus Toni, to go and stop doom. It has been three and a half weeks. But finally the operation was in action. Betty, Bruce, and Thor all split up in different directions keeping all agents away from the planned escape route. Clint and Natasha were in the security room that they offered to take over for an agent for the rest of the day. Then Steve ran towards the hallway leading to Toni.

He slammed the door down and Toni nearly pissed herself. She turned to see Steve with a cut on his cheek from the metal door.

"Hiya Captain my Captain. Come to break me out?" Toni moved herself so Steve could break the handcuffs.

"Come on. We have to get Loki."

"Alright! Oh thanks for busting me out Steve." Toni smiled and ran with him to the other side of the building. As soon as Steve broke down Loki's door the alarms went off.

"Shit. They have a special alarm." Toni walked through the now doorless room. "Come on babe it's time to take you home." She grabbed Loki's arm and tried to make her run but Loki winced in pain instead. "What's wrong?"

"Toni I am three weeks pregnant. I'm too weak to run. Why do you think I haven't escaped?" Loki looked at Toni. Toni looked at Steve. And Steve looked at Loki, swooped her up into his arms and ran.

Natasha and Clint came from a corner and followed Steve. They grabbed the rest of the team and made their way to a hellicarrier. They all strapped in and Clint flew them out.

"Where do we go now Toni." Clint said calibrating all the indicators.

"Malibu. That's where Fury has no access too. And I will have Jarvis block our signals so we won't be traced." Toni turned her phone on and commanded Jarvis to block the signal which only too a few seconds.

They arrived there and all sat on the couch, Clint stood up with his fists clenched. "What are we going to do? We can't hide forever Toni, what's going to happen to us."

"Clint it's okay, I will make sure that nothing bad will-"

"Toni." Loki said quietly trying not to rudely interrupt. She was nearly hunched over clenching her stomach.

"-happen to us. And I swear to you I will make Fury-"

"Toni." She said a little louder

"-pay for what he did to us and-"

"Toni!" Loki yelled at the top of her lungs

Toni turned to her a bit annoyed "What!"

"Don't tell me what! My fucking water broke."

Natasha's eyes widen along with Bruce. Clint was soon to follow.

"Oh ok that's nice. Wait. What! Your water broke! No! It's so soon!" Toni was having a panic attack, she started hyperventilating and put her hand over her arc reactor.

"We must take her to Asguard!" Thor instead and nobody would argue.

Thor called Himdell to bring them all to Asguard. They arrived and rushed Loki to the healers. The healers prepped Loki for delivery, and Toni was scared beyond her mind. Clint gave her a signature "hawkward" hug to calm her.

"Toni it's going to be okay you hear me. Now Loki needs you right now. She needs you to be strong." Clint pat her back and turned her around "Now go."

Toni slowly walked over to Loki who was in serious pain. Hesitantly Toni grabed her hand. "Lo it's going to be okay. You just have to breath and push. You can do this babe."

"Toni! I don't want to do this!" Loki grabed Toni's hand and squeezed it to the point of nearly breaking. "It hurts so bad!" There were tears in her eyes. Toni has never seen her cry, not even in any sort of pain.

"Ow... It's going to be okay you hear me."

Thor had to leave the room along with Steve, Thor couldn't stand the sight of his sister in pain. Steve was just being modest about seeing a woman give birth. He was also there to calm down Thor, who was about to faint.

A few hours later Loki finally gave birth to the twins. A sigh if relief washed over everyone, Loki held the first born and Toni held the second born.

"What are you going to name them?" Natasha asked.

Loki looked at Tony and then at the baby she was holding and move a hair out of his face. "This little one is Rayn." Rayn was slightly bigger and had straight black hair, green eyes with brown near the pupils, and his skin was more tan like Toni's. "Me and Toni had a promise that I named the first born and she named the second one." Loki smiled cooing Rayn who was crying.

Everyone turned to Toni who held the other baby. Toni gave them all her usual "the hell do you want" face.

"So..." Steve said.

"What's the name?" Bruce added

"This one is Vincent." Toni smiled, a tear ran down her face. Vincent had brown curly hair, brown eyes with green near the pupils, and pale skin like Loki.

"Awww what cute names. Can I hold him?" Natasha asked, Toni handed him to her. As soon as Vincent was in Natasha's arms she was in complete mom mode. "Clint I want a baby."

"What? No!" Clint looked at her, and quickly turned away to avoid the death glare.

After a minute Natasha gave Vincent back to Toni. Everyone left the room, allowing Loki and Toni some private time.

"Wow you know. I never though I would have kids ever in my life. And here we are now." Toni wiped the tear from her eye and held Vincent closer.

"Yes here we are. With a family, our family. And the great friends that will be in this family of ours." Loki leaned over and kissed Toni, then blissfully playing with the little hair Rayn had.

Toni kissed the top of his forehead, but then stopped and looked up with worried eyes. "Lo his skin..."

"what about it?" Loki sat up a bit worried.

"Its cold. Kinda like yours just a little warmer. And it's warm in the room."

"Its probably just hereditary love." Loki laid back down bypassing that little fact about the boys.

They both slept in the room along with the boys who slept soundly. The next morning everyone left but Thor who took them home back to the house in Malibu. They entered the house, it was dark and all of a sudden the lights went off and they were greeted with everyone yelling surprise. Surprisingly this didn't wake the boys up, everyone led Toni and Loki to a dark room, and when the lights were turned on, they were met with a new nursery. It had everything they would need, there was a giant crib with Iron man and Loki plushies, stuffed animals, and a soft baby blanket. The walls were a calm baby blue with a little painting iron man flying on the ceiling. There was even a little diaper changing station topped with a live supply of diapers. Everything was perfect for the boys.

"Guys I don't know what to say, you areall awesome." Toni smiled and set Vincent into the crib, Loki did the same with Rayn.

"Anything for my badass buddy." Clint laughed and walked out of the room, raiding Toni's mini bar.

"Glad you like it." Steve gave his signature smile and went to go see what Clint was doing.

"We'll do anything for you Lady Stark, and my beloved sister." Thor smiled as well and followed Steve.

"Well I think we should celebrate." Toni smirked, she grabed Loki's hand and headed out the room letting the boys sleep along with everyone else.

Everyone grabed some food and glasses setting them down on the coffee table. They all sat on the couch and started drinking some of Toni's special alcohol for special ocassions, they all made jokes and told fun stories. Eventually a few got drunk, and by a few I mean Clint and Toni. Clint challened Toni to a drinking contest five minutes before, it would have ended three minutes ago but Loki and Natahsa weren't allowing any sort of defeat. So that resulted on Loki forcing to drink more, not like Toni couldn't handle it. Natasha threatened Clint to keep on drinking, wich might have been a problem. Toni won anyways, Clint ran to the bathroom to throw up in defeat, while being followed by Natasha who was cursing at him in Russian. Everyone laughed at them, poor Clint always got the shit end of the stick.

"….oh god im afraid of what you would have done if I lost."

"I would have taken out your arc reactor and smash it."

Everyone burst into laughter, except for Loki who didn't understand why they were laughing. She looked at Toni who looked like she was going to pee herself. "I wasn't kidding." Everyone stoped laughing, all with a slight bit of fear amongst their face.

"oh…shit." Toni's eyes were wide, she placed one hand over her chest covering the arc reactor.

Afterwards Clint and Natasha came back, they all continued to have fun and left a while after. Loki used her magic to clean up the mess, she plopped on the couch and took a deep breath then exhaling in one great big sigh. Toni grabed a tablet and made a to-do list, she typed and typed what it seemd to be a mile long list.

"What are you doing?"

"Making a list."

"For?" Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Things that need to be taken care of, like putting a camera in the nursery so we can watch the boys when we are gone, or making everything baby safe, oh and a shopping list."

"Oh, that's actually a good idea. I never knew you were this responcible."

Toni stopped typing and set the tablet down, she held on of Loki's hands and faced her. "I'm a parent now, something I never thought I would ever be in my whole life, and now I am so im going to do my best and be a better parent than my father."

Loki was beyond shock of what Toni said, she still was the narssisistic ass Loki fell in love with, but now she was showing the side of her that meant she truly cared and was committed to having a family. That meant she willingly stoped being the playgirl everyone knew, which was a title Toni strongly kept. And that really meant a lot to Loki.

"Really? Do you really meant that?" Loki smiled and her eyes started to water. Toni noded yes and smiled as well. "Oh I love you so much." Loki embraced her into a hug, a few tears fell onto Toni's shoulder.

"I love you too."