I had this in my head since before Obama was re-elected. Ha, I just didn't know if I wanted to post it. I hope you like it. It's our beloved couple with various American twists. Read and review, don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts or feelings.
Chapter1. Riku
Is it wrong to hate your baby's mother?
"Natsuki, Shizuru's here!"
I rolled my eyes with a sigh, so much for a good morning. I heard my mom talking to her briefly before hearing the front door close. My mom had to go to work and my sister, Alyssa was still upstairs sleeping. She didn't have to go to school. I had to go to school though, but I'm not going yet.
I looked up from my game as her footsteps filled the room. She was no doubt wearing heels or something ridiculously expensive. She was the type of girl that was everything designer. I set my controller down and brought my emerald gaze to meet her crimson ones. I stood up and walked over to her. I was a bit taller than her due to a growth spurt so now I was looking down into her annoyed eyes. Well, I wasn't looking at her I was looking at the bundle in her arms.
Shizuru rolls her eyes as she hands me the bundle. I smile inwardly and cuddle it to my chest as she walks into the kitchen, no doubt going to make her some tea. I move to the couch again and take the blanket off of the bundle. I smile instantly as I'm met with the identical emerald eyes of my 4 month old daughter. She grins instantly at seeing my face and reaches out to grab a lock of my hair that had fallen onto her porcelain face.
She had the most beautiful dimpled smile in the world.
It was the beginning of winter in Fuuka. Snow adorned the streets and everywhere else. It was cold and windy. It was her favorite type of weather. She loves snow. I'm surprised my daughter isn't wearing some designer dress or something. Instead she's wearing blue converse, little black denim jeans and a matching blue knit sweater with a picture of a wolf on it. A blue beanie with a ball on top adorned her head. I smiled. This was the outfit I had gotten her some time ago.
Shizuru came back into the room with a steaming cup of tea. She sat in the chair across from me. She crossed her legs like the proper lady she is. She even raised her pinkie when she drank like a good little girl. I rolled my eyes as I played with my daughter. Shizuru is that cliché girl you see in princess movies. She's an incredibly gorgeous girl with long, wavy, honey colored hair. Her skin is milk white and blemish free. Her body is to die for and she has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. She's proper, polite, uptight, and incredibly bitchy.
Of course she gets straight A's and is the student council president. The girl even has her own fan club. Well, I have one to, but I ignore them. Basically she's the perfect girl.
Well, she was until I got her pregnant.
It was like something out of a movie. I was the player who slept with every girl I see. She was the perfect little girl who followed the rules and was stuck up. She was a goody two shoes and I was a rebel, a menace to society. She got the best grades and had perfect attendance. I had average grades and barley even went to class. Some of my teachers don't even know what the fuck I look like.
I'm not going into details, but she was drunk, I was drunk. I think you get the picture. When she told me she was pregnant I busted out laughing. Because come on, it's Shizuru Fujino, Fuuka's princess! After I had stopped laughing I had wiped an imaginary tear my eye and told her congratulations, you want a cookie? I honestly didn't know it would be mine. I didn't know I was the first person she's done it with. I thought it was Reito's or something.
But when she slapped me and told me it was mine. Nothing was funny anymore. Then after internally denying it was mine I finally came to terms that I was having a child. I finally came to terms that I was having a child with the girl I hate and not to mention we're only 16. Then, 9 months later, the most beautiful baby girl in the world was born.
Her name is Riku; she's the perfect mixture of both of us.
She has Shizuru's thick, wavy, honey colored hair. Her eyebrows were about a shade darker than her hair. She had my exotic emerald green eyes. Her skin was pale and soft. She had a bright, dimpled and toothless smile that brightened the whole day. She had my perfect nose and Shizuru's full rosy lips. Her chubby cheeks were soft and rosy like mine.
Riku was sucking on the baby blue pacifier while playing with my hair. I winced when she tugged on it too hard. Shizuru was watching us with unreadable crimson eyes.
Is it wrong to completely despise your baby's mother? Cause I really hate this girl. She hates me too. The only reason we put up with each other because it was best for Riku. If it wasn't for my daughter man I'd never even look at the girl.
"Is that what you're wearing to school?" She asks her words were coated with a thick Kyoto accent. I raised my pierced eyebrow. I was wearing a navy colored hoodie with white draw strings, dark skinny jeans, and blue Adidas. I had on a knit beanie and a black scarf. I adjusted Riku in my lap so now she was facing her other mother.
"Is that what you're wearing? Seriously who wears a skirt and heels in the snow?" I countered.
She was wearing a crimson sweater that hugged her in all the right places, a short tan skirt that only came to about mid-thigh and crimson heels. She had a tan scarf around her slender neck and her bag was the same red as her sweater. She stared at me with cold crimson eyes.
"I only asked because I don't want to have to wait and be late because you weren't ready." She said her voice cold.
I rolled my eyes. "We can be late. After all we have a reason." I said, referring to Riku.
"I will not use my daughter as an excuse. Being late is un professional."
I sighed loudly as Riku began to fidget. Her eyes filled with tears as she let the pacifier fall from her mouth. My quick reflexes saved it from falling on the floor as I set it on the table I turned her around. "What's wrong Ku?" I asked gently. I only showed my daughter my sweet side. I was a complete ass to everyone else.
"She's probably hungry." Shizuru said standing up.
"Did you feed her?"
"Of course I did. She just takes after her mother in consuming large proportions of food."
"Are you calling me fat?"
"With all the mayonnaise you eat, I'm surprised you can even walk."
"So, you're calling me fat?"
Shizuru sighs as she digs into her bag for her bottle and ingredients to make her milk. She didn't want Riku to be dependent on only her breast milk so she often bottle fed her. I began rocking my baby in my strong arms to try and calm her down while Shizuru makes a bottle. She walked, no she strutted into the kitchen. Man, even walking has to be top notch for her. I really hope Riku doesn't take after her in that way.
I began clicking my tongue piercing. It usually makes Riku laugh because for some reason she likes the sound. It worked a little bit as she stopped yelling and placed her hands on my chin. She was standing up in my lap with my assistance. Her tiny hands were trying to find the source of my clicking. I do it again, making her laugh.
Shizuru returns with a warm bottle and hands it to me. I sit the baby down and watch as she latches on the bottle. She can't feed herself yet so I lay her in my arms and assist her. Shizuru walks over to us and quickly ties a bib around her neck so she doesn't spill anything on her clothes. I catch a whiff of the lavender body wash and strawberry shampoo the girl uses.
We look up as the steps creak. Alyssa emerges from the upstairs room and waves a greeting. Her wild blonde hair is a complete mess. She wiped the sleep from her blue eyes as she comes closer. She smiled at Shizuru who smiled back. For some reason they like each other. Actually everyone but Shizuru and I like each other. It's weird right? I mean Shizuru's parents adore me and my mom adores her. My friends and her friends even liked each other.
Alyssa gives the honey haired woman a brief hug. No Alyssa! Wouldn't want to get bitch on you now do we? I heard it's hard to get off. She flicks the back of my head in greeting. "Good morning Natsuki." She utters cheerfully.
I mutter a greeting in return which consisted of various curse words.
After Riku finishes the bottle I sit her up so I can burp her. I pat her back gently as Shizuru cleans up the mess. Alyssa offers to wash the bottle and Shizuru smiled at her. Funny, Shizuru's never smiled at me before. I don't smile at anyone except Riku. Yeah I grin and smirk but I really smile at my daughter.
"We should get going." Shizuru says as she gets her bag. I sigh.
"I don't want to."
Shizuru raises an eyebrow in contempt. "Let's not forget who can give who detention for being absent or late."
"Let's not forget who you're assigning it too." I counter as I stand up.
Shizuru gives an annoyed eye roll. She knows I'm not going to come so why even threaten me? I'm Natsuki fucking Kuga I take orders from no one. When Riku burps loudly I smile.
That's my girl.
Shizuru cringes at the burp, but says nothing. Instead she moves to my side. She kisses Riku's cheek. Riku looks sleepily at her other mother. "Mommy loves you. I'll see you when I get back. Be good for Aunt Alyssa okay?" Shizuru whispers. She kisses her once more before gathering her things.
I kiss my daughter on her forehead as she begins to drift off.
"I love you too Riku. Don't listen to Shizuru." I lean closer. "Give Alyssa hell."
I hand my daughter to my sister before following the brunette out the door. I grab my helmet before I close it though. My baby blue Ducati Street fighter is parked in my garage. Shizuru's crimson Mercedes Benz is parked in front of my house. I sigh heavily as we walk in silence to our respective vehicles.
Here we go again.
A Whole New World' update will be coming shortly. I just wanted to show you this. Should I continue?