good wife.
"Why the hell do you look so smug?" Hilda sneered, watching Oga through her glare. The teenager proceeded to tear open his packet of Kit Kat.
A loud crunch echoed in the room, and Hilda's eyebrow twitched as Oga bit the treat slowly. "Do I though?" Oga said, pointing at his face in fake innocence. Deep breaths, Hildegarde, she told herself. The young master is in the room. You do not want to maim his face and burn him alive. You do not want to maim his face and burn him alive. You do not want…
"But I guess I should look smug, since my skills are quite amazing and good enough for the young master." Oga cocked an eyebrow, holding a piece of Kit Kat between his sharp teeth.
Hell yes you do want to maim his face and burn him alive.
But she couldn't. Not when her master's sleeping peacefully on his parent's back. "I don't see why you should be so smug about it." Hilda said, keeping eye contact with the man.
"Oh, Hilda, come on. There's no denying that I should, seeing as you beat the living shit out of me thrice a day. Praising me like that is pretty unexpected."
The blonde smiled, just a bit. It's enough to give Oga the creeps. "It was completely forced. I think I've told you enough times for you to realize that you symbolize the dirt I'd like to scrape off from the bottom of my heels."
Oga returned an equally creepy smile. "But that's the whole point. You'd like to, but you haven't yet. Why haven't you scraped me off yet, Hilda?"
"Because," Hilda said, gritting her teeth. "You're too low; it'd be humiliation for my sword to touch your stupid face."
"Stupidly attractive face," Oga retorted. Hilda didn't like the way he looked proud of what he said. Before she could remove her weapon inside her umbrella, Oga spoke. "But it's not half bad. What you said, I mean."
He sounded way flustered than he looked. "It's nice that you think that way."
There was silence, because Hilda didn't know what to say next and Oga thought that was enough. It's enough to spare him from dying at the hands of the wet maid, even if only for a day. "Hand me the young master," Hilda said quietly, hands reaching for said infant.
"Sure," Oga muttered, scratching his head as the undeniably attractive demon rocked Baby Beel in her arms. "Want a Kit Kat?" he offered awkwardly, feeling offhanded.
He never thought Hilda could look that amused over an offer on a chocolate.
"No," she said. It was then when Baby Beel woke up, snuggling comfortably on Hilda's bosom.
"Alright, I mean, you know…" another scratch. Damn, he couldn't let that be a habit. "Have a break, have a Kit Kat. Ha."
Oga could've sworn he saw Hilda smile when she left the room (after smacking his head).
Oga Tatsumi was a lot of things (most commonly a devil); but stupid wasn't one of them.
Maybe it was, but he didn't think so.
So he realized it. How he started to notice things he hadn't before about Hilda. How she snored lightly in her sleep. How the snores became his lullaby before he knew it. He's definitely not comfortable with it, those noticing-her-every-features-and-oh-fuck-she's-actu ally-really-hot habits.
Enter Furuichi Takayuki, self proclaimed genius and Oga's best friend. Oga wanted to make good use of his brains. "What are feelings?" he deadpanned, grabbing the boy by his shoulders.
Furuichi looked blank. "Are you kidding me?"
"No." Oga let go. "What are feelings?" he tried one more time, sighing heavily.
"Dipshit," Furuichi groaned. "I am not going to lecture you about feelings – something that only humans can feel, and clearly, you are definitely not human."
He's prodding Oga's chest as he talked furiously, and Oga figured he should look hurt. "Ow," he said airily. "Was that an insult?"
Furuichi looked like he was considering things. "Yeah," he didn't sound convinced. "No, wait, what, what?!" he screamed, loud enough to make Oga wince. "Did you just ask me…" he trailed off, looking at Oga in bewilderment.
"I did."
"You mean that feeling you feel when you have feelings for someone?"
"You want to ask what it is?"
"Are you fucking dumb?"
Oga pulled a confused face for a brief second before resuming his ever present uncaring look. "I'm not telling who I have feelings for," he said when he caught Furuichi's questioning eyes. "Not until I figure out if this is real or not."
"Whoa," Furuichi mumbled to himself. "I can totally tell your life is gonna be some real shitty shoujo manga."
"Is that a bad thing or not?"
"Not really, 'cus the main guy always gets the girl in the end."
"How do you know?"
"Do you read shoujo mangas, Furuichi?"
"I do not!"
"Bare dick."
"Why am I friends with you?"
And it went like that throughout their whole day at school.
It turned out that his life wasn't going to be some real shitty shoujo manga, because the moment he opened the door to his house, Hilda threw a shoe at him.
"What do you think you're doing, bitch?" Oga yelled, clutching at his nose. It burned, the pain burned like all seven levels of hell.
Hilda snorted. "You're late. I was starting to get worried about the young master."
Oga ignored the way his heart sank just a little bit when the blonde said the last four words. "God, Hilda, I can hear my own nose. Is this normal?"
"You're being particularly whiny about things today. You get into fights at least five times a day, I don't see why me throwing my heel on your face hurts." Hilda said, taking Baby Beel from Oga. "I thought the young master was injured."
Oga loosened his tie, sighing contently as the smooth breeze from the air conditioners swayed against his neck. "You're just being paranoid. Plus, he's a demon king, damn it. You'd expect a scratch or two on the little guy."
"Da buu!" Beel said in high spirits, as if saying Oga's right and he's all fine. Hilda couldn't hold back a smile as she raised the child up in the air. "You're forgiven this time."
The teenage delinquent paused, mentally slapping himself as he stopped staring at the wet maid's grin. The only times she's ever looked so sincere was with Beel. He's not jealous. He's definitely not jealous.
Well, if jealous didn't mean wanting to punch someone in the face and screaming eternally, he was definitely not jealous.
"Move, fool, you're blocking my view." Hilda said, glaring as she sat down on the couch, reaching for the remote control. Oga sneered at her, but still moved away from his position in front of the television. "Also, dinner's ready."
Dinner was good, and on the dining table Oga mostly tried to figure out how hard he would have to smack his head on the table to cause instant death.
It's past 10 in the evening. Oga's tired (he's always tired), though he's done nothing productive that day (he's always done nothing productive). Just when he's about to tuck himself in the covers, Hilda barged in.
"I'm sleeping here," the girl yawned, blonde hair all messy and fuck she's so pretty. Oga froze, registering what she had said. Well there goes his plan thinking about his feelings and emotions toward her. "Hell no, you're not," was the first thing he blurted out, mimicking his thoughts.
Oga found himself panicking a little, and since Hilda frowned, he figured he must be looking like it too. "What are you going on about? Misaki has a friend sleeping over. Since she thinks we're husband and wife, she said it'll be fine if I sleep here. It's only for a day or two, so don't worry. I don't want to sleep in your bed that reeks of sweat and stupidity anyway."
"Oh," Oga said, although his heart was beatingbeatingbeating so hard he almost can't breathe. "Okay," he screeched, because this did not solve anything. It didn't stop Hilda from lying down next to Beel. It didn't solve anything. Maybe he's having an erection, because god since when was she so pretty?
She didn't plan on sleeping until a while, and Oga heard his very hopes shatter as the blonde stared lovingly at the peacefully sleeping infant. "Goodnight," she leaned in for a quick kiss on his cheek, and Oga feels jealousy burning and running through his veins, mixed with anger and sadness and happiness and all things he was never used to.
"Goodnight to you too," she muttered quietly, smiling fondly at Oga. Don't fucking look at me like that. But it felt so good, the way his name rolled on her tongue, "Tatsumi."
"Wait," Oga said, regretting his decision to speak immediately. He thought he's going to die from hyperventilating because the girl he's (maybe) crushing on was looking at him with that stupidly gorgeous brief twinkle on her eyes. Before he thought twice, he quickly said. "Aren't you gonna talk about that night? About my…" he couldn't stop himself from grinning evilly (although unintended). "Skills?"
"It was the truth," Hilda confessed, eyes closed and blonde hair tossed all over the pillow and a few strands were on Oga's face. "I won't lie. You've impressed me. I have enough proof to say you're suitable for the young master."
Oga's hands were itching to play with her hair, he wanted to see how it looked like, coiled around his finger, twisted on his hand. But he couldn't.
"Thanks." Oga said once he's realized he hadn't actually properly said it yet. "Goodnight, Hilda."
And she's fast asleep, along with Baby Beel.
Oga didn't rest at all. It's hard to when Hilda is next to him, heaving softly as she snored quietly. She's asleep. She looks good asleep. She always looks good, asleep or not. He groaned in frustration, shutting his eyes tight.
"Maybe I like you," he's surprised he said it, but Hilda's sleeping so it's fine. "I don't even know..
"Is it normal to have feelings for a fucking demon? God, this is so cheesy. I've never done this before. This is really embarrassing.
"I want to kiss you so bad. But you'll probably slap me in the face and we'll never talk again and I'm so scared if that'll happen. I want to talk to you. This is all your fault for being so pretty."
Oga's definitely not blushing furiously because fuck, he's Oga Tatsumi. Oga Tatsumis do not blush for a girl. He put on a stoic expression, ignored the burning on his cheeks, and opened his eyes. He's not sure if he's disappointed or happy when he found out Hilda's still in a deep slumber.
"I've never hated feelings so bad."
ALTHOUGH I INTENDED OGA TO HAVE THAT 'do not touch my girl or i will pull your organs out of your mouth' KIND OF POSSESSIVE ITS NOT WORKING uGH
but hes so hard to write. i had to change his persona a little.