This is the story of a studious final year high school student Sakura Kinomoto to whom nothing matters more than getting an admission to the country's most prestigious university. As her father is an archaeology professor in Tokyo university, he travels from Tomoeda to Tokyo everyday taking the suburban trains. It usually takes about one and a half hours to get to Tokyo but because of the journey he feels tired at the end of the day ultimately not having any atom of strength left in his body to spend time with his family. Thus it came out one day as a suggestion from his part that it would be better if they moved to Tokyo to make things easy for both his profession and his children's higher education to which both Sakura and Touya obliged without any hesitation. Touya was already a university student studying Aviation in Tokyo university who visits his family once in a month.

Sakura's P.O.V

At 5 in the morning….

My alarm clock made a deafening shriek that resonated throughout my room and I had no choice but to get up. With much hatred I pried my eyes open and stared at the ceiling for a full 5 minutes. The room was dark which meant that the sun hadn't risen yet. I scurried out of the comforts of my bed and turned on the lights of my room. It was a good thing I had a room of my own. I could sleep and get up at whatever time it pleases me. I lazily scratched the back of my head and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and perk my spirits up for a 2 hr long study session.

To much dismay it was the day I had to go through Math according to the time table I had put up for myself. It was the only subject that gave me the creeps. I was not good at Math which was why I had to pay attention to it particularly for three days a week. Although I was getting good at it at a slow pace, things really didn't go well between me and the horrid subject. Its almost like I am trying to win it over by going on dates with it for three days a week and all it gives me is a whole load of crap. Seriously I wouldn't be surprised if I went on a mental breakdown trying to woo this stubborn subject.

Anyways, stubborn or not I will have to master it otherwise I can kiss my admission to Tokyo university good bye. I cannot let that happen as I am equally stubborn and headstrong about my goals. I was diligently working out some of the problems of Calculus when I heard a click on my door. I turned around and saw that my dad was already up and was holding a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Oh I see my angel is already awake!", Dad said.

"Good morning dad!", I greeted. "Good morning to you too sweet heart", Dad greeted me back with a hug. He gave me the cup of coffee and told me to get ready to school as it was already 6:30 a.m. He also told me that Touya had come back home for the weekend.

"Ok dad. I will just have a quick shower. Meet you downstairs!", I said cheerfully and went into the bathroom to take bath. I quickly put on my uniform and hurried downstairs where I was greeted by Touya in quite a teasing way. I heard the vein in my head pop. Not minding him I went on ahead and stared at my mom's picture and greeted her a good morning too.

"Oh good morning Kaiju! It was you running down the stairs , wasn't it? I am sorry, my bad! I thought it was an earthquake!", Touya teased me.

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME KAIJU!", I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Touya please don't irritate her alright. She is working very hard on her preparations for the university entrance exams you know!", Dad immediately became defensive of me. "Ya , ya whatever!", Touya exclaimed. I stuck my tongue out to him in response to which he snorted out of annoyance. Dad had prepared a perfect English breakfast for us consisting of eggs, bacon, toast and butter with a tall glass of orange juice. Mmm! Just the way I like it!

Feeling really hungry I started gobbling everything down from my plate in a hurry and I choked. Damn! "Take it easy will ya', the food's not gonna run away Kaiju!", Touya said. Again with the Kaiju thing!

"You know what I am already late and I don't wanna waste my time with useless bickering first thing in the morning", I said to him with a mature tone. Fortunately Touya didn't say anything after that. My guess is that he would have anticipated my retaliation for the comment he made but I showed him. Boo ya! In your face Touya. What I wouldn't give to behold this expression on his face every day!

It was 8 in the morning and there was only half an hour left for school to start. Realising that I managed to finish my breakfast and put on my roller blades and headed towards school.

"Oh dear! I am not gonna make it! It was all Touya's fault for getting me riled up!", I complain all to myself on the way. Within a few minutes I happened to see the school gates. It was 8:20a.m. That means only ten minutes left for the first lecture to start. When I made a sharp turn around to enter the compound my rollerblades made a loud screech and made me skid on the concrete floor. As I closed my eyes for the inevitable contact with the cold ground I found myself being supported by a pair of strong arms. When my eyes shot open to take notice of the person who had stopped my fall I immediately had a gut feeling that maybe I got off at the wrong side of the bed this morning. It was none other than the greatest narcissist and our school's very own egomaniac, Syaoran Li.

"Looks like its your lucky day princess. Any girl would just die to be in your place right now", he said with an overconfident smirk playing about his lips. His face was dangerously close to mine and I can almost feel his warm breath fanning my cheeks as he held me from falling. I jerked away from his grasp, straightened myself out and shot him a death glare. Noticing this he said", Huh! This is what I get for saving your sorry butt. Not too polite enough to say a thank you are we?" "You know what Li I don't have the time right now to deal with you", I retorted and made my way to class. As I was heading upstairs I noticed some of Li's fangirls shooting daggers at me. "Oh for the love of God! These lunatics would have seen my head on collision with that self-absorbed freak! What did I do to deserve this?" There was only 5 minutes left for the bell to ring and the classes to commence and I made just in time.

Feeling relieved I made my way to my desk and sat down contentedly finally catching my breath. I turned to my right and found that Tomoyo had already occupied her desk. Oh right I was the fool who is late today! Silly me!

"Ohayo Tomoyo-chan!", I greeted her cheerfully. "Ohayo Sakura-chan!", Tomoyo greeted me back. And I told her the whole story of my misfortune this morning in a nutshell.

"Oh my! Looks like today is gonna be quite an exciting day for you Sakura!", Tomoyo beamed at me. I just sweat dropped on seeing how my best friend always manages to see the flip side of things and every time she does that she fascinates me more. Suddenly I caught someone entering the classroom and taking a seat behind me at the corner of my eye. It was that annoying brat again. It was my misfortune that he just had to be seated behind me by Terada sensei. The memory of that fateful day is still freshly etched in my mind.


It was already the second year of high school.

Terada sensei came into the classroom and we all greeted him a good morning.

"Good morning class! Today we are having a foreign exchange student transferring over to our class from Hong Kong. Lets welcome him shall we?", Terada sensei informed us and ushered him in.

He had luxuriant messy chestnut brown hair and pale skin. And the moment the girls laid their eyes on him all of them started drooling over him. He started introducing himself right away. "Good morning to you! I am Syaoran Li and I am from Hong Kong. I was the captain for my soccer team back in Hong Kong and I am not too shabby in academics too. I hope we can become friends. Please take good care of me".

With that lenghthy piece of introduction done for, Terada sensei proceeded for finding him a seat. Meanwhile I happened to hear a range of comments the girls started making under their breaths. The comments ranged from "Oo la la…those messy chestnut bangs are a total turn on" to "does he have a girl friend?" to "For someone so hot I bet he has one" to "Wow…look at those liquid amber eyes. I am going weak in the knees". One of the girls even fainted when he shot her a wink. Man ! that was so ewww! Something is totally wrong with that guy! Finally Terada sensei found a seat empty behind mine and instructed me to raise my hand so that he can locate it. I obliged and raised my hand without looking at his approaching face. He made a sudden stop beside me and stared down at me for a few seconds and took his seat behind me. That earned me quite a handful of hateful stares from some of the girls of my class. I was like "Whats wrong with them?"

I could feel his stare all day long boring holes at the back of my head while the classes proceeded smoothly. It was almost the end of the day when he came forward and spoke to me when I was getting ready to go home. "You 're the only girl in this entire class who hasn't acknowledged my presence so far. Can I ask you why?", he asked me with a smirk.

Ugh! Not one day has gone by since he came and he already acts as if he is this school's heartthrob or something. That really pissed me off. I retorted and said" Why? Does it bother you that I haven't noticed you? I hardly know you and besides you are gonna have your hands full with tons of girls like them everyday", I said and pointed to the brainless idiots that call themselves fangirls who mindlessly drool over anything that he does. "Whether I acknowledge you or not , it doesn't make any difference. So take a hike will ya'?" I said and I noticed that it clearly knocked the wind out of him. He couldn't find any words to make a comeback. Just when I was about to make my exit with Tomoyo he came walking beside me and whispered "You're something! And I like feisty girls who play hard to get." Surprised , I turned around and flinched at the sudden closeness to him. He proceeded" It kinda turns me on!". It was a mere whisper but it was enough to make all the hair on my neck to stand on their ends.

"Just leave me alone, Guys like you disgust me!", I retaliated and dashed out of the classroom pulling Tomoyo along with me.

From that fateful encounter not one day has passed by without being teased, taunted and tortured to bits by the almighty Syaoran Li.


Another bell rung indicating that the classes were about to start and I was shaken out of my reverie. Terada sensei, our homeroom teacher came inside and proceeded with the lessons for the day. I just hope that I don't run into any more trouble today. Most importantly a certain freak show who calls himself the heartthrob of Tomoeda high.