WARNING: This stories contains mature scenes of a sexual nature. If this bothers you, please leave now.

AN: So here it is, the absolutely, yet not quite necessary chapter of It Was Bryce's Fault. To be honest, I kinda have mixed feelings about how this turned out. Some parts I pleased with and others not much. I guess part of me wanting to prolong Bryce's suffering a bit more. The Charah of this chapter is mostly indirect, but rest assured, despite Bryce having a bigger part in this chapter than Chuck, it is still very much Charah. There are also a few vague references to how things would have gone in this AU, such as how Shaw and Volkoff would have been dealt with. Anyway I let you guys be the judge on whether this chapter was worthwhile or not.

Finally thanks to everyone who has reviewed this story. Your kind works made all the time i didn't spend on uni assignments well worth it. Also on my profile I've put up ideas I have for my next few stories, so feel free to take a look and let me know what you think. And if those ideas inspire something in you, feel free to adopt them as well, just lemme know so I can read them as well.

Hope you enjoy and remember to review

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck

As Bryce Larkin entered into the small park area located in Los Angeles, he saw spotted her easily. It had been more than eight years since he saw Sarah Walker, and she was beautiful as ever. She was sitting on a park bench, looking over some paper work, while noisy children played on the playground equipment right in front of her. Bryce wasn't sure how the noise didn't drive her insane, but it didn't matter. All that did matter was that after searching for the past year, he had finally found her.

He had lost track of Sarah the day he had left her apartment after being smacked around by a bottle of champagne. He thought about going back, after letting her cool down and get bored of Chuck, but he lost track of her movements after he was uploaded. Regardless of how much she protested, he knew that she would eventually get tired of Chuck and his emotional neediness and his desire for an unexciting and normal life. Still, even when he was involved with the Intersect project, he kept an ear out for her return to the spy life so he could sweep her off her feet and into his arms where she belonged. Unfortunately, she had kept a very low profile over the past eight years, and he had heard nothing about what she was doing.

Bryce's tenure as the human Intersect was short, lastly roughly four months before he started suffering adverse effects, severe headaches being the least of them. Fortunately for him it was picked up by Beckman before any serious damage could occur and it was removed, but it still stung for the super spy. He was a skilled operative without the Intersect 2.0 but with it, he was virtually a god. That fact that Chuck Bartowski, the unassuming nerd who wouldn't be able to survive in the spy world managed to use the original Intersect extensively for almost two full years and suffered no negative effects up to the point of its removal was a real blow to his pride. More so when some egghead had the nerve to think out aloud that Chuck probably could have handled it for a lot longer before his mind started deteriorating. Still without Orion, there was nothing they could do except scrap the project. Bryce wanted to get to Stephen Bartowski through his children, but Beckman was unwilling to risk angering a man who could hack Predator drones undetected for a problem that he may not be able to fix.

So Bryce begrudgingly returned to being a regular super spy for the next six years until his last mission. He was chasing a man named Boris Kaminsky, who was attempting to seize control of Volkoff Industries after Alexei Volkoff, the notorious arms dealer and oligarch, had mysteriously disappeared several years before hand. While Bryce had succeed in killing Kaminsky, he had been shot in the leg during his escape from the Russian's henchmen and it was almost a week before he could get it treated properly. By that time, the damage had been done and he wouldn't have full mobility of his leg ever again. Walking wasn't a problem, but running more than several feet proved to be a struggle and the CIA decided to let him go.

Bryce wasn't too bitter about being let go like he was. Ever since the Intersect had been removed, his superiors began seeing him as damaged goods, even with Dr Dreyfus giving him a clean bill of health, and began sending him on assignments which he felt were beneath him. Even after he took down CIA turn coat Daniel Shaw, who flipped sides to the Ring after he found out that the CIA had ordered his wife's death and was in the process of hunting her killer, who just happened to be Sarah, when Bryce put a bullet in his head, he still didn't receive the accolades that should have been his. So screw them, he had thought at the time. Sure his leg wasn't 100% but he was still ten times the agent than anyone else, and the CIA were idiots to let him go.

After his dismissal, Bryce decided to find Sarah and then they could begin their partnership, this time as business partners and as lovers. After all, two badass ex-spies should be able to handle to bad guys of the private sector. Of course finding the woman was a lot harder than he thought it would be, and without his CIA resources to draw upon, was reliant on his pension and families fortune, which while substantial, had no legal authority. Daniel Shaw had spent almost a full year tracking her down, but never found anything, and even Bryce had to admit, albeit reluctantly, that Shaw was a super spy in a completely different league.

Like Shaw before him, Bryce had spent a year searching for Sarah Walker, and it was only through a junior agent he had charmed into bed that he was able to learn that a woman matching Sarah's description had been spotted frequenting a park in Los Angeles. With that lucky break, Bryce had left for the city of Angels and upon arriving at the park mentioned, spotted her instantly. Things were looking up for Bryce Larkin.

He confidently strode towards the park bench that Sarah was sitting on, ignoring the joyful cries of the young children playing nearby. Once he had closed the distance, he spoke to her, drawing her attention away from the papers she was reading. "Hello Sarah," he greeted with his usual cocky smirk.

Sarah merely looked up from her papers, her expression quizzical. "Bryce?" she queried, recognising his older form.

Bryce nodded, seating himself right next to her despite there being plenty of space of the bench, forcing Sarah to slide away from him. "It's been what, eight, nine years since we last saw each other," he mused, ignoring the blonde's attempt to further the distance between them.

"Eight years, seven months, almost to the day," she corrected with an amused look on her face.

He couldn't help but smirk at her response. 'Clearly she missed me if she's been that exact with counting' he thought to himself, although he found her look somewhat confusing. Before he could say how good she was looking, and follow it up with a seductive comment on how much better she'd look naked in his hotel room, she cut him off. "Bryce what are you doing here," she asked, staring at him intently.

"Well I've been let go from the company," he began, as he gestured to him leg. "Occupational accident about a year ago. I can still walk easy enough, but running is a bit more stressful."

"Sorry to hear that," she said politely, but without any real sympathy. "But that still doesn't explain why you're here."

"Well I figured, seeing as I hadn't heard of your return to the game, I thought I'd track you down, which was really hard, you covered your tracks really well, so we could go into business together. I figured, two of the world's best ex-spies should be able to handle hunting down hedge-fund stealing nerds and stuff like that."

The look on Sarah's face was not what Bryce was expecting. Instead of awe at his brilliant plan, and of him in general, her face could only be described as incredulous. As she opened her mouth to say something, she was stopped by a noisy kid from the playground running across the foot path and towards Sarah. "Mommy, mommy," the little blonde girl of about three or four cried joyously. "Oliver's mom is buying us ice cream! Can I have some please, pretty please?"

Bryce was about to tell the little girl off for interrupting their conversation, until the full effect of the child's words hit him. She had called bad ass, cold hearted, former 'Wildcard 'Enforcer' and all round super spy Sarah Walker, 'mommy'.

The blonde ignored the stunned expression of her former partner. "Hmm, I think you can have a little treat," she chuckled at the little girl's joy as she reached into her bag and pulled out some money. "Here you go, Katie. Can could you asked Mrs Wright to get me rocky road?"

The little girl, now identified as Katie, enthusiastically nodded and quickly ran off to re-join her friend and his mother. Sarah turned back to Bryce, who noticed his shocked expression. "What," she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"M-mommy?" he stuttered, his cool façade gone. "H-h-how?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Bryce, I'm pretty sure you know how children are made. After all you weren't that bad at sex."

"That's not what I meant," he growled, the slight against his sexual prowess helping him recover from his shock somewhat.

"Well, what exactly did you expect to find when you came looking for me?"

"Not this, that's for sure," he answered, pointing in the direction that Katie had run off to. "I figured to be back in the game in some form or another. Sure as hell didn't expect you to go all maternal on me."

Sarah couldn't help but roll her eyes again. "Why on earth would you think that," she said, frowning. "Pretty sure one of the last things I said to you was that I was done with the spy life."

"Well, yeah… but I didn't think you actually meant it. And I never pictured you with a kid."

That comment just seemed to make Sarah look more peeved off with him. "I have three actually," she said, her expression lightening just a little as she thought of her children. "Katie is my second child, she's four. I have another daughter, Rebecca, who's seven, and I gave birth to a son about four months ago who we named Sam."

Doing some mental math, and trying to cope with the fact that Sarah had not one but three children, Bryce quickly realised something. "So I was wrong about you going back to being a spy, but I wasn't wrong about you getting bored of Chuck."

Sarah just shot him an annoyed look. "What are you talking about?"

"You oldest is seven, right," he said, and continued at her nodded. "Which means that you fell pregnant not long after we parted ways. Meaning that you got bored with Chuck, either broke up with him or cheated on him, and then got pregnant."

Once again Sarah rolled her eyes. "How on earth did you graduate the farm," she exclaimed. "I mean really, you come up with that asinine idea when the answer is unbelievably obvious."

She held out her hand with a sarcastic grin on her face as Bryce noticed a modest diamond ring and a golden wedding band glistening on her ring finger. "Hello there," she said mockingly. "My name is Sarah Bartowski."

Bryce was stunned to silence for a second time that day. Noticing his look, Sarah pulled back her hand and smiled at his dumbfounded demeanour. "You mentioned before that you had a hard time tracking me down. It's because you were looking for Sarah Walker, wasn't it." At his muted nod, she continued. "The reason why you couldn't find me was because Sarah Walker never actually existed. She didn't exist when Graham gave me that name, or when I graduated from Harvard or the Farm, and she didn't exist when you and I met for the first time or at any time during our partnership."

She paused for a moment, gazing lovingly at the rings on her finger. "It wasn't until I met Chuck that Sarah Walker actually became a real person," she continued, her tone more blissful than before. "She became a woman that hated olives and mornings, and enjoyed pickles with her burgers and croissants with chocolate. But more importantly she became the woman who fell head over heels in love with Chuck Bartowski, and chose to spend the rest of her life with him. Sarah Walker was never my legal name, and when I got married, I officially changed it to Sarah Lisa Bartowski."

She then picked up the papers she had been reading and showed them to him. He was confused when he saw what looked to be high school French tests. "On that night you said that I would get bored with civilian life, and I'll admit I wasn't sure how I would cope in a world where people could be trusted at face value. But Chuck helped me, and so did Ellie, Devon and Morgan, and I started teaching high school French about a year after Rebecca was born. I'm on maternity leave at the minute but I agreed to mark some tests to help out a colleague."

If Bryce was a computer, his brain would be overheating. Sarah Walker, was married, with three children and made a living as a teacher of all things. Surely he had entered a parallel universe or something. "Sarah," he croaked, even his voice breaking at these revelations. "G-get real Sarah, this isn't you. The kids, the job, none of this is the real you. You belong with me, doing dangerous and exciting things, not here, in this normal life."

Sarah simply rolled her eyes at his tirade. "There you go again, thinking you know me better than I know myself," she said disdainfully. "Honestly Bryce, this is turning into a repeat of your last visit. You don't know me and you never did. You seem to think that just because a woman chooses another guy over you, that that woman must be crazy or out of character. You need to get over yourself. I don't think there's a woman alive that would choose you over Chuck."

She then turned away from him, staring at the playground with a fonder expression. "Do you know why we gave our children the names they have," she asked, without waiting for an answer. "Rebecca, Katie, Sam; they were all aliases I had used as a child," was the answer she gave him, not wanting him to know her actual name. "Chuck, being the sweetheart he is, decided that we should name our children after me, in one way or another. I'm ashamed to admit it, but it wasn't until he said we should name our son Sam that I caught on to what he was doing. And when I called him out on it, do you know what he said? He said that it was sad that I never got to have a normal childhood and that by naming them after my aliases; it's a promise that they would get that chance to have a real childhood, one that I didn't get."

A bright smile lit her face, and Bryce got the feeling it had nothing to do with him. "Every time I think I can't love Chuck anymore, he goes and does something incredibly sweet like that. If I hadn't been in a hospital bed nursing my new-born son, I would have thrown him to the floor and mounted him then and there."

Shaking herself out of her happy memory, she then turned to face Bryce, her expression hardening. "What I'm trying to say Bryce is that despite what you might think, you don't know the first thing about me, and you probably never did."

In spite of being verbally eviscerated, Bryce wasn't giving up just yet. "But what about you knowing exactly how long since I left," he questioned.

"What exactly do you remember about that night Bryce," she asked exasperatedly in response. "Because it's like you weren't even there."

"I remember you hitting me with a champagne bottle," Bryce grumbled, subconsciously rubbing his jaw as he recalled the pain.

Sarah suddenly grinned at his response. "Yeah, good times," she said fondly. "I will always remember that night and for no reason that involves you. That was the first time I told Chuck that I loved him, barely five minutes after you slammed the door, and I remember the most amazing smile appearing on his face. And the morning after, Chuck proposed to me, saying that he couldn't wait another moment. Roughly seven months later we were married on the beach and today, ironically enough, is our eighth wedding anniversary. He's taking me out to dinner tonight and I've got some new lingerie for him to tear off me."

Bryce was having trouble believing this was happening. When Sarah had told him to leave eight years ago, he figured she just needed to get Chuck out of her system and then she would be back where she belonged. Yet here she was, eight years later, living in domestic bliss with a guy he wouldn't even considered a worthy rival in anything and telling him that he didn't know her at all, and that she only really remembered the last time she saw him because it was the night she told a guy that wasn't him that she loved him. It boggled the mind. "But Sarah," Bryce started in another attempt to make her see his version of reason.

Clearly though, the blonde had had enough of him. "For god's sake Bryce just stop, you're being ridiculous," she snapped, her patience at an end. "You honestly expect me to abandon my wonderful husband, beautiful children and absolutely perfect life because the 'great' Bryce Larkin has deemed me worthy to be his bed warmer?" his silent response telling her that was exactly what he expected her to do. "God you are such an asshole."

She took a deep breath in order to calm herself, something that Bryce had never seen her do before. "Bryce, in case it isn't clear, you and I are done," she said calmly, although her voice was laced with venom. "Sarah Walker, the woman you knew, thought you knew, doesn't exist. And Sarah Bartowski only knows of one Bryce Larkin, a two-bit dirt bag who betrayed her husband and died about ten years ago."

"But I saved your life Sarah," he stated, frowning at her dismissal of their past. "Don't I deserve some kind of reward for that?"

Sarah had no idea what he was talking about, but she was pretty sure what kind of reward he was expecting. Still, it didn't matter because he wasn't getting it. "What are you talking about?"

"About seven years ago a CIA agent named Daniel Shaw turned traitor when he found out that the CIA had killed his wife. It turns out that Graham assigned you to kill her for your Red Test." Naturally Bryce was caught up in his own ego that he missed Sarah flinch. "He was tracking you down when I put him down."

Her anger at the man in next to her subsided for a moment, as she reflected on the worst day of her life. Thanks to Chuck, it didn't haunt her the way it used to, but on a few rare occasions it still penetrated her dreams, causing her to wake with a start and usually her husband as well, who would then proceed to sooth her. And now, to hear that that woman she killed had a husband of her own, who was in the process of hunting her down and possibly even hurting her family; it was a frightening thought. "Then I guess I should say thank you for protecting me and my family," she sighed in reluctance, not really wanting to admit any kind of gratitude to Bryce Larkin.

Her disinclination was justified when she saw Bryce's standard smug smirk appear. "That wasn't a euphemism or suggestive comment you asshole," she snarled, her anger returning. "Like I said, I am grateful, but not to the extent of betraying my family. When you shot Shaw, you were doing your job. You know the one you're paid to do by the American tax payers? Which for the past eight years has included me. So, technically, you've already been 'rewarded' by me, because you are definitely not getting anything else."

Bryce was silent for a moment, as if trying to find something, anything, he could say to change her mind. "So that's it then," he said, breaking his silence with an angry scowl. "You're just going to write off everything we did, everything we went through, for that stupid nerd."

Her eyes narrowed drastically. "If you were half the man that Chuck is, then you'd be twice the man you are," she hissed venomously, unwilling to hear anyone belittle her nerd. "What we had was fun and exciting and no one will hear me deny that, not even my husband. But what we had in no way compares to what I have with Chuck. He isn't just someone I roll around between the sheets with, although he is in no way lacking in that department. He is also my partner, something who I can share everything with, good or bad."

For a moment she looked as if she was about to continue, yet at the last second stopped herself. "You know what," she said, taking a deep breath before exhaling her anger. "I could keep going about how much better Chuck is than you in every aspect, but I'm pretty sure you've got your head to far up you own ass to believe me, so I'll save my breath. So goodbye Bryce, and in case in eight years' time you decided to have another shot at convincing me, just know that I'm calling the cops and telling them you're a crazy stalker I've never met."

Bryce simply growled, both at the accusation of him being a stalker and the insinuation of Chuck being better than him at anything. "Fine," he spat. "You want it that way, that's your problem. Just know that you will get bored of Chuck, Sarah. I'm impressed that you've lasted this long, but sooner or later you will get sick of the nerd, and when that happens I want you to remember that I tried to take you away from this and that you turned me down. Because I won't be back to save you from civilian life when that happens."

Sarah just rolled her eyes. "I'll take my chances," she scoffed.

"Fine," he repeated as he got up and stalked off.

Sarah glared at his back until he had disappeared from view. 'Today had been going so well as well' she thought to herself, no longer having any motivation to mark her French tests as her good mood had vanished. However the appearance of a four year girl juggling three ice cream cones quickly made her forget all about Bryce effing Larkin. "Why did you get three, sweetie," she asked as she rushed over to help her daughter before she dropped something.

"There was money left over so I got one for daddy as well," she said innocently, licking her chocolate ice cream as Sarah took hold of the rocky road and mint choc chip ice creams. "I would have got one for Sammy as well but he can't eat ice cream because he's a baby."

The blonde smiled fondly at her daughter. She was sure Chuck would appreciate the thought, even if she wasn't sure the ice cream would survive the trip home. "Well then, we better make sure we get it to him."

With that, mother and daughter left the park and walked to the little white house with the red door to find their beloved husband and father feeding their new son and brother.

Later that night, Sarah stood in front of the mirror, checking over her appearance. They had gotten home from the restaurant barely ten minutes ago, but Sarah made her husband wait on the bed while she got 'dressed'. She had taken off her tight form fitting little black dress and changed into a skimpy purple see through teddy, with nothing else underneath.

Their anniversary dinner had been wonderful, as she told him about what happened with Bryce and how silly the whole thing had been, while Chuck teased her about inspiring that stalker quality in even the most suave of men. She in turned teased him by rubbing her foot along the crotch of his pants, causing him to jump, or cause him to stare at her wide eyed as she moaned sinfully as she ate her dessert. And they both said 'I love you' an outlandish number of times. Still, despite how much she had enjoyed dinner, it was the night time activities that would happen after dinner that Sarah was looking forward to the most.

One drawback about her life was that between three kids and two jobs, Chuck and Sarah's sex life had slowed down a bit. Although for them, 'slowing down' translated to 'approximately once a day and being as quiet as possible', a difficult task, seeing as how every time she screwed Chuck, she just wanted to scream in ecstasy. At least tonight, with their children at their grandparents, she only had to worry about disturbing the neighbours, something she was generally indifferent about.

After he had removed the Intersect from his son's head, Stephen Bartowski moved onto using the technology on notorious arms dealer Alexei Volkoff by giving it to his wife, and Volkoff's right hand, Mary Bartowski aka Frost. By the time Katie was born, Stephen and Mary had succeeded to using the technology on the oligarch and returned him to his true nature, a kindly scientist named Hartley Winterbottom. These days Stephen and Mary devoted their time to both sets of grandchildren, Ellie having given birth to a daughter, Clara, who was several months younger than Rebecca, and Thomas, who was turning four in a few weeks.

Sarah herself had also reconnected with her past. With Sarah Walker having absolutely no connection to Sarah Bartowski, she felt safe enough to contact her mom and invite her to the wedding. It led to a heartfelt reunion between mother and daughter and her new little sister, Molly. And though she was fairly sure that they wouldn't be in any danger, it wasn't until Casey, who kept in touch with the Bartowski clan, told her about coming across and killing a traitorous CIA douchebag named Kieran Ryker that she was able to truly relax in that regard. She even reconnected with her old friends from the CAT Squad as it had been discovered after a surprise audit that it had been Amy who had been the traitor, not Zondra as she had first thought. After several apologies and a wild night of alcohol fuelled shenanigans, the relationship between Sarah, Carina and Zondra was stronger than ever and the blonde had two bridesmaids for her wedding, with Ellie as her maid of honour.

Drawing herself from her musings, Sarah checked the mirror again to make sure she looked perfect. Happy with how everything appeared, she stepped out of the master bathroom and into the bedroom she had shared with Chuck for the last eight years.

As she slowly sauntered towards her marital bed, she watched Chuck, noting that he had relieved himself of his clothes, save for his boxers. His eyes widen as he took in her appearance, causing her to giggle softly. Even after three kids and eight years of marriage, he never failed to be stunned by how beautiful she was, especially wearing something sexy, and she never got tired of his deer-in-the-headlights face he made when he saw her in something sexy. "Does my master approve," she cooed sultry, spinning around slowly to show herself off to him.

Chuck nodded dumbly, trying to engage him mouth with his brain. "He certainly does," he said faintly, his arousal poking out of the hole in his shorts.

Sarah simply giggled as she stepped onto the bed and crawled towards her husband, rubbing herself slowly against his body before meeting his lips with hers. She squealed in surprise as Chuck flipped her over so he was on top, never breaking the kiss as his hands snuck up beneath the hem of her teddy. Sarah moaned into his mouth as his slipped a single digit into her pussy, finding her lips drenched. "Looks like someone's excited," he chuckled, breaking the kiss for some air as he inserted another finger.

His wife looked at him with lust filled eyes and his fingers moved inside her to get her sweet spot. As she was about to tell Chuck to stop teasing her, her thoughts were cut off as he introduced his remaining fingers into her anus, her nerd performing the Vulcan salute on her. He then began fucking her with his fingers as he would with his cock, making her moaned with delight as he double penetrated her while his thumb stroked her clit. Using his free hand, Chuck brought it up to her right breast and began playing with it, gently squeezing and kneading it while occasionally pinching her nipple. With Chuck's skilled hands working their magic on the beautiful blonde, hitting all the right spots, Sarah screamed in ecstasy as she was overcome with pleasure, her pussy and asshole clenching almost painfully around Chuck's fingers as she sprayed her juices on his hand.

Chuck simply grinned at his wife as she came down from her high, her cheeks flushed beautifully. Withdrawing his hand from her, he looked into Sarah's eyes as he made a show of licking her honey off of his hand, making her giggle breathlessly. "Mmm, Sarah I think you taste better than that tiramisu we had for desserts," he said huskily, savouring her flavour.

"Yeah, well better you eat me than tiramisu," she responded cheekily. "Because if you ate desserts as often as you eat me, you'd get fat."

"I'm sure we'd find some way to work it off," he shot back as he reached over to their bedside table for a tube of lubricant that kept there.

Realising what he wanted, she moved onto her hands and knees and hiked her teddy around her waist, as Chuck placed a decent amount of lube on his shaft and around Sarah's asshole. "Mmm, it feels like forever since you butt fucked me," she groaned as her husband fingered her ass to ensure she was well lubricated.

"Didn't I fuck you there four days ago?" he murmured, pulling out his finger and producing a slurping sound.

"Well it feels like ages," she pouted erotically.

Chuck chuckled as he lined himself up to her perfect ass. "God you're such a slut," he accused playfully.

"Mmhmm," she hummed as she placed her hands on her ass checks, spreading them to help her husband's penetration. "You're slut."

"You certainly are," he agreed, inserting his cockhead into her ass, causing both of them to moan. "And my slut is going to have her ass fucked."

Without any further hesitation, he slammed into her, causing his wife to scream loudly at the sudden intrusion. "Ohhhhhh, ohgod Chuck," she cried, relishing the feeling of her tight ass being stretched.

Said husband merely grunted in response, as he began settling into a steady tempo. Although any kind of sex with Sarah was incredible, fucking her ass was perhaps his favourite. Partly because even after eight years of being fucked, it was still as tight as the day he first nailed her, but mostly because it was a piece of his wife that was his and his alone. Other men had had sex with her before him, and even if one of those men had been the guy who screwed him over in college, it wasn't something that could really be helped. Her ass, though, her perfect ass that he had spent many lonely nights dreaming about before their relationship turned sexual, was given freely to him, on their first time together. Much like her heart, she had given it to him for him to enjoy however he wished.

Chuck shook his head at the last thought, inwardly berating himself at how ridiculous he was for comparing Sarah's heart to her ass. Although to be fair her ass was kind of heart shaped. Either way Chuck decided to abandon all thoughts about inappropriate comparison and focus on one of his favourite tasks; fucking Sarah's ass until she came, which judging by her moans, he was doing a pretty good job at.

Her fingers were busy diddling with clit and slipping in and out of her womanhood, matching the thrusts of her husband. "Ohgodohgodohgod," she cried as her second orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer.

His wife's cries of pleasure, combined with the glorious sensation of her asshole tightly squeezing his manhood, soon sent Chuck over the edge as he joined Sarah in orgasmic bliss. "Uhhrrr, Sarah, oh god baby," he grunted, grabbing her hips and thrusting hard inside her, emptying his load into her bowels.

Sarah groaned as she felt her husband's seed shoot inside of her, adoring the feeling of his baby batter painting her insides white. When Chuck had finished with one final spurt, he pulled out of her asshole with a pop as some of his semen spilt from her. Both of them panting heavily, they dropped onto their sides as they cuddled up to each other, Chuck spooning Sarah, his softening cock resting against her now well fucked ass as he wrapped his arms around her. "Happy anniversary babe," he whispered into her ear.

"Mmmm," she hummed in agreement as she closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to fall. "And as long as you keep fucking me like that, we're going to have a lot more."

Chuck breathlessly chuckled. "Something to look forward to," he murmured in response, he too closing his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too," she replied with a yawn.

As Sarah laid there in the arms of her husband, she couldn't help but think about Bryce. Once upon a time he had been the centre of her universe, even if she hadn't been the centre of his, but after meeting Chuck, he was barely an afterthought. Even today, after dealing with his absurd surprise visit and how anger it made her, simply spending five minutes with her husband and children pushed all thoughts about Bryce Larkin out of her head. Although to be fair, she supposed she did owe him some measure of gratitude, not just for saving her from Shaw, but also for her life as it is. After all, if Bryce hadn't sent Chuck the Intersect, she may have never met the wonderful human being who would become her husband and father of her beautiful children.

Yes the life she had now was absolutely perfect, and it really was Bryce's fault.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and remember to review.