Finally, we have reached the end of our journey!
It's been 4 years mostly because of my procrastination but you guys have been my Guardians, for putting up with my inactivity and my incoherence, crack and insecurities (and the unnecessary details of my life in the A/Ns). I thought I'd finish it last year, but due to unforeseen circumstances and the need to focus on my acads, I gave up on writing for a long while. Now, I found the motivation to push myself to finish it because you're all amazing for sticking with me this far.
First of all, I send many blessings in Magpie and Pies' direction because reading Pie's Dare Box cracked me up all the time and left me wanting more. So I thought, why not make one for KHR because you can't deny the fact that these children are walking disasters.
I've always felt like I was adequate as a writer, but never good enough to match up to those who were eons ahead of me. Sometimes, it was an inspiration but other times, it just left me in the dumps. Seeing all your comments about how much you enjoyed it, how happy it made you… It really, really filled me with lots of confidence and a sense of accomplishment. That my writing made someone somewhere happy, even if it was just a little bit. My ego meter was all full, by the way. You guys are amazing.
Thank you for suggesting such fantastic dares because I could barely go anywhere with the ones my brain came up with. I'm sorry for not being able to incorporate all of them (as much as I've have loved to) but I tried to fit them around and mix them to suit the flow of the story. Thank you, too, for pointing out my silly mistakes because I only notice half a year later that Gokudera is Gokudera and not Gogkudera or something. I had a hard time with my own point system and my Math fails me, apparently, so thank you for pointing out inaccuracies in tallies too. I apologise, too, if I haven't ever replied to your comment because I was losing track of everything fast. If you'd ever like to talk, feel free to drop a PM or find me on G+/Tumblr/AO3. Since links don't seem to work on profile, just PM me if you'd like to know what my contacts for those are.
But, this isn't some farewell note or something.
I'm writing some mostly canon compliant Magic AU with not-so low-key 1827 , but I'm not sure if it'll ever come to see the light of day. If it does, keep an eye out for it!
Now go, read some reunion fic or something.
(I'll continue to edit this fic to get rid of inaccuracies and things that don't tally up. I've lost the original files because deletes them after 3 months, yeah. Because of that, I've been lazy to copy-paste things x'D)
Much love,