A/N: Hi guys this is obviously a new story and thank you for clicking on it. I really hope that you all like this one. Please review/follow/favorite. It helps me a lot to have feedback. If anyone has suggestions don't be afraid to just PM me or put it in the review. I am still not over Cam's death on the show and therefore, I will never kill him in my fan fictions. If you read my story"Fresh Start, or Maybe not", I will update regularly, but I feel like no one is reading it, so if you want more of that please tell me. I will keep writing it if you do. Thanks again! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi or the Toronto Maple leafs.


Campbell Saunders proposed to Maya after being drafted into the NHL right after high school. She was ecstatic and of course agreed to marry the boy she loved for just less than three years. Neither of their families had particularly supported the marriage of the young couple, but they were still part of it all. They got married the summer after Maya graduated from high school in a small ceremony with only their closest friends and family members.

Maya was in her second year of college at TU and Campbell a star player on the Toronto Maple Leafs, when the loving couple had an unexpected surprise. At the young ages of 20 and 21, they were expecting a baby. Campbell's family was excited, but Maya's was worried. They figured that having a baby would prevent Maya from pursuing her dream of being a cellist in the New York Philharmonic, and they were right.

After their blue eyed, brown haired, beautiful 5lb. 9oz. baby girl was born, Maya decided that she couldn't handle both school and a child. She ended up giving up her dream, and dropping out of TU after her third year as a Music Performance major to take care of baby Alexis Faith Saunders.

Maya of course missed school, but she loved Campbell and Lexi more than anything, and was happy to spend more time with them. They were very lucky. Cam's position on the Maple Leafs left them financially secure, and they had far fewer worries than most people their age with kids.

At this point, little Lexi is four and a half, and Maya and Cam have been married for six happy years.

Maya's POV

"Patty cake, Patty cake, baker's man, Bake me a cake as fast as you can… roll it… pat it… and mark…" I am interrupted by the front door opening and Lexi hopping off of my lap to greet Campbell. "Daddy!" she yells as she runs top speed through the doorway and into the foyer where her father is just getting home from a week on the road for hockey.

I smile and make my way to the foyer where Cam is drowning Lexi in kisses and hugs. "Oh, I missed you so much, you little Munchkin!" He says squeezing her tightly. After a minute or two of clinging to him, she finally releases him, and grabs his hand attempting to drag him into the living room.

"Hey Lex, do you think I can give mommy a hug before we go play?" he asks he in the adorable high voice he always uses with her. "Yeyah!" she says letting go of his hand.

He gives me a curious look, and I know exactly why. In the last week Lexi has been saying "yeyah" instead of yeah or yes.

"I don't know…" I shake my head amused as he walks toward me with open arms. "I missed you M." He whispers in my ear, embracing me tightly. "I missed you more, Cheesy." I announce taking in his familiar scent.

He breaks away from the hug keeping his arms around my waist, and leans his forehead against mine before pressing his lips to mine lovingly. I feel his smile against my lips I pull away from the sweet, innocent kiss and stare into those gorgeous brown eyes that I have been missing since the moment he left. "I love you" I say grinning at him widely.

"I love you more" he says mocking me, and tapping my nose. He leans in for another kiss this time with much more passion behind it. He tries to deepen the kiss by sticking his tongue in my mouth, but I keep my mouth closed on account of the fact that our daughter is in the next room. He moves his hands down lower and squeezes my butt causing me to gasp. He takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, and then a few seconds later we are interrupted by Lexi saying "Eyew!" loudly. I guess she is saying a lot of words funny this week.

"Daddy, come play! Lexi jumps anxiously. He gives me a smirk, and follows her into the living room.

I walk into the living room with them, and Lexi is already super excited. "Look Daddy! Look what Papa got me!" She shouts showing Cam the remote control car that my dad had brought her yesterday.

"Ooh, it's nice Lexi, but let's use our inside voice." Cam says nicely trying to quiet our enthusiastic baby girl.

"Okay" she whispers "Can we play with it Daddy? Mommy said I had to wait for you…" she begs him with the sad blue puppy dog eyes that he can't say no to.

"Of course we can Munchy!" He responds picking up the toy car still in its packaging. He opens the box, and she waits impatiently. "Can we play with it outside, Daddy?" She asks giddily, and Cam looks at me asking if it's okay.

I mouth "Your choice", and he of course says "I don't see why not. Let's go out on the patio."

He carries the car and the remote to the door off of the kitchen, and Lexi follows. I stop her at the door making sure to get her sneakers on as well as a jacket before letting her out into the chilly autumn air.

The second her coat is zipped up she dashes outside to meet with Cam. I stay inside, and watch from the door for a few minutes. It took him a few minutes for him to get it working, but when he did Lexi started jumping up and down like crazy. She was so happy.

I walked upstairs to get the hampers so I could start the laundry, and then back into the kitchen to start dinner. I decided that tonight I would surprise Cam with his favorite, and make Spaghetti and meatballs using the recipe his mom finally gave me over the phone the other day.

While shaping meatballs I look out the window, and see that they had given up on the race car, and Cam was now pushing Lexi on the swing. I notice that he is pushing her a little too high for my liking, so I open the window and shout "Not so high!"Worriedly.

"She'll be fine! Don't worry so much! He yells back. I shoot him one last worried look before going back to my cooking. Not even ten minutes later, I hear my daughter screaming bloody murder, and crying. I quickly wash the raw meat residue from my hands and run outside where Cam is carrying her, and running toward the door with a freaked out look on his face.

"Mommy!" She screams as he carries her in, and sets her down on the counter to assess the injury. I look at my crying four year old, and see that her nose is bleeding uncontrollably. It has barely been a minute since the initial scream, and her jacket was already drenched in blood.

"I told you not to push the swing so high!" I yell at Cam angrily rushing to my Lexi grabbing a box of tissues on my way to her. I try my best to subdue her bleeding nose, and can't believe how much blood she has lost. She is so small, and can't possibly have much more blood in her body.

She is starting to turn pale, and the bleeding won't stop. I turn to Cam who is staring at her with nervous face, and tears welling in his eyes.

"Call my mom!" I scream at him hysterically starting to panic.

He grabs his cell phone and quickly dials the number, and I look back at my daughter who is no longer crying, but looking very afraid.

I can guarantee we are not helping by freaking out. "Umm Margaret, Lexi fell off the swing, and her nose is bleeding really badly, and we don't know how to stop it. What do we do?" Cam asks the phone seeming really scared.

"After he listens for a minute he seems reassured. "Your mom says we have to calm down." He says to me trying to hold in his uneasiness.

"Okay… Now lean her head forward, and have her spit out any blood in her mouth." He says still tense, and with a tear stained face. "Hold her nose with the tissue for ten minutes."

I do what he says, and eventually her nose stops bleeding. I take the phone from him. "Thank you so much mom. I'm sorry to bug you. I just didn't know what else to do."

"Maya, it's fine, just calm down. It's a nosebleed, nothing too serious. Remember that you can call me whenever you need to. First time parenthood is scary." She assures me.

"Okay… thank you again. I love you… Bye." I say as calmly as I can. I still feel very anxious, and my hands are shaking. I lift Lexi off of the counter, and return her back to the floor taking off her blood covered jacket.

Once I stand back up, I burst into tears. I put my hand over my mouth trying to contain my sobs, but it's to no avail.

Cam lowers himself to Lexi's level by getting on his knees, and hugs her tightly repeating over and over how sorry he is. She has calmed down a lot since the initial fall, and is a lot more okay with everything than we are.

I continue to cry, and start cleaning the blood off of everything. When I get all of the blood cleaned up, Cam stands up, and sees me crying hysterically. He walks over to me and tries to hug me, and I let him, but I don't put my arms around him. I lean my head on his shoulder and sob for upward near ten minutes.

"Maya, I'm so sorry." He says still really upset himself. "I'm a terrible father." He says nervously.

"No, you're a great dad. She adores you, just no more swing set for a while." I say still shaking, but trying to make him feel a bit better.

I take a deep breath to calm myself and t really helps. "Okay…Cam, could you give her a bath while I make dinner?" I ask him calming down.

"Okay… Yeah… I can do that." He says exiting the kitchen, and bringing Lexi up the foyer stairs still shaken up.

I decide that I am not up for making the spaghetti tonight, and put the stuff in the fridge for the next day. I take a frozen pizza from the freezer, and decide that for tonight that would have to do. "Maya, Could you come up here?"Cam calls from upstairs concerned.

I rush up the stairs worried that her nose had started bleeding again, but when I get to the bathroom I see that she isn't bleeding, but she is bruised.

"Oh my god!" I blurt rushing to examine the bruises all over her body.

"Is this normal? How hard did she fall?" I ask Cam with a fearful tone.

"No, and not that hard" he responds looking really sorry. "Well, I think we should just see what happens. I'm sure she's fine." I say hiding the fact that I am terrified.

"Okay… if you say so" He says taking her out of the bath, and getting her pajamas on her.

I am nervous, but like my mom said we should calm down, and keep in mind that kid's fall, and get hurt. It's just what they do.

Okay guys tell me what you think... Thanks for reading!