Dearest Charlie,

How have you been? How is Romania and that friend of yours? I open you've been keeping out of trouble.

Your father has gotten tickets to the Quidditch World Cup this summer, and he happens to have three extra. Obviously, we're giving one to Harry and one to Hermione, but we don't know what to do with the extra one.

Everyone but me is going, and that include you and Bill.

Write me soon,



That extra ticket, can I have it? I'd love to bring one of my friends here.



Charlie grumbled, waving a hand to whoever was talking to him, and rolled over, dragging the covers over his head.


"Five more minutes." He slurred out, burying his face into his pillow. There was a sigh from above him, and the covers were suddenly ripped from his body. Charlie glared upwards and was met by the amused face of his best friend.

She grinned, tossed her spiky hair and snickered as his blue eyes drifted down to the wonderful view she was giving him of her cleavage.

"You'd think if someone woke up to this every morning," Charlie began, sitting up. His friend ended up sitting on his lap, still grinning. "He'd get used to seeing his best friend's boobs."

"All men are the same. When faced with boobs, stare." She laughed, climbing off him and striding over to the bed on the other side of the room. She rummaged through the trunk at the end of her bed, and emerged with a light tanktop and a pair of tight gold jeans. Charlie yawned, rising from his own bed. "I had a shower before getting you up. I'll finish your packing before we leave for the Burrow."

The redhead grumbled something about early rising best friends and breathing fire.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, Jinx!" He sang, darting into the bathroom, laughing. Jinx shook her head and flicked her wand. The clothes lying all over the room picked themselves up and divided into the two trunks in the room. Breakfast, which consisted of Count Chocula and Fruit Loops, appeared on the small table below the window.

"Are we stopping to get Bill?" She yelled as the shower started up. Charlie shrieked, quite like a girl, and Jinx snickered as she poured other boxes into her bowl and filled it with milk. Moments later, a shivering and drenched Weasley appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, glaring and wearing only a towel.

"Yes. And why, in Merlin's name, did you use up all the hot water!?"

"Cold water is-"

"You know what, no. Just shush." Charlie growled, grabbing up the clothes Jinx had left on his bed. "I don't care about your twisted Asian ways. I don't do cold water."

"Pity. You look positively dashing." She snickered. "Shaking in your towel."

"That's it. You, Miss Jarvis, have earned yourself a punishment!"

"No! Not that!" Jinx screeched, jumping up and darting towards the door. Unfortunately, a stocky redhead blocked her pathway to freedom. His hands closed around her waist, and his fingers began a torturous dance along her sides. Jinx shrieked. "Char, you know I'm ticklish! Stop it!"


A knock on the door silenced the two friends, and Jinx opened the door to one of their neighbours.

"As much as I appreciate the wake-up alarm," The tanned and calloused male outside crossed his arms. "I'd much prefer it later. Now, shut up."

"Sorry!" Jinx tossed her hair and pouted at him. He blinked at her and flushed slightly. "It won't happen for the rest of the summer. Would you be a dear and keep our room clean while we're gone?"

"Uh, sure." The man stammered. Jinx shut the door in his face and laughed.

"Sometimes, I swear you're a Veela."

"You wish."

"Not really. I'd have to beat away all the other guys."

"Really, Weasley. Sometimes I swear you're like a jealous boyfriend."

"Nope. Just an over-protective best friend."

"Can we go now?"

"Sure thing."

"So, how exactly are we getting to the Burrow?" Bill eyed the two standing before him with devious grins.

"I suggest you stand back." Charlie led his brother nearly fifty feet away from the raven-haired girl in black and gold. He lifted his thumbs, and seconds later, a thirty-foot dragon stood where she had been. "We're riding on Jinx."

"That could be taken so badly." Bill shook his head and clambered onto the dip between the Jinx's neck and back. Charlie pulled himself up behind his brother.

"Hang on tight."

With a powerful downward motion, the wings on either side of the dragon filled with air. Two more enormous gusts of wind hit the two men, and the black dragon lifted into the air. Jinx chuckled at the two, watching them with one of her enormous violet eyes.

Bill shrank back from her gaze and Charlie laughed, throwing his arms over his head. Jinx's mouth lifted into a smile, showing her sharp ivory teeth. The witch dipped one of her wings down and suddenly they were corkscrewing through the air.

Bill screamed.

"Don't do that!"

Bill walked into the kitchen, very careful making sure that his thighs didn't touch. Charlie followed him seconds after, leaving Jinx, still in her Animagus form, on the lawn.

"Hi, Mum." Bill grumbled.

"Mum!" Charlie laughed, and then he went quiet. "Okay. So before you freak out-"

"There's a dragon on my lawn!" Molly Weasley shrieked, staring out the window of the kitchen. Jinx rolled her shoulders, and began shifting. The process, though no longer painful, made horrible snapping and grinding sounds.

The raven-haired woman sauntered into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"Hi! I'm Jinx Jarvis. You must be Molly Weasley. It's nice to finally meet the one Charlie got his looks from."

"Suck up." Charlie hissed. Jinx slammed the heel of her stiletto into his foot.

"Yes. Nice to meet you, Jinx. Are you okay with rooming with these two?" Molly gestured to Bill and Charlie, who was glaring at her.

"Of course. We're adults, we can control ourselves." Jinx flashed a smile, tucking her spiky hair behind her ear. "From what I've heard, the Weasley clan is bigger than just the three of you."

"My husband, Arthur, Fred, George, and Ron have gone to get Harry. Hermione and Ginny are upstairs and Percy is in his room again." Molly shook her head. There was a sound in the living room.

"Mum, we're back!"

"Hullo, George."

"I'm Fred."

"Sorry, darling." Jinx hopped onto the table between Bill and Charlie.

"Forge, help me with Harry's trunk."

"Ouch, George!"

"Bloody hell, Ron! Wait a minute, will you!?" One of what Jinx assumed was a twin appeared, hopping onto the table across from her, and he was followed by another gangly redheaded boy.

"Lively bunch, aren't they?" The eldest two Weasley boys nodded.

"Did he eat it?" One of the twins asked.

"Yeah. What was it?" A new voice asked.

"Ton-Tongue Toffee." Said the same twin. "George and I invented them. We've been looking for someone to test them on all summer..."

The kitchen exploded with laughter. From the sound of the sweet's name, Jinx had a pretty good idea of what it did. Her melodic laugh joined in with Bill's chuckles and Charlie's roars.

"How're you doing, Harry?" Charlie smiled at the black haired boy who appeared in the kitchen, pushing his glasses up his nose. Charlie held out one of his large hands, and Harry shook. Jinx had a good idea of who Harry was, if it wasn't obvious enough.

Bill stood and shook hands with Harry too. Before anyone could comment on Jinx's presence, and Arthur appeared over one of the twins' shoulders.

"That wasn't funny, Fred." He shouted. "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything." Fred said with an evil grin. "I just dropped it. It was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

"You dropped it on purpose!" Arthur roared. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet-"

"How big did his tongue get?" The other twin, George asked eagerly.

"It was four foot long before his parents would let me shrink it!"

The kitchen began laughing again.

"It isn't funny! That sort of behaviour seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against mistreatment of Muggle and my own sons-"

"We didn't give it to him because he was a Muggle!" Fred protested.

"No, we gave it to him because a great bullying git. Isn't he, Harry?" George nodded.

"Yeah, he is, Mr Weasley." Harry said earnestly.

"That's not the point!" raged Arthur. "You wait until I tell your mother-"

"Tell me what?" Molly had returned from taking Harry's trunk up stairs.

"Oh, hello, Harry dear." She waved. Then her eyes snapped back to her husband. "Tell me what, Arthur?"

Arthur was hesitating. Jinx could tell. She'd heard about Molly from Charlie, and she knew better than to go against the woman. She was a force all on her own.

Then, two girls appeared behind Molly Weasley. The one, with bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth, must have been Ron's friend Hermione Granger. The other girl, a redhead, was the youngest Weasley child, Ginny.

"Tell me what, Arthur?" Molly repeated in a dangerous tone.

"It's nothing, Molly. Fred and George just -but I've had words with them-"

"What have they done this time?" Molly growled. "If it's got anything to do with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes-"

"Why don't you show Harry where he's sleeping, Ron?" Hermione suggested.

"He knows where he's sleeping." Ron, the gangly one, muttered. "In my room. He slept there last-"

"We can all go." She said pointedly.

"Oh. Right."

"Yeah, we'll come, too." George said.

"You stay where you are!" Molly snarled.

"How bout we play a game of two-on-one Quidditch." Jinx whispered to the older two boys, eyeing the brewing argument and the sulking twins.

"Sounds good." Charlie nodded. "Mum, we'll be out in the yard."

"Oh course, Charlie dear. Make sure the three of you are back in time for dinner." Molly smiled.

The two eldest children and Jinx vanished outside, heading for the garage a few feet away, where the brooms were kept.

"So, brooms." Bill stood in front of the door, glaring at it slightly.

"I have my own." Jinx smirked.

"No, not the-"

"Oh yes. Me, against you two."

"We're gonna die." Charlie beat his head against the stones.

"Accio Firebolt."

Bill joined his brother in beating his head.

"Bill, Charlie," Molly poked her head out the front door, eyes narrowed slightly at the three young adults lying in a heaped pile on the front lawn. "Would you be dears and set up some tables outside?"

"Sure." They grumbled. Jinx sent Mrs Weasley a reassuring smile before it morphed into a mischievous grin.

"The tables are over here. Help us would you, Jinxy?" Charlie sent a pair of puppy dogs eyes at his best friend.

"Sure thing, Char."

"You call him Char?" Bill lifted an eyebrow as the three dove into the garage searching for tables.

"Yeah. It's got a story behind it too."

"Not this again."

"Do tell." Charlie groaned as Jinx jumped into the story of how she'd nearly burned all his hair off, and the scent of charred meat had lingered around him for a month.

"Here's a question for you." Bill said suddenly, right as she finished her story. They'd been tossing a half-deflated ball back and forth as she talked. "Can you breath fire in your human form?"

Charlie smashed his head against one of the tables and lifted it with his wand.

"I can. I'm also way warmer than a normal person. I actually steam in the cold. It's cool." Jinx snickered, sitting on the second table as Bill hovered it out of the garage.

"Please stop bragging about how you're always warm. Please!" Charlie whined, setting down his table. Jinx's wand was in her hand and she pointed it at his table. With a swift flick, the table was chasing after Charlie and beating him over the head.

"Ow!" His howls of pain had brought out Ginny and the twins, who were finished being yelled at. Jinx laughed as she stood, grinning wickedly.

Bill suddenly sent his table after her. Jinx screeched, bolting after Charlie as she continued to beat him with the table. Charlie spun, and Jinx froze.

She looked both ways at the tables flying for her, and hit the ground, covering her head as the two tables collided.

When Harry Potter and Ron came outside, Charlie and Bill were trying to knock the other's table out of the air, Fred and George were cheering them on, Ginny was laughing, and the girl the boys had yet to meet was standing directly underneath the two rams, shooting fire at them. She had her back to the group of younger kids, but it was pretty neat to watch.

Bill's table caught Charlie's with a huge bang, and knocked one of it's legs off. There was a clatter as the leg, which had been deflected away by the raven-haired young woman, hit the side of the Burrow. Percy's poked his head out.

"Will you keep it down!?" He bellowed.

"Sorry, Perce," said Bill. "How're the cauldron bottoms coming on?"

"If you will," Charlie gestured to his brother. The girl grinned.

"Percy!" She called, smiling prettily, and pushed her boobs together 'accidentally'. "We're so sorry! Can you forgive us?!"

Percy flushed bright red, nodded, and slammed his window closed. Bill, Charlie and his lady friend burst into laughter, falling against one another. Chuckling still, Bill and Charlie directed the two tables safely onto the grass, end to end, and reattached the broken leg. The girl conjured table clothes from no where.

By seven, the two tables were groaning under dishes and dishes of Mrs Weasley's excellent cooking, and nine Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Charlie's friend were settling themselves down to eath beneath a clear, deep-blue sky.

Jinx heaped her plate with twice as much as Ron, and proceeded to eat as though she were starving.

"You'd think you'd never eaten." Charlie snorted, chewing a piece of chicken, which Jinx promptly stole the last bite of. "That was my chicken, woman!"

"That's nice." Jinx grinned as every head turned to look at the pair, while Bill snickered quietly.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce you to the rest of the family! Silly me!" Molly flushed. "Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, this is Charlie's friend Jinx Jarvis."

"Your name is Jinx." Ron looked at her strangely. Jinx nodded, lifting an eyebrow. "And you're a witch."

"My mother had a strange sense of humour." Jinx shrugged.

"Are you dating Charlie?" One of the twins leaned forward. Percy leaned closer.

Jinx and Charlie shared a look and burst out laughing. "Me? Date him? Please, we're just roommates!"

"I thought we were best friends!" Charlie wailed dramatically, placing a hand against his forehead. "I see where I stand."

"I'm so sorry, Charlie. It's the truth. I've been fattening you up to sacrifice you to my gods."

"I knew those Asians corrupted you!" Charlie promptly burst into 'tears', while Jinx continued to eat as though nothing had happened.

"There, there." Bill patted his brother's hand with a sweet smile. "It's okay. I knew the entire time!"

"You knew!?"

"Of course. I was helping!"

"Mommy! Jinx corrupted my older brother! Help!"

"Mommy?" Molly lifted an eyebrow. "What Mommy? Harry, do you see a Mommy around here?"

Harry nodded, pointing to Fred, who grinned. The twin leapt from his seat and threw himself at his older brother, stroking his head.

"It's okay, baby!" Fred cooed. "Mommy's here. Daddy, come here."

Ron hurried over, and awkwardly pat his head.

"And Charlie I must confess," Jinx was holding in her laughter now as she stood. "I've always loved your brother!"

"Which one?!" Charlie stared in horror as Jinx trotted around the table and dropped into Percy's lap. Percy blushed seven shades of red, and spluttered as she planted a kiss on his cheek. "Percy! Percy, you best friend-slash-roommate stealing bastard! I'm going to beat you!"

"No! I don't- I never!"

"You don't love me!?" Jinx wailed, throwing herself at George, who was more than willing to take her into his arms. "Then I'll go after your other brother! And it'll make you jealous!"

"It's okay!" George assured as Jinx grinned down at him from her place straddling his lap. "I'll take care of you."

"It's okay, darling!" Jinx cried, seeing the tears of laughter on George's face. She shoved his head down on her breasts, petting his head. "I won't sacrifice you like your brother!"

Hermione and Molly shared a look and sighed as if to say 'Why us?'. Arthur, Harry and Ginny were very nearly pissing themselves laughing.

Once everyone had calmed down, after a 'tearful' reunion of best friends, they proceeded on with dinner.

"Look at the time," Mrs Weasley said suddenly, checking her wristwatch. "You really should be in bed, the whole lot of you. You'll be up at the crack of dawn to get to the Cup. Harry, if you leave your school list out, I'll get your things for you tomorrow in Diagon Alley. I'm getting everyone else's. There might not be time after the World Cup. The match went on for five days last time."

"Wow! I hope it does this time!" Harry grinned.

"Well, I certainly don't." Percy sniffed.

Jinx turned to Arthur.

"What time do we have to be up by tomorrow?" She asked. "I'll have to get Charlie up. Probably Bill too."

Charlie twitched and looked like he wanted to beat his head against the table.

"Char. Char. Char. Char. Char."

Charlie grumbled, batting at Jinx's shoulder, before pulling her back when she moved and sunlight hit his face.

"Five more minutes." Charlie grumbled.

"So you don't want to watch me get Bill and then Percy up?"

"I'm up!" Charlie bolted up right and watched Jinx stride to Bill's bed, where he was snoring softly. Her 'pajamas' tonight consisted of a green bra with white lace and a pair of matching panties. He grinned as she crawled up Bill's sleeping body, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Biiiiill." Jinx crooned, poking his arm. Bill grumbled, swatting at her hand. "Bill."

"Five mor..." The eldest Weasley kid began snoring again. Jinx shook her head, and put her head close to his ear. Charlie snickered quietly.

"Bill Weasley," Jinx' hissed. "If you don't get up right now, I'm going to burn off the organ most precious to you."

Bill groaned and opened his eyes, only to get an eyeful of boobs. He grinned.

"I like waking up this way. Make a habit of it."

"Including the part where I threaten to cut off Little Bill?" Jinx smirked.

"Except that."

"Come watch me wake Percy up."

Percy was having a wonderful dream where he was Minister of Magic, and there was a pretty woman next to him with spiky black hair and violet eyes.

"Percy, darling, wake up." The girl beside him smiled.

"But I've got some paperwork to do."

"Percy." A finger traced down his chest in real life. "Percy, wake up. I wanna go another round."

He was instantly awake, a look of horror on his face. Percy was out of bed in an instant, flying past his older brothers and downstairs.


Molly looked up from the jumper she was knitting. "That's nice dear."


Bill, Charlie and a fully dressed Jinx appeared downstairs. "Is Percy okay?"

"You!" He levelled a finger with Jinx's chest, blushing furiously. "You- You- You were in my bed! You raped me!"

"I did? Charlie, Bill, do you remember me leaving any point last night?"

"No, I would have remembered it." Bill shook his head. "The three of us were...busy."

Percy paled, and flew upstairs to slam his door.

"Don't scar him too much, dears. Breakfast is on the table."

Bill, Charlie, Jinx and Percy came strolling out of the woods towards the Weasley tent. Jinx held a bag labelled with some candy store they'd never heard of, and a lollipop was stuck in her red-painted mouth.

Her choice of outfit for the day consisted of a sleeveless corset top which sat above her toned belly, a green and black short skirt, a bright red studded belt, a pair of black and dark grey striped thigh socks, and a pair of tight red boots. Over the top she wore a green jacket with brighter green designs along the edges.

Jinx's spiky black hair had green dye in her bangs and the tips. Her violet eyes were lined with black eyeliner, and her hair was kept away from her ears by a headband with a small green hat attached to it.

She grinned around her sweet.

"Just Apparated, Dad." Percy announced loudly, striding ahead of the three young adults. "Ah, excellent, lunch!"

"You would have had breakfast with us," Jinx pulled her lollipop out to talk. "If you hadn't been so scared to sit with us."

Percy flushed red and the other three laughed.

"Fred, I think we're missing something."


"Percy," Jinx cooed. "Percy. I wanna go another round."

Percy hurried into the tent as the campsite dissolved into laughter. Jinx smugly put her lollipop back into her mouth.

"Oi!" Ron shouted. "When'd you get candy?"

"Mm? Oh, Charlie, Bill and I had some time to kill, so we went candy shopping. I'm not sharing."

"Pleeease!?" The twins grinned. Jinx lifted an eyebrow, looked at her bag, and flicked her wand. It shrank, and she tucked it in her cleavage.

"If you want it," she leaned forward, shifting in her six inch red pumps. "You'll have to catch me first~!"

"Jinx! Come back!" Charlie yelled, taking off after her. Fred and George shared a look and took off with Bill and Ron on their heels.

Seamus and Dean watched as nearly the entire clan of Weasleys ran by chasing a laughing girl in bright red pumps. They shared a look and bolted after Ron.

"Why are you running?" Dean asked the redheaded Gryffindor fourth year.

"Jinx has candy! In her cleavage!" He exclaimed.

"She the girl with black hair?" Seamus grinned.


"Jinx!" They yelled along with the Weasley clan.

Jinx glanced over her shoulder at the yelling clan of Weasleys-plus-two, snickering. Her violet eyes turned back to the front just in time to launch herself over the head of a platinum blond in expensive looking Muggle clothes.

"Sorry, Snowflake." She grinned, running backwards. The boy had been knocked to the ground in fright. "Didn't see you there!"

"Don't you know who I am!?" The blond snarled. Jinx shrugged, and continued running. "I'm Draco Malfoy! Stupid wench."

"Jinx! Come back!" Draco leapt out of the way as a herd of Weasleys stampeded past.

"Should have known." He sneered.

The Bulgarian National Quidditch Team was gathered around the entrance of their large tent, going over their strategies for the match. Viktor suddenly frowned.

"Do you hear something?"

"No. Should ve?" Marcoff tilted his head.

A young woman suddenly burst through their group.

"Sorry!" She yelled over her shoulder.

"She...looks familiar." Viktor murmured, crossing his arms. A group of redheads bolted past their meeting.


"Ah, that is vhy."

"Vhat do you mean?" Marcoff stared at the Seeker funny.

"That is Jinx Jarvis." Viktor supplied. "She played a Seeker for China's Quidditch Team for two years."

Percy looked up as Jinx entered the tent, and then dove back into his book on cauldrons. Hermione and Ginny were playing Exploding Snap, and Harry was talking with Arthur about mircowaves.

"Did they get it?" Ginny asked.

"You're kidding, right?" The raven snorted. "I left them on the other side of the campground, and then Apparated over here again."

"Smart." Hermione nodded.

"Would you like a piece of candy? I need another lollipop."

"Oh, hey." Jinx looked up at the dirty looking Weasleys from where she was lounging on the couch in practically nothing. "You made it back."

She stuck her lollipop back into her still red mouth and smirked.

"Does she know that's kind of hot?" Fred leaned over to Charlie, who nodded. "Blasted woman."

"You don't have to live with her."

"I can hear you." Jinx leaned on the armrest, grinning devilishly. "Arthur's making dinner and the girls are napping. Percy's still in the corner. That, of course, leaves everyone busy...Which means we could have some fun."

She wiggled her arched eyebrows. The boys shared grins.

"Bill, clean the kitchen area. Charlie, go deal with the beds. Twins, clean the carpets and the dining room. Don't disturb the girls or Percy. You," She pointed a finger at Ron.

"Me!" He squeaked as the other moaned and groaned before going to do chores.

"You, come here." Ron shuffled forward, and Jinx sprawled onto her stomach. "Give me a backrub."

"Er, okay." He sat beside her. Jinx snorted.

"Your wife is going to be so disappointed. I'll have to train you. Up on the couch, Weasley. You can sit on my arse." Ron moved until he was straddling her, and then tried again. "There you go. That's better."

Ron blushed furiously as she moaned her appreciation. Fred and George grumbled about how lucky he was and Jinx fixed an amused violet gaze on them.

"You're scheduled for tomorrow."