Epilogue part 2

So, some people pointed out that there were some loose ends to tie up and I decided to write an extra part of the epilogue because I would hate to disappoint any lovely people. That, and any excuse to write some smut, but this is the last thing I post. And I apologise in advance, for being a sap… I got a little carried away.

Cas lets the water run over his hand until it warms up enough for him to get in. He jumps in, eager to warm his naked flesh. He only has a few moments of privacy before he hears the bathroom door open. He prays to God that it's Dean barging in and not Sam, thinking it's just Dean showering. It'd happened once before and, to make matters worse, it'd been one of the times that Dean was in there with him.

Dean and Cas had been indisposed to say the least. Cas remembers having Dean's hands covering the back of his and having them pinned against the wet, shower wall. Cas was allowed to moan softly as Dean pounded into the back of him, the shower muffling his noises. Well, until Sam walked in.

"Hey, Dean," he said, in a tone to excuse himself, Dean's hand immediately slid over Cas' mouth, "I can't find my deodorant, do you have some?"

"Yeah, go ahead... it's in the cabinet." Dean admitted, his voice loud and rough in Cas' ear. Cas felt his heart beat fast, just praying that Sam would leave without him slipping up, he just concentrated on breathing evenly. It was going to be fine until Cas felt a sensual kiss placed on the back of his neck and he knew he was in trouble. Dean began slowly pumping in and out of Cas. The thin shower curtain was all they had to keep Sam from seeing the full frontal show!

Cas tried to give Dean every silent warning he could think of but it didn't help. He could hear Sam rummaging through the toiletries.

"I can't find it!" Sam complained.

"It's in there!" Dean responded with a practiced, even voice, "Green can!"

Sam continued to rummage as Cas endured the pleasure without making a sound. And then, Dean had to go and roll his hips in that special way he does and ruin everything. He perfectly hit Cas' sweet spot and Cas couldn't help the cry that escaped him. With Dean's hand over his mouth, it was muffled but still audible. Cas prayed that the sound of the shower had muted it for Sam's ears. Cas considered it okay when Sam continued to rummage, like nothing had happened.

"Dean, I don't think it's in here," Sam repeated.

"Alright, try my room," Dean suggested.

"Yeah," Sam agreed, "I'll leave you two alone, now." Cas' stomach dropped as he heard Sam's retreating footsteps and, just as he opened the bathroom door to leave, he added, "Good morning, Castiel."

Cas hastily removed his muzzle, "Good Morning, Sam," he responded, his voice a tad higher than he wanted. Sam shut the bathroom door and Dean erupted in chuckles.

"That was not funny," Cas complained but Dean still laughed and guided Cas back into their previous position.

"That was priceless," Dean commented and he nibbled at Cas' neck and waited for a delighted moan to signal that he was forgiven before continuing.

But today, luckily, he hears the familiar heavy shuffle that he recognises to be Dean's footsteps. Sam's much lighter on his feet, despite his enormous physique.

"I hope you're not using all the hot water in there," Dean says and Cas hears him fumble through the cabinet.

"If you're that concerned, by all means, join me… we can save water," Cas retorts and he enjoys the hearty chuckle he receives.

"If you make me late for work again, Bobby will have my ass," Dean responds.

Cas smiles to himself. He'd pulled a similar trick last Saturday when Dean had to go work for Bobby at the garage. Dean had refused him, which Cas didn't take too kindly to. While Dean had been shaving, Cas started to jerk himself off, not quietly, either.

"Cas," Dean had begun curiously, "what are you doing in there?"

Cas let out another obvious moan, "What do you think, Dean?" He'd asked, "I'm touching myself and picturing me fucking you."

"Cas," Dean said seriously and Cas heard the sound of him thump the counter in frustration, "That is not fair!"

Cas laughed, "I don't know what you're talking about, Dean."

Then, all he heard was a frustrated grunt, some shuffling around and, next thing he knew, Dean was in the shower with him.

"You're a real prick for this," he complained but he'd let Cas rough him up and have his way with him, anyway. Cas had gotten in even more trouble when Dean had gotten to work half an hour late and Bobby had left when Dean had started shaving, telling him he'd leave straight after. It wasn't hard for Bobby to put the pieces together.

But, lucky for Dean, Cas is too considerate to play with him today.

Cas flavours his tone with a pout, "Fine," he says unhappily. He senses an eye roll from behind the curtain. "Then you don't get mine," he adds and Dean responds with a delightful laugh.

Cas dips his head underwater and starts washing his hair.

"What time will you be back?" Cas asks.

"Eleven," Dean responds with his mouth full and Cas can tell that he's brushing his teeth. "Bobby says he only needs me for a few hours." Dean spits into the sink, "Are you alright to hang out until then?"

"Certainly," Cas says quickly. "I'll just go through your belongings while you're gone," he jokes.

Dean chuckles, "Just don't look under my bed…" he warns, his tone light, "there's some magazines there you might find distasteful."

"Let me guess, you only read them for the articles?" Cas asks smartly.

"No, I definitely read them for the nudes," Dean quips.

Cas rolls his eyes, "Busty Asian Beauties?" He asks, his tone a little disapproving.

Dean spits into the sink, "And one copy of Macho Erotica magazine," Dean mutters under his breath.

"What!?" Cas bursts out laughing, "Really?"

Dean blushes, "It was when we first started hanging out," he justifies, "I was just seeing if-,"

"If you were really gay?" Cas asks, humour still obvious in his voice. "How'd that go for you?"

Dean spits and then coughs, "Yeah… it's, uhh, just you," he clarifies, "other men… other people don't seem to do it for me."

Cas beams to himself, "I see," is all he says, "that's very cute."

"Yeah, yeah," Dean dismisses, his mouth full once more. Cas hears him spit into the sink again and then wash his toothbrush under the tap. "Okay, I gotta go," Dean continues, "kiss," he insists and Cas pokes his head around the shower curtain to deliver. Dean smiles before caressing Cas' chin to guide him towards his own lips. He lingers longer than necessary for the kiss to be considered chaste. Dean pulls back to smile at his dripping wet boyfriend.

"God, you look good wet," he whispers.

Cas smiles widely, "So do you," he reminds him, biting his lip to show Dean his impure thoughts.

Dean rolls his eyes and gives him another quick kiss, "We still on for dinner tonight?" Dean asks.

"Of course," Cas agrees.

Dean grins in satisfaction, "Love you," he says, clipping Cas' chin before letting his hand drop.

"Love you too," Cas smiles and watches Dean dry his hand on a towel before disappearing behind the bathroom door. Cas continues to smile to himself, he'll never be able to get used to being with Dean. Their relationship was starting to look quite domestic and Cas can see himself getting used to it. It'd only been two months or so since they'd gotten back together but it felt like longer, in the good way. Dean and Cas can barely keep their hands off each other, still, but they've become a couple. They'd only had one fight in that time and it wasn't even much of a fight.

Cas and Dean were having lunch at school with their friends. Since they 'came out' their groups had merged. It was now Anna, Jo, Ash, Charlie, Garth, Dean and Cas. Cas knew that Anna had mixed feelings about Cas and Dean's reconciliation but she'd been supportive, nonetheless. They'd been happily having lunch when Meg and Ruby had come by. Meg had made some sarcastic comment about us looking like a happy family. It was nothing, but it started something.

"Bite me, Meg," Dean snapped.

She merely smiled sweetly, "Oh, I'll leave that to your little lap dog," she said, turning to Cas, "apparently there's nothing you can do to get rid of him."

Dean opened his mouth to retort and defend Cas but Cas beat him to it.

"Well, certainly not a few lies told by some jealous harpy," he snapped. Meg pulled a vile face before leaving.

Dean just frowned; he knew Cas wasn't talking about Meg revealing him at Ash's, that had been true, "What lies?" He asked.

Cas tried to shrug it off, "It's nothing."

"Cas," Dean warned, knowing all too well when his boyfriend is trying to hide something.

Cas rolled his eyes, "After we broke up, Meg came to me and said she wanted to offer me closure and that only she knew how you went about fulfilling the bet." Dean raised his eyebrows and Cas continued, "I foolishly told her to tell me."

"And what did she say?" Dean prompted; Cas could already sense anger boiling in him.

"Dean, forget it," Cas dismissed, "it doesn't change anything."

"Cas! What did she tell you?" Dean asked. Cas looked around the group, everyone had grown uncomfortable and were trying to focus on their lunch but surely listening to their argument.

Cas sighed, "She told me that you told her every little detail, she paid you and then you paid her back to keep her mouth shut."

Cas waited for Dean's face to change from blank to anything.

"What?!" He cried, outraged, "That bitch!" Dean stood up as if to do something about it but Cas forced him to sit down again.

"Dean, stop!" Cas cried.

"Cas… you know that's not true, right?" Dean asked desperately.

Cas looked taken aback, "Dean, of course… I knew it the same moment I knew I could be with you again. You didn't lie when you said you'd protect me… I thought she might've been telling the truth at first but when the Lucifer and Michael stuff happened, I knew she'd been lying because I knew you would've told me the truth."

"Cas… why didn't you tell me?" Dean pleaded. Cas just shrugged.

"Because it didn't matter," Cas explained, "It'd just make you mad."

"Still, I have a right to explain myself… you should've told me."

"Dean… you didn't need to explain yourself…"

"I would've liked the option," Dean defends.

"Well, too bad." Cas dismissed, deciding that this is one of those times he can be stubborn without reason.

"Cas… why are you fighting me on this? You should've told me."

"No," He refused.

"Why?" Dean demanded, his anger now turning on Cas.

"Because I didn't want you to think that I needed an explanation," Cas snapped seriously, "I wanted to prove that I trust you… and I do."

Dean's face softened and Cas knew he was forgiven. Cas caught a glimpse of Meg watching them out of the corner of his eye.

"Cas…" Dean said shyly, unable to keep his smile at bay.

Cas smiled back, "Now, kiss me so that she's not satisfied," he said and Dean eagerly grasped Cas' hair in his fingers and yanked their lips together.

Apart from Meg and her venom, the two of them had been perfect. Cas sometimes worries that he spends too much time at Dean's, but the guy's always so persistent that Cas can't say no, and he never wants to. They'd grown quite accustom to their little routines. Cas started to feel like a mother, he'd cook homemade meals for the boys which, for the Winchesters and Bobby Singer, was a big deal. Cas wonders if they ever cooked their own food that didn't come from a can. Dean, Sam and he would go to and from school together and every Saturday, Cas packed Dean and Bobby a lunch for work.

Hell, Cas was starting to hang out at the house when Dean wasn't there, that kind of behaviour was becoming normal.

Cas realizes he's spent almost half an hour in the shower, reminiscing and now he really has probably just used all the hot water. He reminds himself to apologise to Sam. Cas gets out, dries himself and heads into Dean's bedroom. He rummages through Dean's closest and finds a clean pair of briefs and pulls them on. They're either his or Dean's, he doesn't even check anymore. Cas does Dean's washing anyway. He finds a pair of his jeans, Dean's are too big for him, and pulls on a random t-shirt. He knows it's Dean's because it's black. He carelessly rubs his head all over with a towel, trying to dry his hair but not doing a very good job.

Cas decides to head down to the living room and, as he reaches the top of the stairs, Sam meets him at the bottom.

"Any hot water, Cas?" Sam asks.

"There was but I'm sorry if you run out," Cas apologises and Sam makes a face like 'don't be ridiculous'. After living with Dean all his life, Cas' politeness is just plain weird.

"I only need it for five minutes," Sam explains before passing Cas and heading to the bathroom. Cas runs down the stairs and clears the table from breakfast. Then he heads into the living room to watch a movie.

It's only ten minutes later that Sam comes charging through the house, mumbling something about heading to the library and then heading out the door.

Cas watches a movie and a half before pausing the DVD to do a load of washing. It's the least he can do since Bobby has been so gracious to allow him to stay over as often as he wishes. It's eleven thirty when Dean gets home.

"Hey Baby," Dean greets. He throws his keys on the kitchen table and slings his jacket over one of the chairs. Dean's got grease on his face and hands.

"How was work?" Cas asks, packing away the air-dried dishes.

"Fine," Dean answers, "I just did some odd jobs, Bobby's got everything else under control for the rest of the day." Dean pauses to eye Cas suspiciously, "Cas… how much cleaning have you done today?"

Cas shrugs, puts the last dish on the rack and reaches for the hand towel, "Just a load of washing and the breakfast dishes."

Dean rolls his eyes, "I can't leave you alone for one second," he says and walks around the table to pull Cas close to him by the waist.

Cas crosses his arms, "And let that be a lesson to you," he smiles and Dean pulls him in for a kiss. Cas pulls away at the strong stench of Dean. "Argh, Dean, you need a shower."

Dean fakes offense, "Are you saying I smell?"

Cas continues to scrunch his nose, "Yes," he says bluntly.

Dean chuckles, "Fine, I'll jump in the shower," Dean stops to raise his eyebrows, "Join me?"

Cas smirks, "I already showered today and you didn't join me," he reminds him.

Dean rolls his eyes and breaks away from Cas to make his way to the bathroom, "Fine, be a party pooper… Is Sammy home?"

"He went to the library," Cas tells him.

Dean grins wickedly and stops at the bottom of the stairs to look back, "House to ourselves?" He clarifies.

Cas smiles back, "Maybe," he says.

"Oh… We are so gonna do it on the kitchen table when I get back," Dean says conclusively before rushing up the stairs to shower.

Cas rolls his eyes, "Do you want some lunch?" He calls up to Dean.

"Cas… you literally are the perfect boyfriend," is all Dean says and then Cas hears the bathroom door shut and the shower turn on.

I guess that means yes, Cas thinks to himself before turning to the fridge. He pulls out the necessary ingredients and makes two sandwiches. He sets out a beer for Dean and pours himself a glass of water. Cas eats while he waits for Dean. He finishes his food and washes his dish before Dean makes his way into the kitchen. Cas takes in the beautiful image of Dean in his sweat pants. His bare, tan skin is still speckled with water droplets and his hair is soaking and sticking to his forehead.

"Thanks baby," Dean begins, "you're the greatest."

Dean eats his lunch and, when he's finished, he sits back in his chair and sips his beer. Immediately, Cas clears the table. He feels Dean frown at his back as he washes the dish.

"What?" Cas asks.

Dean answers, unquestioning the fact that Cas could sense that he was looking at him.

"Are you gonna be this anal when we're living together?" Dean asks.

Cas chuckles immaturely and turns around to lean against the bench, "Dean, did you just make a gay pun?"

Dean rolls his eyes, "You know what I mean."

Cas smiles, "Do I not cook for you and clean up after you?"

"Yes," Dean says begrudgingly.

"Then you should count yourself lucky if I should choose to live with you," Cas grins smugly.

A small smile graces Dean's lips. He stands and walks towards Cas, placing his empty beer on the bench next to him. His hands find his hips and he presses himself against his boyfriend.

"I count myself lucky each and every day," Dean says before pressing his lips against Cas' smile.

"You're cute," Cas says in between kisses, "when you want to be."

Dean chuckles, "I'm adorable."

Cas shuts Dean up with another kiss, parting his lips to deepen it. He wraps his hands around Dean's hips and pulls him against him.

"I… think… a promise… was made…" Cas says between kisses, "in relevance… to the… kitchen table."

Dean pulls back to grin and looks Cas up and down with his eyes, "Yes, I remember," he says in a sultry voice.

Dean strips Cas down to his briefs, bends him over the kitchen table and proceeds to give him the roughest, most animalistic sex of his life. Something about Dean working with his hands makes him a little crazy. He practically pins Cas down, holding him by the neck as he drives into him as hard and rough as he can. There's nothing Cas can do but hold onto the table for dear life and pray that Dean doesn't stop. It's as if the rougher he gets it, the rougher he wants it.

"Ah, fuck," Cas curses, "harder, Dean," Cas doubts his body's ability to take much more brutalisation but he's unable to stop himself. Cas bangs his fist on the table as he groans loudly, his pleasure on the verge of pain. "Oh, God, harder," he begs.

Dean growls and digs his nails into Cas' flesh in an attempt to hang on tighter. He gives a quick, rough kick against Cas' leg to further spread his legs. Cas makes a startled noise and then a loud, appreciative moan at the new found pleasure Dean's actions have created.

Dean leans over to bite at Cas' neck and grip his hair to use as more leverage. The table moves but Dean moves with it, desperate not to stop for a second. Cas almost shudders at the multiple, overwhelming sensations. Dean grips his hand around the back of Cas' and pins it to the table, holding him in place. All Cas can hear is Dean's rough, rapid breath in his ear, it's almost a feral growl.

"Oh, God," Cas cries, "yes, Dean, give it to me…" his words spur Dean on, causing even rougher, harder thrusts.

"Oh, God, Cas, I love it when you beg," Dean growls in his ear.

"Fuck me, Dean," Cas practically screams. Dean grunts before pushing off the table. He hastily restrains Cas by the nape of his neck, locks his hand around Cas' wrist and pins his arm behind his back. Cas doesn't fight it but only groans deeper when Dean's new leverage creates a new wave of unknowable pleasure. With every thrust, Cas is brought closer to the edge. Dean drives into Cas as hard and fast as he can, his body coated in salty sweat, both his and Cas'. If he could concentrate on anything else but his pleasure right now, he would feel his body being driven to its limits. All Dean can feel is his impending orgasm, on the cusp of being unleashed on his all-too-willing body.

Cas can't hold on any longer and he lets out a loud, carnal wail as his entire body erupts in a volcano of pleasurable, throbbing sensations. As Cas explodes, so does Dean, letting the evidence of his orgasm fill his lover. His body, unable to hold up after the overwhelming climax, collapses onto Cas, completely drained of energy.

"Holy shit," Dean whispers into Cas' ear, summoning all his strength to pull himself off his lover, for fear of hurting on him. Dean rolls onto his back so that he's lying on the table.

"Yeah," Cas says, pushing himself off the table and pulling up his briefs, "I know," he agrees. Cas rolls his shoulder, stretching out his sore muscles, knowing that they'll get worse.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Dean asks in a concerned voice.

Cas chuckles, "I won't be able to sit for a week, Dean," he breathes, still trying to catch his breath, "and it was totally worth it."

Dean laughs and pulls himself up into a sitting position to lean in and give Cas a sweet, chaste kiss. "Do we need a safe word?" He asks, his tone flavoured with worry. Dean knows that when the roles are reversed, he never needs a safe word. He can't imagine Cas ever doing anything that would call for it because all Dean can think in those moments is 'more, more, more'.

Cas smiles, "Yeah," he agrees sarcastically, "it can be 'harder'." He winks at Dean.

Dean sighs, "I could sleep for a year after that," he says matter-of-factly and pulls on his sweat pants, pulls another beer from the fridge and heads to the lounge room.

Cas moves the table back into its original position and then moves to pick up a fallen chair, he didn't even notice it falling over. Cas picks it up as well as Dean's jacket that had been resting on it. He notices a small package, covered in brown paper like it's ready to be posted. He frowns before reaching down and picking it up. He decides it must have fallen from Dean's jacket.

"Dean?" Cas calls, receiving a muffled 'hm?' "Is this yours?" He asks.

Dean pops his head over the back of the couch to see what Cas is talking about. Cas watches his eyes change from lazy to wide in a microsecond. Dean jumps off the couch so quickly, it's suspicious.

"Uhh, I'll take that," he says quickly, moving towards Cas as if to claim it back. Cas, growing suspicious, moves away, keeping the package out of Dean's grasp. Dean stops, suddenly aware of how questionable his behaviour must look.

"What's in here?" Cas asks, clearly amused.

"It's nothing, Cas," Dean dismisses, advancing on Cas once more, "Now, give it here."

Cas moves as quickly as Dean, "No," he refuses, smiling cheekily, "come get it."

"Cas," Dean says seriously as Cas takes off and he sets in motion after him. "I'm serious, give it to me," Dean says as he continues to chase Cas around the kitchen and into the living room, damn, the kid's fast. Cas laughs as he skids around the house in his underwear.

"Tell me what's in it and I'll return it," he giggles.

Cas stumbles to a halt, just as Dean comes crashing into him, involuntarily tackling his lover to the ground. Cas struggles against Dean, desperate to keep the package out of reach. Dean can't help but break a smile at Cas' infectious laughter.

"Cas, I'm serious," Dean says through laughter, trying to wrestle Cas for his package.

"Just tell me what's in here," Cas suggests.

"No," Dean refuses.


"Because it's private!" Dean snaps, crawling up Cas and trying to pin him to retrieve his parcel.

"Private?" Cas asks, faking outrage, "From me? I'm gonna' open it." Cas pretends to start to tear the wrapping, although he'd never actually invade Dean's privacy like this, he's just goofing around.

"Cas, don't!" Dean yells and Cas stops dead, that's not Dean's playful tone.

Dean looks at Cas' stunned face and instantly regrets his outburst. Cas' hand goes limp and Dean claims what is his. Dean sits up and Cas instantly follows him, crossing his legs timidly.

"I'm sorry," he says shyly.

"Cas…" Dean begins.

"What are you trying to hide, Dean?" Cas asks.

Dean exhales, toying with the parcel in his hand, "Cas…" he begins again, contemplating how to explain it. "I'm not hiding."

"Then what?" He snaps, standing up and storming to the kitchen to pull on his discarded clothes, feeling ridiculous having this conversation in his underwear.

"It's… it's hard to explain," Dean says, standing up to follow Cas, meeting him in the kitchen just as he pulls on his t-shirt.

"Then try, Dean," he offers, turning around to confront Dean face to face, standing akimbo.

"Cas, I can't," Dean defends, "can you just trust me that it's not important?"

"It's hard to do that when you try so hard to stop me from seeing what's in there," Cas yells, stuttering a little bit in desperation to get out the whole sentence.

"Cas, it's nothing, now, just drop it!" Dean says.

"It doesn't look like nothing," Cas says, his voice hoarse.

"Cas, just trust me," Dean pleads, "you don't need to know."

Cas looks utterly offended, "So you are keeping things from me?"

"No, Cas," Dean begins, "I just-,"

"What're you lying about, Dean?!" Cas' voice finally breaks in strain.

"Nothing!" He yells.

"Then show me!"

"Fine!" Dean yells. Too frustrated to care anymore, he rips up the wrapping, opens the box and slams it on the table for Cas to see. Then he turns to cross his arms, avoid Cas' stare and sulk.

Cas looks in the box carefully, "Dean," he breathes, "what is that?" He asks nervously.

"It's a ring," Dean says gruffly. Cas stares at the simple, silver band with some minor, black details.

"A ring?" Cas squeaks, the pieces falling together in his head. Dean looks at Cas, whose face is stricken with confusion and horror. Dean sighs and his face softens. He picks up the ring to toy with it in his fingers.

"It's for you," Dean tells him, his anger fading.

"Oh," Cas says softly, regret filling his veins like a poison.

"Gabriel helped me pick it out," he says matter-of-factly, his anger gone.

"Oh," Cas repeats.

The kitchen fills with a deafening silence. Dean finally breaks it.

"I, uhh," Dean begins nervously, "was going to…"

"Dean," Cas interrupts, his voice entirely uneven, his eyes stained with tears, "did I just ruin what was going to be the single greatest moment of my life?"

Dean smiles, his face lit with amusement and utter love, "No, Cas," he says. "You didn't ruin a thing," he soothes. Even though it's not how he pictured it, even though he was mad a second ago, Cas can still remind Dean of how much he utterly adores him. He needs to do it now because, in this moment, he's never been more certain. Not of Cas, he's always certain about him, but the timing. Dean had worried about this being too soon but he knew, from the start, that he wanted this. Now, he knows more than ever. Cas makes him love him, even during the bleakest of times in their relationship.

Dean moves towards Cas, ring in hand.

"Dean?" Cas squeaks.

"Cas," Dean whispers, pulling Cas' hand into both of his. "I, uhh, had a speech but I can't remember it."

"Dean, please don't do anything you'll regret," Cas blurts out.

Dean frowns, "Regret?"

"Don't do this because I forced it out in the open," Cas pleads, his insecurity rearing its ugly head.

Dean dismisses Cas' pleads with a shake of his head, "Cas… I would want to do this under any circumstances; at any time… as long as the answer is the same because the reason's the same."

"Dean…" Cas breathes.

"Cas," Dean begins, all the things he had planned to say run through his head. He'd planned his entire speech, every single thing he wants to say to perfectly build up to that one question but all he can think of is that one question. The rest just comes bumbling out. "Just marry me," he blurts out.

"Yes," Cas answers quickly.

Dean's eyes flash like he really wasn't expecting a yes, "Really?"

Cas smiles, "Yes," he says, "of course it's a yes."

"Cas, I'm asking you to marry me," Dean clarifies, making sure Cas heard him, because it seems too good to be true, "like, in holy matrimony, husband and husband, get a house, have a mortgage… have a little boy or girl with your blue eyes that'll call you Daddy." Dean bites his lip to punish himself for speaking. He's probably just completely scared Cas with his motor mouth. He never thought he'd let those thoughts out of his head. He'd thought about it a few times before but he knew it was pre-mature. It was a fantasy to keep locked in his head, only for him to see and, even knowing it was there, was embarrassing. He's hardly of age and the last person who should probably have a kid, but it didn't stop him. The thought didn't appeal to him because he wants kids, it appeals to him because he wants Cas, in any and every form. It's true, though, clear as day. He wants a little baby boy with a tuft of dark hair and blue eyes like his father. He wants a child that he can teach how to fight and how to fix cars and one that's as smart as Cas, with his love of deeper things like poetry and books.

He wants it all.

"Dean," Cas pulls him out of his reverie, "If you had asked me to elope with you after the first time we made love, I probably would've done it," Cas confesses.

"Cas," Dean whispers, his eyes full of water and his mouth turned up at the corners. Dean reaches up to graze Cas' cheek, "If I knew that, I would've asked you then."

Cas smiles before bringing Dean in to crush their lips together. Dean breaks away but ensures Cas' hand remains glued to his cheek.

Dean plays with the ring in his hand, "I didn't know how to go about this," he confesses, "I thought a diamond was a little girly."

Cas grins, "Dean, it's perfect."

"Shall I do this official?" He grins and Cas looks confused, his eyebrows forming that perfect, angelic crease that Dean loves.

"What do you mean?"

Dean smiles and steps back to kneel.

Cas chuckles, "Dean, c'mon," he says.

Dean shakes his head, "No, I think this is good," he says before holding out the ring, "Castiel Novak," he recites, "will you do me the honour of becoming my Husband?"

Cas smiles, "On one condition," he says simply and Dean arches an eyebrow. "Our second child looks like you."

Dean grins and slides the ring onto Cas' finger, marking him as his. He stands up, sliding his digits into Cas'.

Dean looks to his fiancé, unable to keep the smile off his face. He brings his hands up to cup Cas' infectiously happy face. He stares into the blue eyes he first fell in love with. Cas watches the smile slightly fade from Dean's face.

"What?" He asks anxiously.

Dean lightly shakes his head, "I feel like I'm going to wake up…" he confesses, "and none of this will be real."

Cas smiles warmly, "Dean, wake up."

"What?" Dean asks, his heart beating fast as Cas' face begins to fade.

"Wake up!" Cas repeats.

"No," Dean whispers, feeling the scene fade away from him, "NO!" He yells, Cas' face getting further and further away.

"Dean, wake up!"

Dean launches into a sitting position, his body covered with sweat and his heart pounding. Terror is on his tongue and he doesn't understand where he is for a second. Cas' face comes into view.

"Cas?" Dean asks urgently and his hands find Cas' face and he feels him, ensuring that he's real. Cas is sitting over him while Dean's still in bed.

"Dean, I'm here," Cas assures him, smiling.

Dean pulls Cas to him so that their foreheads are touching, "Thank God," he whispers.

Cas chuckles, "Bad dream?"

Dean shakes his head, "Good dream," he says, "bad ending… my head's playing tricks on me."

"Yeah, what else is new?" Cas asks and Dean pulls back to glare at him. Cas just smiles. "What was your dream about?"

Dean breathes heavily, still trying to catch his breath, "Us," Dean clarifies, "when I proposed."

Cas smiles, "That's one of my favourite memories," he muses.

"Yeah, me too," Dean says and he pulls Cas close to him to give him a sweet kiss.

Cas pats Dean on the leg, "Up," he orders, "you have to go to work."

Dean groans, "No quickie before breakfast?" He asks hopefully and Cas rolls his eyes.

"Mary's already up," Cas alerts him before standing to leave their marital bedroom. At the mention of Mary, Dean's up and out of bed, following Cas to the kitchen. Dean practically runs to the bench, where he spots Mary's highchair, she's happily playing with her food.

At the sight of her father, Mary squeals excitedly, "Daddy!" She cries, holding her hands out and scrunching her fists at Dean.

"Is she finished?" Dean clarifies, knowing how much Cas hates it when he picks her up and disturbs her in the middle of breakfast. He has to make sure, even though both of them know full well that when she starts to play with her food, it means she's done.

"Yes," Cas answers.

"Good morning, beautiful," he grins, reaching into Mary's highchair to pull her out and into his arms. Mary bursts into a fit of giggles as Dean immediately starts to tickle her.

Cas smiles adoringly at the sight.

Dean takes in his daughter's beauty, her gorgeous blue eyes and dark hair that's getting longer and longer every day. He pushes her up in the air, causing her to giggle.

"You look more and more like your Papa every day," Dean smiles and Mary just continues to giggle.

"Yeah, well, she eats like her Daddy," Cas intervenes and Dean chuckles.

"That's my girl," he muses, pulling Mary back down to hug her before setting her down on the ground. Mary runs to her toys in the living room. She's so eager to do everything; the child was running before she could walk.

Cas serves Dean a plate of the breakfast he made, eggs and toast. Dean moves around the kitchen bench to settle his arms around Cas' stomach and hug him closely from behind.

Cas sighs and leans back into Dean.

"Look at her," Dean whispers, directing Cas' attention to their beautiful, two year old daughter playing on the floor. "She's the greatest thing I've ever done since I married you," he says, pressing his lips to his Cas' neck, causing him chuckle. It'd been close to seven years since Dean and Cas got married. They practically did it straight after high school, they didn't want to wait. Dean went to work at the garage with Bobby while Cas went to college. Now, Dean still works with Bobby and Cas started working from home after his first published book.

Dean and Cas still go to the Roadhouse every now and then when Krissy, their next door neighbour's teenage daughter, can babysit Mary. They meet up with Ash, working full time at the Roadhouse with the misses, Jo. The two had their first child a year before Mary was born. Garth, he sees from time to time. Anna went off to some prestigious school and now lives at the other end of the country. Charlie got a high paying job straight after high school with some big computer company. Then, she got into some trouble, something to do with computer hacking, and took off. Cas had grown quite close to her and he gets a coded postcard every few months or so. Last time he heard, she was in England.

Sammy finally became a lawyer and married Jess, she's currently pregnant. Gabe hit it off with one of Sam's friends from college, Kali and they've been together for a few years now. They've displayed no plans to get married just yet; Dean thinks Gabe has commitment issues.

Dean takes every opportunity he has to visit Bobby outside of work. He worries about the old man, running around in that big house all by himself. Grandpa Bobby loves visits from his first grandchild.

"The greatest things to have ever happened to me…" Cas begins, breaking Dean out of his reverie. "You… and her."

Dean doesn't know how he could live without Cas and he often thinks of how close he came to being without him.

Dean smiles against his husband's shoulder, tightening his grip on him, "I have the perfect Husband… a wonderful daughter…" Dean begins, his mind pondering, "what's next?"

Three years later

Cas stares down at the healthy, baby boy in his arms, barely a few hours old. He knows he's been staring but he can't help it, he can't take his eyes off his son. He looks so peaceful while sleeping, like a little baby angel. It's so precious because of all the obstacles Dean and he had faced to get to this point. Mary had happened so easily, all the pieces just fell into place. Cas should've known from the start that they wouldn't be so lucky twice. When they decided to make Mary, they'd easily found a surrogate that they both approved of, a close cousin of Cas', and it only took them one try before Mary was created. This time, however, they'd had troubles. The whole process was the hardest on Dean. He and Cas had made the deal that Cas would be the father of their first, and Dean would be the biological father of their second. Little did they know that they would have complications. Dean was devastated when they got the news that he had a low sperm count. He was so desperate not to disappoint Cas that he insisted that they just make Cas the father again. However, Cas wouldn't have it. He didn't want Dean to miss out on anything. They both disagreed so it wasn't an easy time for anyone. They fought a lot, Dean wanting to give up but Cas insisting that they keep trying. If there were ever a time that Dean and Cas' marriage almost crumbled, it was then. Dean never felt more useless, he felt like he'd let his partner down.

Finally, though, it happened. The day they found out they were pregnant; Dean was so happy he burst into tears and just cried in Cas' arms.

Now, their baby's finally arrived. The baby Dean had started to doubt would never come.

Cas only raises his head when he hears the door open. Dean's face mirrors his own beaming happiness. Holding Dean's hand is little Mary. She's got her favourite, plush doll in her hands and she looks shyly at her Papa.

Cas smiles at his daughter, "Mary," he begins, "meet your little brother," he says.

Dean leads Mary over to Cas. Mary stands on her tippy toes, trying to peek over Cas' arms to see her baby brother. Dean scoops her up so that she can see.

Mary smiles at the baby in her father's hands, "That's my brother?" She asks shyly.

Cas smiles, "Yes," he answers. "is it okay if we take him home?"

Mary smiles shyly before nodding, "I wanna' hold him," she says.

Dean smiles and sits down on a chair and pulls Mary onto his lap. Cas stands with the baby in his arms and gives him to Mary and Dean.

The nurse in the room is warmed by the scene.

"Do we have a name, yet?" She asks.

Cas looks to the nurse and then back at the baby. Dean and he had not discussed it yet because they'd been expecting another girl. The sonogram had been read wrong. Cas knew, though. He knew the child's name as soon as he found out the sex.

"Robert," Cas answers and Dean's head snaps up to look into Cas' eyes, "Robert John."

"Really?" Dean asks and Cas smiles and nods.

"If that's okay with you," Cas says.

Dean's eyes well as he looks down at his son, "I wish he were here," Dean says, his voice thick with emotion as he embraces his two children.

Cas' hand caresses Dean's arm in comfort, "I know," he says simply, "me too."

It's been two years since Bobby passed, and Dean hasn't quite gotten over it. The only father figure he ever had is gone. The only grandfather their children would ever know is gone.

"Bobby-John will never have a grandfather," Dean realises sadly, just as he never did.

"No," Cas concludes, "but he's got two uncles who would die for him… a sister who'll love him forever," he continues, "and the greatest father anyone could ask for."

Mary looks between her Papa and her Dad. She doesn't understand what's being said but she senses the change in tone.

Dean's watery eyes find Cas' blue ones, "the two greatest fathers anyone could ask for," he clarifies and leans in to kiss his husband and the father of his children. Dean then places a kiss on Mary's head and a kiss on his new born son's.

Five years later.

Dean enters his home late. The house is quiet, he hopes he didn't miss kissing the kids goodnight. He wanders through the house, careful not to call out stupidly. He hears a whispering voice and follows it to Bobby-John's room.

He quietly opens the door and peaks through. Cas is sitting at the foot of their son's bed with an open book on his lap. Bobby-John is in his bed with his head resting on his sister's chest. They're both asleep and yet, Cas continues to read from the book 'Stuart Little'. Dean stands there for, he doesn't know how long, just staring. Finally, Cas looks up to see Dean standing over the threshold, covered in grease and a lazy smile on his face. Cas smiles back before he looks at the children and, realising they're asleep, closes his book.

Cas carefully slides off the bed and leans over to flick the lamp off. He walks up to Dean and quietly sneaks out of the room.

Dean's smiling widely.

"Mary let Bobby watch a scary movie this afternoon," Cas explains, his voice both disapproving and amused.

Dean raises his eyebrows, "Really?" He asks. "Which one?"

Cas frowns, like that's important? He wonders.

Cas' face turns stern on Dean, "The same one you let her watch when she was seven."

Dean rolls his eyes, "Am I ever gonna' live that down?"

"Dean, she couldn't sleep for a week!" He shouts but then silences himself and shakes his head, "I'm not getting into this again."

Dean stifles his laughter.

"Anyway… not the point," Cas continues and begins walking towards to the kitchen, Dean follows. "Bobby didn't want to sleep… he was scared."

"Yeah?" Dean prompts.

"Mary felt awful… she wouldn't leave his side until she knew he was asleep," Cas is grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Well, that's just adorable," Dean says and Cas agrees with a nod of his head.

"Do you ever wonder how we ended up with such beautiful children?" Cas asks his husband.

Dean smiles, "Well, I guess in the family department, we've paid our dues," Dean suggests.

Cas gives Dean a small smile, "I wish I could go back to my fourteen year old self and tell him that it's all worth it."

Dean slides his hand into Cas' open palm, "I knew from the moment I met you… that anything and everything I've ever endured in life was worth it."

Cas brings Dean's hand to his lips and kisses it, "I love you Dean," he says, "as much as the day I married you."

Dean smiles and pulls his husband in for a hug, "You're my angel, Castiel," Dean says and Cas' stomach drops. Dean only uses his full name when he's speaking very seriously. "I love you as much as the children I've had with you."

Seven years later.

Dean feels the wind being knocked out of him as he gets kicked in the stomach and knocked to the ground. He hears a delighted, bell-like chuckle.

"You gotta be faster than that, Dad," Mary taunts, lending her hand down to haul her old man onto his feet. Once Dean is standing, Mary's back into the starting position.

"Remember who taught you all these moves," he retorts, taking his offensive position.

Mary smiles mischievously, "Yeah, Chuck Norris," she quips.

Dean rolls his eyes, he's perhaps taught her too well. Dean wanted a boy so he could teach him to fight, but Mary's more interested in this stuff than Bobby-John is. She's definitely Dean's daughter. Cas sometimes disapproves of Dean teaching the kids to fight but he likes knowing that they can protect themselves.

"Chuck Norris ain't got nothing on me," Dean responds.

Mary laughs, "Yeah, right, Dad…" She responds, "I'm sure Chuck Norris doesn't get his ass whooped by his own, teenage daughter."

"Don't get smart with me," Dean replies, preparing himself for their next round, "Now," he begins, "are you ready?"

Mary rolls her eyes in a way befitting of any teenage girl, "Dad," she complains, "I'm always ready."

"There's such a thing as too cocky, Mary," Dean reminds her, raising his eyebrows, knowing all too well where she gets it from.

Mary grins, "I hear if it's genetic, it's harmless," she says quickly and Dean rolls his eyes. "Now, c'mon, Dad," she encourages, "I'm getting old over here."

Dean rolls his eyes, "Now," he begins, putting his arms up in front of his face, mirroring his daughter's stance. "What do you do if some guy asks you to dance?" He asks.

"Dad," Mary complains, "do we have to do this?"

"I need to know my daughter knows how to handle herself," he explains.

"I can deck you, can't I?" She asks.

"Your moves are good, but your attitude needs work," Dean jokes.

"Dad, my attitude is my best feature," She grins, "it needs no such work."

"A sleazy guy hits on you and you're not interested," Dean prompts, "what do you do?" He takes a moment to decide his first move before launching at Mary, in an attempt to grab her. Mary quickly evades his attempt; she's fast, like her Papa.

"Say, 'thank you kindly for your interest, sir, but I have to respectfully decline'," Mary says as Dean takes another shot and she dodges the hit, adding a kick to his stomach that deflects him but doesn't knock him over completely.

Dean ignores the joke, "And if he tries to kiss you?" He asks as he proceeds to attempt to attack his daughter.

"I sock him in the kisser," Mary laughs, striking Dean in the chest with her palm, knocking him down again.

"That's my girl," Dean smiles.

"Shit, Dad," Mary curses, helping him to his feet once more "you're making this too easy for me."

"Watch your mouth, young lady," Cas reminds Mary, entering the garage that Dean turned into a training ring with two bottles of water in his hands. He places them on a nearby stool.

"Sorry Papa," Mary says quickly, smiling at her other father.

Cas knows that Dean lets her swear in front of him but Cas disapproves, nonetheless, "It's not enough that you teach her to fight and shoot guns but now you have to inflict your potty mouth on our daughter?" Cas raises his eyebrows at Dean.

Dean smiles, "She clearly gets it from you," he argues.

Cas rolls his eyes.

"Papa, I beat Dad three rounds in a row!" Mary interrupts to brag.

Cas smiles widely at his daughter, "I'm very proud, honey."

She beams, "I think Dad's getting old," she says.

"Or you're getting good," Dean retorts.

Cas and Mary look at each sceptically and mutually shake their heads, "Nah, you're getting old," they say simultaneously before bursting into giggles.

"Yeah, yeah," Dean dismisses.

"Mary, do you have homework?" Cas asks.

Mary rolls her eyes, "Yes, Papa," she responds, her voice thick with a purposeful groan. Mary skips off to head back inside, snaking a drink Cas brought in as she goes. As soon as she's gone, Dean bends over to let his true exhaustion show.

"She's getting good," Dean says. Cas wanders over to rub Dean on the back, unable to get rid of his smile.

"She is good," Cas says warmly, his voice laced with affection, "just like her Daddy."

Dean stands to smile at Cas, "I might have to leave her to sparring with her brother," he says.

Cas smiles, "How normal are we?" He asks.

"Yeah, maybe I should've taught her how to sew or something instead," Dean worries, knowing how Cas feels about the fighting.

"Dean, she's the toughest girl her age," Cas says adoringly, "She knows more about cars than most boys her age and she's smarter than people our age… I wouldn't change a thing about her upbringing."

"Yeah," Dean agrees, "except maybe just rewind the clock…" Cas looks at him strangely, "she's growing up too fast," he clarifies.

Cas smiles, "They both are," he says, "Before we know it, Bobby will be graduating from college."

Ten years later.

"C'mon," Dean encourages, gesturing with his hands, "group in closer."

"Dad," Bobby complains, "this is the fiftieth one."

"Let your father have this, Bobby," Cas tells his son, "he's proud of you."

"Yeah, suck it up, little bro," Mary intervenes, patting Bobby lightly on the back and beaming, "it's your graduation… enjoy it… embrace the humiliation."

"You're not helping," Bobby sings to his sister. "You know, if you actually went to college… Dad might've gotten this all out of his system before now."

"Unlikely," Cas intervenes, "your father just gets worse with time… that's why we have twice as many baby photos of you, Bobby."

"I just thought it was because I'm the cute one," he quips, earning him a whack over the back of the head from his sister.

"Hey!" Dean calls, letting the camera fall to his waist level. "Can we play nice for five seconds?"

"We've been playing nice for the last twenty minutes!" Bobby retorts. Dean's embarrassing but Bobby knows he wouldn't trade him for anything.

"Just a few more," Dean says for the third time. He knows he's embarrassing his son but he can't help it, he's the over-enthusiastic father you see at every college graduation.

Bobby rolls his eyes but straightens up anyway and places a big smile on his face. Cas hugs his sons' shoulders and Mary slings her arm over her little brother's neck.

The flash goes off a few times.

"Now, just you and your sister," Dean suggests.

Cas steps out of the frame, quickly enabling Dean's over-excited behaviour.

"We already did that one!" Bobby complains.

"Just shut up and take the damn photo," Mary says, slyly pinching her brother.

Bobby nudges her, "Bitch," he quips.

"Jerk," she says, pushing him back.

"Hey, hey!" Dean calls, "Knock it off."

Bobby and Mary stop begrudgingly.

"She started it," Bobby says quickly.

Mary makes a face like she's outraged, "You snitch!"

"Kids, please?" Dean begs. "Just one more."

"Just humour your father, kids," Cas tells his children softly.

"Fine!" Mary complains, "Just, hurry, Dad."

"Well, if you two would stop fussing," Dean says, raising the camera up and pointing it at his kids, "Now… get in close," Dean insists. Bobby and Mary shuffle in comically. "Smile," Bobby and Mary smile but, on the flash, simultaneously pull a gruesome face. They erupt in laughter. Cas chuckles along with his children.

Dean sighs, exasperated, but he can't help but pull a smile, he tries not to but he can't help it.

"Kids, please?" Dean begs, humour still flavouring his tone. Mary and Bobby continue to laugh and Dean sees the perfect 'kodak' moment. He snaps a picture of his children, capturing a beautiful shot of their natural, effortless happiness. Dean can't help himself when he points the camera at Cas and captures a quick close-up of his gorgeous, genuine smile. He swears, Cas only grows more and more attractive with age.

"Are we finished?" Bobby asks.

"Almost," Dean responds before turning to a nearby stranger and requesting that they take their picture. The stranger agrees. Dean runs towards his kids, "One more," Dean says, gesturing for his family to group together.

Dean stands between his two children and slings his arms over their shoulders. Cas overlaps his husband's arm around Bobby's shoulders and shuffles in close.

"Smile," Dean reminds them and everyone beams until the flash goes off.

"Okay," Dean begins, "no more photos," he promises.

Mary hoots, "Finally, let's go celebrate," she hooks her arm around Bobby's neck and pulls him along playfully, "I can't believe that my little bro's graduated!"

Dean chuckles at the display and tussles his son's hair, "I know," he agrees before looking at Cas, "our baby boy's growing up."

"Dad!" Bobby complains, pulling away from Mary's headlock.

Cas chuckles, "Yeah… next thing you know… Our baby girl will be getting married."

Mary makes a disgusted noise in the back of her throat, "Not bloody likely," she rejects.

Two years later.

Cas opens the door, with Dean eagerly on his tail. His eyes fall to the beauty in a clean, white dress. His mouth drops.

Mary smiles at her two Dads.

"You look beautiful," Cas says, walking towards her to embrace his daughter.

"Thanks, Papa," Mary beams.

Dean's right behind Cas and places his hands on his daughter's shoulders, the tears clear in his eyes. Dean just looks at her, unable to find the right words for the moment. Cas, knowing his husband all too well, pats Dean on the shoulder and says what he means.

"Your father and I thought this would be the hardest day," Cas begins, "we'd never let you go if we could…" Cas' voice croaks, breaking under the pressure of the emotional situation, "and now we're giving you away."

Mary smiles, her eyes welling with tears, "Papa," she begins, looking between the two greatest parents a child could ask for, "Dad… you two are my best friends in the whole world… I can't imagine having two better parents."

Dean's eyes well uncontrollably, "Mary, don't make your father cry," he says, unable to control his emotions.

Mary smiles a watery smile, "I love you two." She pulls her two fathers into a big hug.

"We love you, too, Mary," Cas says, his eyes spilling over as he clutches to his daughter, fearing that he may not let go.

"More than anything," Dean adds.

"Thank you," Mary whispers, "for everything."

Cas and Dean hug their daughter tighter.

Mary pulls away to look at her parents just as the door opens. Bobby pokes his head around, a brilliant grin on his face.

"It's time," he announces.

Mary beams before turning to the mirror for one last check-up. She then turns to follow her brother out the door. She stops before leaving to look back, her face glowing with bliss, "You two coming?" She asks before heading out, ready to walk down the aisle and get married.

"Are you ready for this?" Cas asks, looking to his partner.

Dean tries to breathe deeply in an attempt to hold back his tears. His little girl, his beautiful little Mary has grown up and now, the main man in her life is not Dean, nor Cas. Letting her go is harder for Dean, he and Mary had always shared a special bond. It wasn't like Cas or Dean ever favoured any of their children, but Mary grew up to be her Dad, Dean and Bobby grew up to be like his Papa, Cas. Mary likes to fight, go shooting, works on cars and can drink a trunk driver under the table. Bobby's been reading books way beyond his year level since he started school and shares his Papa's love of art and poetry. Dean formed such a bond with Mary because she's the embodiment of everything good and pure in this world; Cas. She's so obviously Cas' daughter. Still Dean's, of course, but Mary has Cas' genetics. Dean looks to his daughter and sees the dishevelled, dark hair and the magnetic blue eyes of her father, the love of Dean's life. She's beautiful, like her Papa. Cas looks to Bobby and sees warm, green eyes accompanied by a few faint, familiar freckles. He's beautiful, like his Dad.

Dean just nods, "Yeah," he says but Cas can see how much he's struggling, torn between wanting to be happy for his daughter and not wanting to let her go.

Cas grips Dean's hand within his, "I'm here," he says softly.

Dean looks in Cas' eyes, his own filled with water, "How'd this happen so fast?" He asks Cas, "Where'd all our time go?"

Cas smiles sadly, "Dean, we have all the time in the world," he reminds him.

Dean chokes back his stuttering whimper, "She doesn't need us anymore," he admits sadly. "Our daughter doesn't need her own fathers."

Cas squeezes his husband's hand affectionately, "Dean," Cas soothes, "Mary will always need you," he clarifies, "she's come to you for everything since she was a child… she'll always need her fathers," Cas pauses to inhale deeply, "and we'll always be here."

Dean gives his partner a watery smile, letting himself me appeased, "Our little girl's getting married," he enthuses.

Cas smiles broadly, "Yes," he agrees before gesturing to the exit, "and we're going to be late."

Dean lets Cas guide him outside the dressing room. Bobby is adjusting Mary's veil. It's not one that covers he face; it merely falls over the back of her soft, dark brown curls, creating the illusion of a halo. Dean smiles to himself, an angel, he thinks, just like Cas.

Dean smiles. He doesn't know why, maybe because he'd raised Mary to be so tough, but she never had very many close girlfriends. Lilly, Jo and Ash's daughter, is her closest girlfriend and even she didn't make it to maid of honour status. Her maid of honour or, rather, man of honour is Bobby, her best friend. It makes Dean so proud that his children are as close as he is with Sam, Sam had been his best man and Gabriel had been Cas'.

When Mary first got engaged, she sulked because she thought the traditional wedding didn't provide enough spaces for the three most important men in her life. She was already breaking tradition, having two fathers give her away, but there was no space for Bobby. Mary had wanted her little brother to give her away, too, but it would have been impossible for her to walk down the aisle with three men on her arm. She decided that she wanted her best friend to stand next to her on her wedding day.

Mary's face lights up as Dean and Cas reach her.

Bobby smiles at his family, "I better get into position," he announces and kisses Mary on the check before heading out towards the alter.

"Are you ready?" Dean asks, unable to hide his tears from his daughter.

Mary nods, "Don't cry, Dad," she attempts, "you'll make me cry."

Dean smiles, "I'm sorry, honey," he says, "I'm just so proud of you."

Mary beams, "I'm a little nervous," she admits.

Dean reaches out and cups his daughter's hand, "Your Papa and I will be right there next to you," he promises, "the whole time."

Cas watches the scene, feeling completely and totally content. Even when Dean's on the verge of buckling under the emotional pressure, he's still there for his little girl, providing her with whatever advice she needs, a true father.

The music begins and Dean holds out his arm and Mary takes it. Cas takes the other side.

"Ready?" Cas asks, his question directed both at Dean and Mary. Dean smiles at his husband and nods.

Mary smiles at her Papa, "As I'll ever be," she says, bracing herself.

Cas and Dean walk their daughter down the aisle. All the faces are on Mary. Dean looks at the familiar faces smiling at his daughter. Sam and Jess in the front row with Annabel and the twins: Jacob and Nicholas. Gabriel and Kali are also there, smiling warmly. Jo and Ash stand with their children, too. Dean wishes Bobby could be here, he imagines him standing awkwardly in a tuxedo, complaining about having to wear a confounded tie.

Dean uses all his willpower to control his emotions as he and Cas both kiss their daughter and hand her over to her future husband. They both take their seats in the front row as the ceremony begins.

Dean takes in the view of the scene in front of him. He'd thought about this day a lot, he never thought it'd creep up on them so fast.

"You know, we really did it," Dean leans over to whisper.

"Did what, Dean?" Cas asks.

"Built the perfect life together."

Cas slides his hand into the hand of man he's loved for thirty-five years, "I know."